The Shopping Mall High School: Winners and Losers in the Educational Marketplace; National Association of Secondary School Principals (U.S.); National Association of Independent Schools. Nor is it amoral. J. The capacity of any individual or group to engineer culture is questionable (Adler, 1997; Morgan, 1986). These may be through processes of exclusion or processes of inclusion, resulting in a relatively homogeneous or diverse student body, but in either case the outcome will be a pupil profile which reflects a particular set of cultural characteristics. International Journal for Leadership in Education, 4(4), 401414. C+. Stier, J. Prasad This may be interpreted in several ways ranging from the operational to the political. Powell, Farrar and Cohen (1985) used research from fifteen high schools to depict a culture of easy and uncritical acceptance of underachievement. T. (2004), Understanding valuation processes; exploring the linkage between motivation and action. Although researchers are just beginning to document the effectiveness of the PLC culture, early indications show that it has a significant positive effect on student learning (Lee & Smith, 1996; Louis & Marks, 1998; Stoll et al., 2006; Wiley, 2001). Panel 3. However, the findings which result from research in one location may lead to indiscriminate transfer of assumptions, such as the primary location of leadership in the principal. The mechanics of diffusion and the appropriateness of the results have been subject to unequal research interest. Dorfman, P. W. (Hoppe, 2004, p. 333), a set of shared values and preferred actions among members of a society that largely determines among other things, the boundaries within which leader development is possible. (1996). Processual competencies, comprising intrapersonal competencies and cognitive competencies (2003, p.84), are also needed. Begley, P. Tippeconic, J. For example, culture is suggested to both shape and reflect values (Begley & Wong, 2001), philosophy (Ribbins & Zhang, 2004), gender (Celikten, 2005), religion (Sapre & Ranade, 2001), politics (Hwang, 2001), ethnicity (Bryant, 1998) and history (Wong, 2001). Dorfman Sports. The Leadership Quarterly, 7(2), 163187. Exploring the cultural context of school improvement in Thailand. The identification of the relevant culture and the group to which it is appropriate is predicated on the notion that humans can be classified, that a specific culture can be assigned to those in a particular geographic area or sharing a particular characteristic such as gender, language, ethnic background or religion. School administration in China: a look at the principals role. & School Culture Edited by: Jon Prosser Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd Publication year: 1999 Online pub date: June 19, 2012 Discipline: Education Subject: Social/Philosophical Foundations, School Culture & Climate, Sociology of Education (general) DOI: https:// doi. Mapping the conceptual terrain of leadership: a critical point for departure for cross-cultural studies. & Organizational change, leadership and learning: culture as cognitive process. Hallinger, P. Sapre, P. Panel 4 A Typology of School Cultures. Rejection of the cultural assumptions in preparation and development programs abound on the grounds of gender (Brunner, 2002; Coleman, 2005; Louque, 2002; Rusch, 2004), ethnicity (Bryant, 1998; Tippeconic, 2006), national culture (Bjerke & Al-Meer, 1993; Hallinger, Walker. Tuition is $13,400 for the highest grade offered. As Foskett and Lumby (2003, p. 8) indicate: Librarian resources Much of it has been misdirected and some of it wasteful. (2007). Elmes The discourse of diversity: from biology to management. Rowney, J. (Litvin, 1997, pp. The recent emphasis has been on achieving standards through managing schools, teachers and the teaching process. (2001). (2005). Walker, A. 420421). For example, the balance of time given to study of the legislation relevant to schooling or to the implications of a particular faith, whether Islam, Christianity, or any other, will embed values within the curriculum through the choice of priority reflected in the time allocated. Very many illustrations could be offered of the different expectations and practice of leadership throughout the world. (1998). & (2007). Gupta R. J. (1997). Bottery asserts that there is a risk through this that there may be emerging a perspective that defines what looks increasingly like a global picture of management practice. Wisdom gained, wisdom given: instituting PBL in a Chinese culture. (forthcoming) point up the greater sensitivity within some cultures where responsibility for success is group owned and/ or where maintaining face is a high priority. Dorfman An example of the cultural challenges that emerge from this has been described by Hallinger and Kantamara (2001) in the context of Thailand. In crafting school culture, school leaders (principals, teachers, and parents) act as models, potters, poets, actors, and healers. Bridges, E. This may be due in part to the fact that understanding culture and its connection to leadership in education is a poorly researched field. Deal, T. Professing educational leadership: conceptions of power. Education. In this line, a study . Subordinates expect superiors to act autocratically. Another output lies in the cultural characteristics and values of the young people who are the product of the school once they have completed their time there. Walker, J. Leadership and culture: Conceptual and methodological issues in comparing models across cultural settings. (2004). Scheins model provides a greater level of sophistication by focusing on a challenging interrogation of the culture of the school and linking culture more strongly to underpinning values and beliefs. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. In the absence of a similarly complex or authoritative study of the cultural factors in educational leadership, the design of much preparation and development seems to adhere to an assumed commonality and to avoid detailed engagement with the culturally contingent (Lumby et al., forthcoming), resulting in an international curriculum for school leadership preparation (Bush & Jackson, 2002, pp. Assessment is also increasingly against competences which are exported internationally (MacPherson et al., 2007). Washington Middle School located in La Habra, California - CA. (1999). School culture, therefore, is most clearly "seen" in the ways people relate to and work together; the management of the school's structures, systems and physical environment; and the extent to which there is a learning focus for both pupils and adults, including the nature of that focus. Processes and structures designed for a time that has passed are no longer appropriate in a rapidly changing society. (1991). The interrelationship of culture with leadership and its development is the focus of this chapter. (1998). (2002). 178190). Hodgkinson (2001) argues that culture is always determining, subliminally and subconsciously, our value orientation and judgments. ), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: the GLOBE study of 62 Societies (pp. A more extensive discussion of the variation in culture and practice internationally is offered by Foskett & Lumby (2003) and Lumby et al. every organization must have a person in charge, acute awareness of the expenditure of time, an obligation to accommodate others right to participate. (Eds. (1985). Downloaded by [Teldan Inc] at 05:45 14 September 2015 . , J. Skip to page content. Images of Organization, Powell, A. G. Cincinnati: South Western. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 12(4), 385408. Adler, N. Introducing human rights education in Confucian society of Taiwan: its implications for ethical leadership in education. , None is universally applicable or comprehensive, but all can serve to support an educational leaders reflection on the culture of a specific school. Head teachers in rural China: aspects of ambition. We would also suggest that pupils, although seldom asked, would hold . ), Handbook of Leadership Development (pp. Educational Management & Administration, Bush, T. Handy, C. Hanges Every school, for example, has a specific geographical and social location which will strongly shape its cultural context the inner city school serving a diverse multi-ethnic community will inherit a diversity of cultures that may be quite different to those of the suburban middle class school. Certainly it would be helpful to undertake an educational equivalent of the GLOBE project (House et al., 2004) and to establish the education leadership attributes and behaviors that are held in common across a large number of nations and those elements that are culturally contingent. UCEA. Despite the recognition that culture is an elusive and diverse concept, identifying some of the existing intellectual paradigms of culture is an important starting point. Sierra Vista Elementary 1800 E. Whittier Boulevard La Habra, CA 90631 Phone: 562-690-2359. Paul, J. House This book assists people inside and outside schools to . & 8-9; Stoll and Fink 1995). The Australian Principals Centre: A model for the accreditation and professional development of the principalship. All leadership development has embedded cultural values. These are the cultural, verbal, visual and behavioral components of the school in action through which a wide range of cultural messages and aims will be delivered. Preparation and development programs therefore face a twofold challenge: In the next section we shall examine the issues of culture and leadership preparation and development. Conflict and change. (2004). Secondly, it considers the important issue of the macro relationship of culture and globalization. Redefining the field of European human resource management: a battle between national mindsets and forces of business transition? Educational Management & Administration, Billot, J. Personal or student reference I refer students to this publication for new research articles or for my work, Benefit library's collection Acquisition of this publication will benefit department, faculty and student needs, Affiliation Mller Iles, P. . Introduction. Bajunid, I. He created a series of descriptors of the culture of schooling with a particular focus on how key cultural characteristics equate to the absence of a productive learning environment. Understanding international differences in culture would provide a basis for planning cultural fit in preparation and development programs. . Educational Management and Administration. 206207), There are no essential, innate and immutable characteristics of race, age, gender, disability or other demographic categories. M. House, R. , & Sarason (1971, 1996), writing of US schools, was one of the earliest to insist that improving schools was primarily a question of changing culture. (1995). However, such a perspective ignores the ability of schools to select many of the cultural inputs. Clearly in these two instances, Western derived theories of autonomy, planning and change management are all thrown into question. In Journal of School Leadership, Coleman, M. Kaur Hayers, P. For example, Bryant (1998), researching the leadership culture of Native Americans in the United States, suggests a number of cultural assumptions embedded in American leadership: The result is a simultaneous requirement for a task and people orientation. Whittier Christian High School is a highly rated, private, Christian school located in LA HABRA, CA. as cited in Stoll, Fink & Earl, 2003, p. 132). A welfarist culture, alternatively, emphasizes the individual needs of pupils. & Thirdly, it offers an international perspective by looking at the micro relationship of culture to the multiple identities and cultures of individuals and organizations. A perspective on women principals in Turkey. Similarly, Louque (2002) challenges the appropriateness of the culture embedded in the selection and development of educational leaders to Hispanic and African American Women. The product will be a mosaic of sub-cultures, which may reinforce the cultural objectives of the whole school or, in some cases, appear as counter cultures that challenge the organizational hegemony. Preparing leaders involves considering the nature and impact of culture on the crafting of their development (for example, the curriculum or mode of delivery). Following our examination of globalization and culture in the previous section, we consider here the picture of culture within educational leadership internationally.
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