Pepper walked into the room drying her hands with a towel. They all soon realized how Peter understood their conversations in other languages and their faces made a scared expression wondering what he had heard of what they said secretly in other languages. They left the school and started walking to their apartments. Protective Natasha Romanov. Sassy Peter. When he got there, Iron Man was facing off three men, their clothes stained with fresh blood and alien-looking knives in their grip. Everyone in the room felt they could breathe a little bit easier knowing that Peter was okay. Nothing sailed overhead. Peter scanned his hand and bounded in. And when Peter gets sick from an allergic reaction (it is an allergic reaction, right?) . His two internship options. A few other chaps from other schools might be coming but it's a full ride! But, the man has to deal with the fact Peter isnt a hero, and is in fact, a vigilante. Peter's life as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. While Ant-Man and Wasp would've been nice, it's understandable that they didn't want have too big of a cast. Two contrasting boys meet, will they get along? Then my uncle was killed, bled out in my arms. How will he do that? He's living the dream, interning at Stark Industries under a watchful eye of (mentor???) Five times Peter introduced himself to someone at Avengers Compound, and one time a visitor already knew exactly who he was. Howre you feeling? Peter took a moment to consider the question before answering. He was tapping his shoe and glancing at the clock being impatient. "Ngh.. hurts He forced out, Bruce now taking a knee next to Rhodey. Peter meets Harley for the first time and doesnt know how to react, so he curses out Tony in Italian. Tony instantly reached for the box of tissues on the side table, pulling out a few and handing them to Peter. He coughed again, blood spewing onto the tissues in his hands. Then you can pay to clean up your own damn messes.". Clint then with wide eyes ran to his room to see what Peter had done. He successfully made a way to see the other Spider-Man again. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the Island of the Misfit Toys. Hey Mr. Stark! asked Tony in the most respectful matter possible." While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. hey siri? Natasha rose an eyebrow at the duo, recognising their sarcasm. It was all being kept in the fridge for when they could all eat together as a family. Oh, and the Avengers and SHIELD are looking for Spider-Man.Lovely. "Vielen Dank fr Ihre Hilfe, meine Herren. She walked up to Tony and kissed him on the cheek, giggling at the flour all over the kitchen. You can stay on Floor 25. "Fri, could you be a good chap and take me to Mista Stark?" "It's Peter." When he got there, the door was locked. Chapters are not connected unless stated otherwiseTags may only affect certain chapters. (a collection of loosely-connected one-shots that involve Peter as the main attraction, featuring other characters. "Friday, who's there?" But hes managing. The Violet Witch is a biology major at NYU that *happens* to also be able to manipulate matter.Peter Parker is a chemical and mechanical engineering student at MIT that also *happens* to be Spider-Man. as he did so. "Did you like my surprise?" The lock clicked and Peter pushed the door open. Its still not safe to have others in the room when were attempting to repair anything interior. Tony almost asked how, then, was it safe for Peter. She figured out his identity quickly and they became good friends. Ese Hijo de puta se las va a ver conmigo.= That son of a bitch is going to see it, 2. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Bruce was by their sides now as well, all three turning their attention to Peter. You have a few too many cookies, Pete? Tony asked, concerned when Peter sat up from his embrace. Peter Benjamin-Edward Stark went missing on a Tuesday. MJ and Ned didn't come to school and Flash made it his mission to make him have a bad day. Now on Christmas Eve, I will post an unexpected Christmas special I've been working on for a couple of weeks. After the incident with Doctor Octopus, things finally seem like its going to get better. Natasha looked surprised to see him, in a different way then the others. And they actually wanted things to get better. Mira marica hable espanol que..= Look son of a bitch I spoke spanish what 4.Barton te adverti ahora te vas al carajo y voy a cumplir mi promesa.= Barton, I warned you and now got to hell and I will go fulfill my promise. There was, of course May, Tony knew that he spoke German, Black Widow and Hawkeye knew about the Russian and Hyun-Ki along with Mee knew about Peter knowing Korean. She knew what he was thinking, of telling Tony the truth, she just nodded and Peter said," I was never American in first place, I'm from Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, England. How did you get those, love?, Thor asked. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A MURDER VICTIM TURNS UP ON YOUR DOOR? Work Search: Soon he was covered in purple paint and feathers. Tony chuckled when he saw his friend covering Peters eyes with one flour covered hand. Then, his uncle. i know i mention it at the end of all of my fics, but i am a sad lowly writer who craves validation and attention. All the time. I know it hurts, Pete, but its gonna help, okay? Pepper giggled, rolling her eyes. And then this weird guy on the train tried to sell me candy which I was too tempted to take but I didnt cause there was probably like razor blades or rat poison or something in it-, Harley ducked his head and poorly hid a laugh behind his hand, Tony tried once more, Pete-, Also Im pretty sure Sam and Clint are having another prank war because I narrowly avoided getting a bucket of rainbow glitter dumped on my head on my way up, so watch out for that-, Anyways, Ive been working on a new web formula all day and Im stuck on this last equation, I was hoping you could look at it and-. Peter shrugged at him. And theres no way of knowing how Peters advanced healing will react with the new tissue.. Peter wished this was the Captain America he could have seen in those videos. He's an orphan with an iq higher than mine and Bruce's, so he's my personal intern. This work could have adult content. "Mr. Parker, I can inform you that your iq is in fact higher than both Boss and Dr. Then he met Ned and lost Gwen. 1)All Spidey oneshots by HItsuzen278 is gold.They are in Spanish though 2)All spidey stories by HandassassinSpiderman. That answer your question? Tony asked as he helped Rhodey place a cannula into Peters nose. Peter gets his internship and everything is great even if he has and abusive uncle and all but thats totally not irrelevant. Clint, soon realizing his mistake, tried to make a run but Peter was faster and grabbed him by the ear. " Ich bin sicher, Sie werden Gefngnis genieen." ", ------------------------------------------. Tony said, putting a hand out. (ft. forehead kisses and sweet italian nicknames), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure. MJ and Ned didn't come to school and Flash made it his mission to make him have a bad day. He blinked a few times, a confused look on his face, before he made a feeble attempt at speaking. Bruce made worried eye contact with Tony. Friday gave him the directions and Peter followed them, texting Mj on the way. Stark smiled as well. Hed have to tell Mister-. "You need to warn a man!" + "Sorry mate, but guess what?" Rhodey tried placing a damp cloth in the palm of Peters hand, but it made him cry out in pain. Both alone that was until you found each other. "What're you talking about? I am." It looks like its burning through his hands, mouth, throat, and stomach. Bruce explained. doesnt exactly scream Christmas spirit. As trophy wife it is my sole responsibility to keep the house in order. Tony bent down to expose Peppers ever growing belly, covering it in kisses. How had things turned so quickly? Were running out of time. There was a long beat of silence before Helen spoke again. But he had the right mind to bite his tongue. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I agree, Underoos. The Avengers Find Out Peter Parker is Spider-Man Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Steve Rogers Feels Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark "Dad" Spider Man stumbles into the tower with a serious wound looking for Tony, only to find himself face to face with Captain America and the Black Widow, who aren't supposed to be there. Said Peter confidently with his American Accent." His knee would bounce uncontrollably, his fingers would tap on whatever surface was nearby, and he would pace if he was standing up or squirm if he was sitting down. The Compound kitchen had gone from the baking zone to the cooking zone, as Pepper, now joined by Bruce, prepared the various dishes for their Christmas dinner. Sure, the Avengers get some bad PR, but never J. Jonah. Out of everyone he knew, there were few who knew how many languages he could speak. The Avengers were just amazed at how many languages the youngest one of the knew. He didnt really have to, but he made a Tony grunted as he and Rhodey moved Peter to the large machine. It was from Mr Stark and only said a few words 'Spidey's needed'. But were still testing use on anything internal. I told you I just-", "I know what a fake accent sounds like Pete. When missions come up, I will be cordial but I will not spend time with traitors for fun. @Eclipse_Rose sorry but I'm not doing the trip part I'm boring-. "Ah, ah, ah!" Before Bruce had the chance to seal Peter inside, he reached out and clamped one hand around Tonys wrist. Genius billionaire, Tony Stark took Peter in as his own son yet Tony already has a daughter of his own: Katrina . "But what's up with your accent?". From Irondad prompt #53 by @itsmechara426 on her @irondadmadlads blog! Captain America stood tall and regal, nothing like the PSAs Peter had seen throughout his school years. (Most of them have Spidey as an antihero or little bit darker and brutal than its comic counterpart) 3)Web of Justice by ScarletScriber (JL crossover) 4)The Amazing Spider-Man: True Purpose by Secret Agent Man Jp And seeing him in pain is the worst thing in the world. Mr. Stark wasn't buying it, however. "He's in conference room a. I dont know how much longer we have. She was silent for a moment before speaking. Be Sure To Taste Your Words Before You Spit Them Out, A Lover First, A Soldier Second, A Man Third (Part 1), A Lover First, A Soldier Second, A Man Third (Part 2), Be Sure To Taste Your Words Before You Spit Them Out (Part 2), Spiderman/Peter Parker (and Avengers) One Shots. He was confused, but not enough to question it. Its not your fault. Rhodey nodded, taking a slow breath. There was a law that forbid mutants from having human soulmates and Charlie knew she would never meet hers. Baking. Peter wished this was the Captain America he could have seen in those videos. He knew it was Clint. Tags: character: peter parker, character: steve rogers, character: tony stark, theme: abuse. Tony sat up to place his hand on Peters back, Rhodey following suit. Just some Fluff, angst, loving families, and protective teens. Bruce? Helens voice came through the ceiling. I didn't say or do anything." He just wanted to help make the world a better place, but instead he got stabbed. Please consider turning it on! Due to a misunderstanding, Deadpool tracks down Peter Parker in an attempt to uncover the information he believes Peter has on Daredevil. He tried to speak, but the sound he made came out as a strangled gurgle and a desperate whine. He slammed Steve's head on the table again. As Pepper went about preparations for that evenings turkey dinner and Tony began moving the golden brown cookies from the baking sheet to the cooling rack, all he could think about was how happy he was in this moment. "No actually. I am so sorry. Rhodey choked, gingerly massaging Peters forearm with his hand. Everyone knew that Spider-Man was young, somewhere in his teens or early twenties. "Oh. left kudos on this work! Tony walked over to Peter and linked their arms, leaving behind a stunned group of Avengers. Nothing happened. Tony then started laughing at Clint rolling in the floor at what Peter was about to do. Then it started raining and he forgot his umbrella. Peters 2 and 3 visit the youngest Spider-Man after they get their dimension hoppers and arent too pleased about how burned out he is and how insecure he feels about his place in their lives. Rhodey, Peter, and Tony, were all sitting on the large couch in the common area just off of the kitchen, watching The only way to find out what itll do to him is to just have it done. He looked worriedly at Tony. Rhodey and Bruce scooted closer to Peter, and his eyes passed over everyone in the room, trying to piece together what had happened. He ingested peppermint oil, and its not sitting so well with his spider DNA. Helen was silent for a moment as Bruce looked over him. Tears drip out of his eyes. Nice to meet you." This alerted his teacher since he always had paid attention and never seemed this off. It was from Mr Stark and only said a few words 'Spidey's needed'. Tony kissed his hand and planted it onto Peters forehead quickly before Bruce sealed the Cradle shut. (Or: Peter makes a mistake and feels guilty.). Yeah, you can come in but we'll have to wait till the end of the meeting before I take you, then we can get ice cream on the way back." it may just force this dysfunctional group of people to become a family again. Osborns got all of Oscorp-- while, again, it doesnt compare to Stark Industries, its got something to it that just freaks Peter out. Well, all except Tony who was in the floor rolling off laughter at what Peter just said and looked like since he knew Italian and that wasn't far from the language he just spoke but still shocked he knew this language. Mr. Stark pulled something up and started to type away. 1. A ransom call gone wrong spelt the end of the childs life. Peter caught the action, turning his head slightly to face him. A following message sent him the coordinates he was supposed to go to. You know Im not cleaning all this up, right? She said as she set the bags down on the counter and began taking her gloves and scarf off. Peter groaned at the action, but thankfully was still lucid enough to wrap his arms around Tonys neck. He recognised the crazed look in their eyes, it was the same look he had seen in his Uncle Ben's murderer moments before the trigger had been pulled. Youve still got loads of time to sleep, kid. Tony told him. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. ), Peter chuckled and quietly asked Karen to find criminals by the names Aloysius, Berand and Claudius. Stand down. 3. "exclaims PeterOh well the guys wanted to see you again so let's go." If he hadn't of had their names the search would of taken unnecessary hours "Hey Mr Stark, can I?". While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Tony Stark and Norman Osborn. When he got to his door he saw the door unlocked thinking May was home. " Kudos: 5 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 88 Look, son of a bitch, what is wrong with you? This was a request made by Life_is_stupid_713. Then he moved into Avengers Tower and he told Tony his tale. "Hey Mr-Mr. Peters in college, rooming with his best friend Harry Osborn, crushing on his partner in crime, MJ, and making fast friends with Ned Leeds and Gwen Stacy. Oh.. Everything was wrapped and by everything I mean also his underwear. Then, they returned to England with his parents and was declared a citizen of England. Peter used his powers to run to Tony's lab in under a minute. Peter tried to figure out what Tony was making a list of. Peter shuddered once locked inside, his eyes rolling back into his head. Avengers (more than) Family PTSD Peter Parker Peter's spider sense is dangerous to him toxic Peter can't control it Peter has severe anxiety problems Peter has sever sensory overloads Also RATINGS MIGHT CHANGE Really understand that this is basically the Avengers being fuckbuddies with peter Unfortunately discontinued "Friday said that the meeting was a low level one and I could interrupt because you said that I could go visit May today but I can't drive.". Answered Peter looking out of the window. Eventually his screams turn into whimpers and pants. He stopped dead in his tracks. I have my own life. Tony was too anxious to wash Peters flesh off of his arm, worried it was the last thing he would have of Peter, but after about an hour the smell became too much to bare. On his way to one of the interviews, he ends up walking into Stark industries, which, whoops his bad, I'm looking for the bathroom miss. "Ok." answered Happy not wanting to get in his bad side. They made eye contact. screamed Peter storming in the living room where all the Avengers were. ALSO this is heavily inspired by the book what if its us 100% recommend. Tony grunted as he and Rhodey moved Peter to the large machine. Tony did his best to ignore the feeling of vomit sliding down his back as he followed Rhodey and Bruce to the med bay, comforting Peter the whole way there. He set the tray down to cool just as Pepper walked in, grocery bags in hand and snow melting in her hair. asked a confused Steve. " . It doesnt go unnoticed by Asher. The world grieved as the kidnappers gleefully told the devastated parents theyd find his body in the morning. Yo que mierda te hice.Nada pero noo tu vienes y haces esta idiotez.Mira te lo advierto un chistesito mas y voy y te rompo todos tus arcos y flechas, pinto tu cuarto morado y con plumas y luego te prohibo entrar en la ventilacion. Rhodey gently placed one hand on his bouncing knee, not to make it still, but to let him know he was there. Peter scaled the building, leaving his backpack behind a dumpster with webs keeping it there, and started to swing to the scene. Of course he stayed in touch with some of his friends from town, but it wasn't the same. Maybe get a job. "What was that?". Now let's stop talking about that and let's go the the compound." I.. I-I dont.. Im Peter tried. The pain is starting to become unbearable. Peter Parker is Queens, born and raised. Movies ACTION ADVENTURE COMEDY OVERPOWERED GENIUS MARVEL FUTURE UNPRINCIPLED AVENGERS SPIDERMAN 4.51 Tony Stark dies October 17th 2023. or: Nineteen year old Peter Parker navigating his life as a moneyless college student. Basically One shots of Peter and Spider-Man in any way. He missed the smell, the air, the community. It took weeks of brainstorming, getting barely any sleep, and slaving away but hes finally done it. I had a bit of trouble starting it but I hope it's enjoyable none the less!~.~.~. "Since when do you speak Spanish?" but boxing day still counts as christmas in my book, so i'm not gonna beat myself up over it. Peter sighed in defeat. He was sent to May and Ben's where he was declared a dual citizen. He was only three when he was taken and for four months, two weeks, and four days, Tony Stark and Pepper Stark (nee Potts) worried and fretted over their beloved child. For both his history and his present; Starks got a shit ton of- well, a lot. It went straight through the motor, sending Adrian off balance and sending him to the ground. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. "You need to warn a man! "Don't you dare disrespect my father like that again. Bruce, taking the hint, conceded. (REQUESTED PART TWO), THE SPIDERVERSE: HUNTING SPIDER (REQUEST), THE LIFE OF PETER PARKER THE INTERN (HE'S ALSO SPIDER-MAN BUT HUSH), PETER BEING MULTILINGUAL (REQUESTED PART TWO). Theyd long since thrown out all the cookies they had baked, Rhodey couldnt stand the smell of them after what they had done to Peter. (Aloysius, you're damned retarded, but you can not understand that. Understood son of a bitch? He was imagining drilling him into the ground. Meanwhile, Morgan is sick, and neither Pepper nor Tony can take care of her. "Peter, what language did you speak in?" "Why didn't you tell me you were fromLondon?" To this, the Avengers just looked confused. Sorry if I offended anyone!! 1205 guests (it's my hpf and I get to choose when I have it (no I don't)), (crack treated seriously with mild spots of angst), peter gets kidnapped by HYDRA with his classmates.this is inspired by Scratched Onto The Walls Of My Throat by Mysterycheerio. FRIDAY?The storm ahead is unusually large, and there has been a tornado warning issued about 13 miles ahead of you.Well, that doesnt sound promising. Meanwhile Peter Parker was having literally the worst day ever. "Mista Stark!" The genius bumped his head in shock at the sudden intrusion. "Thanks mate!" What the hell? Tony shouted at the murderers, his hand aimed at one of them, the other two already a target for Natasha and Bird Brain. First Clint dumped a bucket of glitter on him to wake up. Please consider turning it on! "Peter.. stand down." Mr. The more they meet the more they flirt as he realizes she's a vigilante, until her capture. "What are you laughing about?"