It currently has a total of 3,650,220 words and forms an ongoing narrative so you could consider it all one work. Over 250,000 Smash Bros. fans from around the world have come to discuss these great games in over 19 million posts! Heartwarming. He had paid the reservation in full as soon as the announcement came to the internet and the general media. Whenever I have my laptop (an Acer) or a computer with an internet connection, I usually get to writing to pass the time. That's a quote from the fic's TV Trope page: yes, this thing even has a TV Tropes page, and a lengthy one at that. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. At over 4 million words, The subspace emissary's worlds conquest is far longer. Speaking the language was easier compared to writing, and after moving to the U.S. [in 2008], many English teachers saw how I was very developed in the English for a person who came from Spanish-speaking Mexico. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest, published on between 2008 and 2018, reached 4.1 million words by its conclusion, an admittedly impressive number. 4146644 Lol, I typically only check the recently updated threads on the groups page, and usually assume the thread is fairly new unless I recognize it from another time. The story is 172 chapters long and has 3,173,970 words. This doesn't really qualify as literature IMO, it's just a bunch of words. Originally Answered: Is it weird or bad to read fan fiction? The main focus is on Sarah Conner, Cameron Phillips, and John Conner. The A.V. What was the first fanfiction ever written? Austraeoh is the first volume of an in-progress work that currently has 9 volumes and is planned to have 12 when finished. Kim Possible is an animated action-adventure show about, If you are looking for The 100 fanfiction thats some of the best, you are in the right place. It's something to do with your time. That story has a weakass amount of words compared to Diaries of a Madman and Fallout Equestria. Two long updates a week, usually. WARNING: DO NOT LEAVE THE PAGE. It would be great if the prose improved substantially over time. Can this noble warrior turn the tide, and save his friends? Fanwork can be deeply long - browse fandom TikTok and there's bound to be a few jokes about slow burns and 100,000-word fics that the reader has decided to start at . The description is "A mysterious dark force had corrupted the minds of all of the figthersexcept for one. Then again, the story is inspired by so many video games that is hard to tell when it'll be finished., Suddenly, yo. The story also recommends tracks to listen to during key events to give a more realistic feeling. A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. Yes, that's right. The longest known ponyfic is probably 'Diary of a Madman', at 1.3 million words. There are just a lot of reasons in each character that makes them special to keep on writing. The fanfic is part 1 in the Off to the Races series, so make sure to read the rest. There may be minor violence without serious injury, mild suggestive material, or minor coarse language that is justified by context. But in this post, I will write about some of the longest fanfiction stories on Archive of Our Own. 2324334 the only LONG fanfiction I've read is "The Angel of Equestria". Super Smash Bros. Your email address will not be published. K+: Some content may not be suitable for young children, usually those below nine years of age. The feral monster then charged an Aura Sphere that took several seconds to finish. I think it's "Fallout: Equestria", but I might be wrong. Agreed. The author! complete answer on, View You're forgetting The Chase by Kudzuhaiku and at least another one or two of his. This fanfic is a crossover between: Terminator. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfiction that is over 3,500,000 words long and loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Examining trends in fanfiction. Not only that, but Chris's knowledge of everyone is either a boon or a curse depending on the situation. James broke the record by nearly two thousand words. Not that difficult when your dialogue is five people repeating the same thing to each other. One of those fics is the currently 5.6-million-word Lord of the Rings fanfic At the Edge of Lasg'len. Edit: Checked and couldn't find it. Currently the largest nowadays is a Pokemon x MLP fanfiction at 4.5 million. Two of the top five longest stories filtered by word count are by BlackRoseRaven, and are the 8th and 10th story arcs in "The Blooming Moon Chronicles." According to TvTropes, the longest well-known fanfic of all time is 'The Subspace Emissary's worlds Conquest', at a total of 3.5 million words and still going (Making it not only the longest fanfic ever written, but the longest single piece of fiction ever written!). My absolute best story, and the world record holder of the longest fanfic ever written! Extinction. It has 1509 chapters with a total length of 6,713,475 words, making it one of the longest stories on this website. Caring for his life over anybody else's, Chris took the decision to enter the store, its double doors opening automatically at his feet's request. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. That's longer than In Search of Lost Time, a seven-volume and 1,267,069 word long novel that's considered by some to be the longest ever published. It had been a long battle for survival, but he managed to stop the imbeciles from defeating him for real. These fingers of mine are in love with keyboards. This also has a large impact on Rons character development. It is very hard for her to make a life of her own and not change everything about herself. P.S. What is your writing process? 2324337A hundred chapters and counting? We may earn a commission from links on this page. It chronicles the adventures of hero Jophan in "the land of Mundane". !2nd channel vid: https://www. Fanfiction is defined by the use of characters and expression from an original creative work and the creation of derivative works, all of which is illegal under current copyright law (McCardle, 2003). So in the 5 minutes I spent searching, I found another one in the RWBY fandom: 'RWBY Loops' by Leviticus Wilkes. I remember reading a HP fanfic which did get to the point it was bigger than the whole series at >1.1M words. It has 330 chapters so far with 6002182 words, making it the longest Tolkien-inspired story on this website. Playable characters can further be divided . Right now, the word count for the fanfic is at about 3.9 million words, whereas JK Rowlings total word count for the Harry Potter series is only at about 1.1 million words. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. My absolute best story, and the world record holder of the longest fanfic ever written! But, I feel like a work like this would be better suited for animation. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfic loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's over 3,500,000 words long. Required fields are marked *. J.R.R. 4 August 1914, Germany) who passed away on 24 October 1997, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, as verified on 1 January 2021. It then began to shoot Aura Sphere after Aura Sphere. Similarly, nsfw fictional stories about fictional minors, whether depicting extremely underage minors or post-pubescent teenagers, are not illegal. Contact Joseph Bernstein at It is quite an action story with so many layers that there is something for everyone who loves this fandom. That said, modern fantasy authors have it beat. Outside? But 654 to 1055 was absolute gold. Can we agree that this doesn't count as the worlds longest fanfic? Equivalent to PG. Youre getting this so far, right? My love for reading started at a very young age. What is the longest piece of literature in human history? The first chapter titled the "The Glorious Tale," is over 40,000 words long and is the entire story of the fic. The Noise was stubbornly trying to attack him from the outside. I think I should give an example of the many I have. I have livid nightmares that this story will end at ten million words. Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles. No thanks. The truth is the longest piece of fiction in the world to dateis a fanfiction.This fanfiction has 4,102,217 words, with more than 220 chapters! It was unknown to him if it was possible to seek shelter inside a building with a Reaper decal, but there were no other options. But what of the quality? Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Many books claim they are the longest, but only these books can claim they has a crossover between Pokmon and Among Us as the journey together to find Marki. The FanFiction folder in the examples section can say more than I can. I just hope the current track doesn't affect the reviews I get. From what I'm reading here that doesn't seem to be the case, but it's not my time that's being spent and it's most likely not for my enjoyment, so whatever. It's still being updated daily. Ambiance: A Fleet Symphony is the longest legitimate fanfiction - 4.5 million words and still going. For the record thats more than 6.25 Les Miserables! Super Smash BrothersI got to applaud this man. The Enchanted Duplicator by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw was a metafiction based on Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, but which described a world populated with sci-fi fans. This is impressive but also who the fuck would start reading that at this point? The longest Fan-fiction is 7,296,586 words. Oh shit, Project Horizons finally finished? We want to create an inspiring environment for our members and have defined a set of guidelines. What is the longest fanfiction ever? They also both feature original male characters as the protagonists who carry us into the fictional world as outside observers along with them. While the third and final arc of These Black Eyes will never be reposted because its own author thinks its terrible, Subspace Emissary is still going strong. I mostly read fan fiction as a whole. I was limited to reading the typical school books needed to complete assignments. Page generated in 0.03 seconds If one thinks "what's the longest piece of literature?", then this is the first fanfiction they think of - a Super Smash Brothers fanfic spanning over 4.1 million words. If you are looking for some of the longest fanfiction stories out there, then this is the post for you. The theme of bonding with others becomes ever larger. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfic loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's over 3,500,000 words long.
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