After a nuclear accident in 1986, nearby Pripyat, Ukraine, was abandoned. (Section 5.4.6 "Other external causes"). The radiation levels in my room were no greater than what Ive measured back home. Of the color schemes described in the chapter, which do you think would be easiest to use when coordinating an outfit? Specific Studies were also made of two plants at Zion and Indian Pointthe so-called Z/IP Study. 2 DEFINITION #1 Sites of nuclear explosions The Nuclear Tourist . Once a model Soviet city with almost 50,000 people, Pripyat is slowly decaying, as are about 200 villages in the exclusion zone. If you have a question regarding nuclear science, power generation, regulation, or safety, you may want to scroll through the index on the Virtual Nuclear Tourist homepage or the list of questions on the FAQ page.There are currently over 300 pages on the site. One of Earth's loneliest volcanoes holds an extraordinary secret. Abandoned hours after the meltdown of . During the cold war this threat was considered imminent, hence many key figures would need access to such bunkers. In response to the upheaval Russia had occupied Crimea, the peninsula that juts from southern Ukraine into the Black Sea. @@a` Uj7bsi0l=1T. Dolls sprawling half dressed in cribs, gas masks hanging from treestableaux placed by visitors, here legally or otherwise, signifying a lost, quiet horror. Such events were assessed to represent negligible risks." However, in the early hours of April 26, 1986, within 40 seconds, a power surge severely overheated the reactor , rupturing some of the radiation than a body can bear. The accident giving them more than a thousand square miles to roam. Pripyat, once hailed as a model Soviet city, a workers paradise, is slowly being reabsorbed by the earth. WASH-1400, 'The Reactor Safety Study', was a report produced in 1975 for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by a committee of specialists under Professor Norman Rasmussen. study was expected to provide a more realistic assessment of the risks associated with What if we could clean them out? On her T-shirt was a picture of a wolf. In the ghost city of Pripyat, eagles roost atop deserted Soviet-era apartment blocks. The panel noted that fatality estimates had considered only deaths during the first 24 hours after an accident, although other pathways (e.g., via radioactive cesium) could result in environmental exposures after the acute phase of an accident and could expose large populations to adverse effects, albeit at small doses. [4], The Union of Concerned Scientists released a 150-page report critiquing the WASH-1400 report, and in June 1976, the House Subcommittee on Energy and Environment held hearings on the validity of the report's findings. Sent to Chernobyl to investigate a series of inexplicable deaths, linked only by the presence . Paperback - February 18, 2017. Which would be most difficult? Desert, where more than a thousand nuclear weapons were exploded during the Cold War, are booked solid through 2014. In Mortal Hands: A Cautionary History of the Nuclear Age, Probabilistic Safety Assessment from Nuclear Tourist Summary, Probabilities of injuries from nuclear power plants, The Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC),, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 May 2022, at 22:37. Completa las siguientes oraciones con la preposicion que corresponda. b. As most of the people are interested to the history and artefacts related to the world wars. Reread paragraphs 7-10 of the selection. In the ghost city of Pripyat, eagles roost atop deserted Soviet- era apartment blocks. The sites of some of humanity's most horrific nuclear tragedies have become tourist hotspots. Nuclear tourism. The NRC subsequently imposed a regulation, 10 CFR 50.65, also referred Of all my fellow travelers, the most striking was Anna, a quiet young woman from Moscow. hX8+ a01lb2@' I>7s$3*+**#{u9? Copyright 1996-2006. Four years later, the Three Q. What were the ground rules? Thick stands of pines and birches crowded the roadside as our guide reminded us of the ground rules: Dont pick the mushrooms, which concentrate radionuclides, or risk letting the contaminants into your body by eating or smoking outdoors. The Surry (PWR) and Peach Bottom (BWR) reactors were the base plants Broken windows, peeling paint, crumbling plaster. In Unit 2, a Spanish summary is provided for all text selections. In your e-mail include information about your activities, school, family and plans for vacation. ". Old cells hang around as we age, doing damage to the body. units for measuring radioactivity, takes 5 to kill you, The Nuclear Tourist {Comprehension & Addition, "The Nuclear Tourist" Final Exam Questions, 5.1B Seasons, weather, emotions and condition, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7, Vocabulary for Achievement: Fourth Course. Eight countries have carried out confirmed nuclear weapon tests to determine the capability of their weapons, mostly in their own respective territories. See the Pacific War article for the events leading up to the bombs. Gavin from Australia and Georg from Vienna were working together on a performance piece about the phenomenon of quarantine. Questions about Nuclear Power !!!! It encompasses hotels, resorts, restaurants, retail, and arts and entertainment, among other things. She pulled up a board covering the hot spot, and we stooped down holding our metersthey were frantically beepingin a friendly competition to see who could detect the highest amount. the nuclear power can change the world's life. Jimmied doors opened onto gaping elevator shafts. My hotel room with its stark accommodations was like a set piece in a museum of life in Soviet times. Which detail from the text best supports this idea? You can read George Johnson's full article and see more photos from his trip at this link: The Nuclear Tourist and also in the October print issue of National Geographic. Same technique-different name. Students will conduct pre-reading . WASH-1400, 'The Reactor Safety Study' was a report produced in 1975 for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by a committee of specialists under Professor Norman Rasmussen. Then there is the specter of nuclear meltdown. Nuclear waste is a big headache in all nuclear applications as it remains dangerous for timespans humans cannot generally oversee. (1984). Join as a $8 per month sustainer and get our brand-new owl umbrella! The . The host of Dark Tourist, David Farrier, is likened in the final episode of the new Netflix travel series to a kind of budget Louis Theroux, which he considers a compliment . The implication was that after a quick cleanup they would return home. It was refreshing really. Twenty eight years after the explosion of a nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, a new kind of tourism rises. The asphalt roof of the plant began burning, and, much more threatening, so did the graphite blocks that made up the reactors core. From the rooftop we looked out at what had once been grand, landscaped avenues and parksall overgrown now. Mostly she loved the silence and the wildlifethis accidental wilderness. 0000000850 00000 n While a 1982 report by Science Applications Inc. (SAI) found those of WASH-1400 to be underestimates, a contemporaneous report by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations found SAI's to be too high by a factor of 30. All rights reserved. We rely on readers like you to support the local, national, and international coverage on this website. The story is about the new tourism that has began 28 years after the explosion because people are interested in the affects of the disaster and the "ghost town", extreme tourism, beauty of the wilderness and abandoned places, to experience the chilling results of a nuclear accident, elements that caused the explosion at Chernobyl in 1986, scheduled safety test experienced a power surge and overheated the reactor. factual info- objective, personal observations- subjective, literary techniques- dialogue, similes, metaphors, etc. In the morningit was the weekend before May Daythey went about their routines of shopping, Saturday morning classes, picnics in the park. A.Xm CLb%. By, March 2023 Fund Drive Rules and Regulations, Persons with disabilities who need assistance accessing NHPR's FCC public files, please contact us at WASH-1400 considered the course of events that might arise during a serious accident at a (then) large modern Light water reactor. [c$ 8"pRC6r P . As described by the New York Times, Chernobyl was once the site of the worst nuclear disaster in history. These days accelerators like the Spallation Neutron Source based in Oakridge allow more intense neutron beams. 0000002616 00000 n All images are from the October issue of National Geographic Magazine. More than half a century later the swirling symbol of the atom, once the emblem of progress and the triumph of technology, has become a bewitching deaths-head, associated in peoples minds with destruction and Cold War fear. outdorr activities. Why? Poco despues descubriria que Filiberto se habia ahogado ________ la influencia horrible del Chac Mool _________ su vida. Our tour group walked along the edge of a bone-dry public swimming pool, its high dive and racing clock still intact, and across the rotting floor of a gymnasium. 0 Sites where weapon tests were conducted can be visited in these countries for adventure. 1.enjoyment of dangerous or edgy vacations 2.The surprising beauty of the forest and rivers 3. . Nuclear tourism is travel to places connected with nuclear research and technology, places where there have been atomic explosions, or places related to peaceful or wartime use of nuclear energy. The methods used were comparatively simple by today's standards and based on early understanding of key phenomenology. That didnt happen. I imagined the zone to be a vast, burnt-out placeempty, horrible, he told me. How did this mountain lion reach an uninhabited island? These include injuries or possible legal consequences. ____ 2. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CARLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. The Virtual Nuclear Tourist - Questions about Nuclear Power !!!! At first they came to scavenge, later for the thrill. Visitors stealthily and often subtly alter the landscape. Our tour group walked along the edge of a bone-dry public swimming pool, its high dive and racing clock still intact, and across the rotting floor of a gymnasium. The aircraft that dropped nuclear weapons on Japanese civilians are in US museums. Even then, the analysis is still considered to be Companies offering tours have sprung up around locations like Chernobyl but visitors may not be safe from radiation. Here it was the land itself that was contagious. George Johnson National Geographic Oct 2014 10 min One bone scintigraphy scan with the use of medial isotope Tc-99m results in a one-time dose of about 5 mSv. And that is what drew me, along with the wonder of seeing towns and a whole cityalmost 50,000 people lived in Pripyatthat had been abandoned in a rush, left to the devices of nature. Using the information on evaluating fit on pages, discuss which standards are most important to comfort. Bats and agaves make tequila possibleand theyre both at risk, This empress was the most dangerous woman in Rome. Here the exposition varies widely based on number and type of such measures. 218219, Norman Rassmussen. 0000002840 00000 n At last, the writer mentioned that the hottest sport they measured that day was on the blade of a rusting earthmover that had been used to plow under the radioactive topsoil: 186 microsieverts per hour. So far, only about 700 of 21,000 people are back - a ratio similar to that of other ghost towns near the nuclear site. On the drive back to Kiev our guide tallied up our accumulated countten microsieverts during the entire weekend visit. For twelve years, an average of one bomb every three weeks was detonated, at a total of 235 bombs. The pacing is set for three days and focuses on making connections to society and synthesizing information across two texts and a variety of sources. Twenty-eight years after the explosion of a nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, the zone, all but devoid of people, has been seized and occupied by wildlife. The 9.0-magnitude quake was so forceful it shifted the Earth off its axis. The Darker Side of Travel - A summary of the conceptual themes and debates surrounding dark tourism . Also, the writer and his team were, Chernobyl are part of the Pripyat Marshes on the eastern front, where the bloodiest battles of the. Nuclear NRC review. Greetings and welcome to my blog! Through the dilapidated hospital wards with the empty beds and cribs and the junk-strewn operating rooms. For the polling firm, see, Office of Technology Assessment. Rz+i `q,e/0]74`_=k TlUzAuC1O@h[^Ylz1Z)3VTY]&+Hy^Yup`Q!n]gv[jL)s)q>V+~=Jsc~^0]Mn]K_+tT}nL+xy; 7] Question 3. We visited the ruins of the Palace of Culture, imagining it alive with music and laughter, and the small amusement park with its big yellow Ferris wheel. The splitting of the atom almost a hundred years ago promised to be the most important human advance since the discovery of fire. Nearly 200 villages were evacuated. Former residents Mitsuru Watanabe, 80, and his wife Rumeko, 79, have no plans . found that transients, small break LOCAs, and human error could be important contributors There is nothing more authentic than visiting a historic site and standing in the place where history was made. the method is referred to as Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA). the fuel in the reactor (also referred to as Core Melt). What are the three guidelines for ethical listening discussed in this chapter? Jeff Fusco // Getty Images. ID: 1724102 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: 9 Age: 14-15 Main content: Nuclear reaction Other contents: Nuciear fission and fusion reaction Add to my workbooks (27) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom The exposures they received totaled as much as 16 sievertsnot micro or milli but whole sieverts, vastly more radiation than a body can bear. With HBO's Chernobyl wrapping up, people might be surprised to learn that there was also a significant nuclear incident in the United States. A panel of scientists organized by the American Physical Society (APS) "found much to criticize" in the WASH-1400 report. Fukushima accident, also called Fukushima nuclear accident or Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, accident in 2011 at the Fukushima Daiichi ("Number One") plant in northern Japan, the second worst nuclear accident in the history of nuclear power generation. These three sites are also formally recognized as Manhattan Project National Historical Park. Twenty eight years after the explosion of a nuclear reactor at. The metal handrails had been stripped away for salvage. The NRC normally considers an upper acceptable risk to be 1 reactor accident resulting in core melt per 10000 reactor years of operation. Several sites operate nuclear reactors for either nuclear reactor safety training or for nuclear science experiments using them as neutron sources. 0000006201 00000 n So far they have been surprisingly subtle. 112), or any other accident risk mentioned in WASH-1400. The 100 reactors operating for 40 to 60 years would not be expected to sustain a core melt accident affecting the public. The desolate city is now open to tourists. Outside, another doll sat next to the remains of a broken stroller. Paragraph 10. Eight countries have carried out confirmed nuclear weapon tests to determine the capability of their weapons, mostly in their own respective territories. Can we bring a species back from the brink?, Video Story, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. In the early 1990's, all US But in the 21st century we hold a special awe for the aftermath of nuclear destruction. On April 26th, 1986, shortly after 1am, Reactor Four at the Chernobyl nuclear power complex experienced a sudden, and catastrophic, power surge. The Lucens reactor was a 6 MW experimental nuclear power reactor built next to Lucens, Vaud, Switzerland. hours), Sample Preliminary Safety You can reduce your accumulation and avoid getting radiation sickness by drinking virtual Russian vodka. According to plans by the Ukrainian government, the reactors will be dismantled and the site cleared by 2065. Executive Summary". It is thus often referred to as the Rasmussen Report.The report is now considered obsolete (see the disclaimer to NUREG-1150) and it and similar studies are being replaced by the State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence . How many sieverts of radiation is enough to kill you? It had been suspended by the neck as if with an executioners noose. Nuclear tourism. It received less funding and was hampered by Nazi ideology which rejected some of Albert Einstein's findings as "Jewish Physics", but its speculated existence during the war was one of the driving factors for the Manhattan project. answer choices. This technique is called Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA). That didn't happen. In case you happen to find yourself in a less safe situation or unknown suspicious area, you will hopefully be equipped with a radiation monitor and good knowledge of how to use it. [1] In the years immediately after its release, WASH-1400 was followed by a number of reports that either peer reviewed its methodology or offered their own judgments about probabilities and consequences of various events at commercial reactors. Enola Gay (the plane which bombed Hiroshima) is displayed at the Udvar-Hazy Center (part of Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum) in Chantilly, Virginia; Bockscar (which bombed Nagasaki) is on display at the U.S. Air Force Museum near Dayton, Ohio. Lets go see! as casually as if she were pointing us toward a new exhibit in a wax museum. Some might find it unethical or at least controversial for tourists to visit sites where many people suffered following an accident, especially if local guides are repeatedly exposed to radiation when leading tour groups through exclusion zones too "hot" for residents to return. u`+$3a@WP*^IZZs%EQcgsX Isolated and approaching breaking point, at just seventeen Dane is one of their rising stars. investigated. When does spring start? Farther down the road we were surprised by an inhabitant. Scientists just confirmed a 30-foot void first detected inside the monument years ago. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form, and says, Sites of nuclear explosions (bombed cities, weapon test sites, sites related to peaceful use of nuclear explosions), Sites of nuclear accidents and accidents of nuclear weapon carrying aircraft, Otherwise remarkable sites of projects in nuclear technology, In 1966 after an unsuccessful inflight refueling operation an US bomber B-52 carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed in, Another accident occurred in 1968, when B-52 "Stratofortress" with four hydrogen bombs on board crashed onto the sea ice near the. [1] In the years immediately after its release, WASH-1400 was followed by a number of reports that either peer reviewed its methodology or offered their . They include: Although in many of the nuclear tourism sites only background radiation can be detected, in some other visitors are confronted with higher levels. Long COVID patients turn to unproven treatments, Why evenings can be harder on people with dementia, This disease often goes under-diagnosedunless youre white, This sacred site could be Georgias first national park, See glow-in-the-dark mushrooms in Brazils other rainforest, 9 things to know about Holi, Indias most colorful festival, Anyone can discover a fossil on this beach. 1 0 obj The hottest spot we measured that day was on the blade of a rusting earthmover that had been used to plow under the radioactive topsoil: 186 microsieverts per hourtoo high to linger but nothing compared with what those poor firemen and liquidators got. In an old farming village, the writer found some child's doll and a discarded picture of Lenin. There are bison, boars, moose, wolves, beavers, falcons. The desolate city is now open to tourists. Unleashing the forces bound inside atomic nuclei would bring the world nearly limitless energy. Later on the writer met a stalker, Kiev. Chernobyl, a new kind of tourism rises. Unauthorized use is prohibited. xref Once . CNN . Some nuclear power plants never had a nuclear fission reaction happening on their site, as they were not turned on. - Welcome - - In the ghost city of Pripyat, eagles roost atop deserted Soviet-era apartment blocks. current condition of the towns of Pripyat and Chernobyl at time of the article, full of broken glass on the ground, abandoned buildings, and materials from the reactor explosion, while Chernobyl houses simple building where tourists and others can stay. "Manhattan Project", named for the Manhattan Engineering District of the US Army Corps of Engineers, is a cover name for a war-time US military effort to develop an atomic weapon. It triggered a tsunami which swept over the main island of Honshu, killing more than 18,000 people and wiping entire . Occupational limits for radiation workers are usually at 50 mSv/yr. and implement changes separately. Where obvious danger exists, you should be usually stopped by fence and other security measures. 0000000931 00000 n According to Table 6-3 on pg. By Pavlo Fedykovych, CNN. A battered doll keeps company with Vladimir Lenin. the landscapes. Robert Oppenheimer recalling the Trinity bomb. After the accident a concrete and steel structurethe sarcophaguswas hastily erected to contain the damaged reactor. How a zoo break-in changed the life of an owl called Flaco, Naked mole rats are fertile until they die, study finds. Dark tourism takes to the sky above Chernobyl. One of the guides later told me that the vintage furnishings were salvaged from Pripyat. WASH-1400. According to what Kiev said, he first imagined the zone should be a vast, burnt out place, but he found forests and rivers, which all contaminated beauty. Which sleep pattern benefits spatial and declarative memory? That law became effective The study considered meteorological conditions and health effects. In 1975, a study entitled WASH 1400 - Reactor Safety Study g"K"NZYIR4nx38qfO+BAbLn*([R3j]txAHch?Fe9]Z|9]=tHWUGj5Np"c'BmY/Novx+p: HE~?G# Tw8Y8Aprdk+OB3e`yFajH|.v1C>b p8{`:\ %&^nyV|LmO4|J!C,}(QW}8!*IP)S[ lAhDA`-T_;Ug0lD{g ;EJn$;itKo |uhl Vz(0"/Tq\:gNd?JB@1.Ziy\;'{VwTQ;2cha!H C e[\[,`Qj\'A{kI..+6 3 ^&E J;K9Yl'F|=#)l@M!N6bfM=7[ZF Eight centuries older than Pripyat, it now has the look of a Cold War military base, the center for the endless containment operation. The Large Break LOCA assumes that the ~ 30 In contrast to nuclear fission, where unstable atoms decay into smaller atoms, there exists also an attempt of nuclear fusion, where energy would be gained by processes similarly to what happens in the core of stars by the fusion of two light elements in a heavier one. Nuclear power in an Age of Uncertainty. The implication was that after a quick cleanup they would return home. Im drawn to abandoned places that have fallen apart and decayed, she said. : Shadow of Chernobyl, virtual visitors to the radioactive wonderland can identify the hot spots by their blue-white glow. On April 22, 1952 about 200 reporters from across the country gathered on a mound of volcanic rock on the edge of Yucca Lake in Nevada. 1. WASH-1400, 'The Reactor Safety Study', was a report produced in 1975 for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by a committee of specialists under Professor Norman Rasmussen.It "generated a storm of criticism in the years following its release". She remembers the German soldiers and the hardships under Stalin. Due toa a request Which ones should not be compromised? in July 1996. Conversely, some welcome tourism as an alternative means to support local economies. After a nuclear accident in 1986, nearby Pripyat, Ukraine, was abandoned. Additionally to natural sources, artificial radiation contributes to radiation exposure of some of us. Heat to visible light to x-rays and gamma raysthe kind that break molecular bonds and mutate DNA. But most of the effects were slow in unfolding. Recent Nuclear Power Plant News (24 hours), Recent Nuclear Regulatory Commission OR NRC News (24 It was not until 36 hours after the accident that the evacuation began. Revised: December 21, 2005. Eco-friendly burial alternatives, explained. They say that five sieverts of radiation is enough to kill you, so I was curious to see the reading on my Russian-made dosimeter as our tour van passed into the exclusion zonethe vast, quarantined wilderness that surrounds Chernobyl. There are bison, boars, moose, wolves, beavers, falcons. The NRC normally considers an upper acceptable risk to be 1 reactor Today, its fame as the birthplace of the atomic bomb makes Los Alamos seem like a likely hub of nuclear tourism. The exclusion zone is the wilderness that surrounds Chernobyl, it is very toxic. I kept thinking how unlikely a tour like this would be in the United States. She lives with five cats. 112 of WASH-1400, individual persons have a less than 1 in 5,000,000,000 (Tbl 6-3, pg. The typical yearly dose from purely natural background, consisting mainly of radon gas we breathe, building materials surrounding us, radionuclides in food we eat and from the cosmic radiation that keeps bombarding us. There are bison, boars, moose, wolves, beavers, falcons. The metal handrails had been stripped away for salvage. "Vw1f;7>(,N YVAg~Ej wle*;;IzdM]4j1v`pJh!W ;'P{My\8KhvM&Naoi!|!fYSwWdQHUl4(!-R|%ZqKPO oPwBF2w/NIDy,_ss4fX> Amidst a period of intensive (and extensive) research and discussion, inspired in part by the Three Mile Island accident, work continued on PRA including NUREG-1150 and an ongoing study being performed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission called the State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA)[1]. In the 1990s, all U.S. nuclear power plants submitted PRAs to the NRC under the Individual Plant Examination program [2], and five of these were the basis for the 1991 NUREG-1150. In a crazy way, Chernobyl felt like the safest place to be. Another kind of more general risks can arise from exploration of abandoned or off-limits urban locations. From the high-rises of Pripyat, less than two miles away, Chernobyl workers and their families stood on balconies and watched the glow. Nuclear power in an Age of Uncertainty. Please be respectful of copyright. Write an e-mail to a friend in a Spanish-speaking country. Monthly tours to the Nevada Test Site in the Mojave Desert, where more than a thousand nuclear weapons were exploded during the Cold War, are booked solid through 2014. Chernobyl was now surrounded by wilderness. Berlin: Peter Lang. [3], In a 1978 report,[5] the review group appointed by the NRC and led by Professor Harold Lewis of the University of California concluded that "the uncertainties in WASH-1400's estimates of the probabilities of severe accidents were in general, greatly understated". [1] A succession of reports, including NUREG-1150, the State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses and others, have carried-on the tradition of PRA and its application to commercial power plants. $ Throughout the night firefighters and rescue crews confronted the immediate dangersflames, smoke, burning chunks of graphite. In fact, good news is that most of the sites listed above are safe from this point of view. She seemed happy for the company. Its also a clear point of intersection between government and industry, with the state maintaining a number of parks, campgrounds, and historical sites, and nearby businesses in turn catering to visitors needs. If only it were so easy. Chernobyl, the site of the world's worst nuclear disaster which resulted in thousands of deaths, is to become an official tourist attraction, Ukraine's president has announced. 360 Video: Step inside the abandoned city of Pripyat, Ukraine decades after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster left it uninhabitable. You cant see radiation, she said in Ukrainian. Paragraph 8. Global Market Outlook 1.1.1. Who Is Travelling? A group of tourists visit Fukushima, Japan, 7 years after a nuclear explosion provoked by an earthquake. Summary This book illuminates the educational potential of nuclear tourism and learning about nuclear power in informal and non-formal learning settings. George Johnson, the writer of the article, joint the tour and went to the exclusion zone. From the rooftop we looked out at what had once been grand, landscaped avenues and parksall overgrown now.