2011 Duke University Press [a] He thinks it more likely that he was a descendant of Turkish or Persian immigrants to Swat, who had intermarried with local indigenous peoples. In that officials, Abdul Fazi translated Ramayana into Persian. Zain-ul-Abidin was also known as 'the Akbar of Kashmir'. He delved deep into such model works as the Harsacarita and the Brihat-samhita epics and used with commendable familiarity the local rajakathas (royal chronicles) and such previous works on Kashmir as Nripavali by Kshemendra, Parthivavali by Helaraja, and Nilamatapurana. Hiranya died childless. The result is an exposure to the ineffable delights of Sanskritised Malayalam, an edifying experience in itself. Raman Menons translation attempts to preserve the essential characteristics of the original by adopting the Manipravalam diction. [dubious discuss] In fact, his translator Aurel Stein expressed the view that his was the only true Sanskrit history. A Shaivite during whose reigns Buddhists also flourished. [28] He was defeated by Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin at Thanna with the help of Jasrath Khokhar, a chieftain from Pothohar Plateau. They accepted that this late work was a one-of-a-kind exemption in 3,000 years of Sanskrit abstract culture, which they blamed for totally inadequate regarding a feeling of history even as it had large amounts of sacred writing and folklore. Because of this, the Nga chief burnt down the king's city, and the king died in the fire. Turn on. Kishan Joshi, the Ganga Dhar, the Mahesh, the Mahanand and others. From Stein's translation:[3]. Son of Vajraditya II and Mangjarika. Murdered by Radda. [13], Shah Mir arrived in Kashmir in 1313 along with his family, during the reign of Suhadeva (13011320), whose service he entered. He stopped the killing of cows by means . His descendant Meghavahana later restored the dynasty's rule. [25][26], Sikandar died in April, 1413 upon which, the eldest son 'Mir' was anointed as the Sultan having adopted the title of Ali Shah. Then Lalitaditiya meets the Bhauttas in Baltistan in western Tibet north of Kashmir, then the Dardas in Karakoram/Himalaya, the Valukambudhi and then he encounters Strirajya, the Uttarakurus and the Pragjyotisha respectively (IV.165-175). The Himalayan area of Kashmir is an intermontane valley shaped by the stream Jhelum (antiquated name Vitasta), a feeder of the waterway Indus. [18][19] A welfare-state was installed oppressive taxes were abolished, and free schools and hospitals were commissioned. Kalhana himself, notwithstanding, doesnt appear to have worked for any ruler. He was followed by his two sons who became kings in succession. Fairness: That noble-minded author is alone worthy of praise whose word, like that of a judge, keeps free from love or hatred in relating the facts of the past. In recent years, it has developed its strongest reputation It has multiple dimensions, such as the aureole of antiquity, the grandeur of epic, the cachet of Sanskritic literary canons, the singular distinction as an ancient Indian historical chronicle and the uniqueness that it embodies as representation of a vital part of Indian selfhood. Hari Parbat is visible in the background. Thus (IV.678) is Book IV verse 678. Has data issue: true The polar ends of the subcontinent that these two regions represent have been lyrically evoked in the familiar poetic description of himavatsethuparyanthaam. His Dvity Rjataragin can be a continuation of Kalhanas Rjataragin and brings the annal of the rulers of Kashmir proper right down to the hour of the creators supporter Zain-ul-Abidin. Suvrata's poem, though it has obtained celebrity, does not show dexterity in the exposition of the subject-matter, as it is rendered troublesome [reading] by misplaced learning. (in a real sense, River of Kings) is an awe-inspiring sonnet (mahakavya/prabandha) created in the old style language, Sanskrit, in 114850 in Kashmir (part of the advanced territory of Jammu and Kashmir, India).Kalhana is said to have been the child of a previous clergyman by the name of Cempaka in the court of a Kashmiri ruler, Harsha. Rajatarangini, (Sanskrit: River of Kings) historical chronicle of early India, written in Sanskrit verse by the Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in 1148, that is justifiably considered to be the best and most authentic work of its kind. Jonaraja Updates? Ascended the throne after her death, beginning, Abdicated the throne in favour of his son, but retained power through his minister Haladhara, Rebelled against his parents, leading to the suicide of his father Ananta, followed by, Second son of Kalasha. Ruled with his mother Didda as regent, aided by the minister Naravahana. Kalhana in his opening Taranga of Rajatarangini presents his views on how history ought to be written. Introduction: The Rajatarangini (in a real sense, River of Kings) is an awe-inspiring sonnet (mahakavya/prabandha) created in the old style language, Sanskrit, in 114850 in Kashmir (part of the advanced territory of Jammu and Kashmir, India).Kalhana is said to have been the child of a previous clergyman by the name of Cempaka in the court of a Kashmiri ruler, Harsha. You can try more lenient search to get some results. Eventually the Karkota dynasty ended and a grandson of Utpala became king. Became queen after the death of all male heirs. sfn error: no target: CITEREFBalochRafiq1998 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFSchimmel1980 (, Last edited on 23 February 2023, at 23:00, Baharistan-i-Shahi Chapter 3 EARLY SHAHMIRS, "Buddhism and Islam in Kashmir as Represented by Rjataragi Authors", "This book claims to expose the myths behind Kashmir's history. No examples found, consider adding one please. Ramcharitmanas , accomplished it in 1969. 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Brought up by, Within 6months of Bhikshachara's ascension, Sussala recovered his capital, leading to a civil war. It emerged in South Asia after its ancestor dialects were subtle there from the northwest inside the overdue Bronze Ag. Verse 7. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. What literary period is the beat generation aligned with? What 3 things do you do when you recognize an emergency situation? In principle, it is for three reasons, specifically, the texts regard to sequence, causation, and (affirmed) objectivity, that European Orientalist researchers who concentrated on the text from the mid-nineteenth century onwards, called the Rajatarangini the solo work of history legitimate to rise out of old India. There too, legend is mixed with reality, and Toramana Huna is incorporated into the line of Meghavahana. 1 orders. [8] Aryarajas were mostly Hindus. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. May 29, 2021 04:35 pm | Updated July 06, 2022 12:26 pm IST. Sandhimati was selected by the citizens as the new ruler. Note: Muhammad Shah had five separate reigns from 1484 to 1537.[34]. The Shah Mir Sultanate and other South Asian polities, circa 1400 CE. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Researchers who showed up at this portrayal of the Rajatarangini as the first work of history, the last referenced drawing out the basic release of the Rajatarangini and its full English interpretation, which is perused right up til the present time. The book closes with the establishment of the Karkota Naga dynasty by Durlabhaka Pratapaditya II, and it is from Book IV on that Rajatarangini takes on the character of a dependable historical narrative. Although the earlier books are inaccurate in their chronology, they still provide an invaluable source of information about early Kashmir and its neighbors in the north western parts of the Indian subcontinent, and are widely referenced by later historians and ethnographers. it was brilliantly prepared for the work. Kalhana describes the rules of Toramana and, After the Huna, Meghavahana of the Gonandiya family was brought back from. that Shah Mir traced his descent to Arjuna, the basis of their account being Jonarajas He devoted his time to sensual pleasures, and neglected royal duties. Subsequent English translations of Kalhana's Rajatarangini include: Several books containing legendary stories from Rajatarangini have been compiled by various authors. Notes: Rajatarangini is a metrical legendary and historical chronicle of the north-western Indian subcontinent, particularly the kings of Kashmir. [21] Even where the kings mentioned in the first three books are historically attested, Kalhana's account suffers from chronological errors. Concerning past occasions. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). According to Jogesh Chander Dutt's calculation, this year corresponds to 2448 BCE. He was a vyavahari (perhaps merchant) who along with others who owned villages like him had set up little kingdoms during the last days of Karkotas. Learn about a brief history of Adi Shankaracharya, one of the most revered teachers in India's spiritual history. [citation needed], He was the next Sultan of Kashmir. The relative He endorsed the work to a few officials to make translations of the Sanskrit books Rajatarangini, Ramayana and Mahabharata into the Persian language. Established the city of. He lies buried in the Gorstan e Shahi in Srinagar. What is the best compliment to give to a girl? How long is MOT certificate normally valid? Eleven works of former scholars containing the chronicles of the kings, I have inspected, as well as the [Purana containing the] opinions of the sage Nila. [6] Although "Jina" is a term generally associated with Jainism, some ancient sources use it to refer to the Buddha. Son of Parvagupta and husband of Didda (a member of the. According to the historical evidence, Lalitaditya Muktapida ruled during the 8th century. [6], On the other hand, the 15th century Kashmiri historian Jonaraja, writing in the court of Shah Mir's descendant Budshah, states that Shah Mir came to Kashmir along with his tribe from the country of Panchagahvara (identified as the Panjgabbar valley between Rajouri and Budhal). He established a university in Naushehra and a Darul Tarjuma. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Rajatarangini, Telugu translation by Renduchintala Lakshmi Narasimha Sastry, This page was last edited on 14 November 2022, at 18:27. Her son was Chippatajayapida. Raja Ram Mohan Roy, a social and educational reformer, was an idealist who contributed immensely in eradicating social evils prevalent in the society during the 18th century.He was popularly known as "Father of Modern India". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Rjatarangi (Rjataragi "The River of Kings") is a metrical historical chronicle of north-western Indian subcontinent, particularly the kings of Kashmir, written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in 12th century CE.[1]. Rajatarangini, which consists of 7,826 verses, is divided into eight books. He assigned the work to a few officials to translate the Sanskrit books Rajatarangini, Ramayana and Mahabharata into the Persian language, the literary language of the Mughal court. Running into almost 8000 stanzas that are inconsistently disseminated among eight books or areas, the Kalhana Rajatarangini is a record of the illustrious administrations that administered the realm of Kashmir from its putative starting points to the writers own time. 3 Who was the last king of Gonanda dynasty? He was the ruler of Kashmir and the founder of the Shah Mir dynasty. After that, the English translation appeared under the aegis of the Asiatic Society in 1835 and the French translation in 1852. This refers to the fact that the power had passed to the brothers of a queen, who was born in a family of spirit-distillers. The Mahabharata, Ramayana, Atharva Veda, Lilawati, Rajatarangini was translated into Persian. Its heyday was the 13th and 14th centuries, broadly the period straddling the phase of Sanskrit literature to which He was (I.191) the first of his race. . Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. It is a Sanskrit file of the diverse look of Islam. Son of Jayapida and Durgi. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In those authorities, Abul Fazl interpreted Ramayana into Persian. For example, Ranaditya is given a reign of 300 years. Kalhana wrote it was brilliantly prepared for the work. Sultan Sikandar (1389-1413 CE), was the sixth ruler of the Shah Mir Dynasty. He was adopted as a son by his maternal grandfather, and assumed the title Pratapaditya after the title of the grandfather's dynasty. Unreliable Sources - The chronicles include those of Tahir, Haidar Malik, Rafiu'd Din Ahmad and Muhammad A'azam. Historian A. Q. Rafiqi states that some Persian chronicles of Kashmir describe Shah Mir as a descendant of the rulers of Swat. Son of Lalitapida and Jayadevi, made the king by his maternal uncle Utpalaka. Kavya as a genre has had a prominent place in traditional Malayalam poetics, so the austere aesthetics of Kalhanas work will strike a chord with readers, particularly those with a yen for that stimulating mixture of Sanskrit and Malayalam of yore, termed Manipravala. The Rajataringini provides the earliest source on Kashmir that can be labeled as a "historical" text on this region. In 1574 Akbar started a Maktab Khana or a house of translation works in Fatehpur Sikri. Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin of Kashmir had the famous historical work Rajatarangini and the Mahabharata translated into Persian. The kings of Kashmir described in the Rjatarangi can be roughly grouped into dynasties as in the table below. Cite earlier authors: The oldest extensive works containing the royal chronicles [of Kashmir] have become fragmentary in consequence of [the appearance of] Suvrata's composition, who condensed them in order that (their substance) might be easily remembered. He was known by his subjects as Bod Shah or Budshah (lit. It was translated into Persian by the orders of the later Muslim ruler Zain-ul-Abidin. During his reign, the Mlechchhas (possibly, According to historical evidence, Mihirakula's predecessor was. Jogesh Chandra Dutt in the late 19th century. Thus (IV.678) is Book IV verse 678. November 1941, offering Asianists a wealth of information unavailable [15], He was the only Shah Mir ruler to keep Hindu courtiers in his court. They accepted that this late work was a one-of-a-kind exemption in 3,000 years of Sanskrit abstract culture, which they blamed for totally inadequate regarding a feeling of history even as it had large amounts of sacred writing and folklore. In fact, the history of Kashmir was continued, along Kalhanas line, down to some years after the annexation of Kashmir by the Mughal emperor Akbar (1586) in the following works: Rajatarangini (by Jonaraja), Jainatarangini (by Shrivara), and Rajavalipataka (by Prajyabhatta and Shuka). He was given the title of Raja by the Mughal emperor Akbar Shah II in the year 1830 as he had gone to England as an envoy of the emperor. Translations. Hostname: page-component-7fc98996b9-5r7zs Sanskrit In 1380 C.E. After his death, the queen committed. Gonanda was the first king and a contemporary and enemy of the Hindu deity Krishna. His Dvity Rjataragin can be a continuation of Kalhanas Rjataragin and brings the annal of the rulers of Kashmir proper right down to the hour of the creators supporter Zain-ul-Abidin. He wrote the work in Sanskrit between 1148 and 1149. Ruler of Kashgar (Central Asia) once attacked Kashmir with a large army. Cite earlier authors: The oldest extensive works containing the royal chronicles [of Kashmir] have become fragmentary in consequence of [the appearance of] Suvrata's composition, who condensed them in order that (their substance) might be easily remembered. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Deposed by Tantrin soldiers, who had earlier served as the royal bodyguards. Researchers who showed up at this portrayal of the Rajatarangini as the first work of history, the last referenced drawing out the basic release of the Rajatarangini and its full English interpretation, which is perused right up til the present time. Rajatarangini, which Mulla Abd al-Qadir Badauni translated into Persian at Akbars involving the history, arts, social sciences, philosophy, and contemporary It covers the entire span of history in the Kashmir region from the earliest times to the date of its composition. The fate of Ali Shah is uncertain: he may have died in captivity or have been put to death by Khokhar.[28]. Researchers who showed up at this portrayal of the Rajatarangini as the first work of history, the last referenced drawing out the basic release of the Rajatarangini and its full English interpretation, which is perused right up til the present time. According to Jonaraja, Shah Mir was the descendant of Partha (Arjuna) of Mahabharata fame. This page was last modified on 1 January 2016, at 03:52. Waged a war against the Tantrins with help of their rivals (known as Ekanga), but was defeated and killed. Jonaraja became a Kashmiri antiquarian and Sanskrit writer. Sample translated sentence: Heill on sen thden puhdas asema Jehovan edess. Notes in parentheses refer to a book ("Taranga") and verse. This seems to be official genealogy of the Sultanate. It is a very good painting of the beyond with splendid recorded understanding. Utkarsha was imprisoned and committed suicide. Let us know more about Rajatarangini. It was translated into Persian by the orders of the later Muslim ruler Zain-ul-Abidin. Request Permissions. It was written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri historian Kalhana in the 12th century CE. Traces of genuine history are also found, however, in references to the Mauryan emperors Ashoka and Jalauka; the Buddhist Kushan kings Hushka (Huviska), Jushka (Vajheska), and Kanishka (Kaniska); and Mihirakula, a Huna king. Answer. Son of Vijaya: his "long arms reached to his knees". This article examines two translations of the textone Orientalist and the other nationalistwith the purpose of interrogating these categories, by drawing out the complex engagement between European and indigenous ideas, and the dialogue between past and present that informed their production. elsewhere. Examples translated by humans: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. Died young. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. For example, Ranaditya is given a reign of 300 years. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Early Medieval Kashmir Coinage A New Hoard and An Anomaly", Rajatarangini: The Saga of The Kings of Kasmir, Rajatarangini and the Making of India's Past, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rajatarangini&oldid=1121892347, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Killed in a battle with by Krishna's friends. A view of Ziyarat Naqshband Sahab from its yard. [9][10][11], According to Wink, Shah Mir may have been an Afghan or a Qaruna Turk, or even a Tibetan. Toramana's son Pravarasena, who had been brought up in secrecy by his mother Anjana, freed him. The only significance of his rule is that the Sufi saint Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani arrived at Kashmir in his reign. Shivajis Guru was Shree Samarth Ramdas was a noted 17th-century saint and spiritual poet of Maharashtra. Was this answer helpful? During Akbar's time the Ramayana and Mahabharata were also translated into Persian. and is known in general as a publisher willing to take chances with nontraditional [17], Shihabud-din was also a great administrator who governed his kingdom with firmness and justice. In 1574, Akbar established a translation bureau (maktab khana) at his capital of Fatehpur Sikri. Users can access their older comments by logging into their accounts on Vuukle. Despite these stated principles, Kalhana's work is also full of legends and inconsistencies (see Historical reliability below). He subdued several enemies. His short reign was marked by a succession struggle with his half-brother Vajraditya II. Horace Hayman Wilson partially translated the work, and wrote an essay based on it, titled The Hindu History of Kashmir (published in Asiatic Researches Volume 15). Youngest son of Vajradjtya II. After this battle, the regions of Ladakh and Baltistan which were under the rule of Kashgar came under the rule of Shah Miris.Sultan also marched towards Delhi and the army of Feroz Shah Tughlaq opposed him at the banks of River Satluj. recognized as the most authoritative and prestigious publication in the
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