So it's really exciting because and they're going to do like a dose response where they're going to see how many the Charles Raisen, Dr. Charles Rosen showed one just one single session could result in an antidepressant effect. Some athletes prefer the ice baths versus cryotherapy, even though it's probably more painful because it lasts a lot longer. Yeah, it makes a big difference for me, but I also just I think it might be a little too much before, like I'm always trying to regulate how much activity I do with whether or not I'm be exhausted when I do a podcast because I used to do yoga and then I would come out, I would get out of yoga at eleven or at ten thirty and I would do a podcast at twelve. Like you're. Like that was like, you know, Linus Pauling was like deemed a nut, like, you know, the Nobel Prize winning chemist who basically is the vitamin C guy. We're going to all like make a trip. And this is one of the reasons why I really wanted to talk to you right now. She has tweeted several important studies available for reference at on this tweet thread. So, yes. So the sauna, I know of one study where people that sat in a hundred and sixty three degree Fahrenheit sauna for 30 minutes had Heacock proteins. And everyone's like correlations, not causation, which is true. The sugar though is what helps the fermentation and helps the fungus grow. And and, you know, we need higher quality data. Yeah. Also those like echinacea, things like a lot of it just cloverleaf like this is clover because it's not regulated, I mean regulation kind of bullshit anyway. And I mean, like music classes. It doesn't make any sense to me. And since Legal Zoom is not a law firm, you do not have to worry about expensive billable hours adding up. She's a she was she had done her I think her PhD, either her, I don't know, say psychology, but she had done it with a guy I interviewed on the podcast, Dr. Charles Rosen, who is he's the guy who showed that like a single hypothermic treatment, which was with a device that raised the core body temperature like almost three degrees, could have an antidepressant effect. Yeah. And I'm like, I'm not going to get naked before, like a conference. Right. It's like there's a subset of C reactive protein. Corruption in these in Tarzana. And then they get in there and then I look over at them fifteen minutes in the fucking day and I'm like, yeah, it, it told you it's it's not what you think it is because you're doing like yoga even uncoupled from the heat like the hot part. But there's another one that causes dental decay. I can't say enough good things about this grill. So I was OK. You did go on. So what is the benefit of it being that hot, though? You make it from UVB, radiation exposure. And I don't know, I got to, like, do some more reading because, like, it's not that's not uniform. In this podcast, Joe Rogan and Dr. Rhonda talk about health truths, myths and expose important information that all should know. And so but that's what you want is like the combination. Yeah. Someone's talking about cleansing toxins like fuck off. It's really good. Like, it just feels really it's a nice shock. They're just I love the rubs. It's a hormone. Anything else, is anything else help you out for sleeping. And so there's been some studies by the CDC on the on sars-cov-2 where they found basically that people that are infected with SA sars-cov-2 also boost their antibodies against the the common cold one. Eventually I'm like, OK, I got to go back to the dentist because, you know, pregnancy makes your teeth worse. The most recent guest on the hugely popular The Joe Rogan Experience is Rhonda Patrick PhD, a cell biologist whose work focuses on promoting a healthier, longer lifespan. There we go. First of all, you can do it with no weight. I'm just like, you know, there's I'm not scared. So I think there's. Yes. I think focusing on on, you know, lifestyle factors that you can, you know, possibly modern. They were created when the American pioneers followed the buffalo herds to the Kentucky River, that's when they made it. I I'm a fan of Kombucha. Showers. There's like all this stuff about you bleeding, your gums bleed. I think the first time I came on your podcast, like, I know many years, it's been it's been a while, but I talked about this on years. That would be because that would be like. Promoting strategies to increase healthspan, well-being, cognitive and physical performance through deeper understandings of biology. And then in Europe and also in North America, this other this other form, the glycine mutant is prominent. So, you know, that's that's definitely a promising area for sure. So. It gets converted into a hormone like this isn't just a vitamin. So what's interesting is that most people that are sick eating, let's say that people are just eating like five, somewhere between five to nine servings of vegetables or fruits a day. I don't need sugar. You're telling people they can't go to work, but you're telling people they can go to work in some places, like why is it OK to work at Target but it's not OK to work in a family business? Wow. You strap your ankles into it and you hang from the waist and it just all that's it right there. Like when I have hard workouts and I get in the sauna afterwards, I feel like my recovery's more rapid. I mean, like, there's too many factors to, like, say one thing. We are like it's already we're already finding repurposed therapeutics, the monoclonal antibodies, people working on that. Rogan at checkout to get free shipping on all orders were also brought to you by the motherfucking cash app cash app. But you know what I found. Previous COVID-19 infection or vaccination confers long-term protection against future severe disease outcomes. But you can supplement that which also supplement. And I'm clear and I did that right when I got back from Jacksonville because I'm in Florida, even though everybody's been tested, I'd like to get tested again. Like the the the reason there's a big reason I think that vitamin D is so important. They're fucking fantastic and it's so versatile. I don't I think that I think what you don't want to just speculate? We were in a big I don't know what it was called, but I didn't sleep the whole night and it was awful. It's totally different between young and old. It's not if you see what I'm doing. Of course, right now, it's like you can't go to Alaska. Yeah. To get an outcome. So I always think about, oh, the senescent melanocytes site is like creating all this pro inflammatory stuff that's now. I think that that seems like a good compromise. It's neurogenesis, it helps already existing neurons survive. The ones that you plug in. Seventy percent of the people would get like symptoms ranging from fever, you know, cough and all the influenza, you know, flu symptoms. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's a big I really because of you I take 5000. Now, coronaviruses are only responsible for between like 15 to 30 percent of common cold cases. Four percent of patients that died from covid-19 were vitamin D ERSEK four percent, only four percent were vitamin D sufficient. And it was bad. But then again, it was a different shower. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a Ph.D in biomedical science and expert on nutritional health. Yeah. Those people have anywhere between like 70 to 80 microbial micro moles of vitamin C per liter. No, it is. So, I mean, if you if you get a sample like there's been these series of surveys where they basically that just means they both get get a sample of plasma and look for different antibodies, viral antibodies, and they'll find at any given point a person has like antibodies against 10 different viruses just randomly, you know, so you're you're constantly being exposed to viruses. So unless, like, there's another like if you test someone and they're asymptomatic at that time of testing, they could be symptomatic. So Dan and I don't we don't have a TV in our room bedroom, but when we go travel, we're in a hotel, we're in that. Providing anti-inflammatory effects I know. I forgot the exact number. I don't know if they did. The science subreddit took it apart. So, so, so most of time now I shower right after this one. The Russians like to do that. The steam is hot. Researchers have found an antibody in winter that effectively attached itself in neutralise spike protein in sars-cov-2 one in Cove. You're not going to leave. And it was like blowing my mind like percent like what's going on? Yeah, I'm hoping that the accuracy of the PCR test improves. But the whole the thing that I just think that I would like to see more research and I'm just hoping, you know, that that CDC and other people are investigating these these other the cross community. So it's micrograms per liter in their blood. And I would get out and I would go out to the mats out there and just collapse. And there's more UVB radiation throughout the year. I might see it because when I actually get a chance to watch TV, like it doesn't happen much because right now my son falls asleep at like nine and he wakes up at 6:00. The reason why it's so special is forget about this for a second. The bottom line is on honesty, that's intravenous. W what is, what is the top of this. Is that going to look him up? It's amazing like I do. But then when they went down to from ten to the seven, let's say they went down to ten to the five only like 10 percent. That's untenable. They built a business. Like humidity, like the higher the more humid, the better that was. I think one of the strains, it was like they could do a certain dose, like ten to the seven in tissue culture or whatever units were. I was trying not to look at everyone, you know, like I didn't want to see, like, you know, married, like, I don't want stuff. What's interesting is that the immune system. Was polio virus somehow get people healthy people to to do that? So the one that I drink is two grams per serving and there's two servings so there's only four grams of sugar. BeWellBuzz. There's your your your genetics. But also maybe that is not feeling well because vitamin D deficiency plays a factor in that as well. Well, yeah. But we handle it like friends. I need that to change. Well, we've been talking and we've been talking about immune systems. And it's happened where I scared Dan. So we've been doing intravenous vitamin C and Glutathione and a bunch of other stuff. I mean, like, if you get the flu, is it going to not is it like a three day kind of thing or is it going to knock you out for two weeks kind of thing? So you're basically like you're you're becoming adapted. But yeah, but zinc seems really important for immune function, like there's been studies where they have like depleted healthy people of their zinc just transiently and like t cell function like is all messed up. The study involved an investigation of supplementation using prophylactic vitamin D supplements. Blood glucose would get up sometimes to like if I wouldn't exercise like one, I might wake up in the morning and I'm like, one, two, six, one. So so I was like, okay, now I'm just like, it's all staphylococcus. They cut a hole in the leg and then get the party. Everyone wants randomized control trials like no one wants to believe anything until it's a randomized controlled trial. And if it happens to be a non randomized controlled trial, then, you know, it's just correlation doesn't, you know, doesn't equal causation. So but she said something and I was just like, you know, I'm so glad. So you're not getting any vitamin D. Yeah. So I don't think I'm. And then there's two different ones that are responsible for the common cold. I mean, I'm reading all these publications. Exercise is doing the same thing. You wear this. And I think marriage as well. And then they measured in multiple years as they became children and the mothers chewing it, chewing the gum. OK, well here's my way. Like I went to lot to Quest Quest Labs like a month before all this lockdown happened. I was like, he tried protein's and I was like talking science. You take three grams, you get it to 220. It actually has a sleep coach built in. There's there's been some data, and this was also identified with sars-cov-2, one that people with Type O blood, they they make antibodies, they make type A antibodies, whereas people with type A blood, they make antibodies against like they make against the B antigen. Right. This episode explores David Friedberg's thoughts on peer-reviewed science, gain-of-function research, the human gut, entrepreneurship, and FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. You're really sweating up a storm in there. Well, it was obviously here, but it wasn't officially America until 1776. It was shown also be that with sars-cov-2 one and it's involved with clotting. Because that was still a postdoc so yeah. I mean I guess eventually I was doing we were in there, I was in there for I don't know how long and then I'd go in the ice and then go back in there but I would get out and I would collapse. And bone density. The weights are actually behind you and it carries you carrying all the weight on your hips, which strengthens the legs without putting a load on the back, which is fantastic. And this was like a big problem for the RSV vaccine back in the you know, like most kids get RSV, it's a respiratory tract infection. She's got this crazy. And so that adaptive immune system usually takes about seven days after you're exposed to the virus.
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