1)As a child,such a person could do many things hastily.With age,such a person becomes more and more calm and risks little(especially money). Although she will tend to have less focus and concentration as she tends to drift through life, this can be advantageous for her as she may be able to win people over through her charming yet vague demeanor. 3)Such people dont tolerate haste and fuss around them.They are very calm. They usually have a particular fondness for beauty, art, music, and so on. 15)When strong,the position of Mars indicates a person who will succeed in a career.They love statuses and like to work hard for them. 4)It is easy for this person to adapt to any place and society(but look at Mercury)Religion,culture,and philosophical generalizations will attract people,and they will want to master them.They will probably insert foreign words or quotes from various authors into their speech. memory and a soft heart, even when you least expect it. 3)Bad aspects point to the difficult relations with the authorities.A person can be too independent and listen to the opinions of others.Luck is not on their side. 3)Bad aspects indicate that it is difficult for a person to get acquainted.It is unusual and doesnt match any of the companies of people.Often indicates unrequited love. This is represented by the 12th house, where universal consciousness links all existing things together as if they were one and the same, despite physical attributions and tangible limits. 5)They like not to respond to messages for a long time,not because of resentment,but simply because they are resting or sleeping ahaha. Changeable as water or air, you could be compassionate and understanding one minute, devastatingly insensitive the next. 5)Indicates a calm and beautiful death(for example,in a dream).They will receive an inheritance from a woman.Bad aspects can indicate the death of a partner. Thanks for the ideahttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/hand-picked-eggs, Guys,now you can ask me questions about astrology and not only,I will be happy to answer them. 1)The position of a perfectionist.If he does the work,he strives to do it well.If he doesnt like it,hell redo it. We see this in the celebrities below. This is a highly spiritual connection that can be difficult to express in words. Before being granted a physical form, we were one with the universe, dissolved in its starry, scintillating waters. 5)The good aspects point to the comfortable and favorite work of humans.It works not only for money,but also for pleasure.He is proud of himself and his position. 9)As children,they may have been too active.I cant say if they had many friends,but they werent bored even when they were alone.They could always come up with a game. Your ideals are lofty but sometimes you have a powerful need for the security and stability of someone more down-to-earth and practical than yourself. and enlightenment, blessing the individual with an ability to foresee future with their beauty and politeness. They may also have a heightened sense of compassion and involvement with others, as they intuitively sense what others need. Big, soulful eyes with long lashes, a wide smile, and a soft round face. by ; June 22, 2022 2)With bad aspects,a person can lead a debauched lifestyle and be frivolous. Neptune can bless you with a dreamy quality about your appearance. They are in touch with They are egocentric and at the same time, Sagittarius: This open up, they have a lot in their minds, more so then what they are They have great karma when it comes to dealings of allowing things to be and not interfering with them. They just need to see through their eyes the world that surrounds them, feel someones pain from afar, or feel what he feels and think what he thinks. 4)Im sorry to frighten you,but my book says that giving birth to such people is very difficult.Carefully monitor your health. 3)The sixth house is responsible for pets,so most likely you are a good host,you can often walk with them or teach new abilities.Even cats near you become calmer and more well-mannered. 1)Indicates that the person will be a good parent.They understand children well,can have a lot of fun with them,but at the same time educate and spend a lot of time studying.Their children will be active and smart. 10)With good aspects,their mother supported them in their endeavors.She could devote a lot of time to the creativity of children or often played with them. -Unlike Moon Cancer it is much easier for them to control their feelings. 5)Air signs are most lucky in intellectual,research,and scientific activities.Fire signs are better to realize themselves in a profession that is associated with public activities or public performances.The main thing for Water and Earth signs is to show a creative streak,develop entrepreneurial inclinations,and the field of activity is not particularly important,they can achieve success in anything. And not are versatile and easy going. A person with Neptune in the 1st house carries the immense whirlpools of this oceanic planet around with them. 3)He is attracted to successful and rich people.This position likes to save money or increase it.Sometimes it points to collectors. The native is usually delicate with weaknesses of fears and anxiety. 2)If he is passionate about something,he strives to bring it to the end and get a concrete result. When you focus on your dream goals, Neptune will give you vague glimpses into the future, but often what you see will seem impossible or so out there that you will get discouraged and stop bothering to pursue it. 4)He was used to acting quickly and confidently towards others.Sometimes he shows excessive pressure and strong-willed influence,which is perceived negatively by others.With soft and sensitive people,such a person is not on the way. 5)With good aspects,a person has a rich spiritual world and a love of art(maybe even a hidden talent in something). Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. Vengeance though can become the main drive and that is when the person needs to be careful. Her goal is to find happiness, but she will not easily permit herself to do so. Perhaps his views were unstable or he was too headstrong, but in any case, he created his own unique life. 1)Their circle of acquaintances is large,and they easily start relationships with a variety of people.A person can maintain foreign contacts and have many friends and well-wishers abroad. leo x libra = 10/10 They can also be alone for long periods of time, cancer x sagittarius = 6/10 The eyes of the boar seem to stare at whoever is walking by. -Emotional behavior,openness of feelings.Ready to fight back at any time. ; ; . 2)They rarely change their place of work,they are more comfortable when everything around them is familiar. If Neptune is well aspected it shows that you have harmony with your partner and for some this can be an area which they feel very safe. Because this can be an appearance-based attraction, though potent, there needs to be more than physical attraction to hold the relationship together. 1)Friendly and pleasant to communicate with.Very good position for managers.They know how to get acquainted and avoid conflicts. 3)Sometimes it points to a person from dirt to princes.They can be much richer and more influential than their parents(if Mars is ok). 5)With a weak Mars in the natal chart,there is idleness and a desire to frequently change the place of residence. Lilith in 1st house is a quite painful placement in the natal chart. There's a saying in astrology that Neptune dissolves everything it touches. If you have Neptune in the first house, you are deeply compassionate and it may be hard for others to see that your motives are genuine. ottolenghi lamb tagine; home denotation and connotation; georgetown prep rugby; excellence resort liquor list; railroad commissioner candidates; autumn place apartments; . But in your case, your Uranus and Neptune are further away, closer to your second. They can appear aloof and also quirky. They stand out - they look different and can captivate others very easily. I find that Neptune is a different type of beauty, though - Neptunian women and men are glamorous, other-wordly. you're welcome these people were talked about a lot in school attracts a lot of hate from the same gender and attracts a lot of attention from the opposite probably doesn't get along with their mother figure attracted to people who have pluto traits/aspects some of them can't take criticism, they feel like they're getting attacked; but mostly because they've encountered a lot of . 4)Monitor the health of the genitals.Avoid fire and cutting objects and treat wounds carefully. 1)He knows how to cool his ardor at the right time.They often want to be in charge of the family.They like to do the renovation and decoration of their home. Please leave a comment below and let me know. 4)Youre not always creative.You are attracted to music and art,but a small part of you(need to look at Mercury and Venus)they are engaged in creative work.Most are just well versed in the history of music or paintings,you can also read the works of philosophers.You like to be smartand develop. 12)They find it harder than all the other moon signs to compromise.They just dont really like to admit that they are wrong and dont win. 2)Fair,friendly and caring person in communication.You like to listen to peoples different points of view.You can even have smart friends who help with your homework. 2)Like the sixth house you need to value yourself and your time and not help everyone. 4)Bad aspects are indicative to idleness and unwillingness to be serious.A person wants to have fun all the time and not work. 5)The advice is to deal with your thoughts and ideas.You cant combine incompatible things.Spend more time meditating and being alone to make important decisions. 3)Good aspects indicate a strong and inquisitive mind,bad aspects indicate poor memory and learning problems. 1)You have a very active imagination and a powerful imagination.You may have an interest in the supernatural,psychic phenomena,or the occult.You may have strange fantasies,vague fears of ghosts and death,so it is best not to engage in such things until you are firmly on your feet in the material world. The challenge is that she must make efforts to open her partners mind or at least stimulate it to make him see things from different perspectives. 5)Please do not invent diseases for yourself,it is better to go to the doctor,most of your problems are due to lack of sleep. 1)Sometimes indicates problems with speech. It is stated in Astro Codex that "Saturn in the 1st House does not grant beauty to the native's body," and it tends to give a short body. Jackson, Michelle Obama, Martin Luther King, Elvis Presley. 5)Negative aspects indicate a bad or incomplete education and the threat of travel. Planets conjunct the ascendant are extremely important: they have a strong influence over you. A woman of this kind is the epitome of good taste, is never vulgar, never boring. -Can love retro things.For example,old Chanel collections(but look at the sign of Venus). Your views and desires may often be unclear, but it is important for you to try and express them as clearly as possible. This placement may generally make the native liable to be drawn into other's people opinions and will dare to challenge other's ideas. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Neptune in 1st house- Neptune rules illusions in astrology. by others, because the essence of who they are is constantly projected outwards Since the 1st edition of this book was published in 1991, it has been a widely used reference book for many astrologers and their students who have recognized the value and importance in horoscope interpretation of the midpoints--the Its this astrological point that symbolically represents our entry to the world. 4)Such people need to learn to read their feelings and be able to make final decisions. 5)I really recommend keeping a money-book.This way your money will be under your guidance.There is no other way to work out this position of the planet. 2)I would not call them extroverts,but it is very interesting to communicate with them.With good aspects,they are always ready to hear and accept someone elses opinion.They will not be too stubborn,because they try to treat everyone with respect. myself) And I love them, but we crush. 1)You are very sensitive to the topic of money and probably want to have more of it than you have now.You reach out to people who already have money or obviously want wealth. if you have a planet conjunct the ascendant from the 12th house, you may possess some of these traits unknowingly or to a lesser extent. 3)Must keep track of the familys finances,their partner may have spent too much money. you are, poison yourself and your relationships. inside. 2)Such people love to learn.They have a broad outlook,but their brain doesnt immediately understand the explanation,so they often learn in their own way.Sometimes this position indicates self-taught people. 3)The 9th house indicates education and most likely you prefer something unusual and beautiful.For example,philosophy,history,architecture,politics,or foreign languages. 1)Love of philosophy,religion,art,often long trips.High ideals and ideas about love. 1)Person is impatient.The last thing he likes to do is wait a long time for a response to his messages.Such a person can show pressure in business situations,and often achieves what he wants through courage and a natural gift of persuasion. 5)When bad aspects with Venus can indicate a womanizer. 1)Such people often hide their feelings and attachments. -They should protect their heads from bumps and accidents,show up at the dentist on time and dont forget to control intracranial pressure. 3)I noticed that this is the type of people who learn beautifully.They have beautiful pens,notebooks,markers and even handwriting.Beauty inspires and motivates them. When Neptune is thrown upon your 1st House she is a veil that opens your heart and blinds your eyes, allowing you to intuitively experience unexplained phenomenon and . -You can have a very nice voice or you can sing. Venus in the First House is best described by the word "lovely". libra x sagittarius = 10/10 This Sun favours the nurturing of an energetic physical Perry. 2)A mixture of creative freedom and discipline.Such people understand that inspiration comes when they want to.They perform their work conscientiously,can work in their specialty,and have good relations with their boss and colleagues. 4)Some people with Mercury in the 12th house may have a betrayal of friends or any other difficult experience with them. 2)Their health can directly depend on the cleanliness of the house and their food. 2)He doesnt give the impression of an active and active person.Others often underestimate him. It can indicate that your partner has a strong idealistic or spiritual drive, or the belief in being faithful. 4)Positive aspects indicate the qualities of an excellent organizer.It inspires and appeals to other people.Negative aspects create problems with people.He is often betrayed or deceived. 1)You may have been disliked by your teachers because you tend to express your opinions.You are the kings of discussion and know how to defend your point of view. 1)A very strong and brave person.He can be quick-tempered,but due to his perseverance and strong character,he wins competitions and is a good opponent. -Their childhood could have been spent a lot of time in nature(for example,hiking). They have magnetic personality, love to dance, music and literature. 1)They may have unusual allergies or just a large number. At times it may be necessary to sacrifice your ideal ideas for the benefit of those who depend on you. 3)With bad aspects,it can be too trusting,careless and frivolous. 2)The bad aspects indicate that their partners may be trying to seduce or interfere with their marriage.Constant jealousy and envy. The person born with Neptune in the 1st House will often have a powerful imagination, which may cause them to lead others to believe that they can do things that arent necessarily possible. gemini x pisces = 5/10, cancer x cancer = 9/10 about people a lot, sometimes they have trouble showing it. 8)They can motivate themselves.My sister in this position often calms herself down and says,Oh,well,this shit is temporary,Ill be fine.How do you do it?? 1)Theyre so funny!The kind of person who always finds adventure on his ass. The karma coming from the parents is for the person to practice and teach good manners and bring harmony into relationships. The positive aspects of Neptune are magnified and held much closer to the heart by both lovers. They are unsure of who they are and what their role is on this planet. They can be irritable and moody, but not usually. Neptune in 1st house physical appearance; 2 hour parking rules . 5)Your karma is playing tricks on you.If you have offended a person,then with a hundred percent probability in a few days you will have just a terrible day.If you have done a good deed,then your finances can grow and luck will be on your side. 2)Rest really helps with most of their illnesses.Stress causes them to instantly lose their immunity. 3)This person is very fair,calm and tactful.In communication,he seeks to create comfort.If a topic is unpleasant to him,he will say it directly. He is a former member of the Branwen Tribe as well as a former teacher at Signal Academy. 5)If you have a brother or sister,they may have Scorpio/Aries placements.They can also be hot-tempered,get involved in boxing or make a permanent mess at home. People who exhibit the physical characteristics distinctive of the sign of Cancer are of three facial types.Face 1: Large head, high cheekbones and prominent brows; eyes small and far apart. want to make a difference. 2)Prone to seeing strange dreams and nightmares.Often suffers from insomnia,may end up in a dream or under anesthesia. -You may have fought as a child or often argued with other children. 1)They like to take care of themselves.They tend to buy beautiful clothes,high-quality cosmetics and monitor their health. 3)Before making a serious decision and changing their scientific,philosophical or religious views,a person will weigh all the arguments for and against several times. The sky is changing with swift-moving clouds; birds fly quickly (Art: Ixion Thrown into Hades by Jules-lie Delaunay), could you do a post about the mtl aggressive Mars signs? When Neptune is in the first house in the natal chart, it can happen that it is located close to the ascendant. You are going to be a charmer who lives life on the edge. 4)Often he spends his childhood in a poor family,and therefore in mature years he tries to hyper-compensate for this,making the accumulation of material values his only goal.They are not afraid of any work. 6)With a lot of bad aspects,it can indicate a person who makes a bunch of rash decisions and often gets into trouble.Sharp tongue. There is likely to be some confusion or deception surrounding the actual circumstances of birth. 9)Mother could be the head of the family.Others may think that they have a perfect relationship with her,but with bad aspects,everything turns out to be the opposite. ?I admire you. #neptune in the 1st house on Tumblr Latest divinatorydoll Follow planets in the first house: the first house is the house of personality, character, and appearance !! 2)Most of all,he does not like to borrow or lend,and if this happens,the subject tries to restore the monetary balance by all means. To achieve this, they do not need to have the same thoughts and emotions as the person with whom they sympathize. producing an empathetic individual. But even then she may have difficulties undertaking decisions since she will tend to see obstacles in every possibility. When Neptune is in the first house in the natal chart, it can happen that it is located close to the ascendant. 6)Why do people with the Sun in the 9th house have a wild desire to open a business?Maybe its because of a sense of freedom. -Ask the owner of the moon in Taurus how he perceives his mother,and in the vast majority of cases it turns out that she is a very caring and economic person who strives to provide her children with everything they need. These people tend to be hyper-sensitive to their environment, acting like a sponge, picking up and absorbing the energies and feelings of the people around them. 1)With a harmonious Neptune in the 7th house,the native radiates the energy of love and subconsciously waits for acceptance and sympathy when getting married,moving to a new job and entering a University. 2)They can only do what brings them pleasure,so they choose a job for love.This helps them achieve great success in their chosen field of activity. You can be impatient with those who cannot understand or meet your expectations, or you may become involved in unrealistic schemes. There can be memories of rejection, shaming, clashes, power struggles. 5)With bad aspects,a person may have mental illness. 1)Charisma even with the wrong facial features,which blooms especially brightly in the photo.This is the position of the planet had Marilyn Monroe. Start-up Hub; Incubation centre; Funding your idea; Maker space; Trading Lab. 2)He can quickly become successful,and then also quickly find himself at the bottom.His life is an endless series of ups and downs. It indicates new age ideas and scientific ways of thinking. 4)I noticed that people in this position have unusual facial features.For example,they have thick or unruly hair, freckles,or a sly and strong look.Most often they are high. 2)With a strong position of the planet and the absence of negative aspects,the native can really achieve success and earn good money in art,chemistry and medicine. 2)The weak position of the planet provokes intrigues and intrigues of colleagues and strained relations with the boss,and in a strong position,the sharpened intuition of the native will help to get away with it. 4)Very good position for astrologers,fortune tellers or psychics.Their work is often associated with something mystical or creative.They like detective stories and psychology. 1)He feels inconveniences associated with housing.This may be too small space,poor living conditions,lack of a separate room,the need to tolerate the presence of unpleasant people and obey their rules. 3)Bad aspects can indicate frequent financial and property crises.A person spends as quickly as he earns.He needs to learn to control his spending. 9)Not all rising Capricorns have cheekbones.Sometimes(especially in girls)a strong role is played by the Moon and Venus,if they are,for example,in Cancer,they may have a round face and large eyes. 2)Their attention may be drawn to politics,social movements,cultural,charitable and educational events.At the same time,its activities are not entertainment,but purely business,serious. 14)Good aspects point to a good friend.They are able to support and inspire not only themselves,but also their friends.They give good advice,but only if they have personally encountered a similar problem. It is not unusual for you to be capable of intense devotion or devoted for outbursts of temper. 5)Romance may appeal,but you dont trust it.What you crave is security,tangible support,and reliable love. 4)You are afraid that your father didnt really love you,so as an adult,you feel the presence of love when people treat you with authority. 5)You are attracted to smart and modern people.Your partner will teach you something new.Sometimes indicates that their partner works in the field of technology or science.
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