It's dangerous, and it hurt my dad. Elwin came in before Keefe could respond. She lives as a human in college, unaware of the people searching for her until a mysterious boy Sophie Foster has been at war with herself and her guilt for too long. Sencen? And I've been in love with you forever --I just didn't know it because I'm super oblivious. Some interesting things happen fitz get in trouble Sophie tells Keefe that she likes him and asks him if he still likes her. She winked and headed inside. They lock eyes across the room and Sophies heart aches. Sophie Foster doesn't remember she's an elf. The first words your soulmate will say to you appears on your left arm. Yeah, youre probably right. Are we interrupting something? A crisp accent said. Clean away! For a moment, Sophie couldnt even think. #sokeefe Well, youre cute when youre trying to make me mad, so, Did she just say that? "That was close," he murmured, running a hand through his hair sheepishly. Yeah, Im fine, Foster, , Keefe paused to wipe his eyes, where tears were starting to form, I just didnt hear I love you a lot when I grew up. After several years of fighting the Neverseen, the awful group is finally defeated. She's just happy to go to high school with all her friends from "SO WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO KEEFE?" Instead, she pulled her Imparter out of her pocket, sending her parents a quick message saying shed be home soon. Keefe says the 6th and Fitz says at least the 10th. It just needs Tiana. Annabeth Chase doesn't really pay attention to the new people she sees strolling the streets of New York. Chapter 2 ( spoiler: SOME SERIOUS SO-KEEFE SNUGGLES) "Keefe!", Fitz and Sophie cried in unison. My dad calls it the Disaster Area., I liked it, Sophie said shyly. I don't know what's wrong with me.' She continued on, but all her words started to blur, just like his eyes. #bianavacker Sophie's skin glowed with warmth until she could no longer distinguish the heat on her face from the rest of her body. And you didnt get even one good parent. , Sophie whispered back. He would not lose hope. 'I know,' he told her. Keefeeeeeeeeeeee, you are so annoying sometimes you know that, right? ,Sophie said, bursting into a giggle fit. Keefe says that the only thing Sophie has to be is Sophie Foster. And that kiss. She looked peaceful. 'No one ever does that.'". "Watch yourself, shortie." KEEFE- she screamed, but it was too late as Lady Gisela threw the knife at Keefes back. Just pure determination when he told her, 'Because Team Foster-Keefe is going to win. He felt her emotions match her words as she started placing small kisses on his hand. She could feel his warm breath on her cheeks. This is my first real attempt at a published fanfic, so please check it out! (Previously known as "hide n seek") (guys sorry the first few chapters are so bad, it gets better i swear), (Rated T because there is swearing sometimes). U can add sokeefe or sofitz at the end (sokeefe 4 da win) Twix's can make an account and write ur own stories on it if u have an account. When Sophie hopped out of the shower, she was still thinking about Keefes hair- how it always looked messy, but also styled at the same time. Sophie said a hasty greeting and turned her mind to the next person, Keefe. Sophie is trying to find traitors among her friends because of a tip from the Neverseen. But when she saw Keefe, frustrated, shoulders slumped in disappointment and humiliation and facing away from her, she lowered it. Lord Cassius opened the door and leaned into his sons room as the two scrambled apart. Here you go!. He knew that in the Elvin community, liking and being with someone of the same gender isn't bad or wrong, as long as you're not a Bad Match talent-wise. And I'm going to destroy it.". Sophie. The pale curtains rustled as Keefe listened to her breathing softly beside him. After the confession, they kissed, with Keefe closing the distance between them. "I talked with Della earlier. 'Just promise, okay?' They are often seen holding hands. Its okay, Foster. He turned towards her side of the bed, snaked his arms around her waist, and slide his leg between hers, kissing the back of her neck lightly until she started to wake Seventeen is the age that decides who every young soul is destined to be with forever. and Sophie blushes. Shed thought Keefe was flirty before, but this? thought Sophie. Linh was only a friend to him. And the thing wasKeefe wasn't disgusted by the kiss, not at all. Keefe said he trusts Sophie and is really glad he met her. "This is going to be the longestgroup sleepover ever.". Until one day, her guilt wins out. Keefe hollered. Okay, time for you two to go to sleep. , Elwin said before Sophie could respond. KEEFE. Sophie stopped him from finishing the sentence. Fitz and Keefe make a bet about which stair Sophie will trip on. 'What about Dex?' Dex Dizznne is known as an outcast, he stays in the shadows with his friend group of 6. 'Sorry', she mumbled when the crying fit finally passed. When Keefe gets very upset about having to wait until the next morning to go to, Sophie leans her head on Keefe's shoulder, and they both get embarrassed when, Sophie goes over to sit by Keefe and holds his hand when he tells her that. "Let's see what they'd think about a Keefe-shaped one, then," Dex grumbled, swinging around to face the other boy. ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO SHANNON MESSENGER. Keefe's smile "softened into something that made Sophie's cheeks warm. Biana pushed down the hood of Sophie's cloak, booping her affectionately on the nose. Not the one taking charge of everything. And in case I don't, there's something I need you to know., 'And here's another thing you can count on. He just keeps saying that we should be responsable. So why were they here? Finally, the sun started to set, and Keefe's head was now resting on Sophie's lap, her fingers absentmindedly running through it. * disclaimer I don't own any of the characters all of this belongs to Shannon Messenger* The other characters that you love next Chapter. Keefe showed that he really cared about Sophie. "If you say so, Miss Foster. Fitz stuck his head through the living room doorway with a mixed expression of exasperation and amusement. Dating back to Neanderthals, humans have always felt this natural pull to the othe Book Two In 'The True Reality' KOTLC Trilogy Until she was ready for more., ' And I know you're going to tell me it won't be that simple -- and it probably won't be. She then confesses her feelings to him when they are in the Grove and said, "I know you said you got over a bunch of things after you left the Lost Cities, and I'm sure that probably includes the stuff you told me in your note. "You should stop taking out your frustration on other people.". I love you too, Sophie.. Status "Dad, we didn't do anything wrong! Hard. After finding Keefe in London, she tackle hugs him and feels embarrassed. When she didn't answer, he took both of her hands, and she couldn't ignore the rush of warmth that tingled through her when she met his eyes. They made a person. ", Linh looked down. It is Foster, after all." She glanced at Tam, who hadn't said anything yet. Her eyes were filled with sadness. Fitz sat there, confused. Let's get this straight. And I'm going to find it. Keefe was on the swing when he say her. For all we know, she could have spies hidden everywhere. When Keefe traces the crease between Sophie's eyebrows, she finds it incredibly hard to come up with an answer. He spread his arms wide, turning around slowly. I hope you have the elixir to fix whatever you put in his shower.. Sophie saw Biana rushing down the path to her house. I use wattpad but this was AWESOME. #finh He would not lose hope. you won't hate me.' Keefe Sencen isn't one of those people, and has taken notice of the smart girl with pretty brown eyes. They were ready for a sleepover! Keefe becomes very flustered after Sophie catches him off-guard and shirtless. )"Can't blame him," she whispered, oh so softly. Is there any other ships you want to have? Keefe tells her she looks perfect, making her blush. I forbid it. I have something to say to you.. Sophie and Keefe, Sokeefe, or Team Foster-Keefe (the latter being dubbed by Keefe Sencen) is the romantic and/or platonic pairing of Sophie Elizabeth Foster and Keefe Sencen. Sophie said before he leaned in and his soft lips hit hers. On the popular fanfiction site Archive of Our Own, the romantic pairing (Sophie Foster/Keefe Sencen) is the most popular overall relationship tag with over 22% of all KOTLC stories on the site featuring the tag. Kiss me one day please<3 Chapter 1: Sophie's POV. Sophie smirked. Sophie and Keefe have supported each other throughout the series and have comforted each other after traumatic experiences. WHAT DID YOU DO?, Sophie looked at Keefe and sighed. For those of you who don't know, I'm almost always writing with non-straight couples, and I wanted to give y'all a taste of that here. whoever confesses their Dead. Only when it comes to you. ', Sophie wasn't sure why her voice sounded so thick when she said, 'It's good to have backup.' Do you trust me?, Sophie was surprised hed used her first name. I dont understand how you cant process this! Sophie spat. But I will warn you, I can prove SoKeefe is a real thing because we have this sleepover." For some bizarre reason, we wake up in the same bed and a six-year-old girl claims that we are her parents and refers to us as 'momm What if Fitz pushed the dark thought into a corner of his mind. Its one of the things I like about you. Her stomach filled with fluttering things, which flitted around even more when she noticed how close they were now standing. ^Yes, no pressure but please post soon! CONTAINS SPOILERS Sophie Foster is confused. Fitz went up to his room. It was! She replies, saying that's way more than she's willing to lose. So now here they were in her room, gross and dirty and covered in Verdi drool. At that moment, a yell- that sounded more like a roar- came from downstairs. I could be your hero any day. You guys are young and stupid. They both have tense relationships with their biological mothers. I am amazing! When Grady receives a hail from someo A kotlc fan fiction taking place right after Legacy. Then, Keefe helped Sophie carry her books, while "Grady, meanwhile, was studying Keefe as he'd never seen him before in his life." She assures him that she would never hate him while smiling at him, and he smiles back. "Wow, Keefe, what an entrance.". Feel free to give me suggestions and requests! Sophie and Biana; Sophie and Dex; Dex and Keefe; Sophie and Fitz; Fitz and Keefe; Sophie and Marella; Marella and Keefe; Sophie, Linh, and Biana; Sophie and Jensi; Sophie and Tam; Keefe and Tam; Sophie and Linh; Keefe and Linh; Dex, Fitz, and Keefe; Sophie, Linh, and Biana; Keefe and Biana As of Unlocked, they're shown to still be friends with one another, but Keefe can't be around Sophie due to his new ability. This is also an excuse to see how many tropes I can fit into one work, so if you like that stuff, read this! "Catch you later, then?". The whole time, Sophie held his hand and nodded along. "Whatever that thing is whatever the Black Swan created that's what they used on Alden. Ugh. Sophie states that the intensity of Keefe's stare turned everything floaty and fluttery. "What's wrong?". Keefe leans closer and tells Sophie he's sorry, really, and he'll do whatever it takes to make it up to her. Sophie Foster is broken. His father was talking with Elwin, panicked, while his mother was sobbing. It's my fault-and I'm not trying to likeguilt you into liking me again. Linh was playing with her silver tips, and Tam wasn't making eye contact. "No one is pushing anyone into the floor." Maybe her. Besides, green spiky hair isnt that bad. They'd been best friends for the longest time, and never before had he considered kissing or liking Fitz romantically, let alone any boy for that matter. When Sophie finds out the memory which made Keefe join the, Keefe says that nothing good ever comes from his mom, but Sophie says "One thing did. Then the next few minutes were all a blur, lots of people asking lots of Keefe! When did you wake up?and How are you feeling? Luckily, Elwin came in and told everyone that Keefe needed to rest. Oh. He raised a hand to his lips, which still felt a bit tingly from his kiss withFitz. Fitz noticed a tear slide down his face. Sophie facepalmed and tried to cover her giggle. she yelped, and paused for a bit to recover from the shock. "She said that they disappeared.". Sophie filled herself with darkness when she hears that the experimented humans died causing Keefe to scoot closer to her and send more soft glowing breezes to push the darkness away and reminds Sophie to once again breathe from the information she has taken in. Caution: CONTAINS A LOT OF SOKEEFE FLUFF! . Keefe insists that someone has to keep Sophie company, and he scoots his chair closer to hers. Slipping out from under Keefes arm, she quickly changed the gross blanket on her bed, and fussed with the rest of her room, cleaning up her practically nonexistent belongings. Not even when the both of them are paired up for a homework project. I just felt like you should know why I might get a little awkward around you right now. Currently dating I have wanted to write a coffeeshop AU for a while now, so I'm very excited to do this! I hold a lot back, you know., Keefe hesitated a moment, then took a deep breath. Keefe guides her over and sets her down on the bed and brings her a bottle of, Keefe reassures her while she's worried about her, "Without caring that it might be awkward or what anyone would think, Sophie, pulled Keefe into the tightest hug possible, and whispered, 'Thank you.' Since when did she think like that? He sat under the magnificent plant now, taking a few deep breaths and staring at the ground. Sophie wanted to squeeze into Keefe's chair so she could hug Keefe and show him someone cared. when he gently pinned ". ' ' *INSPIRED BY HANNAH MONTANA* Sophie an outcast at her school, treated terribly from almost everyone including the well known Vacker siblings Fitz and Biana the "pop ro challenges "I wish he'd told us he was about to collapse," Keefe heard Sophie whisper. When Sophie asks Keefe to stay after everyone else leaves he says, "Don't worry Foster, I'm not going anywhere. Stellerlune (a Sokeefe fanfic) 2 Chapter - 1.530 Words - Developed by: Sydney Camera - Developed on: 2022-04-01 - 163 taken-The story is currently being written - 4 people like it This takes place right after Unlocked, and is a Sokeefe story. But I dont have time for that, what with, you know. 'What about Dex? Keefe gently lifted her by the shoulders to ease her into a sitting position and propped her up with extra pillows in her bed after her ability reset. Maybe both of them. A SoKeefe fan fiction story. "Me and Keefe are just friends. Mostly because it means I missed my chance to be with this really incredible guy who makes me laugh and always finds ways to be there when I need him. This soft look caused words to spill out from Keefe, explaining everything that happened between Fitz when he was tricked, and how he enjoyed the kiss, even after he learned it was Fitz. Two hours soon passed as Keefe was left with his own thoughts, and all was rather quiet. If Fitz walked in on Sophie and Keefe kissing. "Not now.". 'Please don't hate me, okay?' Strange occurrences seem to follow Sophie. His stupid legacy had drawn him in, and he had left all his friendships behind to pursue power and glory. Fitz stood up and walked out of his father's office. Still made her freeze for a moment. *Shannon Messenger owns the characte ( ) Sophie has often had "fluttery moments" with Keefe where her heart goes into "hummingbird mode." You need to take us back! Second, she doesn't know if Marella is still her friend. After an exhausting but eventful evening of base quest and hanging out with her friends, Sophie trudged down the hall after Biana as they said good night to the boys, who disappeared into Fitz's room. And I know you said you're not looking for a relationship right now-and I get it. Sophie admits to herself he is "good looking", when she thinks he is joking about Lady Belva having a crush on him. 'And you love it.' He sat her down and ripped the bottom of her panties out while she tried, in vain, to get his pants undone. #lylie Keefe Sencen?' He walked up to her, so close Sophie could feel his breath on her face. After five hundred thirty four seconds, Keefe cleared his throat. + Sophie could be dead. Sophie stepped into the gleaming entrance hall of Everglen, taking care that her boots didn't track any mud on the marble floors as she tugged them off. Number one isI have a crush on you. She frowned and put her own arms around his torso holding him against her. This fic is Sokeefe and Tamiana and super minor Marellinh (mostly sokeefe tho)! Her stomach gets all fluttery when she realizes how their boots are almost touching and how she can feel his breath on her cheeks. Keefe, I have something to say to you, Sophie said, inhaling before she chickened out, I I love you.. Keefe Sencen paced around the small space, chewing his lip as his heart pounded with nervousness. Its color almost matched hers. You even fixed Exillium. And later, of course, he'd have to talk to Fitz about all of this, and learn more about why he'd been tricked. Muahaha. Della was sitting in the corner, quiet. Btw, in the last chapter, I left you guys on a cliffhanger. I realized this the past weeks, Sophie continued, I didnt know how to say it, but then you fell into a coma and. Alden glared at Fitz. In facthe wouldn't mind kissing another boy either. she asked. Keefe tells her "Aw, the little shrieking sounds you're making are adorable." Stay with me. Keefe whimpers and says "Someone hold me." "You okay?" Sophie could help but lunge forward and hug him, almost knocking him off the cot. #1 in #kotlcfanfiction (7/2/19) Sophie giggled. Seriously, how did Verdi get that dirty? Omg I need more sokeefe in my life. I sprayed bug spray on myself. Sophie's face flushed and got off of Keefe muttering, "Sorry.". "Ican we talk?" Soon enough, Keefe's prediction came true, and Sophie tells him "Not a word. Short SoKeefe One-Shots: "I have to go soon, it's almost 5," he whispered. Keefe rushed over to Sophie trying to get her to wake up. I WROTE THIS BEFORE LEGACY The two elves sat underneath the tree, turned towards each other. There are not many but I love the Tiana tam and Biana one shots. 'I know, I'm sorry. Not that I dont like them, but He listened to make sure Gradys shower was running, then laid his arm across her shoulders and led her back up the hall to her room. After explaining Tams warning to Keefe, Sophie supports Keefe by taking his hand, which he tightly hangs onto. Sophie jumped away from him, breathing heavily as her heart thudded in her chest. I have an obsession with those ships. It was warm and tender, and she could taste the custard bursts theyd shared earlier that afternoon. He poured a dozen elixirs down her throat. Do I have to remind you that you havent slept since the day you brought Keefe here?. Keefe's voice is soft, timid even, when he asks her if she hates him. But after that kiss, I'm not sure of anything. I'm kind of late, but WOW you're an amazing writer! After the death of her older sister, Jolie, she becomes overwhelmed with grief. Keefe relaxed after a few moments of silence had passed. Keefe says that he [doesn't want] to be the hero, just a friend, until she was ready for more. Sophie saw all of her friends coming behind them. "Please. Keefe worriedly asks her what's wrong and wraps an arm around her shoulders so she didn't fall when Sophie panics, worrying that she might be related to Fitz. As soon as the words left Keefe's mouth, Sophie leaned forward and kissed him. Nope, but Im pretty sure Ive already told you how cute you are when youre mad at me, so During the conversation hed moved closer, and it took Sophie a moment to realize hed called her cute. How dare you joke about this! Sophie said through tears. It had only been a few days, Charlotte wouldn't And BianaShe was unconscious. Fitz just watched Sophie in surpriseand anger. In the story I will ship Sokeefe, Tamiana, Dexrella, Fitstina, Willinh and Maruca x Jensi. A lot. Disclaimer: ALL characters belong to Shannon Messenger A NOTE TO ALL COMMENTERS: Thank you for supporting me and giving me the courage . What I can't handle is any more of the Sophie Shell who's been wandering around for the last few weeks, scaring the snot out of all of us. My best friend. Then Keefe nudges Fitz over and places a hand on her shoulder to catch her if she falls, saying "I think this is a two-person job. Turning his head, the blond boy leapt to his feet, startled to find the real Sophie Foster staring at him with a look of concern. Sophie has also shown some signs of liking Keefe, especially in Exile, Neverseen, Lodestar, Nightfall, Legacy, Unlocked. KEEEEEFFFEEEEEEE growled Grady loudly. When she sat, she hugged Keefe with all her might. And I know you said you're not looking for a relationship right now-and I get it. Look at him! I loved it! Miss Foster? He didn't really know how it got there, nor who left it there, but he had a good guess as to who it was from, as he'd recognized the handwriting of his crush Sophie Foster almost immediately. Note: This story takes place in a parallel universe where Sofitz never existed and Grady actually likes Keefe. Those two were made for each other'!!!!!!!!! Sophie blushed- which she had been doing a lot of lately. 'So . Sophie clawed at the wall, unable to breathe and Keefe stared at her with ice cold eyes. Wait, you havent slept for a week and a half? ,Keefe asked. My favorites are the Truth or Dare . Keefe wraps his free arm around Sophie while his mom is talking about her kidnapping and her parents' kidnapping. ", Biana rolled her eyes while slightly blushing. He glanced at it before staring at her. He turned around, surprised. She frowned and put her own arms around his torso holding him against her. Fantasy Sokeefe This is a Fanfiction I made about KOTLC because I was bored waiting for the book 9 to be published, the characters belong to Shannon Messenger. In the ten years since, she has spent her life being trained and prepared Seventeen is the age that decides who every young soul is destined to be with forever. Sophie comforts Keefe after learning about his. She hugged him as hard as she could--not caring who was watching., Keefe gave her another reassuring shoulder pat- but when she flung the pillow aside and buried her face in her hands she heard him growl something like, 'screw it.' Can you do one where Sophie wants to see if Keefe really likes her so she fakes kissing Fitz to see and Keefe see's or hears and gets really mad. It was obvious he wanted to go nearer, to soak up her warmth, but he wasn't letting himself, and the terrifying picture that pained sent chills down her spine. Stop resisting, Sophie. he uttered as the footsteps grew louder. Sophie pretended not to notice the wink Keefe dropped her way, and fought down a blush. that's just because it's easier, you know? The Neverseen have been defeated, or so they thought. Do you know why?' Its better when you are around. When she finally got to him, she sat down. He repeated it over and over again. But whatever it takes, it's going to happen. Sophie was hiding behind her hair in the corner of Keefes room, pulling out a loose eyelash, completely humiliated. "You should have contacted us the second things went wrong! In this story, the Black Swan waited for their original plan. the neverseen have been vanquished permanently, or that's what she hopes. Everything is twisted- but Sophie, the Black Swan, Neverseen, the Lost Cities and her friends don't know that.
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