If you're using the default configuration, you will find them under sensor.docker_ [container_name] and switch.docker_ [container_name]. This is important for local devices that dont support SSL for whatever reason. I had the same issue after upgrading to 2021.7. There was one requirement, which was I need a container that supported the DNSimple DNS plugin since I host my sites through DNSimple. Your home IP is most likely dynamic and could change at anytime. DNSimple Configuration. Chances are, you have a dynamic IP address (your ISP changes your address periodically). Hass for me is just a shortcut for home-assistant. Webhooks not working / Issue in setup using DuckDNS, Let's Encrypt, NGINX, NGINX without Let's Encrypt/DuckDNS using personal domain and purchased cert, Installing remote access for the first time, Nginx reverse proxy issue with authentication, Independant Nginx server under Proxmox for Home Assistant and every other service with OVH subdomains, Fail2ban, unable to forward host_addr from nginx. This video will be a step-by-step tutorial of how to setup secure Home Assistant remote access using #NGINX reverse proxy and #DuckDNS. As a fair warning, this file will take a while to generate. Otherwise, nahlets encrypt addon is sufficient. tl;dr: If the only external service you run to your house is home assistant, point #1 would probably be the only benefit. In a first draft, I started my write up with this observation, but removed it to keep things brief. The second service is swag. The main things to point out are: SUBDOMAINS=wildcard, VALIDATION=dns, and DNSPLUGIN=dnsimple. For this tutorial you will need a working Home Assistant with Supervisor & Add-ons store. Port 443 is the HTTPS port, so that makes sense. All IPs show correctly whether I am inside my network (internal IP) or outside (public IP I have assigned from whatever device or location I am accessing from). If everything is connected correctly, you should see a green icon under the state change node. Keep a record of your-domain and your-access-token. Will post it here just in case if anybody else will have the same issue: Was resolved by adding these two parameters to my Nginx config: I cant find my nginx.conf file anywhere? Using NGINX as a proxy for Home Assistant allows you to serve Home Assistant securely over standard ports. It provides a web UI to control all my connected devices. Add-on security should be a matter of pride. The first service is standard home assistant container configuration. Im using duckdns with a wildcard cert. Begin by choosing 'Volumes' in the sidebar, then choose 'new volume'. I copied the script in there, and then finally need the container to run the command crond -l 2 -f. Thats really all there is to it, so all that was left was to run docker-compose build and then docker-compose up -d and its up and running. Once I started to understand Docker and had everything running locally at home it seemed like it would be a much easier to maintain there. docker pull homeassistant/i386-addon-nginx_proxy:latest. 172.30..3), but this is IMHO a bad idea. When it is done, use ctrl-c to stop docker gracefully. Still working to try and get nginx working properly for local lan. Yes, you should said the same. Ill call out the key changes that I made. The first service is standard home assistant container configuration. Setup nginx, letsencrypt for improved security. The process of setting up Wireguard in Home Assistant is here. The main things to point out are: URL=mydomain.duckdns.org and the external volumes mapping. No need to forward port 8123. If you dont have the ssl subdirectory, you can either create it, or update the config below to use a different folder. Searched a lot on google and this forum, but couldnt find a solution when using Nginx Proxy Manager. I created the Dockerfile from alpine:3.11. SOLVED: After typing this post, I tried one more thing, and enabled Websockets Support in Nginx Proxy Manager, that solved the issue. I also then use the authenticated custom component so I can see every IP address that connects (with local IP addresses whitelisted). Then under API Tokens youll click the new button, give it a name, and copy the token. # Setup a raspberry pi with home assistant on docker # Prerequisites. Once I started to understand Docker and had everything running locally at home it seemed like it would be a much easier to maintain there. Fortunately, Duckdns (and most of DNS services) offers a HTTP API to periodically refresh the mapping between the DNS record and my IP address. Hello there, I hope someone can help me with this. With Assist Read more, What contactless liquid sensor is? As long as you don't forward port 8123, then the only way into your HA from the outside is through one of the ports which is handled by Nginx. swag | [services.d] starting services 1. In this post I will share an easy way to add real-time camera snapshots to your Home Assistant push notifications. This took me a while to figure out I had to start by first removing the http config from my configuration.yaml: Once you have ensured that this code is removed, check that you can access your home assistant locally, using http and port 8123, e.g. It supports all the various plugins for certbot. My subdomain (for example, homeassistant.mydomain.com) would never load from an external IP after hours of trying everything. Hopefully you can get it working and let us know how it went. In the next dialog you will be presented with the contents of two certificates. Last pushed 3 months ago by pvizeli. I copied the script in there, and then finally need the container to run the command crond -l 2 -f. Thats really all there is to it, so all that was left was to run docker-compose build and then docker-compose up -d and its up and running. It turns out there is an absolutely beautiful container linuxserver/letsencrypt that does everything I needed. Any suggestions on what is going on? Again, we are listening for requests on the pre-configured domain name, but this time we are listening on port 443, the standard port for HTTPS. If you are running on a pi, I thought most people run the Home Assistant Operating System which has add-ons for remote access. Within Docker we are never guaranteed to receive a specific IP address . It turns out there is an absolutely beautiful container linuxserver/letsencrypt that does everything I needed. If you are using SSL to access Home Assistant remotely, you should really consider setting up a reverse proxy. Forwarding 443 is enough. As a proof-of-concept, I temporarily turned off SSL and all of my latency problems disappeared. To answer these questions, we only need to look at the .conf file that the add-on is using under the hood. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Note that the ports statment in the docker-compose file is unnecessary since home assistant is running in host network mode. Once you are up and running, test out some different URLs: Finally, if you are migrating from an all-SSL setup, you will need to update any config settings that use URLs like #2 above. I tried a bunch of ideas until I realized the issue: SSL encryption is not free. Those go straight through to Home Assistant. And my router can do that automatically .. but you can use any other service or develop your own script. Internally, Nginx is accessing HA in the same way you would from your local network. Importantly, I will explain in simple terms what a reverse proxy is, and what it is doing under the hood. I use home assistant container and swag in docker too. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Aren't we using port 8123 for HTTP connections? This probably doesnt matter much for many people, but its a small thing. Consequently, this stack will provide the following services: hass, the core of Home Assistant. That way any files created by the swag container will have the same permissions as the non-root user. Step 1 - Create the volume. For error 3 there are several different IPs that this shows up with (in addition to The first thing I did was add an A record with the actual domain (example-domain.com), and a wildcard subdomain (*.example-domain.com) to DNS and pointed it at my home ip. If this is true, you can use a Dynamic DNS service (like duckdns) to obtain a domain and set it up to update with you IP. Effectively, this means if you navigate to http://foobar.duckdns.org/, you will automatically be redirected to https://foobar.duckdns.org/. The source code is available on github here: https://github.com/home-assistant/hassio-addons/blob/master/nginx_proxy/data/nginx.conf. Does this automatically renew the certificate and restart everything that need to be restarted, or does it require any manual handling? Utkarsha Bakshi. Enable the "Start on boot" and "Watchdog" options and click "Start". I got Nginx working in docker already and I want to use that to secure my new Home Assistant I just setup, and these instructions I cant translate into working. Hi. Hit update, close the window and deploy. So instead, the single NGINX endpoint is all I really have to worry about for security attacks from the outside. Normally, in docker-compose, SWAG/NGINX would know the IP address of home assistant But since it uses net mode, the two lines After that, it should be easy to modify your existing configuration. They provide a shell script for updating DNS with your current IP using the same token approach that the dns plugin for DNSimple that Certbot uses. Page could not load. docker pull homeassistant/armv7-addon-nginx_proxy:latest. Feel free to edit this guide to update it, and to remove this message after that. Create a host directory to support persistence. Reading through the good link you gave; there is no mention that swag is already configured and a simple file rename suffices. Next to that: Nginx Proxy Manager All these are set up user Docker-compose. Build Your Own Smart Contactless Liquid Sensor with Home Assistant and XKC Y25 Easy DIY Tutorial! Delete the container: docker rm homeassistant. Go watch that Webinar and you will become a Home Assistant installation type expert. I can connect successfully on the local network, however when I connect from outside my network through the proxy via hassio.example.com, I see the Home Assistant logo with the message "Unable to connect to Home Assistant." I . Sorry, I am away from home at present and have other occupations, so I cant give more help now. Testing the Home Assistant Remote Access using NGINX Reverse Proxy & DuckDNS, Learn How to Use Assist on Apple Devices: Control Home Assistant with Siri. If you aren't able to access port 8123 from your local network, then Nginx won't be able to either. This is where the proxy is happening. Its pretty straight-forward: Note, youll need to make sure your DNS directs appropriately. Its pretty much copy and paste from their example. Vulnerabilities. Now we have a full picture of what the proxy does, and what it does not do. When I try to access it via the subdomain, I am getting 400 Bad Request and the logs from the HASS Docker container prints: 2021-12-31 15:17:06 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.forwarded] A request from a . Go to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled and look in there. To get this token you'll need to go to your DNSimple Account page and click the Automation tab on the left. I dont recognize any of them. In this article, I will show my ultimate setup and configuration to get started with Home Assistant in a Docker-based environment. This was super helpful, thank you! This is a great way to level up your push notifications, allowing you to actually see what is happening at the instant a notification was pushed. Security . That did the trick. This is in addition to what the directions show above which is to include One other thing is that to overcome the root file permission issue and avoid needing to run a chown, you can set the PUID and PGID environment variables to the non-root user of the machine, which will be generally 1000. Once I got that script sorted out, I needed a way to get it to run regularly to make sure the IP was up to date. Under /etc/periodic/15min you can drop any scripts you want run and cron will kick them off. If you go into the state change node and click on the entity field, you should now see a list of all your entities in Home-Assistant. OS/ARCH. You will need to renew this certificate every 90 days. I have a domain name setup with most of my containers, they all work fine, internal and external. Go to the. I have a duckdns account and i know a bit about the docker configuration, how to start and so on, but that is it (beyond the usual router stuff). I was setting up my Konnected alarm panel to integrate my house's window and door sensors into home assistant. (I use ACME Certs + DDNS Cloudflare openWrt packages), PS: For cloudflare visitor-ip restoration (real_ip_header CF-Connecting-IP) uninstall the default nginx package and install the all-module package for your router-architecture, Find yours here: OS/ARCH. This configuration file and instructions will walk you through setting up Home Assistant over a secure connection. Create a new file /etc/nginx/sites-available/hass and copy the configuration file (which you will need to edit) at the bottom of the page into it. https://github.com/home-assistant/hassio-addons/blob/master/nginx_proxy/data/nginx.conf. If you purchased your own domain, you can use https://letsencrypt.org to obtain a free, publicly trusted SSL certificate. The main things to point out are: SUBDOMAINS=wildcard, VALIDATION=dns, and DNSPLUGIN=dnsimple. Most of the time you are using the domain name anyways, but there are many cases where you have to use the local address instead. The best way to run Home Assistant is on a dedicated device, which . set $upstream_app 192.168.X.XXX; This is the homeassistant.subdomain.conf file (with all #comments removed for clarity). This explains why port 80 is configured on the HA add-on config screen we are setting up the listening port so that nginx can redirect in case you omit the https protocol in your web request! Note that the proxy does not intercept requests on port 8123. That doesnt seem possible with hass.io, and anyone trying to install any of the other supervised versions on linux always seems to have problems. Since docker creates some files as root, you will need your PUID & GUID; just use the Unix command id to find these. Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.. See thread here for a detailed explanation from Nate, the founder of Konnected. If you are using a reverse proxy, please make sure you have configured use_x_forwarded . To get this token youll need to go to your DNSimple Account page and click the Automation tab on the left. This will down load the swag image, create the swag volume, unpack and set up the default configuration. A lot of times when you dont set these variables and you use chown, when you restart the container the files will just go back to belonging to root and youll have to chown them again to get access to them - Understanding PUID and PGID - LinuxServer.io. I installed curl so that the script could execute the command. Leaving this here for future reference. Next thing I did was configure a subdomain to point to my Home Assistant install. I just wanted to make sure what Hass means in this context cause for me it is the HASSIO image running on pi alone , but I do not wanna have a pure HA on a pi 4 that can not do anything else. For TOKEN its the same process as before. Thank you very much!!
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