(Feb. 4, 2011) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001337/, Lickstein, David A., M.D., FACS. When I realized what I was doing, I quickly peeled my face away and apologized frantically. (Feb. 5, 2012) http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/self-injury/DS00775, MedicineNet. Expert: It is unfortunately possible that you have a vaginal fistula. About 1 in 10 people will experience blood in the urine, aka hematuria, at some point [source: Balentine]. Do it Yourself (DIY) treatments:Combat dry mouth by drinking more water, eating saliva-inducing apples and celery, and chewing gum. My daughter is 10 years old and has really smelly breath, especially when she wakes up. Even worse than discovering your own bad breath is having someone else bring it up to you (as they slowly back away). What do I do? Invest in the future today. Likely causes:Vigorous exercise; hot weather; spicy food; conditions including anxiety, menopause, certain cancers, diabetes, chronic alcohol abuse; taking medications to treat Alzheimers disease, depression and pain. Still, they serve a purposethey may help pinpoint a tough diagnosis, improve your health, or possibly even save your lifeso avoiding them isn't the best plan. Noteworthy: Loss of bowel control affects one in 12 Americans, and is most common after age 50, affecting 10 percent of women. The moment his shoulder came free, any leftover amniotic fluid and all the fluid they filled me up with burstout in one GIANTbirthing, liquid tidal-wave. Thanks for reading! For example, bad breath can be a warning sign of a worsening cavity or gum disease. "Let's face it, the mammogram is not a procedure women look forward to," says Sherry Ross, MD, an ob-gyn and women's health expert at Providence I go to the doctor, and apparently, I need an ultrasound. Im still going like a water-hose, the radiologist is drenched in urine, and to top it all off, theres a goddamn ultrasound wand sticking out my ladyhole. For example, an STD such as syphilis can cause serious damage to your body if left unchecked, including damage to the internal organs -- even the brain. Take activated charcoal or other over-the-counter products containing simethicone; Beano, an over-the-counter product containing enzymes; or lactase supplements before a meal. If so, treat with a cream or suppository. Is there one that does not require a prescription? I think that such problems would have been discovered and solved much earlier if the mother had attended the intimate part of her son's medical examinations and had the opportunity to follow closely the process of his development. My dads a nurse, hell know what to do is what I thought. In either, obesity, urinary tract infections, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease or multiple sclerosis. Web#1. The healthcare provider will assess growth and changes of puberty. Discussing just about anything that falls under the umbrella of "sex" can feel taboo, and -- as mentioned earlier -- any problems you're having in that department may seem downright shameful. Hemorrhoids can cause blood in the feces, painful bowel movements and itching, not to mention an unpleasant experience every time you sit down to work, drive or relax. ), You can save on eye exams, prescription drugs, hearing aids and more. And remember, once you've addressed any of the 10 problems on this list in a medical setting, there's nothing wrong with finding a brand new doctor -- or even changing your name -- as long as you've protected your health in the long run. Thereafter you will be billed R75 per month. I feel embarrassed about it, though, so please dont make a joke about it., Be specific about your conditionand how it affects you. Testicular tumors in teens are rare, but the healthcare provider may check for this during the exam. Embarrassing medical problems come in many varieties, and some can be life-threatening if left untreated. So while it may seem like a complete surrender of your privacy, giving up the goods when it comes to disclosing embarrassing issues -- like the 10 on this list -- to your doctor is often the best thing you can do for your health. Dermabrasion -- removing the topmost layers of the skin in order to give it a smoother appearance -- may also be an option. At Another Johns Hopkins Member Hospital: Masks are required inside all of our care facilities, COVID-19 testing locations on Maryland.gov, General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, The Growing Child: Adolescent 13 to 18 Years. "Most embarrassing symptoms can be treated often easily," says Donnica Moore, M.D., of the Sapphire Women's Health Group in New Jersey and author of Women's Health for Life. Well, I hop in the shower, touch my junk, and yell in pain, falling in the process. nose, mouth, throat, and ear examination with a torch or scope. June 16, 2011. (This is what it's like to get a colonoscopy.) This is driving me crazy. 17 Horror Stories Starring An ER Near You, 23 Stories That Will Make You Re-Think Trusting in Modern Medicine, 18 People Tell Their Craziest Ex Stories.. and Hold Nothing Back, 17 Parents Reveal Horrible Secrets They Can Never Tell Their Kids, 14 People Recall the Scariest, Creepiest, Most Unsettling Moments of Their Lives, 15 Facts That Sound Like Total BS but Actually Arent, 25 Last Words From Patients That Will Make You Smile, Shiver, and Laugh Out Loud, 18 Real-Life Divorces That Took It Way Too Far, 19 Times Playing Truth or Dare Went Terribly Wrong, 23 Pizza Delivery Horror Stories That Will Make You Glad You Work at Starbucks, 24 Stories That Will Make You Rethink Giving AirBNB a Try. Along with brushing and flossing, eating probiotic-containing yogurt or supplements may control oral bacteria. Cervical biopsies take the discomfort of a Papto the next level: Tissue is removed from your cervix using either a circular blade, laser, scalpel, or scraping tool called a curette. (Feb. 4, 2012) http://www.medicinenet.com/rectal_bleeding/page2.htm#toce, Mayo Clinic. It may be necessary for a scan of the sinuses. Oct. 4, 2011. So a decreased interest in sex can be difficult to bring up with anyone, even your doctor. Aug. 3, 2010. While this may be a fine time to consult a doctor (as you should for any problem down there), it's not an easy thing to mention, considering how sensitive many people are about their private parts. Invasive surgeries and grisly injuries aside, here are 9 infamously uncomfortable medical procedures and why it's worth facing your fears. Lady Redditors will probably understand how miserable a pelvic exam/pap is to sit through once- I was a little nonplussed about a second time but whatever, just get it over with. She gently flipped my penis up and covered it with a towel so that just my scrotum was exposed, and that did it I had a full fledged hardon within 6 seconds. A doctor, however, can use gentle suction, special instruments or even magnets to safely remedy these situations. WebMale breast reduction is a procedure that corrects male breast enlargement (gynecomastia). Although this can be embarrassing, it is done to help check for inguinal hernias or tumors. WebA physical exam is an important part of staying healthy. Likely causes: Previous vaginal childbirth (especially with an episiotomy); inactivity; prolapsed rectum; a history of hemorrhoids or "pushing" during constipation; diabetes, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer's disease. But it might occur in all sexual situations, even during masturbation. "Self-injury/Cutting." The closer a medical problem is to the anus, the redder the blood in feces will be. Before the doc even started, I was squirming like a baby, and I started to feel cozy and happy, thinking maybe the painkillers had finally kicked in. Im sure a nurse had to remove my panties and butt plug. Once it's brought to your attention, however, trying to ignore the issue won't prevent others from noticing your stinky breath. I have a bad odour coming from my body (esp. One of my biggest problems is bloating and gas. Likely causes: Swallowing air when you smoke, eat or talk; snoring and sleep disorders; eating dairy, legumes such as lentils and beans or foods and drinks high in sugar and soy; use of antibiotics and other medications. You can also manage your communication preferences by updating your account at anytime. I climb upstairs and find some Tylenol, and I take more than the recommended dosage. When I was 15, I went to my pediatrician for a check up. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. He was examining my eye and he said, OK, now open wide.. Although rare, the bowel can become trapped inside the scrotum, causing serious problems. And by that, I mean he looked at my testicles. In the next 24 hours, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription to receive emails ED can also be the result of Avoiding gum and carbonated drinks: Chewing gum makes people swallow more air. "Objects or Insects in Ear." An inguinal hernia is when part of the intestine, or bowel, pushes down inside the scrotum from the abdomen. I have a Testicular torsion in my left testicle. On that note: We're sticking to common procedures herethe kind you might be tempted to postpone. Learn why you need it, what side effect you may expect, and what might happen if you dont take it. Or perhaps it's something more internal, like a deep-seated, psychological urge to do something you'd be ashamed of. The provider will instruct the male how to do self-exams. I have an outbreak of anal warts. Not seeking treatment would likely worsen the situation, perhaps even necessitating otherwise-avoidable surgery. To make matters worse, the scope can get looped during this process, which is as painful as it sounds. Whether you need to find a new doctor, get a ride to an appointment, or just get more hugs, this is a good time to share what you want from your support team. All rights reserved. Talking to your doctor ASAP means treatment can begin immediately, possibly preventing worsening health due to an STD. Does anybody actually like going to the doctors office? Call up your doc for a quick consult as soon as you start noticing symptoms, and usually he or she can help you treat jock itch through the use of antifungal sprays and lotions, or with prescribed antifungal pills. If fecal blood is barely visible, it may be the result of anemia, hemorrhoids or anal fissure, which is tearing of the rectal tissue. Kegel exercises can improve the problem and prevent progression. Oops! Likely causes: Genetics, obesity, eating pungent foods that seep through skin during sweating, avoiding soap and water. It can also be a sign of diseases like diabetes (smells like Acetone). He diagnoses me. WebBe Honest. (Feb. 5, 2012) http://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/dermabrasion.html, Balentine, Jerry R., DO, FACEP. I tell her that they still hurt after the game. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. She helps me into the bed, and asks me whats wrong. She said its common, but I was totally embarrassed. If your shoes are smelly, spray them with Lysol or a similar product, air them out and don't wear them on consecutive days. Seeing fecal blood that's not bright red in color may convince you it's something other than blood, or just lead you to "keep an eye on things" or "wait it out" rather than see a doctor. I felt embarrassed and nervous during the examination procedure. Something went wrong, please try again later. There are two common ways to do it: An aspiration, which samples the fluid in your bone marrow, and a biopsy, which samples the tissue. But a root canal is actually pretty simplean endodontist removes the infected pulp of the tooth, then cleans and seals the areaand while it's not terribly enjoyable, it's an effective way to stop the infection, save the tooth, and end your misery. Expert: I suggest that you consult a dermatologist for an examination and blood tests to determine the cause for your hair-loss, and to start treatment. Likely causes: Inadequate fluids or exercise, stress, medications for depression and high blood pressure or just being female. Likely causes: Inadequate fluids or exercise, stress, medications If you're obese or buxom, towel-dry or use a hair dryer in skin folds and under breasts. Expert: You will have to soften your stools by using two Softlax tablets at night, in combination with Solgar Multiple Fibre capsules (sold at health shops), two capsules, twice daily, as well as Laxette syrup, 20ml, twice daily for at least 7 days. If commercial deodorants cause underarm irritation, use antibacterial "surgical scrub" soaps, available at pharmacies, or mix baby powder and baking soda for gentle but effective protection. It's important to get professional medical advice about which treatment is best for you, rather than trying to self-treat. She did that thing that doctors do when they put their hands down your pants, cup your sack and tell you to cough. "Narcotic Abuse." Asthma. He unfortunately has the added problem that the foot powders and creams cause him to develop eczema on his feet. Eventually, they were able to get it out, (blood was everywhere), and I learned from a nurse who also uses a diva cup that the instructions that say to relax your muscles are completely wrong, and you need to push it out. WebProtocol for Genital Examinations. DIY treatments: Avoid caffeine, smoking and spicy foods. (Feb. 5, 2012) http://www.medicinenet.com/yeast_vaginitis/article.htm, Wang, Steven Q., M.D. Whenever I pass gas there is burning pain, and it also smells bad. Likely causes:Dry mouth, which can be caused by many medications, including those used to treatdepression,high blood pressure, urinary incontinence, allergies and Parkinson's disease; eating sulfur-containing foods such as onions and garlic; gum disease and cavities; smoking or drinking coffee. While the patient curls up in a fetal position to stretch the spine, a thin needle is inserted between two vertebrae to withdraw cerebrospinal fluid from the spinal canal. Soon, it becomes a major itch that drives you up the wall. Gray hairs proudly "earned" from a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice. Regular clothing-drenching, cant-grip-the-steering-wheel problems often result from hyperhidrosis, when misfiring sympathetic nerves overstimulate sweat glands. She was blonde, probably about 25 and was smoking hot. receive communications related to AARP volunteering. Increase fiber intake to 20 to 30 grams daily. If you're willing to bring up the subject with your doctor, he or she can help you sort through various options for diminishing the severity of scars. Likely causes: Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), wearing socks or shoes made of certain synthetic materials, tight footwear. When a woman thought an x-ray technician said hold your breast instead of breath. At least the technician got a good laugh. Please help me. Do you think so, and what will happen if it is? I was rushed into the hospital. The children at school are teasing he, please help! The 2023 Fourmula One season starts this weekend. He says he's fine with it but I can not see how you can like it if everybody including the pets leave the room when you take off your shoes. And even when everything goes according to plan, childbirth is generally the barometer by which all other pain is measured. Your doctor will likely use a local anesthetic, but patients may still experience sharp pain. So, theres a busy hallway full of people with a clear view into the room. They often cause itching, redness and soreness. Learn your options. So as part of their heres how to make this suck less packet, the hospital includes pretty specific instructions to drink three bottles of water an hour before your appointment, without going to the bathroom, so that they can tell which fleshy sack of muscle is your bladder and which is your uterus. Aug. 20, 2010. Contact the public editor with feedback for our journalists, complaints, queries or suggestions about articles on News24. Use a home test to see whether the odor may be caused by a yeast infection. The stigma is that if you have diabetes, its your fault. obesity and Our skimmable newsletter is delivered to your inbox each week, giving you 5 things you need to read and get smarter. I was about 12-years-old, showing up for my routine physical. Eventually some stools did come out but only a little at a time. And as she starts inserting a fresh new speculum, grandma looks at me and says: My, arent we just getting tag-teamed today?. Apparently they put three bottles on the instructions with the assumption that people would only be able to drink like, one or two and would stop when they couldnt handle any more. 15 Questions Youre Afraid To Ask The Opposite Sex And Answers! ANC says De Ruyter tarnished its 'good name', Eskom owes it an explanation, Panic over delayed Cabinet reshuffle driven by self-interest, says Mbalula, Eskom, De Ruyter served with court papers for making allegations 'without any shred of evidence' - Mbalula, 'Reshuffle will still happen': Ramaphosa faces criticism after being spotted at auction dinner, Inside Kusile repair race: Eskom pleads with govt, but red tape delays urgent construction, David Mabuza: The man from Mpumalanga who quit as deputy president before, some argue, ever starting, INSIDE LABOUR | SA's children are being short-changed worse than ever, SATURDAY PROFILE | Proteas mindset changed: It's how to win a World Cup, not how to get to a final, Slain City of Cape Town official was mistaken for woman who won construction contract, says family. The baby was blocking the exit, so the fluid they pumped into me wasnt coming back out. "Sex-Drive Killers: Causes of Low Libido." You may fear that youd be judged for some fact about yourself. The good news:there is help for all of them read what CyberDoc has to say about these embarrassing conditions. Once you confirm that subscription, you will regularly The main symptom of premature ejaculation is not being able to delay ejaculation for more than three minutes after penetration. All JSE data delayed by at least 15 minutes. I tell her I drank three bottles, like the sheet told me to. Some of the most common physical causes of ED include: heart disease and narrowing of blood vessels. To find dermatologists in your area, I suggest that you contact your nearest hospital for details. It can also be a sign of diseases like diabetes (smells like Acetone). DIY treatments: Apply an underarm antiperspirant on feet. Your doctor also can prescribe medications to help battle addiction, such as Naltrexone or Acamprosate, which can help curb cravings for alcohol. And you may believe that your medicine reflects your shortcomings. If alcoholism is advanced enough, for example, you might actually need medical supervision to detox, or the process could be fatal. pigmentary retinopathy. Mar. Have the conversation with your pharmacist, too. Soak feet for 20 minutes each day for a week. I also find that when I eat spicy foods and tomato its worse. On the bright side, doctors often give a local or regional anesthetic to make the procedure more bearable. Please return to AARP.org to learn more about other benefits. As much as you may dread broaching the topic, your doctor can help you determine if there's a medical (or lifestyle-related) reason behind your decreased interest in sex. I had to be stripped down so they could make sure I was okay. For instance, covering your scars with vitamin E may prevent rather than promote healing, contrary to popular belief [source: Lickstein]. armpits) and it is really foul. Mom explains the situation, as Im borderline delusional. Alright fine. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. My face filled up with blood I was so embarrassed, and of course she knew. I jumped on the scale, then my stomach started killing me. Early on, scars are typically dark and raised, but over time they will probably lighten in color and flatten out. Javascript must be enabled to use this site. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Smoking Pot Every Day Linked to Heart Risks, Artificial Sweetener Linked to Heart Risks, FDA Authorizes First At-Home Test for COVID and Flu, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox. Is that the reason?Sometimes when I forget about the problem and relax, I stop passing gas so often, but when I start worrying about it, the problem gets worse. This can increase flatulence. If you have diabetes, a change in body odor could be a sign of diabetes-related ketoacidosis. What a doctor may do: Check for diabetes or other possible causes of a yeast infection in the anus, and underlying colorectal conditions. I took some ibuprofen, sucked it up, and kept playing. This condition can be caused by a number of things, from a urinary tract infection or enlargement of the prostate, to kidney stones or even cancer of the kidney, prostate or bladder. Most patients need pain meds and/or a mild sedative to deal with the wholly unpleasant exam, during which a camera-equipped scope is inserted through your rectum and threaded to your colon. Learn more. Expert: Anal warts need to be treated aggressively. We're in for a surprise! June 30, 2011. Prevention has smart answersget 2 FREE gifts when you subscribe today.). My question is: could it be lack of fluids that causes this? She burst out laughing, walked out of the office, and told my mom. You rock! Kidney disease. She looks uncomfortable. The testicle toss was coming up. After the examination was over I pulled up my pants and in few seconds I ejaculated on my pants. I remember them saying we arent getting any return. We know you can choose a lot of sites to read, but we want you to know that were thankful you chose Did You Know. MORE: 7 Reasons Your Teeth Hurt (Other Than A Cavity). Does it bother you to give yourself injections in public? May 16, 2011. While poor dental health may be the culprit, bad breath can also be a result of non-mouth-related health conditions such as diabetes, problems with your liver or kidneys, and respiratory tract issues. Rectal bleeding, aka hematochezia, may result in fecal blood that's bright red or a darker shade of red. Avoid pantyhose and douching. During the physical exam, the healthcare provider will examine the genitals, including the penis, testicles, and scrotum. However, even if your diagnosis just amounts to "garden-variety" hemorrhoids, getting a doctor's advice on how best to treat the condition will also be worth the trouble. Surgery can correct hernias. "Rectal Bleeding (Hematochezia)." Anon for this* March 4, 2020 at 2:54 pm. "Rectal Bleeding Symptoms." With HIV, a disease that -- to some -- seems to come with an automatic death sentence, there are advantages to seeking medical attention promptly. Learn more: Vaccines, Boosters & Additional Doses | Testing | Patient Care | Visitor Guidelines | Coronavirus. (Feb. 4, 2012) http://www.medicinenet.com/objects_or_insects_in_ear/article.htm, Dugdale, David C., III. Just some blockage in the vas deferens.. Now recall that the whole time were having this discussion Im lying there with a big damn plastic police baton wedged up in my business and a bladder full of Aquafina. Treatments for HIV are continually advancing, meaning that the long-term outlook for those who are HIV-positive is much better than it was in past decades. I opened my mouth as wide as it would go and waited. However, the exact hue of the blood in your feces can reveal something about the source of the problem. Fortunately, anyone who's thinking about a bone marrow donor can usually opt for a more comfortable route. And though they're probably the most embarrassing issues to address, objects stuck in your rectum or vagina also need immediate medical attention. Some people may have deep prejudice about this condition, which is often related to extra weight. You will have to consult your doctor as soon as possible. Overall, the data demonstrates how the medical He just jumped over and kept going. Sept. 23, 2008. These tips may help erase or at least ease any uncomfortable attitudes or thoughts you may have. Delirium tremens, a serious reaction to alcohol withdrawal that affects your nervous system, can cause heart attacks and strokes [source: Dugdale]. In severe cases, untreated jock itch can cause ulcers, open sores, abscesses and even skin infection. (Feb. 5, 2012) http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/candidiasis-yeast-infection, Womenshealth.gov. For 14 free days, you can have access to a world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism, top opinions and a range of features. Bad breath is often caused by smelly foods you eat, such as onions or garlic, but in those cases, the problem passes once your body has fully broken down the problem-causing item. The scarring itself is simply a biological function of your skin repairing damage by forming new collagen growth. I tried to take my mind off of it by asking her questions about the machine and how it worked (did you know that they can place the cursor on the screen onto the image of a vein or artery and the machine will only pick up sound for that specific part?). WebLearn about symptoms, causes and treatment options in the medical conditions condition guide available at U.S. News and World Report. It has been suggested that I try another cream. And then she told me that masturbation should help clear it up. It occurs when the skin is moist and warm (for example, when you're sweating after a brisk run), creating an ideal environment for the fungi, which are always present on your skin, to thrive. May 6, 2010. MORE: 7 Ways You're Making Your Immune System Weaker. Otherwise, they can cause serious tissue damage, infection, internal bleeding and even death. What a doctor may do: Check for diabetes; prescribe "medical-grade" antiperspirants if odor is caused by excessive sweating. feeling for the pulse in the persons neck, groin, or feet. Menopause Overactive thyroid. A lady dermatologist examined my penis foreskin and I had an embarrassing boner during the exam. Male sexual dysfunction may feel embarrassing, but by age 40 nearly 40% of all men have experienced a sexual dysfunction of some kind. A yeast infection also can be the result of taking antibiotics, which alter the levels of bacteria that normally keep yeast in check. You really do have a nice consistency!. She rubbed the jelly on the ultrasound camera and then put a little on her fingers and rubbed it onto my balls. True, giving birth isn't exactly a "procedure"but it's an unpredictable event that may involve an epidural injection, an episiotomy, or C-section surgery. I have had piles for 14 years and I notice another one is busy developing. Infectious diseases. In men, an enlarged prostate or prostate surgery. In some cases, vaginal odor may indicate cervical cancer. Wear cotton or synthetic wick-away socks. Who is your favourite to win the driver's championship this year? to search for ways to make a difference in your community at Once the area is numb, the doctor makes a small puncture or incision, snips the vas deferens, and ties or cauterizes the loose ends. One day my left ovary just starts hurting like a motherfucker. Hormone therapy no cure-all for 'low T' in ageing men. Most men cringe at the mere thought of this procedure, which kicks off with a local anesthetic being injected into the scrotum. Unless you actually show up intoxicated to a medical appointment, it is possible to hide an addiction to drugs or alcohol from your doctor. After massaging me for what felt like hours, he stares at my junk for a long time, before telling me that The consistency is right, you have a nice scrotum kid. I didnt care, so I end up in a room with this REALLY young looking female resident and an older grandmotherly instructor. Luckily, they put me on some more drugs and did the procedure. Sometimes the condition exists just inside the anus and the veins aren't visible, while other times the swollen veins are external. An assistant nurse was also standing beside the doctor and she also was a female and she saw my erect penis. You'll also reduce the risk of transmission to others through treatment and education. Lifelong premature ejaculation occurs all or nearly all the time beginning with the first sexual encounter. Give the gift of knowledge with our official 'did you know' book! The healthcare provider will examine the eyes, which may include Sometimes Ill go out wearing a butt plug and a pair of my wifes panties beneath my normal clothing. There are surgical procedures to correct the condition with great results. But it can also spread from person to person through towel- and clothes-sharing. To check for pinworms microscopic parasites in contaminated food that mature in intestines place a piece of tape over your rectum at night and check for worms on the tape in the morning. These illnesses may not all be life-threatening and most are not even serious, but some of the symptoms are hard to hide and can cause embarrassment in a social setting. Im kind of kinky. You wouldnt think twice about telling people that you used ear drops to clear up an ear infection. A few months later, I go into a testicle specialist for a check-up. What a doctor may do: Examine for fungal or bacterial infection, anemia or thyroid problems; treat severe cases with Botox. Earlier this year I had a strange sensation: when I had to withhold gas, for example, in company, it often escaped out of my vagina!!! What a doctor may do: Test for lactose intolerance, bacterial overgrowth or irritable bowel syndrome. But certain medical procedures have a reputation for being extra-unpleasant and making even the most pain-tolerant patients cringe. Sid Kirchheimerwrites about health and consumer issues. DIY treatments:Wear loose-fitting, cotton clothing and sandals or breathable shoes made of leather and other natural materials;apply over-the-counter Odaban,CertainDri or Maxim (specifically formulated for hyperhidrosis) to underarms and palms after towel-drying; try relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation to help control stress that triggers over-perspiration.
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