But not all those conflicts are the kind of thing you want to share in an interview, right? Instead of questioning his authority, I went to him individually with my concerns. Tracking deliveries and facilitating payments was a huge task and sometimes payments got delayed. Company mission, values (pro tip: can be used as talking points during your interview) Feel free to go into more detail in this section, and keep the others shorter. Choose the right story . Plenty of people search for how to answer interview questions or the best interview answers. The only way youre able to do this is if you understand what their need is or where their viewpoint comes from. This holds true whether you work in a restaurant or a skyscraper. He was also impressed with the way I rechecked the report and made sure everything was accurate. Or at least you can get on to more fun topics, like your career goals. S: One difficult situation where I disagreed with my manager was when I had to ask for a deadline extension on a task. Ask your team to add respectful disagreement to the group's norms. "I never disagreed with a coworker, but I have had one disagree with me before. Be sure to continue reading through our collection of posts for job interview tips, career advice, and all things related to The Search.. 6. Have you ever disagreed with your manager and why? How do you deal with different opinions and diversity as part of a team in the workplace? The key is to show that you can overcome small conflicts without involving your boss or interrupting the flow of the workplace. Some of your coworkers, managers, and/or clients will turn out to be well, difficult to work with. This is one of the most common behavioural interview questions about conflict resolution. Tell me a time when you had a disagreement with a coworker?. While working at a content marketing agency, we worked with a client whose revision requests were strict and highly subjective. Policies usually involve the whole organization, and opposing a conflict can mean getting into conflict with the company itself. In the Situation part, youll want to set the context, which is, in this case, a conflict involving you and other people. 27. For a detailed answer and strong storytelling, we also recommend jotting down key points and then practicing. You can find it on LinkedIn as well!! Act and react objectively in the workplace. A similar question is "Tell me about a time you were on a team and team member wasn't pulling his or her weight and how you addressed the situation.". Tell me how you resolve conflict at work. That said, the first thing you need to know about answering either of these questions is your interviewer will severely penalize you if you respond with: Ive never had a conflict with a coworker or team member. Conflicts arise every day in the workplace, employers know this, and so they need to know that youll be able to resolve them. Interview question for Distribution Engineer. It would be best if you are aware of the work policies of the organization you are interviewing for so that you dont inadvertently voice your opposition to one of their existing policies. Expecting these (and preparing for them beforehand) is the perfect way to walk into your interview with confidence and zeal. Below are three steps for how to adequately answer the question "Tell me about a time you disagreed with your boss" in an interview. The meat of your answer will come next: explaining how you were able to create agreement out of conflict. Think about your previous work experience. For example, do you see words like strategic, detail-oriented, and/or organized when reading through what the job entails? "Tell me about a time you disagreed with a decision made at work.". The important thing is to know how to resolve conflicts professionally, peacefully, and constructively. Both of us were happy to work on the account and we actually became close friends as a result of working together. Make sure that executive compensation and other employee bonuses and profit sharing are tied to the success of the company as a whole and not to individual departments. How to answer "Describe a situation where you disagreed with a supervisor". You might detail what a project goal was, your assignment or the suggestions made by your manager. Knowing how to manage conflicts well indicates that you are a great team player. Use our interview question guides to give yourself a sense of what to expect, as well as to start planning your responses. After listening and understanding her side, we both agreed that the best way to resolve the issue would be to work the account together. Keep the issue to yourself. Common Conflict Interview Questions. Here are a few sample answers regarding conflict with a work policy. Nurses are masters at multitasking - for example, managing multiple patients, administering medication on time while maintaining detailed notes. Thats why one of the best ways you can build your individual interview skills is by being prepared ahead of time. I incorporated thoughts to your question in an article I wrote a while back called How to Friend the Interviewer. send our content editing team a message here, 21 Best Describe a Challenge You Faced and How You Overcame It Examples, 50+ Greatest Resume Summary Examples of All-Time, 50 Most Asked Nursing Interview Questions with Answers, 20 Best Answers to Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job, 10 Best Answers to Why Do You Want to Be a Manager, 11 Best Answers to What Does Leadership Mean to You Interview Question, 50 Most Asked Front Desk Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Ways to Answer Sell Me This Pen in an Interview, 10 Most Asked Integrity Interview Questions with Answers, 25 Most Asked Confidentiality Interview Questions with Answers, 50 Most Asked Phone Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Answers to What Are Your Interests and Hobbies, Include all key information the hiring manager is looking for, Use examples that have a positive outcome, Keep your interview answer brief but include specific details, Do not say that you get along with everyone and have never faced work conflict, Avoid answers that make you seem unreasonable or difficult to work with, Refrain from using your response to blame others or bash past co-workers or bosses. But heres how he could have answered instead. Or "I didn't think we were taking the right approach with XYZ, so I did XYZ and here . After I went through the data anew, I found out that there was no anomaly and my manager was probably just double checking my work. Taking a year or two to clerk before you work at a firm or for an agency can be a big benefit to you in the long run, both in experience and clerkship bonuses. Sometimes a manager does have to get involved, but remember what we said above. Your non-verbal language (fidgeting) Research the employer. Now, this one is among the trickiest conflict resolution interview questions as it deals directly with conflicts with your superiors. How would you handle that? In business, it makes no difference what is correct. In our software Big Interview, weve developed a tool specifically for building your STAR interview answers. The designer not only missed a deadline but threw a fit when called on it. Your answer might include holding meetings to address a procrastinating coworker or agreeing to a compromise on a particular issue where viewpoints differed. . Related: 12 Tough Interview Questions and Answers. The designer that was assigned to the project was very talented, but unfortunately missed a deadline that I assigned. No one wants to work with someone who refuses the ideas and opinions' of others. Tell me about a time you had to deal with a conflict on your team. Although not everyone was happy, they understood and supported the decision. Learn how to turn more job interviews into job offers here. The ability to handle conflict is a very sought-after competency in the workplace. I was taken aback by his response, but I remained calm. I always tell people during discussions like this, It matters more to me why you think what you think than what you think. Mike is an entrepreneur and founder of several career service companies. I then offered my assistance to collect the data from the department myself to complete my project, and he was not facing added work he could not finish. This is a nice, concise happy ending. 4. I calmed down and politely requested the doctor to bring a pain management specialist for a fresh opinion. A: I approached my manager for an extension rather than . Others you mightve encountered in the past (or could face in a future interview) include: Describe a challenging goal that you set and explain how it was achieved. To many professionals, conflict and client seem almost synonymous. Use a specific example, preferably one that is relatable to the interviewer. He agreed and we brought in the specialist, who ultimately decided to increase the dosage for my patient. Seeing our enthusiasm for the matter, he assured us that he would talk to the COO about the issue. After he realized that I really did take a closer look, he agreed to onboard an external quality assurance engineer to the team. R: After I presented the cost analysis of hiring an entry-level receptionist to take over these duties, my manager agreed that it would be more beneficial for the salon. While answering interview questions about conflict, remember that its not about winning. When responding to these types of questions during an interview, you would be best served to explain to the interviewer that you have a particular philosophy whenever you disagree with someone. In my last job there was so much conflict between my coworkers that I ended up moving my desk to the basement next to the boiler. Here are a few examples that you can use as inspiration. I don't like confrontation, it makes me anxious." Tips for Successful Disagreement. First, they want to know you feel confident you are right for the job. So, I asked to get together with him for lunch. T: I was the customer service rep that handled all customer complaints and resolutions for our department. As a result, I was able to avoid doing the task without the issue growing into a larger source of repeated conflict. S: It is normal to have differences of opinions and cultural diversity when working with multiple individuals in teams. "If I have a disagreement, I will go directly to my manager. More often than not, it was a user error, but it was my responsibility to help customers that I had recently sold a printer to. Describe a situation where you resolved an issue with a co-worker. Seeing my earnestness, the customer finally calmed down. T - Task: Point out the tasks you identified to solve the conflict. She said she kept assigning him because she thought he had nothing else to work on. So, for the new and uninitiated, what is the STAR method? Now that we covered the process of crafting a perfect answer to conflict interview questions, lets check out some examples. Its about you taking the right actions to solve a problem. Dont give a general answer like, I deal with conflicts all the time and have learned to stay calm and that communication is key. Its boring and it doesnt answer the question. Describe a situation in which you had to work under pressure. If your boss was clearly out of line, for example, that'd be a . Every good interview story includes a happy ending. There are 2 ways we can help you: 1. These results can be quantifiable (increased sales 20%, saved the company $25K) or anecdotal (The client was thrilled and sent my manager an email, my manager loved my approach and gave me a promotion). 5. Whether you are correct or not isn't as relevant to me when Im trying to help you. As a nurse, I always strive to keep the well-being of the patient at the front and center of every potential conflict. Tips for answering coworker disagreement questions. As a result, the project was completed in time. Tell me about a time you had a conflict with a customer. The interviewer asking you to tell them about a time when you disagreed with your boss is looking for a few things in your answer: validity, emotional maturity, loyalty and responsibility. Tell me about a time you disagreed with your boss. While there are loads of great interviewing techniques and questions, I feel its important to balance time and effectiveness when determining whether a candidate and employer relationship will be strong long-term. T: I was facing a potentially missed deadline with a client's project due to overscheduling issues. How did you navigate and minimize stress? Lets look back at the sample answer to our focus question. T Task: Point out the tasks you identified to solve the conflict. I acknowledged that the deadlines were tight and explained again the reasoning and the importance of having the brochure ready for the trade show. But if this is the case, then why are these top interview questions still so hard to answer? R: Using compromise in workplace conflicts can help get others to come away from their strict positions and be more flexible on meeting in the middle with others. But I noticed he was getting a bit anxious. I would describe that in a job interview, maybe in not so many words. 2023 Snagajob.com, Inc. All rights reserved. Instead, what they need is to exhibit a few specific soft skills. Need a hand? S: One difficult situation where I disagreed with my manager was when I had to ask for a deadline extension on a task. He wanted no external QA specialist for the project. What would you do if you did not like a new work policy? Good communication can prevent some disagreements, and can almost always stop a disagreement from escalating or becoming a bigger issue. He agreed. Tip: Again, stick to the actions that are most relevant and that show your conflict-management prowess. Because of our meeting, the company decided to increase the commission limit. I deeply analyze the situation, consult with responsible parties if needed, and then start to implement the solutions one by one. By asking you to describe a situation where you disagreed with a supervisor, potential employers can determine whether you can manage disagreements in the workplace using examples from your own experience. So, I asked him to give me some time to run the analytics again. There is no need to insert negative emotions or complaints into your response. The candidate describes the resolution of the conflict, the positive effect on the relationship with the designer, and the business outcome. Nothing more, nothing less. If the matter only concerns you and your coworker, it's advisable not to discuss the matter with colleagues until the two of you have. So, if a conflict arises, that means theres room for progress and scope for improvement in that space. However, you must make an effort to keep the story concise. I was managing a team of content writers. S: We had a customer who was unhappy with our return policy at the store where I worked. Guess what? The same ones come about so often that theyre almost expected when you walk into an interview. I decided to meet with them one on one to talk and resolve our dispute in a peaceful manner. You are the captain of your journey, and by incorporating something like the STAR method into your approach, as well as diligently researching the position youre applying for and taking note of various descriptors (strategic, detail-oriented, organized, etc. So, here are a few toned-down examples for you to adapt to your situation! Listen to Your Coworker. Pick Your Battles. As a result, we avoided a major conflict with the external project manager and maintained a positive relationship. For example, you might describe a time where you and a colleague differed on your approach to an assignment. I also allowed him to work a flexible schedule that better fit with his new role as a father. It's even possible that the other person will say something that causes you to think in new, more collaborative wayssomething you'll miss if you're solely focused on getting the words out of your own mouth. Explain the goal or task you worked toward. 3. Describe a time you faced a conflict on a team. 9. Some kind of conflict is somewhat inevitable when theres more than one person in the same space, especially if they are pursuing a common goal. I wanted to show him how demoralizing the situation was for the staff. T: I took the initiative to approach her and discuss why she could not make our morning meetings. 6 Easy Steps to Ace the "Tell Me About a Time You Disagreed With Your Boss" Interview Question. The engineer actually suggested quite a few improvements to the UX flow. Nursing interview conflict with coworker example 2. The key is identifying the right traits that are important to a specific job and choosing the appropriate questions. I try to remember that not everyone has the same opinion or position that I have. The reason these are all classified as behavioral is because they ask you to explain how youve behaved in past work situations. Interview Question, How to Answer the 'What Sets You Apart from the Rest?' 1. Dont try to memorize a script. So, conflict interview questions are asked in order to check your experience and how you deal with tricky situations. Be specific. Last year, I was tasked with a new website development project for a product and was handed over to teams of developers and designers. This question isnt about the TMZ-worthy spectacle that happened on March 8, 2002 in the employee lounge over a can of Sprite and a slight against someones inability to properly use Microsoft Excel. Ive also learned that, without conflict, theres no progress. Let it soak inwell come back to it soon. I started to discuss the issue with the team leads, but soon found out that each team was blaming the delays on the other. It doesn't have to be personal in nature at all. How have you handled conflict with a coworker? How would you handle a conflict with a coworker? I see every conflict or crisis as a learning opportunity. Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a coworker and how you resolved it. The most memorable and compelling stories include enough detail to paint a picture. Case study #2: Defuse a tense situation. 1 Top Facebook Behavioral Interview Questions . If you havent already, be sure to take a look at our other interview-related posts: 1. Questions about conflict can catch you off-guard, as nobody likes to talk about conflict at work. ), youll do just fine on gameday. Have you ever experienced a conflict with a supplier and how did you resolve it? Eventually, we agreed that it would help if his manager had a better understanding of how important and time-consuming this project was. If so, chances are youll be getting behavioral-based questions in your interview. In thinking about how to handle the customers dissatisfaction, there was disagreement over the methodology. Pro tip: let the Action part take up 60-80% of the answer. Yet, he wasnt comfortable with setting up boundaries and refusing those tasks. Although a hiring manager can present this type of question in alternative ways, they are looking for an indication of your interpersonal skills. In front of a miror, an audience, your cat, or record yourself. I don't like confrontation, it makes me anxious.". Briefly describe the conflict that arose. We decided we would speak with her together. That philosophy should be to seek first to understand the other partys viewpoint and why she thinks that, including many of the internal or external influences. Think of this as the point in the narrative where you faced a challenge, deadline, or obstacle. When I was working as a vendor manager for an e-commerce website, they had suppliers from all over the world. Next, I aim to find common ground on which we can all agree. Practice your story so that you can confidently narrate it during the interview. This interview question tries to find out exactly that how great a team player are you? We successfully completed the brochure in time for the trade show and received numerous compliments from both our own sales reps and potential customers. it can be due to lack of communication and difference of . Consider describing the situation with your supervisor objectively. After matching the reports, we found the problem with the missing data inputs on their end. 7. R: I took extra time to inform my colleagues and our impatient clients of delivery issues. Try to avoid details that might be overly personal; instead, showcase objectivity. Its very easy to go off on tangents (especially if you havent prepared in advance). The company you work for has just created a new policy that you disagree with. Detail how you worked with the team to tackle your challenge. 2. But my thought was that having a fresh pair of eyes to look at it would be the best approach. Instead of getting upset, I took extra time to explain to my manager how much additional time I needed and why it would be better to take my time to finish rather than rushing the task. An unsatisfied customer needed to be taken care of. Considering the long-term relationship between our companies, I had a meeting with my team and briefed them about the whole situation and encouraged them to do that extra work for the benefit of everyone involved. T: Instead of getting upset about not having enough stock, I contacted my supervisor in another building to discuss getting enough supplies to finish my job. Keep An Open Mind And Listen. Pamela is the co-founder of BigInterview and an expert interview coach on a mission to help job seekers get their dream jobs. Take me through the disagreement and how you discussed your viewpoint.". Hearing his or her opinion out will also help you create a stronger argument for your own. Choose an example that shows you taking an active approach to resolving an important conflict, such as a real conflict with a coworker, or a conflict with a supervisor. We explained to him how much we would be losing each month and how it would have a huge impact on morale, turnover, and subsequently, sales. S: Well, I understand that not everyone will get along 100% of the time while working together. While working on a financial audit for the company last year, my manager pointed out an anomaly in a report on marketing spend. Thats because recruiters are more interested in hearing details about how the conflict was resolved. The question is not asking about any specific type of conflict; rather, its inquiring about your general conflict management style. How would you incorporate that as well? Your smile. In this example, the interviewee has pretty much admitted that he/she cant resolve a conflict. This question is effective because it helps the employer determine a number of things such as whether the candidate has strong interpersonal flexibility skills, will get along with team members, is influential, is accommodating, and can compromise when appropriate.