. This was a quintessentially American festivity, unsuited for most other cultures. . Robb was living in Crewe but frequently visited Charles at Loughborough to disciple him. Nevertheless, there was a rising spirit of collaboration among the US campus organizations in the late 1960s.75 For example, in early 1968, the leaders of four such movements met for two days of fellowship in Denver to further their understanding of their respective ministries and explore ways in which their ministries could complement one another in the task of reaching the campus world for Jesus Christ.76 A second such meeting took place the following year, in which one of the outcomes was to try to do a better job of orienting Young Life and Youth for Christ high schoolers to our campus ministries when they get to college. For a while, such meetings were rather regular: In November 1970, for example, The Five: Bill Bright, John Alexander, Sam Wolgemuth, Bill Starr, and Lorne Sanny spent a day and a half together and agreed to participate jointly in a panel at the NAE Convention in Los Angeles the following April. Music and lyrics were mainly by Ron Oertli and a prominent role was given to Ann Horsford, a British stage actress who had recently come to Christ. . We agree to share addresses and phone numbers of a contact man for each region and state (or equivalent) at least annually. Would the scholar think of the Bible as a textbook from which to learn facts, complete assignments and pass examinations rather than as the Word of life and sword of the Spirit for engaging in spiritual warfare?39. Also, they may have been deliberately spreading falsehoods about the other Christian group on campus, Campus Crusade for Christ. . Men & Women Partnering It was agreed between IVF and us that we should operate as separate organizations, to maintain the unity of the Spirit, with our different sovereign purposes.72. Steve Douglass. Although the counter-culture movement was derailed in 1968 with the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy, the Jesus movement in the US was a response. See a list of Chapel ministers who support students as part of their ministry.. Cru is not rated by Charity Navigator, another independent charity watchdog organization. LeRoy had a particular interest in reaching fraternities. . He was instrumental in influencing our Anglican, Methodist, and Presbyterian bishops. The century ended with a strong recovery. These informal musical evenings always ended with a message, often with participation by the audience. Thus, desired value changes were laid out: Our campus vision was to see generations of men and women who are laboring for the kingdom of God in every nation of the world, and this would be accomplished by a three-fold mission: equip, engage, mobilize. Our collegiate staff gathered at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, in October 1992 for a retreat under the banner For the Sake of the Call. The papers for this retreat provide a picture of where our US campus ministry had reached, and what it was reacting against. The circumstances were very different. . you are perhaps doing the most strategic work that can be done.32. Peter, Paul & Mary were emblematic of youth culture. These have top priority in getting personal attention, so that they may become not only healthy Christians, but faithful men able to teach others also.26, In the early 1950s, Daws spent many Saturday mornings with students who had been led to Christ by Bill Bright. We passed out many, many invitations on the streets of Oslo.80 The final tally from the OTC in Oslo was that more than 140 came to Christ and many engaged in the follow-up classes at the club.81, Denny Repko declared that, The Oslo venture will go down in history as being an all-out learning experience for all involved. These activities include the study of Baha'i scriptures and its application to . C. S. Lewis echoes such sentiments in his talk titled The Weight of Glory, including the paragraph: We must play. The Navigator work grew along kinship and familial webs. Source: Wency de la Vina interview January 15, 2012. The Brazilian ministry started and flourished among university students and then followed the fruit into their graduate careers. Also, there will be an additional week with ample time for interviews with individuals and small groups. His comments are worth quoting:140. This has continued fruitfully through the years as the basis and the resource for our other ministries in Brazil. Skip opined that the rhetoric on reaching megacities was a factor in reducing the emphasis on student ministries in the US.124 He saw a shift from equipping laborers to impacting cities, buttressed by US staff moving into community ministries because they more readily produced financial support. The average size of Nav ministries that reported is thirty-seven. Some other ministries experienced the same effect. are there alligators in lake thonotosassa 5th June 2022 - by. Almost ten million of them were in our prime target segment of eighteen to twenty-four years old. We must be absolutely yielded, students of one book [the Bible]. Now, CRU. Really a hungry bunch of guys. What do they need? . The strong emphasis on cross-cultural sending prior to making a significant impact in a country clearly diluted the ranks of US collegiate leaders because many were selected for overseas staff slots. Also in the Bay area are twenty to twenty-five foreign students who have already become Christians. Secularization was spreading in Europe from the late 1970s, but the comparison above is also a tribute to the diligence and faith-filled energy with which the Lord supplied our Korean staff. When we accepted responsibility in 1951 for the follow-up of the Graham Crusades, the demands on our leaders precluded continuance of the UCLA Project which thus ended with the spring semester of 1952. Our purpose is to know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same. Young Life, another evangelical agency, continued its work of reaching teenagers in high schools and camps and did likewise. During the 1970s, we often expressed our ministry as comprising three stages121 in a country: Stage 1: Demonstrate producing disciple-makers. . He got our own Brethren Church to be part of the Malayan Christian Council, which was affiliated to the International Missionary Council, an arm of the World Council of Churches. . Several repeated the process in the Netherlands while others traveled to the Middle East. Undoubtedly, this will mean a structure that at times is messy around the edges and somewhat ambiguous, but by design that is okay. Present: John Alexander, Bill Bright, Lorne Sanny, Wilber Sutherland. In 1971, the leaders of four main evangelical agencies ministering on US campuses met77 and formally agreed to teach the staff of their organizations the following principles . Quotation taken from Toms contribution to the Missing Generation study: January 19, 2011. ORLANDO FL 32832-0100. As Edwin Orr writes, they partly filled the vacuum caused by the demise of the Student Volunteer and Student Christian Movements. It provided an answer for the social and economic crises that plagued their consciences. By the mid-1950s, YFC was launching specialized ministries to adolescents such as YFC Clubs, camping ministries for troubled teens, Teen Talent contests, and summer work assignments. Dutch missionaries are being sent out again to France and Peru, inspired by among others the faithful ministry of female Nav laborers in Russia and Romania. Tom Carroll assisted Sanny in the teaching load. Soon the IVCF was vigorous and growing.15, The regional representative for the national IVCF organization was responsible for shepherding InterVarsity groups at a number of colleges, of which Macalester was only one. Disciples were still being made, but far fewer. Fundamentals of the Nav Ministry Bright passed the presidency to the Rev. Jim and four other graduates from Dallas Seminary collaborated and Young Life was officially born in October 1941. He took heart, however, from the Lords reminder to Philip in Acts 8: Go south to the roadthe desert roadthat goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza, which must have seemed strange because Philips ministry in Samaria was very productive. D3 covered physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions. History showed these reservations to be for the most part unjustified. However, The Navigators and Campus Crusade and the Jesus Movement and others were able to harness these winds of change and the result was a harvest of future leaders who accepted the responsibility for moving the Gospel forward into succeeding generations. Blake served with us in St. Petersburg. The decade of the 1980s had seen a precipitous decline in the number of US collegiate staff. This valuable research was designed: We were ministering on 126 US campuses. The prayer was that it would be used by God to launch a spiritual awakening, such as are always dependent upon prayer and evangelism. We pressed on. Menu . His hope was to revive the project in the fall of 1953, but this was not to be. He welcomed the Robertsons. Therefore, we propose that the local and trans-local staff teams be given the primary responsibility for designing their decision-making procedures and choosing the leadership they need. The Free Speech Movement at Berkeley in 1964. It may be noted, looking back across the centuries, that the great missionary Francis Xavier (1506-1552) declared: Tell the students to give up their small ambitions and come Eastward to preach the Gospel of Christ. In the 1970s, our own Waldron Scott gave an address to the Association of Church Missions Committees on The Student Missions Movement (Wheaton, 1977). He had hesitated because there were plenty of unmanned campuses in Seoul. Agape Italia promotes authenticity-emotionally, relationally and spiritually- among its staff members and the people they serve. 2005: 361. Graham had resigned from YFC in 1948. Not only in Delft, but the same exciting process happened around Aral and Irene Dijksman in Utrecht, and around Dirk and Sandra van Zuylen in Groningen. On the surface, the tide was still rising for four years after this ECDM in Essen. In line with this, our folk group in Loughborough (Howard, Williams, Croson) as well as the Glorylanders in Manchester effectively tapped into this music to stir hearts and communicate the Gospel. Cru was founded as Campus Crusade for Christ in 1951 by Bill and Vonette Bright. Anderson arrived in 1960, Lee Brase in 1963, and Johnny Sackett in 1965. Star Ranch, near Colorado Springs, was purchased in 1946, to be used for summer camping ministry and as the national office.10, Meanwhile, Waldron Scott had applied, after his service in Guam ended in 1949, to various Christian colleges, the only warm response being from Northwestern.11 So it was that Scotty found himself next to Don Rosenberger in their slow enrollment line to register for classes that September. The full title of the US organization was and is the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF-US, formed 1940) which had taken the lead in 1947 to organize the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES, at Oxford), building on the heritage of the British InterVarsity Fellowship (1923) and resulting in forays from the Canadian (1929) InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. IVCF had thus become one of the most vibrant societies on campus. For almost a decade, it has recruited graduates for a one-year commitment to leadership training. By 1968, the Bob and Marilyn V. were moving to Lebanon53 and LeRoy had become one of our three divisional directors. We propose a container that is shaped by a strong emphasis on informality and networking. However, disciples are still being made through Nav ministries. Today, thousands of students are involved again within the Dutch student ministry. The following paragraphs adapted from Mike Treneers perspective of the factors which yielded such unusual receptivity to the Gospel from the mid-1960s through the 1970s. A lasting resurgence began in the Midwest from 1957, stimulated by LeRoy Eims and others. The Edge Corps, initially shaped by Terry Cook,132 was launched at the Nav Vanalanche. dissertation, submitted in 2012, reviews the subsequent experience of male students who had expressed a first-time commitment to the Christian faith as a result of their Navigator experience at the university between 1974 and 1984.90. Leroy and Virginia moved to Pittsburgh in 1953, beginning work at the University after local pastors had requested help after a Crusade. There were good responses to the short Gospel message. Each Tuesday they come to our home for dinner and time in the Word and prayer. . The sequence: ECDM 1: Kiel in April 1966 (more than four hundred attend), ECDM 2: Loughborough in January 1971 (more than seven hundred attend), ECDM 3: Essen in April 1977 (more than 2,700 attend). Looking back at 2012, as he analyzed responses, he found that new believers were significantly helped to gain a clear picture of Christian discipleship by being introduced into a group92 in which it was normative to help one another to: Why was there such rapid growth in our UK student ministries in the late 1960s and the following decade? The Lord gave Robb and Meg the word from Joshua 14:12 where Caleb says, Give me this hill country. Charles and George used to join Robb on Beacon Hill, looking down in prayer upon Loughborough. Thus: It is chastening to note that the number of US campuses on which we ministered declined from more than two hundred in the early 1980s to fewer than fifty by 1994, which saw a tangible beginning of recovery through the Nav Van Tour already mentioned. At the same time, that sometimes rancorous competition caused evangelical ministries to fill different niches, and the combined efforts of Campus Crusade, IVCF, the Navigators, and FCA . Before that, I didnt really think much about god. Within this setting of student entertainment, they heard the Gospel and surrendered their lives to the Savior. The organization was originally headquartered in San Bernadino, California, but has since relocated its headquarters to Orlando, Florida. . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. He moved to Lincoln, Nebraska, in 1958 to minister at the University of Nebraska: Larry Blake and Marvin Smith joined the team, moving from Oklahoma State at Stillwater where Jack Holt had been since 1956. See Final Proposal for the US Navigator National Collegiate Ministry from the Genesis Team, April 23, 1991. (Material on international students, ethnic students, high school students are handled separately. This third congress, held over the Easter weekend, was probably the second largest Nav conference we have ever held in any country.102 Nine hundred came from the Netherlands, eight hundred from the UK, and 350 from Norway. After marrying Chris in 1971, Mike Treneer took over the student ministry in Southampton, joined in 1973 by Isam and Abla Khoury. Mission not available. The production quickly became known as the best show in town, selling out weekly.46 After each show, refreshments were served outside the barn and a testimony was presented. Collaborate with us to carry out the great commission. and Daws and I will be gone most of the year in connection with the Billy Graham campaigns.21 Scotty was one of the six. In Cyprus he began to work among high schoolers at the American Academy. The program was not as intensive as the Maranatha Training Program in North Platte. And so our expansion, led by the Spirit, continued. During these years, students were restless; there was an anti-war climate of protest. It was eventually superseded by the Chicago Agreement: Unity in Mission flowing from a gathering of seventeen campus ministries met on October 25, 2010. The student ministry in Mexico practiced short-term missions trips from 1969 onward, starting among indigenous peoples in Oaxaca and Chiapas. This is still ten-to-fifteen years away in the US and worldwide. . In 1969, Bob Mitchell of Young Life and Sam Wolgemuth of Youth for Christ were also present (Dear Gang, March 9, 1969). This, after our staff had met with FES leaders and expressed a willingness to ferry all our contacts and those who made decisions into the existing VCF groups and conduct any follow-up meetings as under VCF sponsorship.73. . . The second phase is ministry-orientedhe is taught how to help others.114. They are potential for this vision, but I dont think they are producing reproducers. So far, the main problem has been the reaction of the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) which corresponds to the IVCF in the US. The Singapore Secretary of the FES wrote to Roy Robertson, presenting a series of five questions. Were there students with the potential to follow Christloving Him more than family, more than career, and more than material things? They are enriching and leading many of our groups with a diversity of worship and discipleship. Fryling was director of Campus Ministries. "I was a member of The Navigators in college. What follows is largely taken from recollections by Cees de Jonge in 2017. See also articles on: This strengthened the vision and deepened the convictions of the young Koreans. When starting a new work on a campus, each organization should endeavor to select new leaders, not leaders of other groups already on campus. Founded in 1951 as Campus Crusade for Christ, Cru is headquartered in Orlando, Florida. By 1959, the student work in the US was flourishing and the pioneering work in Brazil was off to a good start. In the Washington, DC area, Gene Tabor and his close contacts personally presented Christ to a thousand students during the school year. . McGilchrist and Stanley, who had guided CampusNet, had both expressed the need to simplify and the reality that printed information would soon be eclipsed by developing technologies. You will begin your coursework at your community college, then transfer to NAU in Flagstaff, Online, or to one of our Statewide . In 1938, Trotman began giving at least equal attention to student work as to servicemen, turning seriously to establishing Bible clubs for four age groups grammar school, junior high, high school, and junior college. Read More. I was always uncomfortable with that as it always seemed strange to just walk up to people and ask them if they know Jesus. Part of the issue was that some of these early Nav ministries were being carried out under an InterVarsity flag, a situation which soon ended. Letter of May 31, 1965 from Khor Tong Keng, Secretary of FES Singapore, and subsequent report to Sanny by Roy Robertson. By 1946, the staff had grown to twenty men and women in several states. Communism, many have argued, was a Christian heresy. The vision or calling of The Navigators became a visible reality. The 2NAU pathway program was developed through partnerships between NAU and the Arizona community colleges. I've seen dire warnings that we are . As early as February 1998, the IET had reviewed Terrys proposal and decided that they did not wish to make this a global initiative. Experience shows this stage will take six-to-ten years if we are going to build solidly. Eims to Dear Guys of December 24, 1964. There was some sense that Terrys approach was too structured, and there was some hesitation about his energetic recruiting. They experienced Gods special grace and blessing. If the root is healthy, so are the branches.. . A large supporting cast was drawn from the Glen gang. 2000: 268 His M.A. Campus Crusade for Christ Inc. cannot currently be evaluated by our Impact & Results methodology because either (A) it is eligible, but we have not yet received data; (B) we have not yet developed an algorithm to estimate its programmatic impact; (C) its programs are not direct services; or (D) it is not heavily reliant on contributions from individual donors. Sanny and Stacey Woods (IVF equivalent) had already come to an amicable arrangement. He recalls: We had forty-two dorm and fraternity meetings and hundreds of students heard the Gospel. Posted by: golfer6716 () Date: February 13, 2008 09:26AM. Nav representative Doug Coe was having a prolific student ministry in Oregon. Practice obedience in daily life. soon evaporated. The early 1960s were also the era of the Hootenannies. None of us regards any campus as our exclusive field. Bob V. did put on a final Hootenanny in Nairobi, Kenya, at the request of Dave and Sherry Hall, in 1971. I have younguns at Penn State, MIT, Cornell, plus guys at four or five other schools that I keep up with. . To evaluate the current state of the Collegiate Ministry in regards to its staff, the students, and effectiveness, To summarize reports, papers, and documents which address these issues, To make recommendations as to how The Navigators can better serve its collegiate staff, Living and ministering in community rather than as individual lone rangers, Contribution by gifting and roles rather than primarily by position, Accountability by relationship rather than primarily by position, A unified staff committed to a common vision, mission, strategy, and to one another, rather than a network of independent franchises, Ministering to an entire campus rather than just ministering at a campus, Participative decision-making rather than autocratic decision-making, Dependence on relationships rather than dependence on structure, To take risks by engaging college students with the reality of Christ, through evangelism and discipleship, To be developed as spiritual laborers for the campus, the marketplace and the world. Students have complete freedom to choose which organization they will associate with, but once they have sampled the various organizations, we will all encourage them to make their selection and stick with one group rather than continuously shop them all. The US Military Entity was launching during the same period. . The Servicemens Readjustment Act 1944, popularly known as the GI Bill, gave many ex-servicemen opportunities to attend college or university. And, Marxists were quick to sense the vacuum in students hearts. By then, the trend in the US was rather positive. navigators vs campus crusadetooting and mitcham fc former players. As many of our present staff are in or approaching their 60s, it becomes even more essential to focus with determination on campus ministries. This was packed with students. Students found themselves uncertain and insecure in the midst of a revolutionary age. and overflowing with energy and hope for a better world, ready to make any sacrifice demanded of them.111, To understand Marxist approaches around the world and their often-successful methods, quite a few Navigators read the book Dedication and Leadership by Douglas Hyde.112 Marxists presented a comprehensive worldview that helped the students discover their identity and approached them on the basis of their felt needs. In our campus ministries, men averaged 67 percent of those involved. Quite a few staff who had initially gone out as overseas missionaries from the US in the 1970s returned home, sometimes prematurely and often quite discouraged.
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