[32], Ephesians is a letter that is very similar to Colossians, but is almost entirely lacking in personal reminiscences. And Paul's undisputed epistles are 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Romans, Philippians, and Philemon. Galatians 2:13 And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation. helped contemporary sailors. There he met James and stayed with Simon Peter for 15 days. Paul and his companions, Silas and Timothy, had plans to journey to the southwest portion of Asia Minor to preach the gospel but during the night, Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him to go to Macedonia to help them. According to E. P. Sanders, Paul "preached the death, resurrection, and lordship of Jesus Christ, and he proclaimed that faith in Jesus guarantees a share in his life. According to this legend, after Paul was decapitated, his severed head rebounded three times, giving rise to a source of water each time that it touched the ground, which is how the place earned the name "San Paolo alle Tre Fontane" ("St Paul at the Three Fountains"). He reports to the Galatians that they compared notes and found that there was absolutely no difference between what he had been teaching for eleven years in Antioch and what the apostles had been teaching in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. Paul's narrative in Galatians states that 14 years after his conversion he went again to Jerusalem. other apostles, "only James, the brother of the Lord." After three years' preaching and inner maturation Paul visited Jerusalem It was such a conceptual world applicable promise to show him how much "he must suffer" for his Master's name. [180] The narrative of Acts ends with Paul preaching in Rome for two years from his rented home while awaiting trial. "[345], Marcionism, regarded as heresy by contemporary mainstream Christianity, was an Early Christian dualist belief system that originated in the teachings of Marcion of Sinope at Rome around the year 144. It is challenging to piece together the events from Paul's life as described in Galatians and Acts. Paul's narrative in Galatians states that 14 years after his conversion he went again to Jerusalem. After Pauls conversion, he disappeared into the desert for three years, during which time the Holy Spirit instructed him in the ways of God. [152], Among the writings of the early Christians, Pope Clement I said that Paul was "Herald (of the Gospel of Christ) in the West", and that "he had gone to the extremity of the west". by the Italian press as the worst of this century. [376][377], In the Baha'i faith, scholars have various viewpoints on Paul. [100] Though a view is held that Paul spent 14 years studying the scriptures and growing in the faith. converging points of contact. see new wider challenges. . Paul reviewed Israelite history from life in Egypt to King David. [244], There are debates as to whether Paul understood himself as commissioned to take the gospel to the gentiles at the moment of his conversion. He was a fierce apologist, as evidenced by his witnessing to the Jews and the. the view that Paul worked in association with the Essene wilderness The Catholic Encyclopedia suggests that Paul won the argument, because "Paul's account of the incident leaves no doubt that Peter saw the justice of the rebuke". the Lord Jesus.". Logan Paul Boxing Training. In the first chapter of Galatians, paul said, 17 Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus. these fourteen years must be counted from Paul's conversion experience. [56], The family had a history of religious piety. 1 is a fairly exact account of that stage of maturation which prepared What Does The Bible Say About Our Thoughts? [371] Paul has been criticized by some modern Muslim thinkers. #LoganPaul #LoganvsFloyd #FloydMayweather Weymouth New Testament Later still, after an interval of fourteen years, I again went up to Jerusalem in company with Barnabas, taking Titus also with me. [184], Irenaeus wrote in the 2nd century that Peter and Paul had been the founders of the church in Rome and had appointed Linus as succeeding bishop. to Jews. their ranks when Saul of Tarsus met Jesus on the road to Damascus.14 Saul's dramatic conversion to Christianity and fervent teaching of the gospel . [155] The Muratorian fragment mentions "the departure of Paul from the city [of Rome] [5a] (39) when he journeyed to Spain".[156]. of the eschatological "final generation" (dor aharon), which occurs particularly In pronouncing an end within the church to the divisions which are common in the world around it, he concludes by highlighting the fact that "there were New Testament women who taught and had authority in the early churches, that this teaching and authority was sanctioned by Paul, and that Paul himself offers a theological paradigm within which overcoming the subjugation of women is an anticipated outcome". descriptions of the religious movements of his time teach one to understand [353] Some have even gone so far as to claim that, due to these apparent differences in teachings, that Paul was actually no less than the "second founder" of Christianity (Jesus being its first). Ask Professor Olson about Theology One of my favorite channels on Youtube What the Philosophers Thought about Holy Communion. According to one tradition, the church of San Paolo alle Tre Fontane marks the place of Paul's execution. told: "Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found For these reasons, it seems highly unlikely that Paul isolated himself for the purpose of study during these Lost Years. Instead, it is clear that Paul immediately began to serve Christ in highly practical ways. outside their city. The reply came, 'I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting'. And when he fell in love with his brother Philip's wife Herodias, there However, Acts goes on to recount how Paul was warned by James and the elders that he was gaining a reputation for being against the Law, saying "they have been told about you that you teach all the Jews living among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, and that you tell them not to circumcise their children or observe the customs. Acapulco: Tommy Paul defeated fellow American and long-time rival Taylor Fritz 6-3, 6-7 (2), 7-6 (2) in a three-hour marathon match Friday night and secured a spot in the Mexican Open final. to us by his Spirit -- we have not received the spirit of the world but Christian theology is mostly short-spanned. Fall, holiday, and spring training camps combine small group training with position-based drills to complement offseason training and schedule availability. community was also called by the name Damascus. It took the Damascus Road experience for Paul to see what true, godly wisdom was, and it changed his entire lifes purpose and forever altered the course of human history (Rom 10:9-13). What Did The Apostle Paul Do For A Living? [204], Jerome in his De Viris Illustribus (392 AD) writing on Paul's biography, mentions that "Paul was buried in the Ostian Way at Rome". Cooper was . [247][248] Paul believed he was halted by Christ, when his fury was at its height. When Festus suggested that he be sent back to Jerusalem for further trial, Paul exercised his right as a Roman citizen to "appeal unto Caesar". '"[172] The tribune ordered that Paul be brought into the barracks and questioned by flogging. The purpose of the Paul Calabresi Career Development Award for Clinical Oncology (PCACO) K12 is to increase the number of clinicians (M.D.s, D.O.s, Pharm.D.s, nurses with Ph.D.s or equivalent) trained in clinical and translational cancer research, and to promote their career development as cancer researchers.. be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve. -- managing his own family well. Training. was undoubtedly situated the place where Paul stayed for a long time. [53][54] Paul's nephew, his sister's son, is mentioned in Acts 23:16. If I still wanted to be to please men, I would not be a servant of However, it created hundreds This, again, is explainable by the possibility that Paul requested one of his companions to write the letter for him under his dictation. And immediately he proclaimed Jesus in the synagogues, saying, "He is the Son of God." [15] At midday, a light brighter than the sun shone around both him and those with him, causing all to fall to the ground, with the risen Christ verbally addressing Paul regarding his persecution. Yadin writes: "The writer of the Letter to the Hebrews could not have chosen faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.". buildings, the authorities and their use of the law, sport, seafaring and understand them, because they are spiritually discerned." The Greek form of the Hebrew name: Jerusalem. synagogue. A year. one compares him with his contemporaries. Around 5052 AD, Paul spent 18 months in Corinth. Saul, which means the destroyer, would become Paul, which means small or humble, and would end up turning the whole Roman Empire upside down, which to me is the right side up. When we attempt to understand Paul as a man and as a teacher, to Timothy (1 Tim. mental structures. L 1518. for the games for ten months and was ready to compete according to the There never had been a problem, nor was there one currently, between Paul's message and the teaching of the Jerusalem church. Sentences are begun and not rightly ended, and much of the sense is left to be supplied by conjecture. There were at least 2 elements of Paul's training. [8][note 9], Paul's authentic letters are roughly dated to the years surrounding the mid-1st century. Both the Jews and the "God-fearing" Gentiles invited them to talk more next Sabbath. [364][pageneeded], Muslims have long believed that Paul purposefully corrupted the original revealed teachings of Jesus,[365][366][367] through the introduction of such elements as paganism,[368] the making of Christianity into a theology of the cross,[369] and introducing original sin and the need for redemption. F. C. Baur (17921860), professor of theology at Tbingen in Germany, the first scholar to critique Acts and the Pauline Epistles, and founder of the Tbingen School of theology, argued that Paul, as the "Apostle to the Gentiles", was in violent opposition to the original 12 Apostles. based on primary sources and the original languages. for if the Temple was already destroyed, at least the Letter to the Hebrews Commenting on this passage, Raymond Brown writes that while it "does not explicitly say" that Paul was martyred in Rome, "such a martyrdom is the most reasonable interpretation". created new trade links and promoted the cultural life of the time. I have myself experienced a winter storm measuring 13 on the Beaufort The prophetess Noadiah was among those who tried to intimidate Nehemiah. to shelter in the north-easterly gale, it is left to be driven by the wind. The latest instalment of the government report stated that one-fifth (20.1%) of Year 6 pupils (10 or 11-years old) were classed as obese, with more than a third (34.5%) recorded as overweight. The skull of Saint Paul is claimed to reside in the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran since at least the ninth century, alongside the skull of Saint Peter. high priest. These scenarios allow students to learn and demonstrate commonly accepted principles of safety in hunting and the handling of firearms. Placing Paul in this time period is done on the basis of his reported conflicts with other early contemporary figures in the Jesus movement including James and Peter,[224] the references to Paul and his letters by Clement of Rome writing in the late 1st century,[225] his reported issues in Damascus from 2 Corinthians 11:32 which he says took place while King Aretas IV was in power,[226] a possible reference to Erastus of Corinth in Romans 16:23,[227] his reference to preaching in the province of Illyricum (which dissolved in 80 AD),[228] the lack of any references to the Gospels indicating a pre-war time period, the chronology in the Acts of the Apostles placing Paul in this time, and the dependence on Paul's letters by other 1st-century pseudo-Pauline epistles. Jewish character of the New Testament." Interested in joining the Ligonier team? Barnabas already knew Paul. The prize was a crown business affairs to the Antioch exhibition. He was seized and dragged out of the temple by an angry mob. [229], Seven of the 13 letters that bear Paul's name Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians and Philemon are almost universally accepted as being entirely authentic (dictated by Paul himself). Paul worked, as it were, as an entrepreneur for more than fifteen years. "apekalupsen") The apocryphal Acts of Paul and the apocryphal Acts of Peter suggest that Paul survived Rome and traveled further west. of the gospels: "Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of Follow him on Twitter at @PaulSLamey. This is confirmed elsewhere in Scripture where we read that Paul spoke to the crowd in the Hebrew tongue (Acts 21:40; 22:2) but apparently understood Greek too (Acts 21:37-38). or a particular philosophical school. Chloe was an important member of the church in Corinth. In Galatians 1:16, Paul writes that God "was pleased to reveal his son to me. What was the mark that the Lord put on Cain so no one would kill him (Gen. 4:15)? brought to the Lord." So if we take the 3 years he was preaching in Damascus from AD40, we get AD37. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas wrote that Paul misrepresented the message of Jesus,[367] and Rashid Rida accused Paul of introducing shirk (polytheism) into Christianity. Barnabas. The social media sensation, who has only TWICE boxed before, started his camp at the end of last year in the back yard of his Las Angeles mansion. It has often been remarked that Paul clearly implied that he spent three years being taught by Jesus Himself (1:12), either directly or (perhaps more likely) through the study of the Word. The Acts of the Apostles recounts more information but leaves several parts of Paul's life out of its narrative, such as his probable but undocumented execution in Rome. in "Rashi" characters demands firm motivation and at least ten years' full-time "[170], When the seven days of the purification ritual were almost completed, some "Jews from Asia" (most likely from Roman Asia) accused Paul of defiling the temple by bringing gentiles into it. "[81] His sight was restored, he got up and was baptized. 9In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; Acas; Conducere; Evenimente; Comunicate; Presa; Activiti; why does perdita walk funny gangster hideouts in wisconsin [242], Paul also describes himself as afflicted with "a thorn in the flesh";[243] the nature of this "thorn" is unknown. Titus 1:4 To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. his letters there are therefore many points of contact with building and all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Cephas One crucial instance was that of Titus, my companion, who, Gentile as he was, was not compelled to be circumcised, though his circumcision was urged upon me, not by the free motion of the Apostles themselves, but to silence the malicious rumours set on foot by certain Judaising spies who had found their way into our midst. by Michael Charboneau. But Saul increased all the more in strength, and confounded the Jews who lived in Damascus by proving that Jesus was the Christ. After his conversion, Paul went to Damascus, where Acts 9 states he was healed of his blindness and baptized by Ananias of Damascus. He was a good man, [124][122] F. F. Bruce suggested that the "fourteen years" could be from Paul's conversion rather than from his first visit to Jerusalem. Fortunately, the later years of Paul's life show a marked difference as he lived his life for Christ and for the advancement of His kingdom. Therefore Paul's conversion of Essene origin this christological midrashic study, the Letter to the From Acts one cannot necessarily observe how long the interval [273] Jesus' death and resurrection solved this problem of the exclusion of the gentiles from God's covenant, as indicated by Romans 3:2126. Internal evidence shows close connection with Philippians. Also races were part of the programme. me the crown of righteousness." But over the past two years, he's turned. Paul and in particular the letter to the Hebrews has a great number of No, I discipline my body and make it my slave so that after commenced a longlasting guerrilla war. [20] Seven of the Pauline epistles are undisputed by scholars as being authentic, with varying degrees of argument about the remainder. He does not explicitly state that he did not visit Jerusalem in between this and his first visit. He assures them that the dead will rise first and be followed by those left alive. What Can Paul Teach Us about Having a Vibrant Faith? Acts 11:22-26 shows that also in Jerusalem the constant spread of also more often than not lack contact with a living church. The same Christ taught Peter and Paul, and both men were in complete agreement. Paul continued from Athens to Corinth. that Paul writes that believers are "God's temple" which one may Damascus plays a significant role in both the Old and New Testaments and is perhaps best remembered as the scene of Paul's dramatic encounter with the risen Christ and the place where he converted to Christianity. In seven of his first 14 seasons, a Sprite-guzzling, gym-rat version of Paul failed to play 70 regular-season games. Once Dr. David Hedegrd, the well-known Swedish expert on Jewish And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth." Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. Pious Jews in Antioch the Gospel to the Greeks also, word of this came to the Jerusalem life. He became a partner in ministry with the couple. For the apostle, that change began with connecting his rich biblical knowledge to the revelation that Jesus Christ was the Son of God. [82] This story occurs only in Acts, not in the Pauline epistles. OBJ. Nevertheless, it is to be noted that [299] Paul expected that Christians who had died in the meantime would be resurrected to share in God's kingdom, and he believed that the saved would be transformed, assuming heavenly, imperishable bodies.[300]. "Five days later the high priest Ananias came down with some elders and an attorney, a certain Tertullus, and they reported their case against Paul to the governor. And when he fell in love with his brother Philip's wife Herodias, there commenced a longlasting guerrilla war. How likely is it that the acknowledged leaders of the church today could come to such unanimous theological agreement? [9] Generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age,[8][10] he founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-40s to the mid-50s AD.[11]. A Christian scholar feels he They say in Aramaic, "safra sayafa" or "the book is a sword.". and the Gospels too would have used it as a witness to the correctness When this threatened to turn violent, the tribune ordered his soldiers to take Paul by force and return him to the barracks. Paul touches on his training in Acts 22:3 by mentioning that he was brought up in this city, educated at the feet of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) but who was Gamaliel? he asks young Timothy to fight "the good fight of the faith." time" in Damascus, then he went off for a short visit to Jerusalem, After these events, Paul was baptized, beginning immediately to proclaim that Jesus of Nazareth was the Jewish messiah and the Son of God. The church father Clement of Alexandria mentioned the tradition Yigael Yadin, the well-known archaeologist and interpreter of God's secret wisdom -- God has revealed it (Gr. His death was an expiation as well as a propitiation, and by Christ's blood peace is made between God and man. and "put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil [145] The Jerusalem Bible suggests that the letter to the church in Philippi was also written from Ephesus. A.D.), who attempted to combine Hellenistic and Jewish thought, spoke in According to the National Child Measurement Programme, the UK's youth is worryingly overweight. [98] He appeared eager to bring material support to Jerusalem from the various growing Gentile churches that he started. These are not people who . So those who were with Paul led the temporarily blind man to Ananias who instructed him about the Way that he previously spent himself trying to destroy. The conclusion is that Paul was fluent in at least two languages (probably more) and had become an expert in the law of God (Scripture), having been trained in the strictest of manners, much like he did under Gamaliel. He was an eyewitness in the sense of having seen Jesus after His death ( 1 Cor. Jesus had revealed himself to Paul, just as he had appeared to Peter, to James, and to the twelve disciples after his resurrection. [38], In Acts 13:9, Saul is called "Paul" for the first time on the island of Cyprus much later than the time of his conversion. Then the Gospel 2:1) What did Paul do in the 14 year period before his second journey? sporting life. of spiritual warfare, he says, "Put on the full armour of God" -- After three years in Arabia Paul journeys back to Damascus (Galatians 1:17). Viewed 63k times. According to the Vatican, these findings support the conclusion that the tomb is Paul's.[206][207]. [8], Four of the letters (Ephesians, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus) are widely considered pseudepigraphical, while the authorship of the other two is subject to debate. ", "Introduction to the New Testament History and Literature 5. Paul's expertise again At the age of thirteen he becomes a full member of the Paul is active in training pastors at Samara Center for Biblical Training in Samara, Russia and also with Grace Advance in Los Angeles, CA. Marcion believed Jesus was the savior sent by God, and Paul the Apostle was his chief apostle, but he rejected the Hebrew Bible and the God of Israel. [249] It was "through zeal" that he persecuted the Church,[246] and he obtained mercy because he had "acted ignorantly in unbelief". "[169] Paul underwent a purification ritual so that "all will know that there is nothing in what they have been told about you, but that you yourself observe and guard the law. Ropes are tied around the ship as a precaution and the sails are lowered. [204] This event has been dated either to the year 64 AD, when Rome was devastated by a fire, or a few years later, to 67 AD. [47] The Acts of the Apostles indicates that Paul was a Roman citizen by birth, but Helmut Koester takes issue with the evidence presented by the text. Apparently a primary word; a year. Paul praises Phoebe for her work as a deaconess and Junia who is described by Paul in Scripture as being respected among the Apostles. But this does not happen in artificial light. Richard L. Rubenstein and Daniel Boyarin).[359]. But God had other plans for him: paul trained for 14 years. [89] Paul also says that he then went first to Arabia, and then came back to Damascus. has also been connected with Qumran. A primary preposition denoting the channel of an act; through. Paul indeed began preaching immediately after his conversion. [citation needed] In June 2009, Pope Benedict XVI announced excavation results concerning the tomb. to do general time-consuming research with confidence in the Bible. [8][219][220][221] They are considered the best source of information on Paul's life and especially his thought. Paul evidently knew Titus from Antioch at the initial stage of his ministry Of Hebrew origin; Hierosolyma. took care of small new groups of believers. [42] Paul was likely born between the years of 5 BC and 5 AD. "Up to this point they listened to him, but then they shouted, 'Away with such a fellow from the earth! The historian Josephus' [117] The meeting is described in Acts 15:2[118] and usually seen as the same event mentioned by Paul in Galatians 2:1. Beginning with the fifth verse, Paul explained . Kirk's third example of a more inclusive view is Galatians 3:28: There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 14 "Hear my defense," Paul began. [216] The Acts of Saint Peter confirms that Paul had a bald and shining head, with red hair. The Americans faced each other for the first time when Fritz was 13 and Paul was 14 at the 2011 USTA Boys' 14s National . Acts 22:3 - "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up Wright,[297] the Anglican Bishop of Durham, notes a difference in emphasis between Galatians and Romans, the latter being much more positive about the continuing covenant between God and his ancient people than the former. Letter to the Hebrews there is "nothing to show that it was intended The Lord speaks to believers so that they will comprehend the truth, conform to the truth, and communicate the truth. When they were once again After Festus had stayed in Jerusalem "not more than eight or ten days, he went down to Caesarea; the next day he took his seat on the tribunal and ordered Paul to be brought." He is claimed to have performed numerous miracles, healing people and casting out demons, and he apparently organized missionary activity in other regions. [185] However, Paul was not a bishop of Rome, nor did he bring Christianity to Rome since there were already Christians in Rome when he arrived there;[186] Paul also wrote his letter to the church at Rome before he had visited Rome. was part of his normal life. the same way as John of the "logos" of Israel as representative and as Apostle Paul as Roman Soldier. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Paul's He has featured as the key to building barriers (e.g. In The History of the Contending of Saint Paul, his countenance is described as "ruddy with the ruddiness of the skin of the pomegranate". Paul's gospel, like those of others, also included (5) the admonition to live by the highest moral standard: "May your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ". as Paul speaks of in Romans and Galatians. journeys proper and his epistolary activity? For the apostle, that change began with connecting his rich biblical knowledge to the revelation that Jesus Christ was the Son of God. The phrase "I went up again" seems to be decisive in favour of reckoning it from the visit to Jerusalem just mentioned. In the Acts of Paul[214] he is described as "A man of small stature, with a bald head and crooked legs, in a good state of body, with eyebrows meeting and nose somewhat hooked". Christ. "And they sent Barnabas to Antioch. "[179] He was held there for two years by Felix, until a new governor, Porcius Festus, was appointed. He wrote that faith in Christ was alone decisive in salvation for Jews and Gentiles alike, making the schism between the followers of Christ and mainstream Jews inevitable and permanent. Josephus explains Herod's defeats India's central government had granted Poonawalla "Y" level security on April 29, which meant that two personal security officers would accompany him at all times, and an armed guard would . get the prize. But he isn't a fully trained Mentat because he never finished the training 12 JWepic 2 yr. ago wheat, of harvesting the grain, of millstones, of figs and fig trees, of "[253][8], In Paul's writings, the public, corporate devotional patterns towards Jesus in the early Christian community are reflective of Paul's perspective on the divine status of Jesus in what scholars have termed a "binitarian" pattern of devotion. (1-10) The argument proceeds, still taking the shape of vivid personal retrospect:--The next visit at which I had any communication with the elder Apostles was after an interval of fourteen years. [192], Eusebius states that Paul was killed during the Neronian Persecution[193] and, quoting from Dionysius of Corinth, argues that Peter and Paul were martyred "at the same time". Was Paul outdone by Andrew who hastened to tell his John 1:1, 14 reads, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . "[191] Ignatius of Antioch writes in his Epistle to the Ephesians that Paul was martyred, without giving any further information. And falling to the ground he heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? And he said, Who are you, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Initial notes written in an email response to a query Topic developed June . and stayed with him fifteen days -- Later I went to Syria and Cilicia. He gave a forthright explanation of why he was now a follower of Christ. E. P. Sanders has labeled Paul's remark in 1 Corinthians[327] about women not making any sound during worship as "Paul's intemperate outburst that women should be silent in the churches". Many believe that this was Paul's three years with the Lord, even as the other apostles had spent three with Christ while He was here on earth. He argued that Gentile converts did not need to become Jews, get circumcised, follow Jewish dietary restrictions, or otherwise observe Mosaic laws to be saved.
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