Does Absinthe Really Cause Hallucinations? Imagine the solace a warrior may find in taking psychedelics and confronting the divine within himself. This takes you as far as you can go. When I gave it to shamans in the Amazon, they said Its strong but this is, these are the ancestors. Researcher Jennifer A Lyke also analyzed the types of entities reported in the DMT realm. There can be a "dissolving of the sense of self," and, of course, hallucinations involving self-transforming machine elves. They have opened doors, sliders, cabinets, etc. Theyve come to be known by many names, including clockwork elves, DMT elves, fractal elves, and tykes (a word for small child). They have been reported to warmly welcome DMT travelers. So popular is the instance of these apparitions that one study, conducted by Dr. Rick Strassman, found that roughly 50% of DMT users reported seeing these machine elves during their trips. Fear is an invitation to wisdom If you fear / hate you will see demons if you show courage and love you will see angel's. Sponsors . . He claims they stem from an aberration of the brains perceptual mechanics via DMTs interaction with the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor. Many people use DMT and other psychedelics without being followed around by anything. Oh and method use to access them/their dimension was MDMA. You're pushed through, and you see the tykes, as I call them. According to trip reports, creatures may not always carry direct messages for the visitors, and some, like reptiles and spiders, may evoke apprehension. In his book Archaic Revival . Like people say its like reality, just somewhere else. In addition, various cultural factors may be in play, which could determine the idiosyncrasies of the experience. You wont know what youll see. One a human, another a lion and the 3rd a bird. Youre pushed through, and you see the tykes, as I call them. Is the DMT Experience a Hallucination? Geometric objects may present as giant, multi-colored undulating spheres or other shapes, or more generally, morphing multi-colored, fractal-like structures of various textures. Oh damn, back into the rabbit hole arent we. In this article, we will take a deep dive into machine elves, and also explore some of the other DMT entities that are commonly reported in DMT trips. The dark shamanic practices were created when DMT was ingested and these demons were involked. A classic example of what one can expect to see; only our standard perception does this description no justice. Objects which looked like Faberg eggs from Mars morphing themselves with Mandaean alphabetical structures. Even the sound of silence has a fantastic orchestra of strange instruments encircled in an infinite spiral. How DMT is Made: Everything You Need to KnowEver wonder how to make DMT? Sometimes theyre indifferent to visitors, playful in a trickster-esque way, and even actively hostile. They conducted interviews with three dozen non-clinical users who inhaled between 40 and 75 mg of DMT. How to Smoke DMT: Processes ExplainedThere are many ways to smoke DMT and we've outlined some of the best processes to consider before embarking on your journey. The self-transforming machine elves that are singing in a hyperdimensional language. Known colloquially as the spirit molecule, DMT is one of the strongest and fastest-acting psychedelics, with a chemical compound thats found in animals, plants and even human beings. And the entire point of the encounter, from their perspective, is to teach you to do this.. The real enemy, the reason for the child abuse, wars and these rituals. What if the DMT realm was the real world, and our everyday lives were merely a game we had chosen to play? But it felt like I was finding out. But at least now, with the knowledge of what you could find when you break through, you might be able to strike up a friendship with machine elves or, in the best-case scenario, get them to reveal all the secrets of their existence. Most would think it as bloodthirst but thats far too positivist. The ibis of Ra. Idle hands are the devils playthings, and what if those hands are currently wrapped up in doing the devils work? 2020-07-09 03:09:08 DMT Machine/Clockwork elves, Dark Jesters, Djinn, Demons, Extra Dimensional beings, Aliens, Spirit Guides, Coices crazy people hear, Familiars, and whatever else people call them. That were the memories of these highly-intelligent beings. Though all those drugs produce hallucinations, DMT users tend to report seeing otherworldly beings or "DMT elves," often also called "machine elves.". Terence Mckenna believed in the independent existence of these entities, claiming the alternate realities form an ecology of souls within a raging universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien.. we barely understand space-time and quantum physics , and science always avoids a theory of consciousness because its too slippery 3/1/23: I'M LIVING ON A CHINESE ROCK W/ DR. LEE MERRITT Ron Patton | March 1, 2023 . Im lucid and sober:. And that somehow I was getting a peek over the other side. And the entire point of the encounter, from their perspective, is to teach you to do this, One anonymous user in Strassmans study recalled a similar experience: . Rather I suggest we should be open and awake to lifes infinite expressions yet still critical minded and rational enough to form adequate conclusions. As detailed in his book True Hallucinations, Mckenna traveled with his brother and some friends to La Chorrera in the Columbian Amazon in search of Oo-koo-he, a DMT-containing plant preparation used by the indigenous people to access the spirit realms. Of course, there is no way to objectively verify this, given that the only data available is the subjective DMT experience. Safe travels brother. , Youre pushed through, and you see the tykes, as I call them. These intelligent other-worldly beings that communicate with you when youve smoked a puff or two of DMT. How does our brain differentiate between whats real and whats not? DMT Extraction: Behind the Scientific ProcessTake a look at DMT extraction and the scientific process involved. Overview When inhaled, the psychedelic experience comes on quickly and typically lasts between 5 and 20 minutes. DMT is said to occur naturally in nearly all living things and is also known as the "spirit molecule." When taken correctly, DMT can be a potent psychedelic. Required fields are marked *. Were these people savage? According to him he made direct contact with these entities, which he calls machine elves or perhaps more correctly his ancestors. In this case, their appearance and how the interactions unfold may in part be determined by the psychological and spiritual development of the person having the experience. What Does 5-MeO-DMT Show Us About Consciousness? DMT, sometimes called the "spirit molecule," is a chemical that occurs naturally in some plants and animals. He postulated that they could be evidence of extraterrestrials, entities from a parallel dimension, human souls which have died in this realm, or humans from some extraordinarily advanced future world. The otherworldly predictions were common among general users, too, with over 80% of DMT users in Strassmans study describing their encounters as more than reality.. Latest Shows. Strassman himself found the popularity of machine elves during his study to be especially notable, saying in an interview: I admittedly chalked up these stories to some kind of West Coast eccentricity. DMT experiences are characterized by fantastic visions and breakthrough events, including most interestingly, contact with a range of entities. Perhaps the contrary is true. Artists have been busy trying to depict this mysterious terrain. Learn more about me. They are neither demons nor angels nor mortals. But machine elves are not unique to McKenna; many people who try DMT relate to features the ethnobotanist described in his trips. While doses of DMT result in the varying strength of a given trip, its been found that doses above 40mg often result in users reaching the so-called breakthrough, the point at which they transcend the human world and enter new realities complete with vivid hallucinations. But at least now, with the knowledge of what you could find when you break through, you might be able to strike up a friendship with machine elves or, in the best-case scenario, get them to reveal all the secrets of their existence. . In the 1970s, American ethnobotanist and author Terence McKenna coined the term machine elves to describe the otherworldly creatures that appear during trips on the psychedelic drug Dimethyltryptamine (more commonly known as DMT). Differentiating DMT and Near-Death ExperiencesSome say there are similarities between a DMT trip and death. Read on to learn more. Id wager its someone fucking around ChatGPT generating wall of text. Let's compare and contrast changa vs DMT. If you have your own ideas to share about the machine-elves, feel free to do so below. The people in the room were flipping out . To understand that the suffering is necessary for joy to even exist. . Guide to Machine Elves and Other DMT Entities. So the only question I asked is, How long does it last? and he said, About five minutes. So I did it and [long pause, audience cheers] there was a something, like a flower, like a chrysanthemum in orange and yellow that was sort of spinning, spinning, and then it was like I was pushed from behind and I fell through the chrysanthemum into another place that didnt seem like a state of mind, it seemed like another place. In summary, Kent makes the argument that DMT entity contact and psychedelic visuals may be the result of chaotic visual patterns overlapped with images created from waking dreams. A number of studies have looked at what happens to people who take LSD, for instance, or mescaline or psilocybin (found in peyote and mushrooms, respectively). They are the children destined to be the Parents of Man. Dont take everything Alex Jones says to be fact, sure some things he says are possible and hes a genuine guy but be wary. there will always be a mix of experiences when experienced through the mind / inner eye Mechanical elves (3x priority) | a forest at night | full moon | vivid colors where tf is my full moon? The elves may permeate reality, as they claim, but it is unlikely that they are the source of the Universe or the Dao. Thats a whole different book. "It is typically smoked or vaporized, but it can be consumed orally if done so in combination with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI)," explains Dr. Steve Thayer, a clinical psychologist and host of the podcast "Psychedelic Therapy Frontiers," in an email interview. Having Sex on DMT: What You Need to KnowHave you ever wondered about sex on DMT? It comes through the pineal as I am able to see objects that are behind my eyes. This is either a bot or another fucking troll. One of Strassmans volunteers in the DMT study, Jeremiah, reported how unbelievably free-standing and durable his experience in the DMT realm was: DMT has shown me the reality that there is an infinite variation on reality. For the record, that guys is an actor. A friend of a friend abused DMT for awhile (well, treated it as a recreational fun drug instead of a psychonautical learning experience that deserves respect), and he kept ending up in the room with the elves. Are they intelligent entities existing in parallel dimensions to our own or are they the human imagination unleashed to its utmost potential? Machine elves could just be interdimensional beings who have the same problems we humans have, namely some are good some are bad. Absolutely hilarious. By using the term "machine elves," Terence McKenna's tales created terminology that has been widely adopted by those who have tripped in his footsteps and described these visuals in the same way that he did. Spiritual philistines lol, Your email address will not be published. . In this video above I found a fascinating first-hand account of what happened to this young man in a DMT trip. "There is no clear scientific explanation for it," says Thayer, but one theory is that this is simply what the conscious mind experiences in the presence of DMT. Thats all religions are. In her analysis, she categorized the entities and their frequency as follows: Lets take a look at some of these other DMT entities in more detail. We know this place.. In most cases, people report that the elves are friendly and helpful. An overwhelming majority reported having seen some kind of entity, whether machine elves or not; 94 percent said they'd encountered "other beings." Realize that people quit doing that over ten years ago. A cluttered mind? This includes being criticized, having mistakes analyzed, and told how to improve as a person. Machine elves are frequently portrayed in trip reports as benevolent, playful, prankish, and sometimes ornery. So what exactly do machine elves look like? Lol. Machine elves are demons simply put and when you take psychedelics, you are opening your mind up to demonic possession. Self explanatory when you have knowledge. If you as a human being decide to enter their realm, they will most likely want to play with you. There are eager to meet their victims, talking incessantly and excitedly. 2/28/23: IRON WHORES W/ DEAN . He called them 'self-transforming elf machines,' which is where the now-famous term 'DMT machine elves' comes from. Here is everything you want to know about 5-Meo-DMT and how it compares to 4-AcO-DMT. I just looked through ur post history bro pls get evaluated. He described their appearance as vividly colourful, and said they are shaped like Faberge eggs or jeweled basketballs that vibrated. Bloodthirst is relative. Going off trip reports, individuals have described conscious inanimate machines, mechanoids, androids, biomechanical intelligence, and robots, to name a few. Hell weve going deep into the rabbit hole now, maybe I should slow down. I would also argue that there is violence in all cultures today. Machine elves can take on many forms depending on the individual. An audial hallucination is quite rare but these emanations do not originate in our primal 5 senses. They are the children destined to be the Parents of Man. Behind it the machine elf which is different to different people. Realize that all religions are a path to God. Thinking that the entire world revolves around your cultures God, and that youre right while everyone elses religion is wrong, is a very narrow minded way of thinking and will do nothing but hold you back. I do not claim that the machine elves are anything because I wont claim that they even exist to begin with. You say that meditation and psychedelics clear the mind so that these evil entities have an opportunity to enter and possess you, but what is better than a clear mind? Yet, why do you not concern yourself, with the content which the mind is occupied? machine elves or entities are all just concepts your head created and nothing else. I first saw them during a particularly intense DMT trip, but now I see them almost everywhere I go. In 2021, researchers at the University of Greenwich and Imperial College London performed the first field study of DMT use. They also have a sense of I, the primordial I-thought that all physical sentient beings have in this world and all other worlds for that matter. He realized that he was made of immaculate and timeless consciousness when meditating in his hermit cave on the island of Gotland. The hyper-spacial entities that inhabit the DMT realm. Head here for a guide on safe drug use. They surround you and say, Welcome, were so glad to see you.. So where were we? Press J to jump to the feed. Everything is created through perception, asking another entity to influence your perception and beliefs can be seen as ignorant. Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Is it a deterministic perspective? Contact with entities is reported in the majority of DMT trip reports in the West, but also in a multitude of non-Western cultures. I am okay I just need to figure out if the elves are okay or if the energy they need can be provided through organic matter and if it is through organic matter, then I could possibly be a host that they can latch onto and then that wouldn't be good.