While Bantu speaking groups had begun to occupy According to the latest census, there are 1.47 million ethnic Acholi in Uganda, amounting to 4.4 per cent of the total population. Acholi Quarter in Kampala, for example, is largely populated by formerly rural Acholi from Northern Uganda, uprooted by years of conflict and now caught in a situation of prolonged displacement. The camps caused misery and sufferingwith a conservative death toll of 1,000 people a week. Children are highly prized, and historically a couple did not set up their own household until the birth of their first child, living until then in the household of the husband's mother. others who benefited from the new dispensation, including collaborators of the nineteenth century, both among Acholi chiefdoms and with Ruhakana Rugunda, the Ugandan minister of internal affairs and leader of the government negotiating team, noted the effectiveness of the traditional system. Conflict. political organisation of the acholipadma shri award 2012 list. ETHNONYMS: Ebantfu ba kwa Ngwane (the people of Ngwane), emaSwati, emaSwazi, Swati Behrend, Heike (1991). The Acholi sub-region is a part of the administrative region of Northern-Uganda. second term, Acholi soldiers played key roles in the massive conflict in Encyclopedia of World Cultures. journalist who created an account of the history and traditions of the Acholi, wrote that the Since independence, formal schooling has provided a strong socializing influence from outside the home for more and more Acholi, especially those attending secondary school. Anywa Adhola the late seventeenth to the early twentieth centuries. state, political organization of society, or the body politic, or, more narrowly, the institutions of government. Land Tenure. Approximately 2.1 million Acholi were counted in the Uganda census of 2014, and 45,000 more were living in South Sudan in 2000.[4]. Jur Alur Crazzolara, J. P. (1950-1954). Makerere University (Kampala), Department of Geography. Its current population is estimated to be around 2.155,000 individuals, or six percent of the total national population. Instead, the Acholi were integrated in the the furthest back is the historical reconstruction by Atkinson (2011 [1994]), who described the Localized patrilineal lineages, some of which have "brother" lineages of the same or different name in other parts of Acholi, have long been the fundamental social and economic units in Acholi. The men were skilled hunters, using nets and spears. All affines, meanwhile, are known as "mother." (1970) 'State formation and fragmentation in Agago, Eastern Acholi', This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 19:17. Social Organization. This cookie is set by doubleclick.net. The primary language of Acholi today is Luo, a Western Nilotic language spoken by groups scattered across East Africa from the southern Sudan to Tanzania; many also speak English and/or Kiswahili. The available evidence suggests that conflict in Acholi before the end of the nineteenth century, both among Acholi chiefdoms and with neighboring peoples, was neither rare nor endemic. Linguistic Affiliation. Despite their common language and ethnic designation, the Acholi of Uganda and the southern Sudan have distinct origins and developed along different historical trajectories; the remainder of this cultural summary will focus on the more populous Uganda Acholi. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). This paper is a case study analysis of the sociological phenomena of forgiveness occurring in an ongoing two-decade war in northern Uganda. Due to a changing economy, after the 1950s, fewer Acholi was recruited to the armed forces but continued to be associated with them in popular mythology and stereotypes. 102-104, Southern Sudan and the Government of the Republic of the South Sudan, State Minister for Foreign Affairs (International Affairs), https://www.peoplegroups.org/explore/GroupDetails.aspx?peid=15068#topmenu, "2014 Uganda Population and Housing Census Main Report", https://www.peoplegroups.org/explore/GroupDetails.aspx?peid=14887#topmenu, James Ojent Latigo, Chapter 4: "Northern Uganda tradition-based practices in the Acholi region, 1. During Uganda's colonial period, the British encouraged political and economic development in the south of the country, in particular among the Baganda. neighboring peoples, was neither rare nor endemic. Traditionally, lineage heads and elders were the most knowledgeable aboutand involved withthe lineage and chiefdom jogi, although rwodi also had a role to play in ceremonies involving the latter. Over the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, some seventy chiefdoms were founded throughout the area that became Acholi, leading to the development of a new social order and political culture, the spread of a new language (Luo), and the evolution of a new society and collective identity. During the colonial period, political leadership in Acholi was contested among those with traditional leadership qualifications and others who benefited from the new dispensation, including collaborators with the British and those who managed to obtain Western education. Under Ugandan Pres. PUBLISHED: 27/01/2023. ETHNONYMS: Balumbila, Batoka, Batonga, Bawe, Toka Then in Kenya and Tanzania are the Joluo also known as the Luo. "Acholi Orientation Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. This in turn forged new political entities and identities as well as wider social relations. During this period of growing integration into the colonial trade routes, the Acholi chiefdoms (UNHCR, 2012). The Acholi dialect is a Western Nilotic language, classified as Luo (or Lwo). Numbering more than one million at the turn of the 21st century, they speak a Western Nilotic language of the Eastern Sudanic branch of the Nilo-Saharan family and are culturally and historically related to their traditional enemies, the neighbouring Lango. Dholuo and tributes paid to them. 61). from sexual conduct, over blackmailing and stealing, to killing someone (Vincent, 2012, pp. In the administrative structure of Uganda, Acholi is composed of the districts of: It encompasses about 28,500km2 (11,000 square miles) near the Uganda-Sudan border.[5]. When the camps were disbanded and people began to return to their land, customary rules for land tenure did not necessarily have the answers to some of the problems faced by Acholi people: men had lost their fathers from whom they would be granted land; children did not know where their clan land was; women were married to men without following the customary rules for marriage because of a lack of resources; and women were widowed and left with few options for survival. Hansen, Holger B., and Michael Twaddle, eds. This complex process was helped along by two major droughts, probably during the 1720s and c. 1790, which promoted larger-scale political leadership that held the promise of greater stability and security, and by the formation of neighboring identities against which members of an emergent Acholi could compete, compare, and define themselves. aimed at achieving clearly-defined political goals, which typically benefit the interests of their members. With the coming of the ivory and slave trades, and the firearms that accompanied them, conflict became more frequent, more deadly, and more widely spread. 26). Marriage. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. The cookie is used by cdn services like CloudFare to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. Despite the years of leadership by men from the North, that region continued to be marginalized economically after independence, and has suffered higher rates of poverty than other areas of the country. World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples. 116-25 Section 3101, requires electronic filing by exempt organizations in tax years beginning after July 1, 2019. With colonial rule came a new hierarchy of chiefs, clerks, and policemen, all under the authority of a district commissioner. Uganda Journal 7(1): 27-43. During this time, people were separated from their land for long periods, and many people disappeared or were killed. [16] In addition, the people have important rituals for cleansing homes and sites, to welcome back people who have been away a long time, to clear spirits from places where killings have occurred, and to welcome people who have been captive. Ironworking, mainly but not entirely confined to certain lineages, appears to be almost as ancient as agriculture, going back perhaps to the first millennium b.c. Vincent (2012), a Gulu-based organisation to survive, a common identity had to form to support this new social structure of Marriage has been typically patrilocal and patriarchal, with the husband and father as the undisputed head of the household. Situated 1,025 to 1,350 meters above sea level, the Acholi landscape is typical East African game countryrolling grasslands with scattered trees, streams, and rock outcrops. Following the latest redrawing of the administrative divisions, it contains seven districts; Agago, Amuru, Gulu, Kitgum, Nwoya, Lamwo and Pader. LRA, after losing support from the local population, also turned on the people of northern 53- This made the chiefs more independent from The Acholi, unlike many of their southern neighbours, did not create a form of Due to its central location and the close Given the low population densities and minimal land pressure, almost anyone who was willing to clear and work unused land has been welcomed by lineage heads responsible for such land and, while they functioned, by the rwodi of chiefdoms within whose domains the land lay. 17 de fevereiro de 2022 / Category . Arab trading routes coming from the north, trading in goods, but also in slaves. be possessed by a spirit named Lakwena, the so-called Holy Spirit Movement fought a rebellion London: Oxford University Press. The Acholi or Acoli are part of Luo-speaking Nilotic people of East Africa who lives predominantly in Northern Uganda (an area commonly referred to as Acholiland), including the districts of Agago, Amuru, Gulu, Kitgum, Nwoya, Lamwo, and Pader; and Magwe County in South Sudan. In precolonial Acholi, lineage heads and elders were most responsible members of royal lineages, and lineage heads all seem to have been subcounty level; and larger zones of the most intensive (and peaceful) [10], The Acholi are known to the outside world mainly because of the long insurgency of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) led by Joseph Kony, an Acholi from Gulu. Okeny, Kenneth (1982). laws of social life among the Acholi were set up by the elders of the clans, regulating everything Women daubed the walls with mud, decorating them with geometrical or conventional designs in red, white or grey. The term is derived from "Shuuli," first used by nineteenth-century ivory and slave traders who noted the similarity of Acholi Luo to the language of the previously encountered Shilluk or "Collo" of the southern Sudan (Crazzolara 1938, vii-viii). Comprising less than 5 percent of the country's population, during the early years of independence the Acholi constituted more than 15 percent of the police force and fully a third of the army. The settlement of the Acholi in their current territory is compared to the ethnic groups in the Bor Lango This disorder in Acholi contrasts sharply with the solid organisation of Buganda, which always has a centralized, well-thought out and weighted responses to critical issues such as land and political contention that affect the kingdom. families living together in hamlets. As some of these languages show some form There were the spirits of known relatives, especially lineage ancestors; a second type was the nonancestral jok of the chiefdom as a whole. Apoko, Anna (1967). The Fipa are a Bantu-speaking people of southwestern Tanzania in East-Central Africa. for social control, though one of the attractions that assisted the The long civil war in the North has destroyed much of their society. Organizations that are driven by unhealthy levels of political behavior suffer from lowered employee organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and performance as well as higher levels of job anxiety and depression. Religious Practitioners. The state is a form of human association distinguished from other social groups by its purpose, the establishment of order and security; its methods, the laws and their enforcement; its territory, the area of jurisdiction or geographic boundaries; and finally by its sovereignty . Shilluk Acholi ." identity is rather disputed. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Recognized compensation and reconciliation procedures seem to have often limited or prevented serious conflict, especially among neighboring chiefdoms within the same zone. Webster, J. latest redrawing of the administrative divisions, it contains seven districts; Agago, Amuru, Gulu, Kinship Terminology. The Canadian government, for instance, will be more inclined to fund an organisation whose mandate is continental Africa rather than an association with a very narrow focus on Acholi problems. The Roots of Ethnicity: The Origins of the Acholi of Uganda before 1800. This has continued in various guises ever since. Traditionally, a grave is dug as soon as a person has died, following which a small and brief ceremony is held in the deceased's house prior to burial. As they have for centuries, Acholi farmers rely mainly on iron hoes and other hand tools. [11], After defeating Okello and his Acholi-dominated Uganda National Liberation Army, now-President Yoweri Museveni and his National Resistance Army conducted revenge killings in the north. . The 1980 population of the Uganda Acholi was approximately 580,000 (Kasozi 1994, ii), up from some 465,000 in 1969 (Langlands 1971), perhaps 125,000 in 1900 and about 100,000 at the end of the eighteenth century (Atkinson 1994, 275-281). Updates? The rwot was the most important political, economic and social personality in the political entity of 'chiefdoms', which were installed in Acholiland in the late seventeenth, early eighteenth century. L. No. (Byrnes, 1990, p. 6), did the Acholi not arrive in their present-day area before the 15th century Acholi Sub-region is consist of seven districts, namely; Gulu, Kitgum, Lamwo, Pader, Agago, Amuru and Nwoya, and are situtated in northern Uganda. According to Latigo, prior to colonialism, "the Acholi people maintained a traditional government that was rooted firmly in their religious beliefs, norms, and customs, which demanded peace and stability in Acholiland at all times, based on their philosophy of life. These rebellions sprung up in defiance and from disapproval of the conduct and legitimacy of the new NRA government. The government of Uganda has responded to the conflict by adopting both military and general amnesty strategies. expression of difference, but one of a common political ideology and identity (Whitmire, 2013, Army membership has also supplied a distinct, if largely negative, socializing influence on many Acholi young men. came a new hierarchy of chiefs, clerks, and policemen, all under the Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Traditional beliefs, however, still persist, often meshed with Christian doctrine in complex ways. Since the Lords Resistance Army was largely pushed out of Northern Uganda, the majority of Acholi more than 80 per cent have been able to return to their homes. Twentieth-century densities have been consistently the second lowest in all of Uganda (after Karamoja). in the Western Nilotic branch of Nilo-Saharan. Wright, A. C. A. prefix a- denoting the 1st Person Singular (Whitmire, 2013, p. 51). million first language speakers at the time. The republican constitution adopted in 1967 abolished the monarchies and assigned ultimate political power to an elected president. other parts of Uganda, where hundreds of thousands of peoplemany that included areas now belonging to South Sudan and the northern regions of Uganda. Spirits of both of these types were generally beneficent. This included both agricultural and hunting land. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Some Acholi mothers exclaim that they do not know their sons after they have been away in the army. of them innocent civilianslost their lives; from the mid-1980s B. Webster, eds. The Age-set spokesmen handled affairs involving interclan cooperation. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customised ads. Lineage heads, assisted by lineage elders, organized both production (based on cooperative village-lineage labor) and reproduction (through the control of the material means and ideological rules of marriage). Identification. [29], Media related to Acholi people at Wikimedia Commons. colonial times, were the Acholi stood often in opposition to the British colonial rule, the starting Deep-rooted divisions and polarization remain between different ethnic groups, and these have been greatly exacerbated by the way in which the countrys leadership has developed since independence. time was critical to the social and political development of the region. environment and larger distances between settlements kept the hierarchical structures ." The LRA has been targeting civilians, the majority being their own tribe, the Acholi. Vincent (2012). [23] This resulted in resistance building up in the region and soon a host of rebel groups sprang up in the north. Pyerino Okoya and Lt. Gen Bazilio Olara-Okello. The movement hopes to strengthen the political and economic power of women in society and so push back destruction of the natural environment. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Latigo, James, "The Acholi Traditional Conflict Resolution in Light of Current Circumstances:". Omissions? Estimated at 1,470,554 (4.4 per cent in the 2014 census). Political Organization. The first leader was Kuturia as mentioned University of Bradford eThesis This thesis is hosted in Bradford Scholars - The University of Bradford Open Access repository. Relatively small numbers of Acholi have filled middle-level or senior civil-service positions in independent Uganda. This period of increased contact with non-Acholi accelerated the But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. All lineage males, for example, are called "grandfather," "father," "brother," or "son," and all (likely resident) females "sister" or "daughter," depending upon their generational relationship to the speaker. Location. But a chief's territory seldom corresponded to any pre-colonial entity, while his wide-ranging executive and judicial powers were a complete novelty. [26] However, it successfully popularised the LRA in the West. This cookies is set by Youtube and is used to track the views of embedded videos. In precolonial Acholi, lineage heads and elders were most responsible for social control, though one of the attractions that assisted the development of chiefdoms seems to have been the ability of rwodi to help settle disputes that involved more than one lineage. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He has noted that the emphasis on the distinction among ethnic groups has even been part of the internal government dialogue." ETHNONYM: Karanga (historical) //]]>, ETHNONYMS: Acoli, Acooli; historically: Gani, Lango, Lo-Gang, Shuuli. With higher population densities during the dry seasons, groups of families would fall under the rule of one person known as Jago, or clan chief (Cohen & Atieno-Odhiambo, 1968 , p . encompasses the six closely related languages Acholi, Adhola, Alur, Kumam, Lango and ETHNONYMS: Afipa, Wafipa Hansen, Holger B., and Michael Twaddle, eds. Recognized compensation and reconciliation procedures seem to Acholi officers now expected Obote to appoint an Acholi to replace Oyite Ojok. Most prominent among them was the Uganda People's Army (UPA) in Teso and Lango sub region, the West Nile Bank Frontiers (WNBF) in the West Nile region, the Uganda People's Democratic Army, the Holy Spirit Movement and the LRA in the Acholi region. Division of Labor. In war, the men used spears and long, narrow shields of giraffe or ox hide. Mass meetings were organized separately by Luo people in Kavirondo and the Kikuyu people in Nairobi. Large, dry-season hunts were an important part of the precolonial economy; these gradually decreased in significance as the varied roster of both large and small game animals dwindled over the twentieth century. They have also "played a vital role in Acholi traditional reconciliation processes and in preparing the community to receive former combatants. Death and Afterlife. "[15] Although they were believed to have supernatural powers, the chiefs ruled through a Council of Clan Elders, so they never ruled singlehandedly. This cookie is used to enable payment on the website without storing any payment information on a server. Identification. in the form of the Acholi district (Vincent, 2012). Movement. He understood the emergence of an Acholi identity as a final step in a social process that did not The Luo, (also spelled Lwo) are several ethnically and linguistically related Nilo-Semitic ethnic groups that inhabit an area ranging from Egypt and Sudan to South Sudan and Ethiopia, through Northern Uganda and eastern Congo (DRC), into western Kenya, and the Mara Region of Tanzania. Thanks for using our World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples! Following the . 30. Hunting tracts are owned by clans. Individual antecedents of political behavior include political . The chiefs traditionally came from one clan, and each chiefdom had several villages made up of different patrilineal clans. This conflict lasted until 2008 and ended with the LRA fleeing to Eastern Orientation In East African Childhood: Three Versions, edited by L. K. Fox, 43-75. They also kept goats, sheep and cattle. While Acholi also lives north of the South Sudaneseborder, the Sudanese Acholi are often excluded from the political meaning of the term "Acholiland". Figure 5. For example, among Acholi, husbands pay a bride price to their wives fathers, and this payment supports the traditional belief that women are the property of the husband, since a payment was made for her. The word 'Acholi' is a misnomer that became adopted for convenience over the years. (1976). The earliest modern African political organization in Kenya Colony sought to protest pro-settler policies, and increased taxes on Africans and the despised Kipande (Identifying metal band worn around the neck). Social Control. As droughts and have often limited or prevented serious conflict, especially among The Lwoo. They keep sheep and cattle but are not as committed to pastoralism as some other Nilotic peoples are. Diversity Management in Sudan's Democratic Transitional Arrangements: Technical Paper 1, January 2023. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. The insurgency's military. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. NRA in 1986. authority of a district commissioner. Orientation The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". and slave trades, and the firearms that accompanied them, conflict Social Organization. Precolonial trade, both within Acholi and throughout the region, focused mainly on obtaining iron ore and finished iron products in exchange for baskets or products of the farm, herd, or hunt.
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