If they can, so can you. Isnt it your God given right to preserve your life? Switzerland: Pepper spray in Switzerland is subject to chemical legislation. Let us know in the comments below. I guess I have a lot of research to do. Therefore, it is entirely legal to use pepper spray in appropriate situations throughout the United States, including in the act of self defense, however you must make sure that you follow . Cheers! As others have said if it ends up in court the burden is then on you to prove you needed to use the spray. This is because of the risk of the pepper spray can going off in an enclosed space, especially one as sensitive as a commercial flight. Such sprays are not legally considered as weapons 1. I just wondered if it was legal to use if necessary. In Switzerland, Germany, and Portugal, pepper spray requires a license. It is legal for Cary a pepper spray in Lithuania for people over 16 years old. You really have been so sweet to me. If an aggressor is willing to inflict harm on another person as part of a crime, it would be reasonable to expect that he or she would deserve some form of retaliation in return. It is also unlawful for a minor under 14 years old to purchase, possess, or use pepper spray of any kind. Ans we have Lowest stabb crime and gun crime in Europe. The draconian laws in the UK need to be changed, why don`t you allow people to carry an authorized license, perhaps similar to a shotgun license, where you take an 18-year (one-day) course that allows you to wear a non-lethal pepper spray for self-defense? The study from two universities stressed that no pressure should be exerted on the neck area. Pennsylvania Pepper Spray Laws. It can only end when Europe is whole.George Bush (b. Once again in the UK, the rights of the attacker are put above any rights of the victim. Wear a moneybelt if it gives more confidence/reassurance. I appreciate the advice, I really do. Der Einsatz von Tierabwehrspray gegen Menschen kann bestraft werden (Gefhrliche Krperverletzung), soweit kein Rechtfertigungsgrund wie Notwehr oder Nothilfe vorliegt. This includes "any device designed or intended as a defence or anti-personnel spray and that is capable of discharging any irritant matter". You can carry pepper spray with you to use against animals. Another Asian came to home invade us at 12 at night trying to brake the front door. Pepper spray is classified as an illegal weapon under Canada's Firearms Act. However, you may be able to pack . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://www.pfefferspray-rettet.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/ptb-reizstoffe.png. The advantage here is, that it was developed for the use against animals (works for humans too) and is not mention in the german gun law so anyone of any age can carry it around. This topic has been automatically closed due to a period of inactivity. Most people from all countries, creeds and colours are law abiding citizens. New Jersey has no prohibition on the formulation of a defense spray so long as it is not intended to produce permanent injury or incapacitation. You're sitting around worrying yourslef into a corner. All hurt like shit. Singapore: Travellers are prohibited from bringing pepper spray into the country, and it is illegal for the public to possess it. In Norway, pepper spray is illegal for civilians. It suggests to me that Paris is not all that safe. They like speaking English and are good at it. It doesn't matter when it's truly self-defense. Sprays of greenhouse-relevant blowing agents such as R134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane) are prohibited. please upgrade IE 11 or later, Alternatively, you can install and use these secure and newest browsers: Chrome | Firefox | Safari for MacOS | Edge for Windows. A pepper spray will cost anywhere between $20 to $50 depending on its size but is only legal to . I guess I just have to quit over thinking and live life. Typically, it is legal to carry pepper spray in public. Mace Brand has a variety of safety products that include defense sprays, and more. [21] As a result of these studies and deaths, many law enforcement agencies have decided to include policies and training to prevent deaths in positions. The police also encourage vulnerable groups such as pensioners and women to wear pepper spray. Legal in all 50 states, although some apply restrictions, pepper spray is affordable and easy to use. I again wish you all the love in the world. If you can't use pepper spray, then perhaps you can carry a can of deodorant in your bag and use that? The first time I visited Paris there wasn't an RER or a monstrosity at Montparnasse. Plan the trip, don't hesitate on going out of fear. As someone else posted, the carrying or use of pepper spray is illegal in most European countries and those that allow it, only allow it for protection against dogs and bears. Possession, carrying and use by ordinary citizens is prohibited under section 5 (1) (b) of the Firearms Act 1968. At least pepper spray should be allowed for women if not for man to carry last month 2 women been killed with knife in the park here near Wembley, London by 18 pakistani walking the opposite side of the city to look for a victim in the dark. It sounded like a good idea to bring it with me, but I guess not. When seconds count, the Police are only minutes away! Legality of Pepper Spray. Write the Contracted Form of the following, Which of the following Would Not Be an Example of Contractionary Fiscal Policy, Where Can You Feel Braxton Hicks Contractions. However, there is no restriction for pepper gas pistol cartridges. Whether such a spray is necessary depends on where you live, but if it gives you peace of mind go for the animal repellant. It is not life threatening like carrying a knife, or a gun, the knife crime in this country is so high now that I can not for the life of me think why having a pepper spray of some sort for self defense is illegal, My son was robbed at knife point, and beaten, carrying a can of pepper spray would make him and us, as parents feel safer, against criminals, I mean its not going to kill them but would maybe prevent an attack of any kind. Because of the strong effect authorities like (Federal) police or German armed forces rely on the use of pepper spray in dangerous situations. They have a specific mark and any canister or device not containing this approved mark is considered restricted and illegal. Guard Dog Pepper Spray. Taking Pepper Spray to Europe IS NOT a good idea! Licences are issued for defensive purposes and to individuals working jobs where such a device is needed such as the private security sector. by Dan Stadler. There's also a differnce between selling stuff and owning it. German law somewhat bizarrely distinguishes between OC (pepper) spays intended for use against animals and sprays intended for use against humans. Your email address will not be published. It was pretty common for young women to carry it for self-protection. Another example from the female side: I just came in late Sunday morning. Apparently attack alarms are about the size of a mobile phone now, so probably handbaggable. After 12 months of research on #funeraryarchaeology and #textiles in ancient #Nubia we are ready to sh https://t.co/wVMts32hUe, 1,2,3ready to start the workshop Funerary Textiles In Situ @PCMA_UW @EuroWeb4 #ancienttextiles #archaeology https://t.co/xKqEgWAYI6. Megan You just need to get this first trip under your beltignore the scare stories (probably from people who have not traveledor are just paranoid) and just jump in. Or print out the english version of the website that Genie posted, the translations brought tears to my eyes. I would find it hard to believe that a person cannot use whatever weapon he can put his hands on to defend himself from a potentially life-threatening situation, even at the risk of seriously injuring/killing the assailant. Hope that's what you meant. Megan, I believe you should ask questions in planning your trip and that afterwards undertake to go on that trip. Any self-defense spray may legally contain no more than oz. In Europe they would skillfully pickpocket you, you would not even know about it so pepper spray would be to no help. We are not liable for any HIPAA violations. Believe it or not, pepper spray is legal in all 50 states. I strongly reject. Same with (young) children and teens, unless of course the avoidance would be an immanent threat to your health and wellbeing (like - even children and dead-drunk people are dangerouse with a knife). Mace Brand pepper spray is created with OC, Oleoresin capsicum. In Germany, the only allowed pepper spray is for the defense against animals. There are pepper sprays for use against animals, but the law is often not that clear. Pepper spray is almost completely banned in the UK. At least in Bayern it is so. It is classified in French law as a category 6 weapon. She had a pre-booked trip, but hadn't packed. Try using a key held in your fist, or a rolled up newspaper used like a spear not a flyswatter, or the classic a roll of 2 euro coins in a sock. I get followed home. And buy a personal defense weapon if you pass the psychiatrist tests and pass all the courses to buy a safe. Mace Brand is actually a brand of pepper spray. This project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 743420. It's illegal to use the pepper spray against humans here. Regarding crime: Petty crime such as pickpocketing, your falling for scams, eg., "Do you speak English?" Use against humans is legal. I would much rather dust someone down that is being aggrieve towards me knowing that I can walk or run away without getting physical. If they misuse the spray it is taken from them & their licence is suspended or taken away from them completely just like a shot gun licence. While pepper spray is illegal in Canada to carry or use as a potential mode of defence there is one exception. It is legal to buy pepper spray which stays it's against dogs, however it's illegal if it's says it's against humans. Rather, the sprays are designed to mark an attacker with both a visible and invisible marker dye. You have really made this easier. Possession is illegal for anyone other than police officers, police officers (auxiliary police), security guards of public transport companies and customs officers to carry a paprika spray. So CS, CN, CR are LEGAL. Conclusions based on bum/incomplete scoop ain't so good. I think the "system" is easier to follow in Germany than is the case in France if you don't know the language. It is illegal for civilians to carry pepper spray on public airplanes. Police carry OC sprays of higher concentration. Thats a big problem with preventative measures. Laws can be odd things. Generally as an Alternative UK Legal Pepper Spray for self defence this product ticks all the boxes and is something to consider for all the family, especially . For example there are versions containing chemicals illegal in germany because they are newer than the animal protection laws preventing animal tests needed for approval On the other hand pepper sprays for use against humans have clear regulations regarding the used chemicals (no permanent damage) and the sprayer (limited range and limited time/amount of chemicals delivered with a single use) to be approved. Salt shakers are okay. Or do you think some countries are right to strictly regulate their possession so that fewer people, even criminals, are harmed? So please update your answer. But you will need to prove you were acting in necessary self-defense. I have had a BIG problem with stalkers lately. Also of note the only people who may legally sell pepper spray and other self-defense sprays in the state are those who are also licensed to sell firearms. However, there is animal repellant that is very similar and doesn't need such an arms license. The European Union does not regulate pepper spray, leaving member countries free to regulate it themselves. Arkansas: The pepper spray container must less than 5 ounces. Police also encourage vulnerable groups like pensioners and women to carry pepper spray. With a heavy emphasis on defense. No government should be allowed to diminish this. 12/10/2015. In 2016 police inDenmarksparked anger by warning a teenage girl that she faced prosecution for using pepper spray to fend off a sexual assault nearan asylum seekers center. A lawsuit filed by a Muslim advocacy group alleges that corrections officers at a Missouri prison used pepper spray on Muslims while they were praying and then . When I was a student in Austria wayyyy back in the late 1970's, my host family was convinced that Chicago was full of gangsters with tommy guns, just like they had seen on TV. It is legal to buy pepper spray which stays it's against dogs, however it's illegal if it's says it's against humans. Pepper spray / mace - defence against dog attacks. Second, even the article you linked doesn't say it's illegal. In Portugal, it is possible for civilians who do not have criminal records to get police permits to purchase from gun shops, carry, and use OC sprays with a maximum concentration of 5%. "Using mace or using pepper spray, definitely on some level is appealing or at least having it in my . Sorry, why was this necessary to mention: near an asylum seekers center? In Germany, the states piloting Tasers have reported a very restrictive use of the weapon so far: In most instances, officers merely threatened to deploy the gun. Panama is correct. Me personally been chased 2 times once for my dog by a black tall guy and 2nd time for my ebike in the park. I don't know if you'll get in trouble if you use the dog spray on someone who was clearly attacking you. Megan, That question has been asked before on the HelpLine, so I'll reiterate some of the comments I've used in the past. If it happens that you are in a justified situation of self-defence, you are allowed to use all items you carry with you to defend yourself without fear of prosecution, even the pepper spray you only intended to use to defend yourself against animals. Rape,murder and crime thats all they bring send them back. Copyright 2018 TexMeroe All Rights Reserved. The second biggest ingredient is triple filtered water! More than that is only allowed if earlier tries to escape have failed or there simply is no way of escaping. It also comes under the UK firearms law and is in the same category as a firearm, so we, the general public, can't use it. I now believe Megan is not a serious poster ( hesitate to use the "t" word) but if she is, she should never leave Wilkesboro. Pepper spray must be allowed in uk. If you travel smartly (see the "Safety" section on this site) and imagine that you are in your own town not a dangerous U.S. city, you will have a Wonderful and Safe trip. This is against the law in Japan, as pocket knives are regarded as weapons. Defend yourself, stabbing crime goes crazy. Even though pepper spray could easily fall under the category of 'offensive weapon' as defined under section 403B of Criminal Code, it is unassailable that the intent of carrying a pepper . And I've only once ever been pickpocketed and even then all they got was a broken mobile phone! However, the process of obtaining a license in some countries can be extremely strict. Yes, pepper spray and other self defence items should items should be legal and feely available to 5hose that feel the need to posses them as they well feel the need ton protect themselves and pepper spray is a fairly harmless way of enduring ones safety as opposed to carrying a knife or similar weapons that could kill. This means that you cannot carry more than 4.99 ounces in a single container. However, even in countries where pepper spray may be legal with a license, the use of it against any person generally constitutes assault in the EU. You are responsible for knowledge of and compliance with all Federal, State or local laws regarding the possession and transportation of firearms. He must at least threaten you with violence. What ever you do, make sure you're in danger, not just someone you feel may be about to attack you. Self-defense products in high demand in Germany. Often called criminal identifier sprays, they do not contain any noxious substances or chemicals and are not designed to injure or cause harm to others. is also authorized after approval by the Minister of the Interior. Therefore, manufacturing, selling, or using goods comparable to pepper spray is a criminal offence according to Canada self-defence laws. It's illegal to use the pepper spray against humans here. Carrying it at (or on the way to and from) demonstrationsmay still be punished. Therefore actual pepper spray is designed to cause the attacker harm: this is considered illegal in the UK. 1924), The people of Western Europe are facing this summer a series of tragic dilemmas. To class Pepper spray/Mace in the same class as a Section 5 handgun is just plain stupidity. There are some concerns as to whether it is legal to 'use' in Northern Ireland.- you can own the spray but you may possibly be breaking the Northern Ireland laws if you actually use it . For the record: info for the first paragraph comes from the newspaper. Sprays intended for use against humans are banned weapons, because German law has created a "Catch 22" type situation with regards to licensing OC as an irritant agent for private use. Do not submit any personal or private information unless you are authorized and have voluntarily consented to do so. However, if in the worst case scenario I were to get robbed (which isn't impossible, just not very likely if you travel smart and safe), I personally would just give the guy what he wants, get away with my life and make my way to the police. Legitimate use against humans for self-defense is allowed. The use against people is legal. In Lithuania any knife attack was stopped by pepper spray. Screw the police. Statutes on pepper spray vary by state. I don't know if you'll get in trouble if you use the dog spray on someone who was clearly attacking you. Arkansas: Pepper spray and gel canisters cannot exceed 150 cc or 5.07 fluid oz. Believe it or not, in the UK pepper spray / CS Gas is considered a firearm and carries the same legal penalties as carrying a gun does! It is illegal to use animal pepper sprays on humans. Pepper spray is illegal, while bear spray isn't If you participate in outdoor activities like hiking and camping, bear spray is necessary, which is why it's legal. You are going to keep your passport, credit cards and money safe in a Money Belt. "Plain and simple: pepper spray is not allowed on-post," said USAG Bavaria's top cop, Director of Emergency Services, Lt. Col. Where is pepper spray not allowed? California: The pepper spray container must not exceed 2.49 ounces. The most notable example of this is Washington State, where it is legal for 14-year-olds to possess pepper spray so long as they have permission from their parent or guardian. You may find it very helpful to peruse THIS SECTION of the Graffiti Wall or THIS WEBSITE. Thank you all for being so kind. Yet, what if I bought a bigger spray bottle and took it with me to Europe, would the airports allow me to take it with me? Even those that would be illegal in any other case. I'm not quite sure why you think that sort of thing would be necessary? No idea whether they are readily available in Germany though. Sprays intended for use against animals like the ones the postal workers carry aren't -- legally -- weapons at all but tools, and can therefore be owned and carried by anybody. From the manufacturer Product Description For serious protection and the most extreme stopping power available, turn to the SABRE Magnum 120 Pepper Spray. Knife crime in UK cities is out of control and the police can not change that. While some have no restrictions on carrying pepper spray, others permit it with varying conditions. In addition, it is only in 2 places to be alowed, hidden on you or locked up safely, if you break the rules, go to jail. That also applies if you have to defend others. The only acceptable and legal use of pepper spray is for self-defense, which means when you or another person's life is in danger. I was recently a bit shaken up by a rather strange (but ultimately harmless) person on the tube and asked a policeman I know in the UK what he would recommend, as pepper spray is illegal there whatever the intended use. Sorry but I don't think it's illegal. My wife picked me up and we went to brunch on the way home. Personally, I prefer sulphuric acid in the face. In Russia, pepper sprays are classified as a self-defence device (not a weapon) and can be carried by anyone over 18. Pasting a mugger with shaving foam or toothpaste just is not going to cut it, but it would be normal to think that a criminal would think twice about the possibility that they may end up with a face full of Mace. The quick answer is that pepper spray is legal in all 50 states although there are a few conditions and restrictions in some areas. However if you use it in an emergency situation then you can always claim that it was being carried for use against dogs. The supplier must have the know-how for the distribution of particularly dangerous chemicals. Because a lot of these bogus asylum seekers come from misogynistic societies mostly islamic ones where they are told that unveiled women white women especially are fair game to be sexually assaulted. Any related content reflect only the views of the project owner. In the Czech Republic, Spain, Austria, Poland, Russia, possession is legal for most civilians. You don't need to have a license to carry pepper spray, and as long as you are above 18 years old you can carry pepper spray on your person. As I said in my other post, I used to carry pepper spray myself. German train ticket machines (DB) take US magnetic stripe credit cards, not so in France. An hour after we got home, we left headed back to the airport. Thank you so much! I don't, but a new traveler has enough on his/her minds without the extra concern for security. In Lithuania, every stabbing attack was stopped by pepper spray. You are going to leave your jewelry at home. State law requires civilians to use pepper spray only in self-defence, and could face criminal charges if used in any other context.. I was almost mugged last week (but got away) and would like to have some way to protect myself should this ever happen again. Of the hopes that dazzled the last twenty years that some political movement might tend to the betterment of the human lot, little remains above ground but the tattered slogans of the past.John Dos Passos (18961970), In Europe art has to a large degree taken the place of religion. Take a look here. Its ownership, carry and use by common citizens is banned under Section 5(1)(b) of the Firearms Act 1968. No. Europe is generally quite safe, aside from the risks posed by pickpockets and other scammers. Well, either they're selling illegal stuff, or pepper spray is legal. You can keep a pepper spray for safety, but for safety only. Arizona has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray. Its time to ask the people who are at risk if they think the uk should follow the example of Europe and give women the right to defend themselves using pepper spray if they wish , or is it down to men to decide what is good for women, lets hold the decision makes responsible . Additionally, any gas, powder, or liquid spray capable of hurting or immobilizing someone is prohibited. You are not going to go down dark alleys or go anywhere with strange men. Travel Smart not Scared. "It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistant with its labeling." Also, it doesn't work. Keep it and never listen to Cary it has been revealed, or under the influence of alcohol (just your prison for that), if you go out for a pint, you have to leave our house. Maenner also stressed that it is illegal to wear any form of pepper spray, regardless of its purpose, at demonstrations and large public gatherings. For the purchase of such weapons, the firearms purchase permit and the gun carrier`s permit are required. I guess you could say that I am a real young person who's just starting out, and I never had any guidance on major events such as this. Illegal on airplanes and in most countries. It could pose a significant risk if it ends up accidentally getting sprayed. Understand that if you email us, you are agreeing to the use of an unsecured method and understand that all replies will be sent in the same fashion, which you are hereby authorizing. It is completely legal to possess and carry pepper spray, tear gas spray, or any other conventional self-defense spray in the state of North Carolina. ;). Containing a payload not exceeding 20 ml., with a percentage of Oleoresin Capsicum not exceeding 10% and a maximum concentration of capsaicin and capsaicinoid substances not exceeding 2,5%; Containing no flammable, corrosive, toxic or carcinogenic substances, and no other aggressive chemical compound than OC itself; Being sealed when sold and featuring a safety device against accidental discharge; Featuring a range not exceeding 3 metres. Hi i am lithuanian chap, and noticed that while Brits arent alow to. Usage against humans is legal. However it is legal to carry only those under 20 grams of payload, and NON-pepper ones. So i would say yes to Brits to be allowed to use pepper sprays under the controlled license in concealed position, to fight off potential killer. Pepper spray is typically dispersed into the air as an aerosol or small particles in a liquid spray. If enough people shout loud enough, maybe we can be heard? This is completely false. What is pepper spray? Pepper Sprays are legal in Germany but require a "kleiner Waffenschein". 2023 Rick Steves' Europe, Inc. | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy. Pepper Spray Not Allowed in Carry-on Bags. According to The Reeves Law Group, pepper spray is legal in countries such as Italy, Spain, France, Russia and others. Do you know where I would find one of those?
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