His expedition was one of several in Western Pennsylvania during the American Revolution. Left Valley Forge in May 1778 for Fort Pitt. The study of history through the excavation of discarded items, exploring people's attics, flying drones, and stuff. on one occasion I was out with three other men spying on Gauley River we were in this service for one month I dont know by what authority we were spying but suppose by the direction of Capt Hamilton. A Choice Body of Men: The Continental Army on the Upper Ohio . GW wrote Henry Laurens on 27 Feb. suggesting the reunification of the parts of the 13th Virginia Regiment at Fort Pitt and Valley Forge. I make no doubt Genl Hand has already Acquainted your Excellency of the Situation of Affairs in this Country and of his having gone down to Regulate the Garrisons on the Ohio.2 since he left this place nothing Material has happened. This one was also previously unknown to me, and discusses the same period of service: [H]e volunteered in the service of the United States in the month of March 1779 and served nine months in the State of Virginia against the Shaun (Shawnee) Indians. I remained in the Station about Two or three weeks. I know versions of his diary exist elsewhere, but the war time entries can be found, Thank you for sharing that, Adam. Served not less than three months upon the above named 2ndTour a private in the company aforesaid. This scouting party was under the command of Lieut. It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia. Thus, it was probably 1778. Gen. Peter Muhlenberg: Of the eight companies in this regiment, four were raised in Pennsylvania and four from Maryland. Previous Engagements: Northern New Jersey, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth. It's free, no spam, and you can unsubscribe at any time. General Edward Hand was originally in command of the western war department and was headquartered at Fort Pitt. I would doubt that they drove beef cattle, because they would have been using a wilderness trail to reach the destination. Summary The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Drafted as aforesaid in the month of Febuary seventeen hundred seventy Eight, And marched in the month of March of the same year To Fort Chissell (Chiswell) in Virginia In the Company Commanded by Captain John Henderson under the command of Major Hamilton [probably Andrew Hamilton] stationed at Fort Chisel aforesaid. Col. John Gibson which regiment was attached to the command of Gen. Lachlan McIntosh. While Hull dithered and delayed at Detroit, worrying about his supply lines through Ohio and along the Lake Erie shore, he received news that the American base at Mackinac had fallen to the British on July 17. But Genl Clark having returned to Kentucky after an expedition to the Scioto in which the troops that this declarant belonged was to have participated in But arived to late for to join Genl Clark aforesaid in said expedition was disbanded by Major Hamilton who were their Commandant in the month of June 1778 and returned home to Virginia. William McIlvain's Co. That sometime in the year 1774 he volunteered as a Private Militia man under Captain Benjamin Harriss [Benjamin Harris?] 1.Gibson enclosed a general return, dated 3 Dec., of the troops at Fort Pitt, where he was serving as colonel commandant (DLC:GW). 13th Infantry Capt. He was also, of all the known pension applications, the individual who was garrisoned in Byrnsides Fort the longest period of time, apparently serving there in 1774, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780 and 1781. Save Page Now. 2. The regiment was formally authorized as a unit of the Continental Army on September 16, 1776. [1] References I then volunteered in the company of Captain Andrew Kinkade [Andrew Kincaid] Lieutenant James Calwell [James Caldwell] at Whitleys Station [on Walnut Flat Creek in Lincoln County] in Kentucky in the month of November 1780, in the Regiment or Battallion commanded, by Colonel Benjamin Logan, marched from thence to the Ohio river, crossed the same at the mouth of Licking, from thence we marched to the Old Chilicothe Indian Towns, thence to the head of the Miami. that they told him he must goe with them to Niagara, that he made his Escape; By going to hunt for his horse. [T]hat they traversed the country which included the head waters of big and little Stony creeks the head waters of the Indian draft a branch of Indian creek and the head waters of Wolf Creek; that the distance or space of country over which he had to travel was supposed to be upwards of thirty miles, that in performing the duties of a spy they had to carry their provisions with them it being against the nature of their Oath and instructions and also jeopardizing their own safety to make a fire at knight no matter how inclement the wether might be; and that during the whole time that he was engaged in the service as an Indian Spy as aforesaid he was not engaged in any civil pursuit. Mar 11, 2023 [Revolutionary War] Gold Pin Inscribed w/ KIA Officer's Name $225. GW had known Kiashuta since 1753, when Kiashuta had acted as a guide on GWs mission to warn off the French troops on the Ohio. Entered Valley Forge with 175 men assigned, 69 fit for duty. This narrative was previously known, and has been often cited as being a good description of the details surrounding service as an Indian Spy, a militia ranger tasked with being the early warning system of an Indian attack, as well as being the quick reaction force in the event of an emergency. I have been on other campaigns against the Indians which I cannot now by reason of my old age and consequent loss of memory detail to any person. [T]hat he was drafted in the last of February in the year 1781 in the service of the United States and entered the service under Colonel (William) Preston, Major Quirk and Captain Andrew Hamilton of the Militia of the State of Virginia at Burnsides Station in Greenbrier County and march[ed] from there to what is now called Kentucky to join General Clark [George Rogers Clark] at the falls of the Ohio to go to New orleans [New Orleans] to assist the French agreeable to order of General Washington. George McCormicks DAR record says that he served in the Virginia 13th Regiment under Colonels Crawford and Russell. The Indians broke in upon our encampment, and killed six of us and wound one, the remaining part retreated to the Station. Reached home the last of August in Company with twenty-eight others who had been in the same service. He served in the U.S. Congress and as the 13th Governor of Virginia. In the evening moved to Camp Blair at Fairfax station with the Newtown Artillery and the 10th Virginia Infantry. He then mentions serving under Captain Thomas Wright. GW visited Kiashutas camp in the fall of 1770 while on his journey to find bounty lands in the Ohio country, and in October 1774 Kiashuta visited GW at Philadelphia (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. Their party suffered only slight wounds., After the Battle of Thompson Island, Brodheads troops proceeded to Conewago, where they found abandoned Seneca towns. Likewise, the Indians were somewhat divided in their loyalties, with the Delawares and Cherokee loosely hanging onto the Americans, and the Shawnee, and others, openly and actively engaging in warfare against the American settlers. The 169-year-old colony declared its independence from Britain. The first commander of the Twenty-first was E. L. Dudley, of Lexington, who died February 20, 1862. A Guide to the United States War Department, Revolutionary War Payrolls1776-1784 A Collection in the Library of Virginia Accession number 36989 Library of Virginia The Library of Virginia 800 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219-8000 USA Phone: (804) 692-3888 (Archives Reference) Fax: (804) 692-3556 (Archives Reference) The fortress was the site of the signing of the Treaty of Fort McIntosh on January 21, 1785. My self with two or three others did not. [2] The original Companies B and E enlisted only for 6 months, the others for one year. Benjamin' Harrison Company - 13th Virginia Regiment" of Fairfax, Virginia, USA, as well as other members of the Reed "Revolutionary War - Capt. Charlottesville, Va., 197679. REVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA: Jonathan Fowle 13-star flag 1 national color REVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA REPRODUCTION FLAGS "Grand Union" flag (Siege of Boston) . Among them were, James Alton, Swift Perry, and Edward Cornwell, all now dead; William Bushor, who moved to Kentucky, and James and JohnOHaraand Thomas Alterberry, whom he knows nothing of. And that he this deponant perfectly recollects of hearing the said Peter Dixon, state more than thirty years since, that he the said Peter, was drafted for the term of six months in Greenbrier County Virginia, in the War of the Revolution. description ends , 10:22526, 247, 253, 260; Russells undated letter to Congress is in DNA:PCC, item 78). The reason Capt. 34 vols. These first-hand narratives, mostly from the 1830s, are the recollections of the 18th century frontier soldiers of the Greenbrier Valley. Walking and history of bicycling. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. he says the News of Burgoynes Surrender had not Reached there.4, Lt Cane was ordered down the Country to Bring up the Cloathing for the Remainder of the 13th Virga Regt now here, But as the Cloathing is not Yet Arrived, and the men Being in the most distressed Condition, I have now sent Capt. 4.White Eyes, or Koquetakeghton (c.17301778), a leader of the Turkey clan of Delaware Indians, was elected principal chief of the tribe in 1776. I substituted in the place of a man whose name I have forgotten for nine months he haveing been drafted for that length of time. Gibson made an error when adding the figures of one row of the return, resulting in an incorrect total of 258. It's possible it was incorrectly annotated. The fortress was constructed in 1778 under the direction of Lt. Col. Cambray-Digny, a French engineer, and named in honor of General Lachlan McIntosh. This narrative by Mr. Griffin pertains to the western theater of war during the Revolution. Thomas Jefferson, the Governor of Virginia, wrote to William Campbell (who had been placed as commander of the three joint county militias in that area) on July 3, 1780, to change his plans from going on an expedition, to instead protect the Lead Mines at Fort Chiswell, as they were a higher priority. Many records include addresses, dates of birth and death, burial places and other information. Reprint (1st work). He was discharged from service during the winter having continued in service six months. Lieutenant Colonel Walker was promoted to colonel . Thanks. That would have been the 1778 trip to Kentucky. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. That the nature of his services as an Indian Spy was to leave Cooks Fort on Indian Creek now in the County of Monroe [near Red Sulphur Springs] and be out from three to four days each week and then return when others would go, the same length of time, that their practice was for two to go together & when they returned an other two would start out, that the Companion who was mostly with him was a man by the name of James Ellis that he does not know what has become of him but supposes he is dead as he was considerably older than himself. The 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in central and western Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. Research genealogy for James Reed "Revolutionary War - Capt. He also sometimes went in company with the late Colonel Samuel Estill of Kentuckey; [T]hat the place where he performed the aforesaid services as an Indian Spy was in the gaps and low places in the chain of mountains between William Laffertys plantation on New River and the head waters of Laurel Creek where they met the Spies from Burnsides Fort. At the end of that year, their service was extended for the duration of the war. Records Commission (NHPRC) is part of the National That he was marched accross the Blue Ridge of Mountains at Rockfish gap, thence directly to the City of Richmond, thence down the James River to Sandy Point where he with the company to which he belonged crossed the River and thence to Camp Carson an encampment in what was called the dismal Swamp near a place called Portsmouth in the State of Virginia, where he was stationed the greater part of the winter, and from thence he was marched with the Army in the spring to Murdoughs Mills [possibly Murdocks Mill] still nearer to Portsmouth where he remained untill the 9thof April 1781 when he was discharged having served a tour of three months; that during said three months Tour of service he was in one engagement or skirmish under the command of the aforesaid officers at or in sight of Portsmouth; that Captain Cunningham from Rockbridge County, Virginia was wounded in the groin; that the Captain received his wound a few paces in his front there was also one soldier wounded in the leg & was placed on a carriage and bourn off the field or ground of the engagement. They had other offensive plans, to take the war to the Indians. Tories from the nearby mountains had been threatening to take over the lead mines, and otherwise cause chaos. That he entered the service as an Indian Spy in the spring of the year 1776; that he was then just entering the 18thyear of his age; that at the time he entered the service as a Spy he was a private in the Company of Militia Commanded by Captain John Henderson; that he then resided in that part of Virginia which is now in the County of Monroe but whether it was then Botetort County or not he does not now know [present Monroe County WV formed in 1799 from Greenbrier County, which was formed from Botetourt and Montgomery counties in 1778]. preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, relating to the history of James Armstrong was in command. On the first of May seventeen hundred seventy nine engaged in the company commanded by Captain Graham under the command of Colonel Brown of Greenbrier County Virginia a spy to spy out and reconoiter the enroads and excursions of the Indians on the Kenhaway, and the Country thereabout, Served from the 1stof May seventeen hundred seventy nine to the first of November seventeen hundred Eighty one at the rate of five shillings per day in Contennental money were bound to find myself amunition and other aequipage together with necessary provision. How much more then must our apprehension of Danger increase when we find that by an Act of Assembly we are to furnish 34 Men More for the Continental Army. Graham, Dixon warned Cpt. He was here under Captain Archibald Woods. These documents include muster rolls, payrolls, strength returns, and other miscellaneous. I shoud have sent the whole of them But at the time of Capt. 2021 Valley Forge Legacy Muster Roll Project. 2. Un concours pour mettre en avant des inventeurs africains-amricains About the year 1779 or 1780 as I think I volunteered under Captain Thomas Wright of Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia in which County I still lived with a body of Militia ordered out by the authority of Virginia. Sullivan settled out west after the war. Brodhead and his colonial troops traveled up the Allegheny River on their expedition against the Seneca Indians. Lafayette helped Early life . They are divided up by state in alphabetical order. . and further this deponant saith not. They were recruited to serve initially in the First Virginia Regiment. \ \x7 o .'X*- r, \ .^. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Records Commission. Colonel Hill was promoted to brigadier general. Indeed, Company C, Capt. I remained in service under the aforesaid officer at Fort Laurence Fort McIntosh Fort Pitt & fort Wheeling removing from the one place to the other until the close of the Revolutionary war. . Gibson made an error when adding the figures of one row of the return, resulting in an incorrect total of 258. 13th Virginia Regiment 14th Virginia Regiment 15th Virginia Regiment 1st Virginia State Regiment 2nd Virginia State Regiment Miscellaneous German Regiment Grayson's Regiment Hartley's Regiment Hazen's Regiment Malcolm's Regiment Patton's Regiment Provisional Rifle Corps (Morgan's) Spencer's Regiment or, as presently, several Revolutionary records buried in a collection of agreat library. These expeditions aimed to protect frontier colonists from the threat of American Indians and made up a large part of Western Pennsylvanias role in the Revolutionary War. The regiment saw action in the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, and the Battle of Monmouth. It seems he was mostly garrisoned at William Hamiltons fort on Muddy Creek. It was also at McAfees Station in Kentucky where Capt. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] THE MEXICAN WAR. It was originally Greenbrier County, and then Monroe County, and finally Summers County. The nature of his Services as an Indian Spy in each of the aforesaid years was to leave Cooks Fort on Indian Creek descended said Creek to its mouth where it empties into New River and thence down New River to the mouth of Blue Stone, thence to Van-Bibbers Fort on Greenbrier River, and thence to Jarretts Fort on Wolf Creek, making a distance in going and returning of from thirty to thirty-five miles. The unit was organized on 12 February 1777 at Fort Pitt in present-day western Pennsylvania to consist of nine companies of troops from the far-western Virginia counties (now parts of West Virginia and western Pennsylvania). That he was afterwards drafted in the month of January 1781 into service as a soldier of the Revolution from the County of Augusta and marched in a company commanded by Captain Thomas Hicklin Lieutenant Joseph Gwin and Ensign Thomas Wright and was attached to a Regiment commanded by Colonel Sampson Mathews; [T]hat he lived at the time he was drafted in the County of Augusta and State of Virginia. The 13th Virginia Regiment in the Revolutionary War. Sherburne's Continental Regiment, 1778 - 1780. The Swopes settled on Wolf Creek. There destroyed the Indian Towns, destroyed their (the Indians) Corn and other property. Thomas Quirk when they all wer marched, to Kentucky to Logans Station, and that said Peter afterwards volunteered and served a tour under Colonel Logan against the Indians NW of Ohio River. Benjamin Harrison of VA. John Sproull's Co. Lt. John Williams's Detachment Company not indicated 14th Infantry Regimental Staff Capt. He was right. Aux Etats-Unis, des lves du primaire. That again on the first of May 1779 he valentered and served under the said Capt Hamilton untill the first of Sept. of the same year that he was stationed in Hamiltons Garrison and nothing occured this season worthy of notice that he frequently as was usual went out by turns to watch the paths that was thought most likely that Indians would attampt to pass through, That on the first of April in the year 1780 he entered the servis under Capt Hamilton and served untill the first of September of the same year and was stationed as before in Hamiltons Garrison that he recollects in the Spring of this year of going in company with William Morris Thos. Each of these expeditions ended up diverting men to stay and guard the mines, as they were constantly under threat by the local tory groups in the nearby mountains. I was there discharged, by my said Captain John Woods, discharged the last day of July or the first day of August 1778. Each time they marched to Fort Chiswell, which existed for the purpose of guarding the lead mines, of which Chiswell himself was the first owner, hence the naming of the fort. 1862. We are Sir Your most Obedt. October 24, 1776 put in the "Continental establishment" in Captain Marshall's Company in the 13th PA regiment commanded by Col. Walter Stewart. Uniforms of the American Revolution. from Fort to Fort and give the alarm so that preparations might be made for defensive operations by the people that were forted and that those who had ventured out to work their corn might betake themselves to the Fort before the Indians would attack them. Note: The annotations to this document, and any other He was drafted as a private in said company but if there were any stated time for the termination of his service he does not now recollect. modern editorial content, are copyright The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. [H]e states that he was engaged in a skirmish with the Indians on Greenbrier River in said State of Virginia. 21 hrs Left WWI 13TH ENGINEER TRENCHART PAINTED BRODIE HELMET $110. He was concerned, however, that doing so might set an uncomfortable precedent, and he complained to Horatio Gates on 9 Mar. As such, his talents were definitely best utilized as an Indian Spy on the frontiers, a necessary service since the defense plan depending on an early warning for the settlers to make it into their nearest fort prior to an attack.. [H]e entered the service as an Indian Spy in the spring of the year 1776: that at the time he entered the Service as a Spy he was enrolled and mustered in a company of Militia commanded by Captain John Henderson and raised in that part of the State of Virginia which is now Monroe on Wolf Creek about sixteen miles from where he now resides; that at the termination of the cold weather and when the first signs of approaching spring and the putting forth of vegetation appeared some signs of Indians having been seen, the people becoming much alarmed in the neighborhood betook themselves to Cooks Fort which was situated on Indian Creek about eight miles from where he now resides in about the same distance from where he then resided. Henry Baughman to protect a company of movers to Kentucky. Then returned home to Kentucky, and were discharged by Col Logan, at the Fort, in Month of January 1781. public. His name was Capt. Jefferson responded on February 17, 1781, that he was sympathetic to their need for self-protection, and that he would undertake to approve of a possible postponement until the threat level decreases. On the return, Conewago, Buckloons and Mahusauchikoken were burned.. 13th Virginia: Brig. Upton and James Strond and that they met with a party of 7 or 8 Indians who was making their way into the settlement that they fired at each other when the Indians soon retreated without doing any damage with the exceptions of wounding Strond he in company with his companions returned to the Garrison to apprise the Garrison of the approach of the Indians when they give the Intelligence himself in company with 7 or 8 others was ordered out to meet a company from the big Levels of Greenbrier to go in persuit of the Indians the company from the Levils failed in coming on and he returned to his Garrison when he lerned the Indians had been in the neighbourhood and killed James Monday took his wife and child into captivity and after traveling about four miles killed and skelped the child [Apr 1780] they also at this time wounded Samuel McClung. On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department {Fort Laurens}, and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. I returned home to Greenbrier my place of residence after serving in this tour 30 days. The competing officers would engage in a power struggle in a letter writing campaign against one another to Gen. Washington. List of regimental, company and militia units from Virginia in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1782, including infantry, cavalry and artillery units. Scott Keith That was likely during the aforesaid tour of duty, which he thought was 1779 or 1780. Additional regiments were raised, and then many were transferred to the emerging "national" Continental army - where they served outside of the new . 2 vols. The regiment contained, likewise, a large number of private soldiers from Bourbon. Next, Littleton West discusses being drafted to go to Kentucky in the early 1780s, and that he couldnt go because he had gotten married by then, so he found a substitute. Girty deserted the American cause in March 1778, and thereafter he served as an interpreter for the British at Detroit, taking part in Indian raids on western settlers. He then discusses the attack at Donnellys Fort. John Griffee Isaac Fisher [pension application S39524] and James Claypale that they left Hamiltons Fort and traveld along what was then called Lewises Campaign why that was the rout that General [Andrew] Lewis had marched his troops from Greenbrier to the Battle of the Point fought against the Indians at the mouth of the Greate Kanahawa in the fall of 1774 [sic: Battle of Point Pleasant at the mouth of Kanawha River, 10 Oct 1774]. Here's a list of over 20 Black-owned restaurants and bars that you can visit to celebrate Black History Month in Pensacola. < J. Alston wm culled to tbe cbnir, and R. A. MoKoight appointed Secretary pro t*m. Tlio Chairman having called tbe meeting to or- ,0 Immediate preparation made for action in which five of the Indians were killed and several wounded. preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, relating to the history of During this campaign, the advanced guard was attacked by a large body of Indians, and after a short engagement in which they killed ten of the Indians they succeeded in defeating and driving them from the field. The bill was then read a third time amidst a profound silence, and without the yeas and nays being called, and passed." The annexation was consummated on the 4th of July, 1845, by a convention of the people of Texas acceding to the terms of the Joint Resolution. [B]ut peace being declared, [they were] disbanded in the now State of Kentucky and from there march[ed] home the last of May 1781 to Greenbrier County Virginia after serving a tower of three months. He served more than six months or perhaps seven. That he was at the Building of Fort McIntosh, on Ohio below Big Beaver Creek (this is the Beaver River at present Beaver PA, constructed in the Fall of 1778) and was discharged at that place by Col. Brodhead . Soon after, Brodhead led an expedition to stop the threat of American Indian raids on the frontier. 13th Virginia Regiment Frontier, Native Americans, Strategy, The War Years (1775-1783) May 11, 2021 May 12, 2021. At this period I had been transfered to the Company of Captain John Wood who had been promoted to the office of Captain. He this said declarant halted at said Garison untill the troops commanded by General Hann (Edward Hand) would arive this said declarant was to join General Hann to go against the Indians on the Sciote (Scioto River) now in the State of Ohio While he this said declarant lay at Point Pleasent, aforesaid Robert Gilmore a private (Lt. James Gilmore) in the Company that this said declarant belonged to was kild by the Indians. Produced by: MFR, Karin Spence and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at https://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) My wifes gggggrandfather fought at the Battle of Brandywine. No Spam - just posts. Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. Molly Pitcher In the American Revolutionary War during the Battle of Monmouth, the Continental Army fought the British Army. Simon Girty a Messenger dispatched by General Hand to the Seneca towns on the Heads of the Allegeney, Returned here a few days a goe, he in forms us Guashota a Chief of them had Returned from War, that he had killed four people near Legonier,3 that another party Returned and Brought in a white Woman and three Scalps whilst he was in the towns, that they told him all the Nations Excepting White Eyes and a few Delawares woud strike us in the Spring. We shall continue to use all means to have the Militia ready as speedily as Possible, shoud you think it improper to grant our request.
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