Was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis and COPD years ago and was prescribed inhalers that helped. i have read about people having tightness/pain for a month and i really am afraid of that. i started all bad habits 2 years back and been continuing for the last 2years . Excessive heat, high nicotine, or maybe even the specific flavorings in a particular e-liquid could be the cause. I've gotten tests done and they all have came back fine. Getting through one month without a cigarette is a big accomplishment, and you should reward yourself. Instead, prime yourself for quit-smoking success by repeatedly telling yourself that you can quit and the process will be challenging but bearable. In this time I also earned my medical degree with a specialization in addiction treatment and counseling. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Need to break the habit to quit. half way through my second moth I started again for 3 days and I just fell on my knees and told my Higher Power that I couldnt quit and ask for His intersesstion. 3am Day 1 its certainly begun, it feels like I have just starred in trainspotting 3, Im wide awake with the chills, Im never wide awake at 3am, Its dawned on me this is going to be quite possibly the biggest battle Ive ever faced, 25 years a smoker , day 1 round 1 to me , good luck everything one stay strong. For folks who struggle with anxiety during withdrawal, please read posts here, theyre far more calming and lot better than seeking the support of loved ones ( not really but, save them the agony for your misdeeds? Thou its not yet affecting my daily life but I'm afraid it might. Tried giving up, never really wanted to deep down, so kept doing it. Started Pilates and lots of water. For all of you vaping- good luck- but nicotine still is in control. Changed diet to eliminate Sodium. But now its not the best option due to some world tendencies. But hey its hard but its not impossible, we did this to our selves we need to get ourselves out of this hole that holds us back in life to be the best we can be, good luck Im sure youll be fine Abby . Im trying to quit vaping at the moment, I gave my vape to my brother and told him to hide it from me. In as little as 20 minutes, your heart rate returns to normal, your blood pressure drops, and your circulation starts to normalize, says Nikola Djordjevic, MD, project manager of Med Alert Help. You smoke you die simple as that and so the feeling of breathing keeps me going. Surgeon General. Not knowing your gear, or the builds you use, 120ml a week is normal for many people here, especially with subohm high wattage vaping. Acupuncture finally did the trick for me. Thank you in advance! You know- I considered switching to e cigs and vapes but I just do not want this addiction anymore. But I refuse to spend the money, i refuse to go thru this again, i refuse to cough and splutter and i refuse to let it beat me. Apart from regular withdrawal symptoms, I experienced vivid dreams and heart palpitations. Quitting cold turkey is not the way to go for a lot of people. When do I feel better?? If you quit, however, the risk begins to fall very quickly. 4 months after quitting cold turkey and im feeling so so bad all and every day I just dont know what to do. This sense of restlessness does gradually improve, but many quitters still feel even past the 4-week mark. feel like im going crazy! Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. I finally feel sort of normal again. I had bronchitis the 1st 3 days & was on antibiotics so I had no desire to smoke. People save about them. I was experiencing SOB with exertion and had a bad cough. Your body is addicted to nicotine. Keep trying until you succeed. they don't warn you about it (though it might discourage the potential quitter), and b.) Nicotine is addictive, and you may experience some minor and temporary symptoms. PY. Everyone here wants to quit, seems to me.. Its a good thing I can work from home because the crying jags in the office arent cool. But it turns out smoking e-cigarettes -- commonly known as vaping -- has its own risks. Cancer sores, sore throat, exhaustion, depression, feeling a lack of enjoyment in everything I used to enjoy, less motivation to do things that used to be a routine. Fatigue and loss of concentration or mental ability may continue to be bothersome in weeks 2-4. Since nicotine is a stimulant, the body has learned to function with increased levels of chemicals like acetylcholine and vasopressin in the brain, which work to improve memory and enhance cognitive function. 1. My husband didnt want to leave me. But with vaping, the nicotine is only half of the problem, it is the sweetness and richness of the flavorings. over a year ago, stevech I jumped at it and in one session I was cured. Worked down from 15, 12, 6, 3, to 0 nicotine. I understand that! Im going to do an update.. Im in month 2 now and still not smoking. Will the emotional aftermath of quitting ever relax and subdue to feeling better. Very scary and its starting to take its toll. Or you might be put on a ventilator in severe cases. You have chest pain or shortness of breath. It is completely normal to feel some tightness in your chest. I have a new routine of just enjoying being outside. .with heart healthy diet, while quitting. Ive had 2 lung surgeries to remove nodules,luckily no cancer. But like any disease I have to put myself in a mindset that I will stay stopped. As of September 17, the CDC reported 530 cases of, On September 11, the Trump administration announced it's, Health experts have been unable to pinpoint a root cause since the. Although I got down to 6mg nicotine with the vape juice, I was vaping all the time so finding quitting this cold turkey a lot harder (Ive tried cutting down in the past but didnt work for me). reduces the risk of premature death and can add as much as 10 years to life expectancy. So, thanks for the sharing. I WANT TO LIVE A COMPLETE LIFE! I do respect all you people who manage to give up. Although smoking can cause urgency with your bowels, nicotine withdrawal symptoms have more unpredictable effects and may either cause constipation or diarrhea. I am an emotional disaster, I dont know how to deal with myself. Life can be good with the right support. It cant get it from a cigarette anymore. I was using disposables and altos for the duration. This is not anymore a debate. The nicotine in an e-cigarette may be just as harmful. I had lost 75 lbs. Apply to your back for 20 to 30 minutes . This is my 17th day, I have gone almost cold turkey, wore patches for the first 2 days then chewed the occasional piece of nicotine gum since then. and feel extremely exhausted! I am experiencing feeling very fatigue, irritable and the strange thing is I have no appetite probably because of my anxiety being up. If youre worried that giving up the habit will cause weight gain, a common concern, you canquit smoking without gaining weight. Nicotine cravings go away after a few minutes each time. I got a used illustrated book for less than $3 and I think book was under $10 on EBay. I quit three years ago with the help of vaping. I truly believe it is our body gettting stronger and in return adding more stress to other areas. Hopefully the memories will fade but i feel like keeping a cig around is a symbol of my perserverance despite temptation since I havent lit it yet. But am not giving up cos I know every thing will be fine. And I think that was all that I ate as well! Unfortunately, so far i have not been able to run as fast and/or as long as before. Is it normal to have brain fog still? You inspire me.33 hours with no cig. Best Methods To Beat Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms. I have attached an extract from the web for info . We can do this!!!! I hate weaknesses. You just described my last several weeks. Of course, you have to give it time. Good luck, On my third week since I smoked my last cigarette but havent been feeling wellcold sweats, dizziness, cold sensation of upper body, and trouble sleeping. You may also have started to feel your chest tightening for no reason. I gave up heroin in 2007 and that seemed like a walk in he park compare to cigarettes. Get plenty of sleep, take short naps as needed to counter fatigue. Personally, the only real trigger for me is alcohol, which I consume regularly. Many of the symptoms that manifest in week one continue throughout the entire withdrawal process and can even linger after withdrawal is over. Drinking a lot of water helps with detoxing quicker against the nicotine, breathing practices and exercises too. nobody has a reaosnable explanation, so I have had to derive one myself. 26 y/o. If you dont like reading watch the video on you tube (its about an 90minutes, Have an open mind and think positive and I think you will surprise yourself how easy it is to give up. I have been still siting outside and hanging out on my patio like I would when I smoked, but doing it without the cig. Hypertension runs rampant in my family my grandfather passed from a heart attack and my dad has borderline hypertension as well. I hope you feel better soon! Thank you for sharing folks. I AM A NON SMOKER. Its been 3 weeks no smoking and i started on the vaping. You'll start noticing smells more and may find that certain strong odors are particularly unpleasant. Was using one of those nasty vape pens from a gas station before researching and finding out they were just as bad as cigarettes. I am on day 4 , one day at a time. over a year ago. If that doesn't do it , then see the doctor again . If you want to make some positivity here, try egging these folks on for their attempts instead of cutting everyone like you know whats going on here. I am on champax. DaeDee thumps up for you!! I am also finding that literally everything I used to find enjoyable is now less enjoyable, from working out, to taking self improvement courses, to feeling motivated to better myself, its almost as if all of it has been squashed behind this muffler of misery. Vaping products (electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes) are devices that heat a liquid into an aerosol that is inhaled (breathed in) into the lungs. Random chest pains after quitting. Quit smoking aweek ago today and i am craving it so bad as im struggling with the headaches and my chest is tight but i surpose if i stay off the cigs it will where off, Do it stay strong my husband and I quit together Its only a couple days but we are driving each other crazy ,, God willing we stick together and do this Im smokin about 18 years when I met my husband he really didnt smoke at all just cigars and he picked up my nasty habit just keeping my fingers eyes toes and everything crossed that we can keep up the good work Im sure we will experience some mood swings we already are. Way worse than quitting cigs. Some people find it easy and some find it hard. Yes, first days have been like that for me. Smoked for 25 years one pack per day. I am doing 10 minutes a day in the morning of breathing exercises and also when I feel the anxiety starting to kick. Back then almost everyone smoked. I was having the last cigarette in the box in traffic this morning and decided that instead of buying another one, Im gonna give this a proper go! Now, Im doing it on my own terms and am determined to last longer than last time. Because nicotines effects are so short-lived, it drives you to want more of it as soon as possible. Thanks. Drink water, chew sugar-free gum or suck on sugar-free candy to ease dry mouth and sore throat. While you are getting off of nicotine, it is normal to feel run down. Welcome to the world's largest e-cigarette website. is anyone experiencing these symptoms? Just hope I can really stop this time. When you feel the body aching in the first weeks, its the body healing itself, so dont give in to temptation. I have tried every means before and they didnt work at all. After 15 years, your risk of developing coronary heart disease becomes the same as a nonsmokers. I wasted monies on the disposable as I did not want to invest snd this did not lessen the nicotine which may have been an easier route Nicotine is a hard drug to kick and entirely possible! Either option can feel incredibly demoralizing, and make you feel like quitting is . Just need to get back to the gym now to replace my time I smoked with something healthy. Addiction is a weakness. My mood is more stabilized so I dont feel like a crazed lunatic. A smokers brain works better when on nicotine because nicotine releases extra serotonin and dopamine in their brain. Like a habit of oh, I would vaping right now and lose the thought process that I quit for just a moment. over a year ago, guest Lots of water Lots of texting the Smokers Helpline Lots of deep breaths. Survived the urges so far. Many people with mild mental health conditions smoke, and it is not just a coincidence: theres some evidence that smoking is a form of self-medicating and may help them to cope with symptoms of depression and anxiety. I think its harder than cigarettes because of the physical addiction of blowing clouds. Each day using less and less. Poor baby, wish I could tell you that it will be better tomorrow, but it will take at least 3 more weeks. Bring calmness and clear thoughts. 1 week in. I toss and turn and when I sleep I have these really bizarre yet realistic dreams i can remember. Light sleep, sweats etc. Nicotine and caffeine should be reduced or avoided if you have heart problems. Its like losing a magical ability. Serious headaches, sinus pressure.congestion, coughing, sore throat, irritation. I gave up, coincidentally, about 2 weeks after getting over Covid. Smoking was never good to my body or health,yet I enjoyed smoking until it about killed me.Best of luck quitting ..just QUIT. Your lungs are clearing out all the mucus and tar locked up. 3months back i quit all bad habits except smoking. I am reminding myself WHY I am quitting and going on from here. Can you get lung cancer after 3 years of smoking? Im going to read the book How to quit smoking the easy way very soon as I think it will help bring important things to my memory. over the past several years and have kept it off. Today is my 5th day of no smoking for my 3rd time attempt of quitting. Lol The quitting wasnt as tough as I thought (I used the gum the 1st week) altho days 4 and 5 I wanted to smoke like never before (the gum helped tremendously those days!! Anyway, during the first 3-4 days, change the thing you keep reaching for(a smoke) to unsalted sunflower seeds or peanutssomething like that and NOT carrot sticksit has to be orally gratifying..itll be a LOT easier to quit. Ive tried to quit many times with epic fails. When I smoked I was so anxious about getting lung cancer but that made me more anxious so I would have another cigarette! I get the tapering down, etc. My blood pressure, when checked at the dentist this past year, has been running about 181/117. Im still young I can stop again? Good luck Lee, dont give up! Good luck to all! If you think tapering off is the way to go, you should talk to your doctor about nicotine replacement therapy. Sorry lizzie again im 48 started at 16 so 32 years smoke but 4 years was chain vaping. I think Ill always miss my best friend but the cost and smell I wont miss. I honestly was wondering IF I WAS REALLY GOING INSANE from some underlying issue I wasnt aware of having. i have also had the feeling in the right side of my back more recently. Any advise on how to cope with all this?? Till now chest congestion and sleeplessness, Been smoking cigs for a long time26 years. Why does my chest hurt after I quit vaping? Speak with your physician or health care professional if you are concerned. ANYWAYS I dont need to worry about any cravings CAUSE I dont have any. I am 63 years old and have about 130 pack years behind me. Pain can be associated with withdrawal from things. I never had anxiety until i experienced it. first of all I'd like to apologize for my English and I don't know if this is the right section to post this. And going through the worst of it. Idk if this is normal. If youre ready to kick the habit, ex-smokers offer their best advice for quitting cigarettes. The most common reason vaping may make you feel weird is because of nicotine. Every 2 days it seems to get better and better. Within the first 1 to 9 months after quitting vaping, the lung's capacity to clear out mucus and fight off infections significantly increases. Ask for their patience if youre a little grumpy. I am the smallest in the family but my boys are six one and two. Is that normal? Thank you, everyone, Ive read every comment; you people are an inspiration. And thats partially why we crave it. Trying to stop vaping beginning today. Some people recommend. Nicotine affects more than your brain; new research suggests nicotine can raise your blood sugar, too. Feb 20, 2015. chest tightness wheezing general symptoms like extreme fatigue or fever are also warning signs. Sounds the exact same as every post here actually. Breath better too. I used to say Make them illegal and Ill quit! Glad you arent running an addiction clinic! One of the first effects of quitting vaping may be a reduction in inflammation levels, according to experts. Doctor diagnosed me as type 2 diabetic. Take a deep breath. I feel like Im sick everyday. I have been incredibly depressed, and a lot of old feelings including those of wanting to kill myself have sprung back to the fore front and I havent dealt with any of these for years. SAME! also i have trouble taking deep breaths a lot and when i do it feels as if theyve been stretched out and are sore or something i am hoping they are just healing themselves or something.. this is probably unrelated but my joints have been extremely sore as well also they pop like crazy!! I have a headache everyday all day. Drink plenty of fluids, such as water, tea and juice. I went for a long hike with my daughter yesterday and was able to do it without coughing! However I am to week to do the same. Stomach bloating is aweful. Vaping has also been shown to cause irreparable lung damage, which could making breathing more difficult. Causes of Phlegm After Quitting Smoking. great to see you are part of the Golden Cult! But go see Dr. Never can be to carefull. This time i have several boxes of 21,14,&.07mg patches and an unopened pack of my favorite brand of cigarettes on hand just in case it turns out that i am so weak i just cant go on. I quit vaping 4 days ago and for 2 days now my chest has been feeling really tight and painful. Only time I seem to crave one is on a long drive and those are few and far between. I forget to breathe and my chest feels tight. I have smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for over 17 years. Best of luck on your quit. Keep fighting, its an on going battle but my Dad quit 30 years ago and never had a single relapse since. 3. Good Luck to All. It will not take the cravings away you still have to be strong and battle it out but it makes it a hell of a lot easier. Talk with your doctor about this. I haven't seen this symptom online so I am scared and hope it doesn't last. I have been at 0 for almost 3 weeks now. I read this whole article on nicotine withdrawal and quitting smoking, and then the author has a little blurb at the end about how he turned to vaping. I am now 33 and looking at seriously giving it up but Im scared as hell. The last couple of days have been tough because I have become irritable. I started smoking when I was 11.. The thing that helped me most besides prayer was exercise. For everyone out there finding it hard, look for a great hypnotherapist, it made it all so easy for me. I realize that because of more addictive ingredients that are in cigarettes now that it may be harder but I am doing this cold turkey. Dont let yourself get sentimental! happysecret About 2-3 months for me too now. 8 days into quitting chewing tobacco after 25 yrs at a can a day. I have two cigarettes left. Ive just reached 6 weeks and I feel terrible finding it really hard to find pleasure in activities I used to enjoy. I CAN do this. Just opened my last bottle of juice and then giving up for good. Feel like shit.