[67] The three were rescued about two hours after the sinking by the destroyer Electra, which spotted substantial debris but no bodies. [11] Two of these guns on the shelter deck were temporarily replaced by QF 4-inch (102mm) Mk V anti-aircraft (AA) guns between 1938 and 1939. The Admiral-class battlecruisers were designed in response to the German Mackensen-class battlecruisers, which were reported to be more heavily armed and armoured than the latest British battlecruisers of the Renown and the Courageous classes. Hood Crew Information- H.M.S. Commissioned in 1920, she was named after the 18th-century Admiral Samuel Hood. H.M.S. Served from 1931 - 1957 Served in HMS Rodney. HOOD-Class battle ordered on 7th April from John Brown of Clydebank. The damage to Hood was limited to her left outer propeller and an 18-inch (460mm) dent, although some hull plates were knocked loose from the impact. Hood Rolls of Honour (Public Domain) Launched in 1913, the battleship HMS Warspite saw extensive service during both world wars. [60], In January 1941, the ship began a refit that lasted until March; even after the refit she was still in poor condition, but the threat from the German capital ships was such that she could not be taken into dock for a major overhaul until more of the King George V-class battleships came into service. The turrets were designated 'A', 'B', 'X', and 'Y' from bow to stern,[10] and 120 shells were carried for each gun. This position shows the rudder locked into a 20 port turn, confirming that orders had been given (just prior to the aft magazines detonating) to change the ship's heading and bring the aft turrets 'X' and 'Y' to bear on the German ships. The probability is that the 4-inch magazines exploded first. Hood's wreck lies on the seabed in pieces among two debris fields at a depth of about 2,800 metres (9,200 feet). The original attempt, sponsored by Paul Allen and using his yacht Octopus, was abandoned after ten days in September 2012 due to unfavourable weather conditions. Temporary repairs were made at Gibraltar before the ship sailed to Portsmouth for permanent repairs between February and May 1935. [66] A huge jet of flame burst out of Hood from the vicinity of the mainmast,[Note 1] followed by a devastating magazine explosion that destroyed the aft part of the ship. HMS Challenger: a trailblazer for modern ocean science 150 years ago, HMS Challenger departed England on a quest to explore the world's oceans. The catapult and crane were removed in 1932, along with the flying-off platform on 'B' turret. Three torpedo-control towers were fitted, each with a 15-foot (4.6m) rangefinder. The battlecruiser squadron made a Caribbean cruise in early 1932, and Hood was given another brief refit between 31 March and 10 May at Portsmouth. It is held by a private collector and stamped HMS HOOD v HMS RENOWN 23 1 35. [41] After her sea trials, she was commissioned on 15 May 1920, under Captain Wilfred Tompkinson. This was 66 feet (20.1m) longer and 14 feet (4.3m) wider than the older ships. The ship was laid down on 1st September 1916 and was launched on 22nd August 1918 as the 3rd RN ship to carry this, introduced in 1859 and previously used in 1891 for a battleship sunk as a blockship in 1918. While Type 279 used two aerials, a transmitter and a receiver, the Type 279M used only a single transceiver aerial. When Briggs fought his way to the surface, he could see only two other . [39] Most seriously, the deck protection was flawedspread over three decks, it was designed to detonate an incoming shell on impact with the top deck, with much of the energy being absorbed as the exploding shell had to penetrate the armour of the next two decks. Another "pom-pom" director was added on the rear superstructure, abaft the HACS director in 1938. [90] In 2015, the same team attempted a second recovery operation and Hood's bell was finally retrieved on 7 August 2015. Hood was the first of four Admiral-class ships planned to be built during World War I. Hood was hit by a 250kg (550lb) bomb from a Junkers Ju 88 bomber that damaged her port torpedo bulge and her condensers. Each turret was also fitted with a 30-foot (9.1m) rangefinder. Evidence given to the second board indicated that the doors for the 4-inch ammunition supply trunks were closed throughout the action. The memorials were assembled by blending official records with public casualty listings. [43] Her size and powerful armament earned her the nickname of "Mighty Hood" and she came to symbolise the might of the British Empire itself. The lower deck was 3inches thick over the propeller shafts, 2inches thick over the magazines and 1inch elsewhere. Photos of many of the men who served in Hood, Navy Lists Captain Thomas Binney assumed command on 15 August 1932 and the ship resumed her previous practice of a winter cruise in the Mediterranean the next year. The Hood had been launched in 1918 and was armed with 8 x 15 inch guns, 12 x 5.5 inch guns, 8 x 4 inch AA guns, 24 x 2 pound guns and Before 27th November 1923 (Empire Cruise), After 28th September 1924 (Empire Cruise). Bertie Jack Tomlinson TELEGRAPHIST CLASS A Served from 1943 - 1946 Served in HMS Royal Arthur Paul Graham Duddle L/COOK Served from 1970 - 1979 Served in HMS Royal Arthur Nicholas Sparey LEADING HAND Served from 1990 - 2002 Served in HMS Royal Arthur Lawrence Johnson She was used for harbour service from 1872 and was sold in 1888. Despite the appearance of newer and more modern ships, Hood remained the largest warship in the world for 20 years after her commissioning, and her prestige was reflected in her nickname, "The Mighty Hood". The objective of the cruise was to remind the dominions of their dependence on British sea power and encourage them to support it with money, ships, and facilities. Hood Association-Battle Cruiser Hood: Crew Information - H.M.S. Categories . [61], When Bismarck sailed for the Atlantic in May 1941, Hood, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral Lancelot Holland, together with the newly commissioned battleship Prince of Wales, was sent out in pursuit along with several other groups of British capital ships to intercept the German ships before they could break into the Atlantic and attack Allied convoys. Click here to access the list of dates men joined the ship. ENGINEER Served from 1941 - 1943 Served in HMS Rodney. At full speed, or in heavy seas, water would flow over the ship's quarterdeck and often entered the messdecks and living quarters through ventilation shafts. The Bismarck took some beatings from the best battleships in the British navy. For this reason, she was the only ship of her class to be completed, as the Admiralty decided it would be better to start with a clean design on succeeding battlecruisers, leading to the never-built G-3 class. The remaining 90% for 1861, 1862, and years ending in '5', are held by the National Maritime Museum. HMS Hood was the pride of the British fleet and the Bismarck ended her existence. Hood in 2001", "Relics of HMS Hood Ledger Container Lid", "HMS Hood v HMS Renown propeller fragment", Battle of the Denmark Strait Documentation Resource, Imperial War Museum Interview with survivor Robert Tilburn, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=HMS_Hood&oldid=1142099804, A direct hit from a shell penetrated to a magazine aft. However, the additional armour was never fitted pending further trials. Moreover, computer-generated profiles of Hood show that a shell falling at this angle could not have reached an aft magazine without first passing through some part of the belt armour. Hood. [93] Bill Jurens points out that there was no magazine of any kind at the location of the break and that the location of the break just forward of the forward transverse armoured bulkhead suggests that the ship's structure failed there as a result of stresses inflicted when the bow was lifted into the vertical position by the sinking stern section. Crew Lost During the Sinking of Hood, 24th May 1941, Crew & Dockyard Workers Lost Prior to the Sinking (Sept 1916 - May 1941). Before being installed on the battlecruiser, the bell was inscribed around its base with the words: "This bell was preserved from HMS Hood battleship 18911914 by the late Rear Admiral, The Honourable Sir Horace Hood KCB, DSO, MVO killed at Jutland on 31st May 1916. Issue 22 4 knots. [50], The ship participated in King George V's Silver Jubilee Fleet Review at Spithead the following August. . It is estimated that as many as 18,000 men, perhaps more, served aboard the "Mighty Hood" during the operational portion of her 21 year career. [56] The ship's condensers were in such bad condition by this time that much of the output from the fresh-water evaporators was required to replenish the boiler feedwater and could not be used by the crew to wash and bathe or even to heat the mess decks during cold weather, as the steam pipes were too leaky. [27] The torpedo-warhead armour was reinstated during the ship's 19291931 refit. HMS Barham Crew List; . In addition, the conning tower would have been removed and her bridge rebuilt. Also listed are the three survivors (coloured blue) - all of whom have now crossed the bar. The HMS Hood, originally launched in 1918, . [89] Mearns had spent the previous six years privately researching the fate of Hood with the goal of finding the battlecruiser, and had acquired the support of the Royal Navy, the HMS Hood Association and other veterans groups, and the last living survivor, Ted Briggs. Other surviving relics are items that were removed from the ship prior to her sinking: Two of Hood's 5.5-inch guns were removed during a refit in 1935, and shipped to Ascension Island, where they were installed as a shore battery in 1941, sited on a hill above the port and main settlement, Georgetown,[Note 2] where they remain. The Hood was a truly mighty warship and if you yourself served in any of the Royal Navy's battleships (Hood was a battlecruiser) you will know what 40-odd thousand tons of grey coloured steel looks like, but if you didn't, you can still see that spectacle in the U.S.A., where several of her battleships of around this tonnage are parked as museums. [65] A shell from this salvo appears to have hit the spotting top, as the boat deck was showered with body parts and debris. The pieces of the propeller were kept by dockyard workers: "Hood" v "Renown" Jan. 23rd. By early 1940, Hood's machinery was in dire shape and limited her best speed to 26.5 knots (49.1km/h; 30.5mph); she was refitted between 4 April and 12 June. After a cruise to Scandinavian waters that year, Captain Geoffrey Mackworth assumed command. At 0925 hours, when the Ohio, . A meeting place for Association members and Hood enthusiasts. Additional information on the service of individual officers is contained in the ADM196 series of records which are available on Ancestry (subscription required) or The National Archives (free if registered). Conceptualized during World War I as the follow on to the Queen Elizabeth class super-dreadnoughts, which were some of the most powerful battleships in the world at the time, the Admiral-class . 2016 is also the centenary of the Hood's keel laying. Hood Roll of Honour Database. These problems also reduced her steam output so that she was unable to attain her designed speed. To request a crew list to view in the reading room, please . . The secondary armament was primarily controlled by directors mounted on each side of the bridge. That said, it is the work of more than 20 years, and is unlikely to be surpassed elsewhere else. Wherever possible, records were cross-referenced and/or supplemented with information from the database of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), Northeast War Memorials Project, FLEET-DNPERS, The National Archives (TNA), various Admiralty 104 series documents, Navy Lists, the H.M.S. HMS Legion sailed aside her to begin evacuating her 1,487 crew as her list got worse progressively, reaching 27 degrees about 13 hours after the hit. [78], An extensive review of these theories (excepting that of Preston) is given in Jurens's 1987 article. What is presented below is therefore necessarily incomplete in respect of Royal Navy ratings and Royal Marines. Hood was the first of the planned four Admiral-class battlecruisers to be built during the First World War.Already under construction when the Battle of Jutland occurred in mid-1916, that battle revealed serious flaws in her design despite drastic revisions before she was completed four years later. After a brief overhaul of her propulsion system, she sailed as the flagship of Force H, and participated in the destruction of the French fleet at Mers-el-Kebir. The main deck was 3 inches (76mm) thick over the magazines and 1 inch (25mm) elsewhere, except for the 2-inch-thick slope that met the bottom of the main belt. [91] Other researchers have claimed that the final salvo fired by Hood was not a salvo at all, but flame from the forward magazine explosion, which gave the illusion of Hood firing for the last time. Roll of Honour & Crew Memorials Basil O'Neill. To these were added five unrotated projectile (UP) launchers in 1940, each launcher carrying 20 seven-inch (178mm) rockets. After conservation work, Princess Anne, the Princess Royal, unveiled the bell at the museum on 24 May 2016 the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Denmark Strait. H.M.S. All crew were off the ship at 0430 on 14 Nov as the list increased to 35 degrees. The terms were rejected and the Royal Navy opened fire on the French ships berthed there. Captain Arthur Pridham assumed command on 1 February 1936 and Hood returned to Portsmouth for a brief refit between 26 June and 10 October 1936. Its main conclusion is that the loss was almost certainly precipitated by the explosion of a 4-inch magazine, but that there are several ways this could have been initiated, although he rules out the boat deck fire or the detonation of her torpedoes as probable causes. Organisation of the search was complicated by the presence on board of a documentary team and their film equipment, along with a television journalist who made live news reports via satellite during the search. [102], Some relics from the time of Hood's sinking still exist. [72] This investigation was "much more thorough than was the first, taking evidence from a total of 176 eyewitnesses to the disaster",[73] and examined both Goodall's theory and others (see below). The Nelson-Class Battleship Pennant number 29, HMS Rodney was one of only two Nelson -class battleships built for the Royal Navy in the 1920s. The hit split the ship in two and it sank in three minutes! In addition to the above, submissions by individuals remains a valuable contribution to the database. We also have a detailed page on the British Sloop HMS Lapwing (U 62). Hood Crew Information- At the Battle of Jutland in May 1916 HMS Queen Mary , HMS Indefatigable, and the unfortunately named HMS Invincible. Below are just some of our members who have served at HMS Royal Arthur. She was also the largest warship afloat when she was commissioned, and retained that distinction for the next 20 years. He joined HMS Copra on the 7th of November 1943 and was lent three times to HMS Dundonald. H.M.S. The database remains a "work in progress" and records are added to it at regular intervals. [12], The Ascension Island guns saw action only once, on 9 December 1941, when they fired on the German submarineU-124,[105] as it approached Georgetown on the surface to shell the cable station or sink any ships at anchor. Anecdotes and remembrances concerning Hood, Hood's Mascots [31], Although the Royal Navy always designated Hood as a battlecruiser, some modern writers such as Anthony Preston have classified her as a fast battleship, since Hood appeared to have improvements over the fast Queen Elizabeth-class battleships. Ted Briggs was the last survivor of the battle cruiser HMS Hood, sunk by the German warship Bismarck in the North Atlantic during the Second World War. There are 757 crew members registered for the USS Mount Hood (AE 29). Also one Swordfish carried out a photographic reconnaissance of the east east of Bogen and the Herjangsfjord. List of crew killed in action aboard HMS Prince of Wales on December 10, 1941. She had an extensive battle history, first seeing action in August 1940 while still being outfitted in her drydock when she was attacked and damaged by German aircraft. Retained after World War I, it moved between postings in . It was more thorough than the first board but concurred with the first board's conclusion. Originally laid down as an improved version of the Revenge -class battleship, her construction was suspended on the outbreak of war because she would not be ready in time. Hood Crew Information- H.M.S. Sea. Contained here are 1,415 individual memorial pages - one for each man confirmed lost when Hood sank during combat with the German battleship Bismarck in the Denmark Strait on 24th May 1941. Tower and Bailey were acquitted, but Renown's Captain Sawbridge was relieved of command. The design was revised after the Battle of Jutland to incorporate heavier armour and all four ships were laid down. In the heat of the Bismarck battle, HMS Hood was placed out of commission by the KMS Prinz Eugen, leaving the Prince of Wales to defend herself against the two German ships. C.P.O. August 4, 2020. HMS Hood v Bismarck The fame Bismarck received for sinking HMS Hood and then being hunted in turn have turned her into a legend. Dundass survived by kicking out a starboard side window and swimming away. [36] To add to the confusion, Royal Navy documents of the period often describe any battleship with a maximum speed over 24 knots (44km/h; 28mph) as a battlecruiser, regardless of the amount of protective armour. Prinz Eugen was probably the first ship to score when a shell hit Hood's boat deck, between her funnels, and started a large fire among the ready-use ammunition for the anti-aircraft guns and rockets of the UP mounts. She formally transferred to the Mediterranean fleet on 20 October, shortly after the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. Her secondary and antiaircraft fire-control directors were rearranged during another quick refit between 1 August and 5 September 1934. [62], The British squadron spotted the Germans at 05:37 (ship's clocks were set four hours ahead of local timethe engagement commenced shortly after dawn),[63] but the Germans were already aware of their presence, Prinz Eugen's hydrophones having previously detected the sounds of high-speed propellers to their southeast. The search team also planned to stream video from the remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) directly to Channel 4's website. Late in her career, Hood was outclassed by the armour and protective arrangement of Second World War-era fast battleships, but few of the RN's available "big gun" vessels could match Bismarck's speed. We are particularly grateful to Barry Roberts who has dedicated many hours undertaking this task and has identified several thousand "Hood men" thereby. HMS HOOD - 15in gun Battlecruiserincluding Convoy Escort Movements. [24] Hood's protection accounted for 33% of her displacement, a high proportion by British standards, but less than was usual in contemporary German designs (for example, 36% for the battlecruiser SMSHindenburg). The results of Hood's fire are not known exactly, but she damaged the French battleshipDunkerque, which was hit by four fifteen-inch shells and was forced to beach herself. Hood Crew List In the early days of the database, information came to us mainly from relatives of individual men. HMS Hood was the last battlecruiser built for the Royal Navy - and was lost while chasing the most infamous battleship of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine - the Bismarck. Hood Crew List Updated 11-Apr-2022 Background It is estimated that as many as 18,000 men, perhaps more, served aboard the "Mighty Hood" during the operational portion of her 21 year career. [106], As a result of a collision off the coast of Spain on 23 January 1935, one of Hood's propellers struck the bow of Renown. The upper belt was 5 inches thick amidships and extended forward to 'A' barbette, with a short 4-inch extension aft. At 2002, a message from cruiser HMS Suffolk reported the enemy as one battleship and one cruiser, course 240 degrees, in a position that translated to some 560 kilometers distant and almost directly north of the battlecruiser force. Hood was well known as a top sporting ship. King George V and Smaller Vessels of RDF279", "Memorials in Southsea Portsmouth Naval Memorial", "The July 2001 Channel 4 Expedition to Locate and Film the Wrecks of, "Statutory Instrument 2006 No. You can also click below to view a single list of all names Two years later, the "pom-pom" directors were moved to the rear corners of the bridge to get them out of the funnel gases. [5] This characteristic earned her the nickname of "the largest submarine in the Navy". [95], In 2002, the site was officially designated a war grave by the British government. Only Hood was completed, because the ships were very expensive and required labour and material that could be put to better use building merchant ships needed to replace those lost to the German U-boat campaign. Crew Lost During the Sinking of Hood, 24th May 1941 The Royal Navy's HMS Hood will forever be linked with the German Kriegsmarine battleship KMS Bismarck, as the former vessel was sunk on May 24, 1941 during the Battle of the Denmark Strait. [94], The forward section lies on its port side, with the amidships section keel up. Propulsion: 4 shafts, Brown-Curtis geared steam turbines, 24 Yarrow water-tube boilers Speed: 31 knots (1920), 28 knots (1940) Range: 5,332 miles at 20 knots Complement: 1,169-1,418 men HMS Hood - Armament (1941): Guns Although these give the date on which any man joined the ship, they do not give the date on which he left. In the afternoon two more Swordfish conducted an A/S patrol around the carrier force. The official Admiralty communiqu on the loss, broadcast on the day of the sinking, reported that: "during the action, HMS Hood received an unlucky hit in a magazine and blew up. [51] On 23 April 1937, the ship escorted three British merchantmen into Bilbao harbour despite the presence of the Nationalist cruiser Almirante Cervera that attempted to blockade the port. The principal theories include the following causes: At the second board, expert witnesses suggested that what was observed was the venting, through the engine-room ventilators, of a violentbut not instantaneousexplosion or deflagration in the 4-inch shell magazines. The British opened fire at 05:52 with Hood engaging Prinz Eugen, the lead ship in the German formation, and the Germans returned fire at 05:55, both ships concentrating on Hood. what was the premier league called before; Tags . Service records list all ships in which a individuals served but it is not possible to search for "Hood" or any other individual ship. [19], During Hood's last refit in 1941, a Type 279 early-warning radar for aircraft and surface vessels and a Type 284 gunnery radar were installed,[20] although the Type 279 radar lacked its receiving aerial and was inoperable according to Roberts. Information about men who served in Hood, NAAFI Men [21], For protection against torpedoes, she was given a 7.5-foot (2.3m)[27] deep torpedo bulge that ran the length of the ship between the fore and aft barbettes. over 3 years). The relevant series of documents are ADM188 (men joined before 1926), ADM362 (men joining 1926-1928) and ADM363 (service after 1929 for men joining before before that date). When the Battle of Jutland broke out in mid-1916, that battle revealed serious flaws in its design, before it ended four years later. On 24 May 1941, early in the Battle of the Denmark Strait, Hood was struck by several German shells, exploded, and sank with the loss of all but 3 of her crew of 1,418. . Alternative routes for admission of flame could have been the ventilation or venting arrangements of the magazines or, as Ted Briggs suggested, through the floor of a 15-inch gunhouse. Hood was ordered to the Norwegian Sea on 19 April when the Admiralty received a false report that the German battleshipBismarck had sailed from Germany. At the second board, eyewitnesses reported unusual types of discharge from the 15-inch guns of, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 14:06.
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