250,000 people survived the 2004 Sumatra Tsunami. I contacted my friend who was in the navy and he told me it was a tsunami. In South Andaman island, based on local eyewitnesses, there were three tsunami waves, with the third being the most destructive. Located about 500km (310mi) from the epicentre, at the time, the region was popular with tourists because of Christmas. The rising sea water did not enter the shrine, but the receding waters swept away hundreds of pilgrims who were on the beach. The Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 killed at least 225,000 people across a dozen countries, with Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Maldives, and Thailand sustaining massive damage. Early speculation was that some of the smaller islands south-west of Sumatra, which is on the Burma Plate (the southern regions are on the Sunda Plate), might have moved south-west by up to 36m (120ft), but more accurate data released more than a month after the earthquake found the movement to be about 0.2m (8in). [133] A great deal of humanitarian aid was needed because of widespread damage to the infrastructure, shortages of food and water, and economic damage. The tsunami of 2004 and the little girl in the Christmas dress; . The volcanic activity that results as the Indo-Australian Plate subducts the Eurasian Plate has created the Sunda Arc. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. However, when the seawalls were made of loose stones, the stones were displaced and carried a few metres inland.[79][81][85]. Water sanitation and health: WHO technical notes for emergencies. The tsunami severely affected the Maldives at a distance of 2,500km (1,600mi) from the epicentre. Many people were seen being swept out . A major aftershock (magnitude 7.1) can be seen at the closest stations starting just after the 200-minute mark. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Results of the tsunami survey in South Andaman along Chiriyatapu, Corbyn's Cove and Wandoor beaches:[citation needed], Meanwhile, in the Little Andaman, tsunami waves impinged on the eastern shore about 25 to 30 minutes after the earthquake in a four-wave cycle of which the fourth tsunami was the most devastating with a wave height of about 10m (33ft). The magnitude 8.7 2005 NiasSimeulue earthquake, which originated off the coast of the Sumatran island of Nias, is not considered an aftershock, despite its proximity to the epicentre, and was most likely triggered by stress changes associated with the 2004 event. Most of them had broken bones or cuts on their bodies. Consequently, tsunami runup heights vary from 5m (16ft) to 9m (30ft) with inundation distances varying from 44m (144ft) to 704m (2,310ft). The 71 casualties can be attributed to poor housing infrastructure and additionally, the fact that the coastal residents in the surveyed areas live on flat land along the coast, especially in the Ayeyarwaddy Delta, and that there is no higher ground to which to evacuate. [124], The main effect was caused by poisoning of the freshwater supplies and of the soil by saltwater infiltration and a deposit of a salt layer over arable land. Some believe that the tsunami was divine punishment for lay Muslims shirking their daily prayers or following a materialistic lifestyle. 1958 Lituya Bay earthquake and megatsunamiTsunami / Biggest Only the Iraq War was named by as many respondents. The number of deaths currently stands at 68 with 5 people missing. The tsunami hit during high tide. He didnt want to talk about it in the beginning but after a while he started to talk about what had happened during the tsunami. Slowly, Karl began to open up about the tragedy. Approximately 90,000 buildings and many wooden houses were destroyed.[73]. Tsunamis race across the deep ocean at jet . The time between the waves ranged from about 15 minutes to 90 minutes. At 08:00, I heard my wooden bedroom windows were shaking. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. [82] The worst affected area in Tamil Nadu was Nagapattinam district, with 6,051 fatalities caused by a 5m (16ft) tsunami, followed by Cuddalore district, with many villages destroyed. In some areas drinking water supplies and farm fields may have been contaminated for years by saltwater from the ocean. The most devastating and deadliest tsunami was one in the Indian Ocean on Boxing Day, 2004.The tsunami was the most lethal ever to have occurred, with a death toll that reached a staggering figure of over 230,000, affecting people in 14 countries - with Indonesia hit worst, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. The tsunami was the most lethal ever to have occurred, with a death toll that reached a staggering figure of over 230,000, affecting people in 14 countries with Indonesia hit worst, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. How long did the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 last? Then dead bodies started to come in. The tsunami and its aftermath were responsible for immense destruction and loss on the rim of the Indian Ocean. In Myanmar, the tsunami caused only moderate damage, which arrived between 2 and 5.5 hours after the earthquake. Distance alone was no guarantee of safety, as Somalia was hit harder than Bangladesh despite being much farther away. I continued without the speaker afterwards. The 2004 tsunami was the more devastating tsunami in damage, with a death toll of more than 5,000 deaths, but the Lituya Bay mega-tsunami was roughly 15 times higher but only a death toll of 4 or . The maximum runup height of almost 9m (30ft) was recorded in Bandarbeyla. What is the deadliest tsunami in history? Amateur video recorded at the city of Galle showed a large deluge flooding the city, carrying debris and sweeping away people while in the coastal resort town of Beruwala, the tsunami appeared as a huge brown-orange colored bore which reached the first level of a hotel, causing destruction and taking people unaware. [42], In February 2005, the Royal Navy vessel HMSScott surveyed the seabed around the earthquake zone, which varies in depth between 1,000 and 5,000m (550 and 2,730 fathoms; 3,300 and 16,400ft). Also asked, how many survived the 2004 tsunami? The day that changed tsunami science. I did this many times but my husband had never seen the underwater world. This time it dragged bungalows and restaurants down to the sea with it. 89. But, do not risk your life and attempt to motor your boat into deep water if it is too close to wave arrival time. Also, the spread of solid and liquid waste and industrial chemicals, water pollution and the destruction of sewage collectors and treatment plants threaten the environment even further, in untold ways. Lituya Bay, Alaska, July 9, 1958 Additionally, amateur footage recorded in the middle of the city captured an approaching black surge flowing down the city streets, full of debris, inundating them. Scientists investigating the damage in Aceh found evidence that the wave reached a height of 24 m (80 ft) when coming ashore along large stretches of the coastline, rising to 30 m (100 ft) in some areas when travelling inland. Several near-shore establishments and numerous infrastructures such as seawalls and a 20 MW diesel-generated power plant at Bamboo Flat were destroyed. How many people died in the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004? [82], The tsunami run-up was only 1.6m (5.2ft) in areas in the state of Tamil Nadu shielded by the island of Sri Lanka but was 45m (1316ft) in coastal districts such as Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu directly across from Sumatra. [15] The plight of the affected people and countries prompted a worldwide humanitarian response, with donations totalling more than US$14 billion. How many people died in the Boxing Day tsunami? Science Dec 24, 2014 2:11 PM EST. Even beach resorts in parts of Thailand which were untouched by the tsunami were hit by cancellations. The highest tsunami wave measured was 4m (13ft) at Vilufushi Island. A rise in sea level was observed before the first wave came within 5 minutes of the earthquake. The tsunami surprised many tourists at Koh Racha Yai, where it flooded the resorts. The inundation distance is about 5km (3.1mi). According to Oxfam, five million people were affected of which 1.7m were made homeless, half a million were injured and more than 230,000 were killed. It inundated five square miles of land and cleared hundreds of thousands of trees. Can Nigeria's election result be overturned? Did anyone survive the 2004 tsunami? Countries/Territory that lost citizens while abroad. In 2004, a tsunami triggered by an earthquake off the Indonesian island of Sumatra killed 226,000 people across the Indian Ocean, including more than 120,000 in Indonesia. The construction of seawalls and breakwaters reduced the power of waves at some locations. So I closed my eyes, prayed, and prepared to die. The tsunami that struck Indonesia in 2004 obliterated vast areas of Aceh province. [26] Some examples of significant historical megathrust earthquakes are the 1868 Arica earthquake in Peru and the 1700 Cascadia earthquake in western North America. Banda Aceh, the closest major city, suffered severe casualties. [57] On Maikhao Beach in north Phuket City, Thailand, a 10-year-old British tourist named Tilly Smith had studied tsunamis in geography at school and recognised the warning signs of the receding ocean and frothing bubbles. Areas with dense coconut groves or mangroves had much smaller inundation distances, and those with river mouths or backwaters saw larger inundation distances. But villagers there are using an innovative microcredit scheme to restore mangrove forests and other coastal ecosystems that will serve as a natural barrier against future killer waves and storms. That's when I realised something serious had happened. However, others caution that damage to infrastructure is an overriding factor. How many peoples survived tsunami 2004? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The deadliest-known earthquake in history occurred in 1556 in Shaanxi, China, with an estimated death toll of 830,000, though figures from this period may not be as reliable. Its best to be on the landward side of the house, away from windows. [150] Saudi cleric Muhammad Al-Munajjid attributed it to divine retribution against non-Muslim vacationers "who used to sprawl all over the beaches and in pubs overflowing with wine" during Christmas break. On the western coast, the runup elevations were 4.5m (15ft) at Kanyakumari District in Tamil Nadu and 3.4m (11ft) each at Kollam and Ernakulam districts in Kerala. She and her boyfriend were both. [38] It also caused the Earth to minutely "wobble" on its axis by up to 25mm (1in) in the direction of 145 east longitude,[39] or perhaps by up to 50 or 60mm (2.0 or 2.4in). Survival, at this point, is a matter of luck. A few other African countries also recorded fatalities; one in Kenya, three in Seychelles, ten in Tanzania, and South Africa, where two were killed as a direct result of the tsunamithe furthest from the epicentre. The first wave came 5 minutes after the earthquake, preceded by a recession of the sea up to 600700m (2,0002,300ft). In addition, the tsunami inflicted damage to the popular resort town of Ao Nang in Krabi Province. By 19:00, hundreds of dead bodies start to arrive. Giritharan, S. Bardhan, S.R. [79][81][85] The tsunami varied in height from 2m (6.6ft) to 10m (33ft) based on survivors' accounts. Inundation was observed, along the east coast of South Andaman Island, restricted to Chidiyatapu, Burmanallah, Kodiaghat, Beadnabad, Corbyn's cove and Marina Park/Aberdeen Jetty areas. Measurements from these satellites may prove invaluable for the understanding of the earthquake and tsunami. The environmental impact took a long time and significant resources to assess. [164], In the days following the tsunami, significant effort was spent in burying bodies hurriedly due to fear of disease spreading. We decided to head toward Phi Phi island as it wasn't too far and they had been badly hit. [73] The degradation of the natural environment in Sri Lanka contributed to the high death tolls. Helicopter surveys showed entire settlements virtually destroyed with destruction within miles inland, and only some mosques left standing. I went out with my other sons and friends to look for my eldest son.
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