Rarely, people can feel pain in their neck. ), family history (genetics) or radiation exposure. What Treats Can I Give my Dog with CalciumOxalateStones? It has the advantage of being curative in most cases with no ongoing treatment. What is taken up by the thyroid will be released slowly over the next days/weeks to the other bodily fluids which is why they have the precautions that you describe. In an effort to put some weight back on him we are still feeding him turkey and gravy baby food in the morning to supplement the dry food. There are four treatment options for feline hyperthyroidism: medication, radioactive iodine therapy, surgery, and dietary therapy. Specific facts and circumstances may affect the applicability of concepts, materials, and information described herein. You must log in or register to reply here. The word "individuals" in this context means "people". Although this procedure is usually very effective, it is more expensive and requires the cat being . If hypertension is diagnosed along with hyperthyroidism, drugs may be needed to control the blood pressure and reduce the risk of damaging other organs. The radioactive isotope, Iodine-131 ( 131 I), is administered as a one-off injection. The first step is determining the blood level of one of the thyroid hormones calledtotal thyroxine (TT4). The slow onset of signs means that cat owners will often miss these changes until the late stages of disease. In some cases, the cat will develop a heart murmur associated with cardiomyopathy. Most of the extra radioactive iodine is eliminated in your urine. If surgery is the chosen treatment method, the anti-thyroid medication methimazole (Tapazole, Felimazole) may be prescribed for several weeks before the operation. A medication called methimazole, which interferes with thyroid hormone production, is less expensive but requires daily administration. But those instruments are quite expensive and are not readily available in stores. At 1 and 3 months after the treatment, a blood test for thyroid and kidney function should be done by your veterinarian. Research into this potential treatment option is ongoing. A Multicompartmental Model for Iodide, Thyroxine, and Triiodothyronine Metabolism in Normal and Spontaneously Hyperthyroid Cats. Despite the extensive blood and urine tests, chest x-rays and physical exams that we require before . Because of strict treatment guidelines, most facilities will not allow visitors during this quarantine period. The most common clinical signs of hyperthyroidism are weight loss, increased appetite, and increased thirst and urination. Now that he's back home, he still exhibits the behavior of wanting food all the time but I wonder if it's a habit he picked up before treatment or perhaps the symptoms won't completely gone away until the treatment has time to take hold. You can't visit Fluffy during his stay at the veterinary facility. Chance of significant, unhealthy weight gain is increased. One study looked at patients with Graves' disease who were treated with RAI over five years. If thyroid disease is a possibility, your veterinarian will likely order a blood chemistry panel and an analysis of thyroid hormone levels. Did she have stage 1 prior to treatment for hyperthyroidism or did the stage 1 unmask after treatment started and then jump to stage 4? If the total GFR is below this number, medical therapy for hyperthyroidism may be recommended, although I-131 treatment may still be an option in specific patients. The "radiation badge" worn by x-ray techs for example is good for measuring external exposure to radiation but does nothing to measure intakes of radioactive materials which is the primary concern in the case of a cat treated with radioactive 131I. 1 Radioactive iodine (RAI)] is generally considered the optimal treatment for hyperthyroidism in cats. If DNA is damaged, there are three possible outcomes: There are two types of radiation exposure that your vet is trying to minimizeexternal exposure from the radioactive material within the cat's body, and the radioactive materials in the cat's urine and other bodily fluids released by the cat that you may come into contact with and may end up being ingested or absorbed by you accidentally. . If these tests are not diagnostic, athyroid scan (thyroid scintigraphy)can be performed at a veterinary referral center, or the TT4 can be measured again in a few weeks. To convert these to traditional units we have prepared a. Annual blood and urine tests are important in all cats seven years and older to detect hyperthyroidism before potentially irreversible damage occurs. You'll need to consider whether to have radioactive iodine (RAI) vs. other treatments for hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease (an immune system disorder that can cause hyperthyroidism). I'm sure if he is still underweight, his body will be telling him to eat, eat, eat. Employees of facilities that utilize radioactive materials may be categorized as "radiation workers" depending on their role. In some cases, complications involving other organs may worsen this prognosis. Further, the litter will be radioactive as most of the radioactive iodine will be excreted via this route. In cats > 95% of the radioiodine is excreted in the urine. Until then, the radiation safety guidelines of Michigan and the NCR are followed. If you suspect your cat might be experiencing some of these symptoms, the next step is visiting your veterinarian for a blood test to check your cats thyroid hormone levels. My pet has kidney disease what kind of diet should I feed. As for your dose, my primary concernespecially if you were allowing the cat to have direct, prolonged contact within the first week of releasewould be the potentially contaminated materials that could result in your intake of radioactive 131I. Discuss these issues with your veterinarian when considering dietary iodine restriction as a treatment for hyperthyroidism in cats. It is used less commonly in younger children. The risks of ingesting radioactive iodine and the risks of being around a patient that has been treated with radioactive iodine are very different. 20.1301 Dose limits for individual members of the public. Since you'll have to leave your cat at the facility for several days or more, it's not a question of dropping him off at a distant veterinary hospital and then picking him up the next day. If radioactive iodine therapy won't work for you and your cat, alternatives are available. Will he come around at some point or have we created a monster who will run off to the food dish every time we get up from the chair. 197(2): p. 125-136. Radioactive iodine therapy is a very effective way to treat hyperthyroidism (I-131). Hyperthyroidism is a common condition in older cats because of an excess of circulating thyroid hormone, called thyroxine. The thyroid gland, located in the neck, is responsible for the bodys metabolism. Other than unexplained weight loss, your cat may also become more restless, hyperactive, vocal, and extremely hungry! Cats with hyperthyroidism exhibit symptoms that are similar to those of humans with the disease: weight loss, increased appetite, excessive . Depending on the dose, radioactive iodine can kill a portion, or all, of your thyroid. The cell repairs itself perfectly (most common result). Studies show that weight gain is inevitable after radioiodine-induced hypothyroidism. Did You Know? Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Ruffian Equine Specialists, on Long Island, Cornell Veterinary Experts Address Feline Nutrition. Lack of appetite. Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations In cats, an underactive thyroid is extremely rare. Tiki Cat Hanalei Luau Wild Salmon Wet Cat Food. In a study of 524 hyperthyroid cats treated with I-131, only 11/524 (2.1%) developed These tests are needed to evaluate your cats overall health and predict the likelihood of complications with the chosen treatment protocol. Although many cats diagnosed with hyperthyroid disease already have kidney disease, untreated hyperthyroidism can also cause kidney disease due to the damaging effects of hypertension on the kidneys. . The following question was answered by an expert in the appropriate field: What testing equipment and protective clothing do you recommend for a nontechnical person who will be giving home care to an 18-year-old blind cat after he has spent four days recovering in the animal hospital from 131I treatment? In order to produce thyroid hormone (thyroxine), the body needs a supply of iodine. Jeff Brunette, CHP, Ask the Experts is posting answers using only SI (the International System of Units) in accordance with international practice. Currently, there's only one FDA approved medication to treat feline hyperthyroidism called methimazole. The brand name of methimazole is called Felimazole. The dosage may vary but typically a cat is given this oral medication twice a day, every 12 hours. . Thyroidectomy (largely replaced by radioactive iodine . Cats also sweat through their paws and the sweat will have trace amounts of radioactive iodine. What are other nutritional concerns for my hyperthyroid cat? More specific information on what to expect when your cat is treated with radioactive-iodine therapy at Cornell can be found here. But there are clear reasons for the precautions that the veterinarian has given you and I also recommend that you follow them. Slater M.R., Geller S. and Rogers K., Long-Term Health and Predictors of Survival for Hyperthyroid Cats Treated with Iodine 131. An important take-away message about your newly-diagnosed hyperthyroid cat is that there is a wide range of treatment options, so you can likely find something that works for your family. Laura Porter / Verywell Prior to the onset of symptoms he was eating a high quality dry cat food but when he started losing weight and begging for food we were told we could give him some baby food and wet cat food. . Cats are homed in our spacious, purpose-built radioactive iodine unit and cared for by our dedicated team of radioiodine nurses. There are three common forms of treatment for hyperthyroidism in cats: medication, radioactive iodine therapy and surgery. The other conditions that cats can develop at this age are numerous and varied. This means that our radioactive materials license requires our practice ensure that our clients receive less than 1 mSv of radiation exposure as the result of our treatment of their hyperthyroid cat with radioiodine. Giving him medication once or twice a day isn't an option, although if it's a medication that can be mixed in with his food, it's something you could discuss with the veterinary staff at the facility. Cats exclusively fed the prescription diet will remain normal, but if the diet is discontinued, they will once again become hyperthyroid. The typical cat with hyperthyroidism is middle-aged or older; the average age of affected cats is approximately 12 years. No individual breed is known to have a greater risk, although Siamese, Burmese, Persian, Abyssinian, Tonkinese, and British shorthair breeds appear to have a somewhat decreased incidence of hyperthyroidism compared to other breeds. This means that in order for this diet to work, your cat must eat the therapeutic diet exclusively and cannot eat any treats or supplements that might contain iodine and allow the thyroid gland to continue to make thyroxine. . Surgery I am certain that your veterinarian probably told you to take care when handling the litter and to wash your hands thoroughly after handling litter, the cat, and items that the cat came into contact with. Medication and radioactive iodine therapy are just as effective at treating hyperthyroidism in cats as surgery and are less invasive, so surgical treatment is rarely chosen for treating this condition. She gained and ate a lot and we were more than happy. A swollen or tender neck and feeling flushed. To answer these questions we have to separate the risks associated with internalizing (i.e., ingesting) radioactive iodine from the risks of being around a patient that has been treated with radioactive iodine. Many older cats with overactive thyroids have actual enlargement of the gland which can be felt in the neck by your veterinarian. Excessive weight gain. Hypothyroidism, is a condition resulting from a deficiency of thyroid hormone. Your cat will not experience nausea, hair loss, lethargy, or decreased appetite as a result of the procedure. What happens after my cat is released from the hospital? Keeping your pets food temperature just right. Some places realize that the stress of being away from home for so long is not good for older cats. Let's tackle the external exposure first as it is the simplest concept. These include weight loss, increased activity, and kitten like behaviour. It does, however, involve the handling and injection of a radioactive substance that is only permitted at facilities specially licensed to use radioisotopes. NRC Regulations A special diet for cats with hyperthyroidism. The only method to estimate that dose is to measure the radioiodine within your own thyroid and the types of equipment to measure that uptake are very expensive and difficult to interpret. Radioactive iodine therapy. If left untreated and unmanaged, these changes may eventually compromise the normal function of the heart and can even lead to heart failure. Prognosis Whats the difference between type 1 and 2 diabetes NHS. After treatment, the normal thyroid tissue will regain full function within 1-3 months. However, the risk is minimal if your cat is otherwise healthy, and the initial diagnostic tests and treatment did not reveal any underlying conditions. 35(3): p. 204-209. Although the thyroid gland enlarges in hyperthyroidism, it is usually a benign or non-malignant change. In most cases, enlargement of thyroid glands is caused by a non-cancerous tumor called an adenoma. These include an iodine-restricted diet, medications, and radioactive iodine therapy. Ultrasound of the heart (called echocardiography) may be recommended based on your cat's condition, especially if there is any concern about cardiomyopathy. If the nearest facility is far away, there's the stress or travel for both you and Fluffy, as well as possible hotel and other travel expenses. Objective: To investigate the long-term effects of continuous methimazole (MMI) therapy. 5. If we restrict iodine, production of thyroxine decreases. Cats managed with diet or medication generally do well as long as their feeding is consistent, their medication is administered routinely, and follow-up blood and diagnostic tests are performed as scheduled. It is actually the best approach to take to minimize exposures to you and your family while allowing the cat to have post-treatment recovery time at home and not in a veterinary hospital. Malcolm Weir, DVM, MSc, MPH; Krista Williams, BSc, DVM; Robin Downing, DVM, CVPP, CCRP, DAAPM; Ernest Ward, DVM. The required dose of methimazole can change over time, so monitoring thyroid levels in treated animals is recommended every 3-6 months once their condition is stable. Diagnosis Should we just cut him off "cold turkey" (pun intended) and hope he finds fulfillment and eventual weight gain with his old diet of dry food? Medication typically. We found out about the radioactive iodine treatment and after lots.of research decided this was the way to go. The more common symptoms are an increase in thirst, urination, and appetite, as well as weight loss. These positive ions, or free radicals, can cause damage to DNA. What they are trying to prevent is the intake (ingestion, etc.) A treated cat has to remain hospitalized until its radiation level has fallen to within acceptable limits. You may also be advised to suck on sour candy after treatment to help the radioactive iodine come out in your saliva. It will take about a month for thyroid levels to return to normal in most cats. With your cat's diseased thyroid, after methimazole treatment failed, large doses of iodine might have proven effective. He's radioactive, so it's not safe even for humans wearing protective clothing to spend too much time around him. The advantages of radioactive iodine therapy are that the procedure most often cures hyperthyroidism, has no serious side effects, and does not require anesthesia. Radioactive iodine therapy is curative within three months of therapy in approximately 95 percent of all hyperthyroid cases. Affected cats are often restless and may become cranky or aggressive. (8,9) Replacement hormone products currently on the market, both synthetic and glandular, are not comparable to our own hormone, and in some people, never feel "right". Long-Term Follow-up of Hyperthyroid Cats Treated with Iodine-131. What this means is that occasionally we invest clients economic and perhaps more importantly, emotional resources in treating and resolving hyperthyroidism is cats with other, currently unknown diseases. This can best be done by monitoring your cat's body condition, muscle condition, and weight. Treatment usually includes an adjustment to your cat's diet, medication, radioactive iodine therapy, or surgery. Only the bare necessitiesfood and water and quick litter cleanupsare provided by veterinary technicians during your cat's hospital stay. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English from New York University and an Associate of Arts from the American Academy of Dramatics Arts, New York City. After administration of 131 Iodine, your cat is . Companion Animal Hospital in Ithaca, NY for cats, dogs, exotics, and wildlife, Equine and Nemo Farm Animal Hospitals in Ithaca, NY for horses and farm animals, Cornell Ruffian Equine Specialists, on Long Island for every horse, Ambulatory and Production Medicine for service on farms within 30 miles of Ithaca, NY, Animal Health Diagnostic Center New York State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Ithaca, New York 14853-6401. If this is the case with your cat, paying special attention to specific nutrients such as dietary phosphorus (a key player in chronic kidney disease) may be required. When it comes to survival, the studies that have been done show that cats cured of their thyroid disease by radioactive iodine live much longer (up to twice as long) when compared to hyperthyroid cats treated by methimazole. Radioactive-iodine therapy is becoming increasingly popular when dealing with hyperthyroidism in cats. The risks associated with low level ingestion of radioactive iodine relate to an increased risk of developing thyroid cancer. For this long-term treatment, the cat is injected with the radioactive iodine, which destroys the tissue of the overactive thyroid gland. Follow up blood work is essential to ensure kitty does not become hypothyroid which is too little thyroid. "The most common clinical sign of hyperthyroidism is weight loss due to the increased rate of metabolism despite an increased appetite.". Risks from other illness. Since hyperthyroidism can predispose a cat to other conditions, it is important to evaluate general health, with particular focus on the heart and kidneys. Scaly skin. Cat Articles | Each treatment option has its advantages and disadvantages. Since fewer than 2% of cats with hyperthyroidism have cancerous growths of the thyroid gland, treatment is usually very successful. Fluffy might be a candidate for a thyroidectomy, surgery to remove the thyroid glands, which usually results in a cure. . Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. During treatment, radioactive iodine is administered as an injection and is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. It is important to drink fluids after your treatment and for the next 2 days. Ideally, the total GFR should be above 2.25 mL/min/kg. Actually it is quite safe, because the radioactive iodine is absorbed only by thyroid cells; no other cells in the body are exposed to the radiation. It is best to perform a nuclear scan before surgery to rule out ectopic thyroid tissue. Hopefully this answers your questions and good luck with your cat. For this prescription diet to work, it must be the only food fed, which means no cheating with treats. A seven hour airplane trip exposes passengers to 0.02 mSv of radiation, which is a fraction of the exposure of a standard Chest x-ray (0.1 mSv). One way to treat a cat with hyperthyroidism is with an oral medication that contains methimazole. Subscribe to always know when we add new material! In the US, the average person is exposed to an additional 3.0 mSv/yr from medical sources (predominantly CT scans). The radioactivity carries no significant risk for the cat, but precautionary protective measures are required for people who come into close contact with the cat. Committee on Environmental Health. The advantages of radioactive iodine therapy are that the procedure most often cures hyperthyroidism, has no serious side effects, and does not require anesthesia. Another significant risk for hyperthyroid cats is not actually related to their thyroid disease. This problem resolved rapidly after treatment. When available, radioactive iodine therapy is the treatment of choice for cats with hyperthyroidism. When an injection of radioactive iodine is given, it destroys the abnormal thyroid tissue without endangering other organs. If possible, I would like to wear protective clothing so we can return to our familiar habit of living/sleeping in 24-hour close physical contact to minimize his stress and promote his recovery. Most cats respond to treatment within weeks, although some take up to 6 months to gain the full benefit. Lifelong treatment, usually involving twice-daily oral dosage, will be required, and for some owners and cats, this dosage schedule may be difficult to maintain. Prescription nutrition. There are virtually no side effects, and there is no pain associated with 131I treatment. What is the biggest concern with nuclear meltdown and why? Finally, thyroid hormone has a role in kidney function and blood flow that may result in either directly damaging the kidney or obscuring underlying kidney disease that your cat may already have. Amazingly despite over 35 years of veterinary experience treating hyperthyroid cats with radioiodine there are virtually no reported side effects. 1. Interestingly, when higher doses are given, like those received by the patient treated for hyperthyroidism or thyroid cancer, then the injury to the cells is terminal and hence the cells do not survive to go on to become malignant. The three ways that we control exposures to external sources of radiation are time, distance, and shielding. It is important to remember that old age is not a disease. Some cats develop side effects from methimazole, such as vomiting, lethargy, anorexia, fever, liver damage, anemia, and a decrease in white blood cells. Surgical removal of the affected thyroid gland(s) may be very effective. American Academy of Pediatrics. Learn more about the Clinical Nutrition Team at Tufts. How to choose the right food for your cat. Risk of Ionizing Radiation Exposure to Children: A Subject Review. Because the thyroid needs iodine to produce hormones, the thyroid takes the radioiodine into the thyroid cells and the radiation destroys the overactive thyroid cells over time. Prior to the onset of symptoms he was eating a high quality dry cat food but when he started losing weight and begging for food we were told we could . For example, some families cant medicate cats every day, so a more permanent solution such as radioactive iodine treatment or surgery may be best. Usually, the TT4 level is so high that there is no question about the diagnosis (see the handout "Thyroid Hormone Testing in Cats"). While the concept of radiation hormesiswould suggest a potential benefit from exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation by stimulating the immune system's ability to repair DNA, any potential benefit is poorly defined and hence the current recommendations surrounding radiation exposure follow the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) concept. The good news is that there are many treatment options available to our hyperthyroid cats. Radioactive iodine. Methimazole blocks excess thyroid hormone production rather than destroying the abnormal thyroid tissue, so the medication must be given for the rest of the cat's life.
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