The seeds were held in storage for 40 years at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan.[10][11]. 32 additional intact seeds were chosen, out of which 6 sprouted. Benjitheijneb/CC BY SA 3.0 (Creative Commons ) A tree grown from a 2,000-year-old seed may bring its sub-species back to Israel, where it once flourished, after a . She was soon proven wrong. Phoenix dactylifera date or date palm is a flowering plant species in the palm family Arecaceae, cultivated for its edible sweet fruit. And though shes just nine-years-old, she carries an ancient heritage., Its possible to divide the world in two: the part that venerates the humble-seeming fruit known as the date, and the part that does not. Remove the seeds from the fruit, and wash them to remove any excess fruit particles. [26] They may have shared the same wild ancestor. [10] The plant was nicknamed "Methuselah" after the longest-lived person listed in the Bible. In February of this year, the latest scientific paper published about the germination of these seeds inScience Advances,revived new interest in these dates, says Sallon. You Can at The Baobab Tree Bar, The Power of the Flying Rowan Tree, Woe of the Witches,,,,,, Seleucid Sling Stone Sheds New Light on Jewish Hannukah Story, Rogue Priest Second Temple Silver Coin Found By Girl in Jerusalem, Evidence of Hannukah Story Found in Razed Hellenistic Fortress, New Study Reveals How Legendary Assyrian Siege Ramp Overcame Lachish, Mesopotamian Superpowers Laying Waste To The Ancient Near East. The part that does is home to hundreds of millions of people, from the Atlantic coast of Morocco across North Africa and Egypt to Mesopotamia and east to India.,, 1320 Centre Street, Suite 206Newton Centre, MA 02459,, Their names are Adam, Jonah, Uriel, Boaz, Judith, and Hannah, and their ages are well, actually, this ones a bit complicated., Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Energy Security: The Role of Renewable Energy Sources, Practical Challenges of Photovoltaic Systems in the Rural Bedouin Villages in the Negev, Center for Transboundary Water Management, Evidence-based wastewater monitoring and policy for addressing the COVID-19 pandemic in Israel, Decentralized Wastewater Management and Governance, Long Term Ecological Monitoring (LTER) in Wadi Shita, Offshore Zionism: Israel-Africa and Green Development, Jordan-Israel Center for Community, Environment & Research, Research in Political Ecology in the Middle East, The Last Straw: Conservation, Control, and the Eco-Political Life of Camels in the Negev Highlands, Sense of Place in an Era of Metabolic Rift, Daniel Fischel & Sylvia Neil Research & Visitors Park, Origins and insights into the historic Judean date palm based on genetic analysis of germinated ancient seeds and morphometric studies, The Albert B. Glickman Peace-building Leadership Seminar, Daniel Fischel & Sylvia Neil Outdoor Research & Visitors Park, Arava Alumni Peace & Environmental Network, Center for Applied Environmental Diplomacy, Applied Environmental Diplomacy: Pathways to Sustainability in the Jordan River Basin, Annual Cross-Border Environmental Cooperation Conference, Annual Reports, Financial Statements & Publications, After 2,000 Years, These Seeds Have Finally Sprouted, Scientists in Israel grow date plants from 2,000-year-old seeds, Dates Like Jesus Ate? Call (800) 700-7000 or request prayer. A previous experiment with the seeds produced a single male plant that sprouted in 2005 which the researchers named Methuselah. Sallon says the dates seem to offer hope in todays world of uncertainty. The experiment worked. It takes time for seedlings to become seed-bearing trees, but eventually, that time came. Methuselah the Judean Date Palm is still going strong even after sprouting from a 2,000-year-old seed. Dr. Solowey successfully germinated one of these seeds, which sprouted into a young date palm today, Methuselah has a permanent home in the Arava Institute research park on Kibbutz Ketura. Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis? . Medieval Sea Monster Was Likely a Whale, New Research Reveals, What is Shambhala? So, for the kibbutz, it's a big venture, Sallon said. Its fruit was a staple of the Judean Desert and grew in thick forests along the Dead Sea and Jordan River valley. Buried beneath the rubble, Yadin unearthed a small stockpile of seeds stowed in a clay jar dating back 2,000 years. Sallon obtained five of those original seeds and gave them to Solowey. Sallon, who lives in Jerusalem, offered one to a friend, but because she is an observant Jew, she couldnt accept it because it wasnt properly tithed, as Jewish religious law requires. A little, young-looking palm tree named Judith was planted on Kibbutz Ketura recently. Hundreds of seeds were collected between 1963 and 1991. She has a rich and varied career, ranging from teaching Read More. . We know from the Talmud that the Jews exiled to Babylonia [in Mesopotamia] cultivated date groves. The Judean dates harvested from Hannah have a light brown skin, fibrous and chewy honey-colored flesh, and is less sweet than the popular Medjool date. In the future, the hope is for Methuselah, a male tree, to be bred with a female to produce the same date variety eaten commonly in ancient Judea, where it was valued as much for its delicious flavor as for its medicinal properties., We all know the resurrection story from 2,000 years ago described in the pages of the Christian bible. But the plant went extinct due to waves of conquest and intentional destruction. The tree and its fruit are mentioned in the Song of Songs and Psalms and featured on coins throughout the region. [1] The palm, a male tree, was named Methuselah (not to be confused with a bristlecone pine tree of the same name). The palm tree can appear on the coin either in combination with the mourning woman, or without her. The findings suggest that it might be a good option for examining the lifetime of plant seeds. [citation needed] The tree so defined the local economy that the Roman emperor Vespasian celebrated the reconquest after the First Jewish Revolt (6670 AD) by minting Judaea Capta coinage, a series of coins sometimes depicting Judaea as a mourning woman beneath a date palm. ( Marcos Schonholz ). Five years ago. We are going to be testing those dates in the future to see actually what they do and whether they differ from other commercial varieties of modern dates. These semi-dry dates with a reddish blonde color were recently harvested. Researchers revived a 2,000-year-old palm from seeds found inside an ancient Judean jar. Female plants need male pollen to produce fruit, and all six of the new date palm trees are female, Sallon explains. Methuselah happens to be a male Judean date palm, so the team of scientists planted a few more seeds from the cache of ancient seeds unearthed in Herods palace excavation to see if they could propagate a bride for Methuselah. [5], When the Roman Empire invaded ancient Judea, thick forests of date palm up to 80 feet (24m) high and 7 miles (11km) wide covered the Jordan River valley from the Sea of Galilee in the north to the shores of the Dead Sea in the south. Thick forests of the ancient date palms towering up to 80 feet (24.38 meters) and spreading for 7 miles (11.27) covered the Jordan River valley from the Sea of Galilee in the north to the shores of the Dead Sea in the south. This week the Arava Institute celebrated the first Judean Dates ever to be grown into fruit since the time of King Herod., They were given Biblical names: Adam, Boaz, Hannah, Jonah, Judith and Uriel. These unique dates are currently being kept cool in storage. ( The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies ). It is interesting to note that the Ezekiel prophesied that in the Messianic era, a river would flow from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, revitalizing the saline water, transforming it into a thriving ecosystem. The species of palm was thought to be extinct for 800 years but hundreds of seeds of. [13] She challenged her friend, Dr. Elaine Solowey from the Center for Sustainable Agriculture at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, with the task[14] and in 2005 Dr. Solowey managed to sprout several seeds, after slowly hydrating them in a common baby bottle warmer, then pretreating them in an ordinary solution of fertilizer and growth hormone. This study, which confirms the long-term survival of date palm seeds, provides a unique opportunity to rediscover the origins of a historic date palm population that existed in Judea 2,000 years ago. The Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) is an important symbol in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.Methuselah represents a variety of date palm that was grown in ancient Judea but disappeared many hundreds of years ago. In daily prayers, we note how the righteous (tzadik) will grow. After all, date palms are praised in the Bible - as well as in Islam, Greek and Roman civilizations as symbols of beauty, fertility, peace, and victory. Holy Land Uncovered on location special from Kibbutz Ketura, where 2 female scientists created a Miracle!! Please check your information and try again or call us at 1-800-759-0700. Plants have been produced from date palm seeds that have been buried for 2,000 years in old ruins and caves. As of February 2020, Adam was 1.5 meters high (1.6 yards). In 2011, the plant produced its first flowers and today, the living archaeological treasure continues to grow and thrive. We need a lot of data to do research on, to work out the properties, what the nutritional value is, says Sallon, a pediatric gastroenterologist who directs the Louis L. Borick Natural Medicine Research Center at the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, as to why the bulk of the date harvest was taken to research labs. Changes in weather and growing conditions combined with human activity are likely to blame for the disappearance of the Judean date palm sometime in the Middle Ages. Scientists determined that Methuselah was of the Hayany breed originally from Egypt. Cultivation of dates in the region almost disappeared after the fourteenth century AD from a combination of climate change and infrastructure decay but has been revived in modern times. To donate to Dr. Soloweys ancient dates research project, click here. SEE ALSO: Bottoms Up: Israeli Scientists Brew Beer With Resurrected Yeast From 5,000 Years Ago. Following this success, six further preserved seeds were sprouted.[2]. Source: Haaretz, Holloway, A. The harvested dates are undergoing study regarding their properties and nutritional values. After six years of growth Hannah flowered and researchers got excited at the possibility of resurrecting the Judean date after 2,000 years. [18] By May 2015, the palm was 3.0 metres (9.8ft) tall and was producing pollen. Because several seedlings are female, it is hoped that it will be possible to pollinate one or more of the female Judean date palms with the pollen from Methuselah. Sarah Sallon, director of the Louis L. Borick Natural Medicine Research Center in Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, led a team that included Elaine Solowey, and Nathalie Chabrillange. And lo, it came to pass that out of the earth Hannah and Judith sprouted. They are drier and sweeter than the medjool date and taste like natural honey. Recently, Hannahs fruit was harvested for the first time. Scientists Grew Palm Trees From 2,000-Year-Old Seeds Judean dates were once renowned for their size and flavor Brigit Katz Correspondent February 7, 2020 These palms are a modern variety. No. In Egypt and the Land of Israel, the two species come together. Back in the 1960s, famed Israeli archeologist Professor Yigal Yadin discovered thousands of date seeds buried under rubble during his excavations of Masada. Ms. Solowey chose Methuselah to be the father, and she moved pollen from him onto Hannahs flowers. The Judean date palm is a date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) grown in Judea. Available at:, Whelan, E. (2020) Fabled Palm Trees Reborn From Ancient Seeds In Israel. Ancient Origins. Scientists Revive Ancient Trees From 2,000-Year-Old Seeds, Aided by Modern Ingenuity, a Taste of Ancient Judean Dates, Scientists pick and taste ancient dates for first time since the Second Temple, Dates from time of Maccabees & Jesus are revived, bring Jewish, Arab unity, Date Seeds Unearthed From the Time of Jesus Are Revived, Adding Fruit to Jewish, Arab Unity, Scientists grow fresh dates from a 6th BCE seed, What do 2,000-year-old Ancient Judean Dates taste like? They were then dosed with Gibberellic acid, a growth-promoting plant hormone, and enzymatic fertilizer. They are similar in taste and form to the modern day zahidi dates. Dr. Sarah Sallon, the director of the Borick Natural Medicine Research Center at Hadassah University Hospital, and Dr. Elaine Solowey, who runs the Center for Sustainable Agriculture at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies at Kibbutz Ketura, have so far successfully managed to germinate seven seeds, among dozens that they have attempted to revive. Most people know of the great construction achievements of the dynastic Egyptians such as the pyramids and temples of the Giza Plateau area as well as the Sphinx. [17][20] By 2015 Methuselah had produced pollen that has been used successfully to pollinate female date palms. The characteristics of the Judean date palm may shed light on aspects of ancient cultivation that contributed to the quality of its fruit and is thus of potential relevance to the agronomic improvement of modern dates, the authors write. During the Byzantine and Arab periods (4th to 11th century AD) the Judean date palms were barely holding on and the continued waves of conquest and destruction meant that by the 19th century, no traces of these historic plantations remained, according to a study conducted about the trees in 2020. They were widely used for different kinds of diseasescancers, TB [tuberculosis]all kinds of problems., Harvested dates grown on the ancient Judean date palm. reported that Methuselah was over ten-feet tall and had been used to pollinate a wild modern female date palm. . They selected 34 seeds they thought were the most viable. Joanna Gillan is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. Date palm cultivation is thought to be up to . Methuselah and Hannah, which are the oldest, have more eastern DNA, while the other trees DNA is more western.. Especially now, I think that people need that. [20], As of 2012, there were tentative plans to crossbreed the male palm with what was considered its closest extant relative, the Hayani date from Egypt, to generate fruit by 2022; however, two female Judean palms have been sprouted since then. Years ago at Masada, archaeologists found a jar of those ancient date seeds. Collect date seeds. Their leaves will not wither nor their fruit fail; they will yield new fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the Temple. Other date seeds were found in caves near the Dead Sea. Nefer Say Nefer - Was Nefertiti Buried in the Valley of the Queens? The seven ancient Judean date palm accessions originate from the germination of date palm seeds collected during archaeological excavations of three sites in the Judean desert (21, 22). How could it be?" Available at:, Kalman, M. (2005) Seed of extinct date palm sprouts after 2,000 years. SFGATE. Climatic conditions at the Dead Sea may have contributed to the longevity of this oldest, directly dated, viable seed. Call us at 1 315 4971058. Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Israeli Scientists Found Out, Bottoms Up: Israeli Scientists Brew Beer With Resurrected Yeast From 5,000 Years Ago, Israeli DNA Study Unveils Reconstructed Face Of Mysterious, Long-Lost Human Relative. The first of the ancient date seedlings, Methusaleh, is named for the oldest person mentioned in the Bible. After all, date palms are praised in the Bible as well as in Islam, Greek and Roman civilizations as symbols of beauty, fertility, peace, and victory. They selected 34 seeds they thought were the most viable. (2020) Origins and insights into the historic Judean date palm based on genetic analysis of germinated ancient seeds and morphometric studies. Science Advances Vol 6. On August 23rd, 2021, Arava Institute staff harvested three bunches of dates from our world-famous ancient date palms. Hannah was the first female tree. Methuselah, Adam, and Hannah date back to the first to fourth centuries BCE. [7] However, study of contemporary sources indicates that the date industry continued in Judea throughout the Roman period and that, indeed, the Roman Imperial treasury collected a good deal of the profits. Ancient sources have suggested that the Judean date palm tree had many unique medicinal properties no longer found in todays palm varieties. Its a childrens story about the science and what it represents., Viva Sarah Press is a journalist and speaker. They called him Methuselah after the oldest person in the Bible. That allowed them to be exported all over the Roman empire and they had medicinal qualities, Sallon said. Sarah Sallon, director of the Louis L. Borick Natural Medicine Research Center in Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, led a team that included Elaine Solowey, and Nathalie Chabrillange. Dr. [8] Asaph Goor, in his 21-page article History of the Date through the Ages in the Holy Land, never mentions any such Roman devastation of the date palms, but rather cites numerous contemporary accounts attesting to the continuing extent of date cultivation through the Roman period. If you dont look back to the history you will not see the future. A team led by Sarah Sallon, which planted these six trees, first tried in 2005 to germinate a 2,000-year-old seed from the . The remaining 32 seeds were planted in a quarantined site at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Kibbutz Ketura in southern Israel. Hundreds of seeds were collected between 1963 and 1991. Its fruit was a staple of the Judean Desert and grew in thick forests along the Dead Sea and Jordan River valley. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. This is the second year of harvesting fruit from this previously extinct tree, brought back to life by Dr. Elaine Solowey. For conservation, Sallon, who moved from England to Israel, tells NoCamels. It is not clear whether there was ever a single distinct Judean cultivar, but dates grown in the region have had distinctive reputations for thousands of years, and the date palm was anciently regarded as a symbol of the region and its fertility. Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed, Director of the Arava Institute at Kibbutz Ketura, sees this as. One that disappeared centuries ago was the Judean date. Already in the fifth century BC, Herodotus noted that the greatest importance of the Judean dates was that they were drier and less perishable than those from Egypt and thus suitable for storage and export, which is still an important distinction today. Nevertheless, the taste and shape of these revived dates are consistent with the history of the dates that the two women have derived from their genetic research. Dr. Elaine Solowey, director of the Center for Sustainable Agriculture of the Arava Institute, and Dr. Sarah Sallon, director of the Louis L. Borick Natural Medicine Research Center of Hadassah Hospital, harvested these ancient dates in the culmination of an ambitious, decades-long experiment to raise the biblical-era Phoenix dactylifera date palm from the dead.
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