In particular, U.S. law (10 USC 2377) requires a preference for commercial products for procurement of supplies or services. Q: Why is it important to understand that open source software is commercial software? If the intent of a contract is to develop software to be released as open source software, it is best to expressly include release as OSS as part of the contract. Although the government cannot directly sue for copyright violation, in such cases it can still sue for breach of license and, presumably, get injunctive relief to stop the breach and money damages to recover royalties obtained by breaching the license (and perhaps other damages as well). The GTG-F is a collection of web-based applications supporting the continuing evolution of the Department of Defense (DoD) Information Technology Standards. Using industry OSS project hosting services makes it easier to collaborate with other parties outside the U.S. DoD or U.S. government. By default, the government has the necessary rights if it does not permit the contractor to assert copyright, but it loses those rights if the government permits the contractor to assert copyright. In the commercial world, the copyright holders are typically the individuals and organizations that originally developed the software. Do not use spaces when performing a product number/title search (e.g. If you are releasing OSS source code for Unix-like systems (including Linux and MacOS), you should follow the usual conventions for doing so as described below: You may use existing industry OSS project hosting services such as SourceForge, Savannah, GitHub, or Apache Software Foundation. Each product must be examined on its own merits. In 2015, a series of decisions regarding the GNU General Public License were issued by the United States District Courts for the Western District of Texas as well as the Northern District of California. If this is the case, then the contractor cannot release the software as OSS without permission, because the contractor doesnt own the copyright. In the Intelligence Community (IC), the term open source typically refers to overt, publicly available sources (as opposed to covert or classified sources). Q: When a DoD contractor is developing a new system/software as a deliverable in a typical DoD contract, is it possible to use existing software licensed using the GNU General Public License (GPL)? In that case, the U.S. government might choose to continue to use the version to which it has unlimited rights, or it might use the publicly-available commercial version available to the government through that versions commercial license (the GPL in this case). Many software developers find software patents difficult to understand, making it difficult for them to determine if a given patent even applies to a given program. Establish vetting process(es) before government will use updated versions (testing, etc.). Q: How does open source software work with open systems/open standards? Comfortable shoes. DoD ESI is pleased to announce the Cybersecurity Multi-Award Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) for Appgate, CyberArk, Exabeam, Fidelis Security, Firemon, Forcepoint, Fortinet, Illumio, LogRhythm, Okta, Ping Identity, Racktop Systems, RedSeal, Sailpoint, Tychon and Varonis Systems. After all, most proprietary software licenses explicitly forbid modifying (or even reverse-engineering) the program, so the GPL actually provides additional rights not present in most proprietary software. Volume II of its third edition, section 6.C.3, describes in detail this prohibition on voluntary services. This memorandum surveys U.S. economic sanctions and anti-money laundering ("AML") developments and trends in 2022 and provides an outlook for 2023. Release modifications under same license. You will need a Common Access Card (CAC) with DoD Certificates to access DoD Cyber Exchange NIPR. Q: Can the government or contractor use trademarks, service marks, and/or certification marks with OSS projects? Fundamentally, a standard is a specification, so an open standard is a specification that is open. A copyright holder who releases creative works under one of the Creative Common licenses that permit commercial use and modifications would be using an OSS-like approach for such works. Thus, the government may receive custom-developed, non-commercial software as a deliverable and receive unlimited rights for that new code, but also acquire only commercial rights to the third-party (possibly OSS) components. Feb. 4, 2022 |. Under U.S. copyright law, users must have permission (i.e. Use a common OSS license well-known to be OSS (GPL, LGPL, MIT/X, BSD-new, Apache 2.0) dont write your own license. Q: Can government employees contribute code to open source software projects? Q: When can the U.S. federal government or its contractors publicly release, as OSS, software developed with government funds? Adtek Acculoads. Proprietary COTS is especially appropriate when there is an existing proprietary COTS product that meets the need. FRCS projects will be required to meet RMF requirements and if required, obtain an Authorization To Operate (ATO . If you are looking for an application that has wide use, one of the various lists of open source alternatives may help. (Supports Block Load, Room-by-Room Load, Zone-by-Zone and Adequate Exposure Diversity or AED Calculations) Wrightsoft Right-J8. Otherwise, choose some existing OSS license, since all existing licenses add some legal protections from lawsuits. Yes. This strengthens evaluations by focusing on technology specific security requirements. There are many definitions for the term open standard. Performance Statements are plain language and avoid using uncommon acronyms and abbreviations. However, note that the advantages of cost-sharing only applies if there are many users; if no user/co-developer community is built up, then it can be as costly as GOTS. The use of software with a proprietary license provides absolutely no guarantee that the software is free of malicious code. 150 Vandenberg Street, Suite 1105 Peterson AFB CO 80914-4420 . The U.S. has granted a large number of software patents, making it difficult and costly to examine all of them. This way, the software can be incorporated in the existing project, saving time and money in support. Use typical OSS infrastructure, tools, etc. Flight Inspection. Before approving the use of software (including OSS), system/program managers, and ultimately Designated Approving Authorities (DAAs), must ensure that the plan for software support (e.g., commercial or Government program office support) is adequate for mission need. Note that Government program office support is specifically identified as a possibly-appropriate approach. That said, this does not mean that all OSS is superior to all proprietary software in all cases by all measures. Six pairs of ankle socks. If the goal is maximize the use of a technology or standard in a variety of different applications/implementations, including proprietary ones, permissive licenses may be especially useful. This statute says that, An officer or employee of the United States Government or of the District of Columbia government may not accept voluntary services for either government or employ personal services exceeding that authorized by law except for emergencies involving the safety of human life or the protection of property., The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) Office of the General Counsels Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (aka the Red Book) explains federal appropriation law. An example is (connecting) a GPL utility to a proprietary software component by using the Unix pipe mechanism, which allows one-way flow of data to move between software components. With practically no exceptions, successful open standards for software have OSS implementations. The red book explains its purpose; since an agency cannot directly obligate in excess or advance of its appropriations, it should not be able to accomplish the same thing indirectly by accepting ostensibly voluntary services and then presenting Congress with the bill, in the hope that Congress will recognize a moral obligation to pay for the benefits conferred. Some protocols and formats have been specifically devised and reviewed to avoid patents; using them is more likely to avoid problems. A permissive license permits arbitrary use of the program, including making proprietary versions of it. Indeed, according to Walli, Standards exist to encourage & enable multiple implementations. The GNU General Public License (GPL) is the most common OSS license; while you do not need to use the GPL, it is often unwise to choose a license incompatible with the majority of OSS. View the complete AFI 36-2903 for more details. In most cases, contributors to OSS projects intend for their contributions to be gratuitous, and provide them for all (not just for the Federal government), clearly distinguishing such OSS contributions from the voluntary services that the ADA was designed to prevent. Factors that greatly reduce this risk include: Typically not, though the risk varies depending on their contract and specific circumstance. No. Parties are innocent until proven guilty, so if there. However, the public domain portions may be extracted from such a joint work and used by anyone for any purpose. If a legal method for using the GPL software for a particular application cannot be devised, and a different license cannot be negotiated, then the GPL-licensed component cannot be used for that particular purpose. The 1997 InfoWorld Best Technical Support award was won by the Linux User Community. Note that this sometimes depends on how the program is used or modified. There are many general OSS review projects, such as those by OpenBSD and the Debian Security Audit team. For almost as long as smartphones have existed, defense IT leaders have wondered aloud whether they'd ever be able to securely implement a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) approach to military networks. Examples of the former include Red Hat, Canonical, HP Enterprise, Oracle, IBM, SourceLabs, OpenLogic, and Carahsoft. The Government has the rights to reproduce and release the item, and to authorize others to do so. In practice, commercial software (OSS or not) tends to be developed globally, especially when you consider their developers and supply chains. Where it is important, examining the security posture of the supplier (e.g., their processes that reduce risk) and scanning/testing/evaluating the software may also be wise. MEMORANDUM FOR ALL MAJCOMs/FOAs/DRUs . Many OSS licenses do not have a choice of venue clause, and thus cannot have an issue, although some do. This list was generated on Friday, March 3, 2023, at 5:54 PM. Vendor lock-in, aka lock-in, is the situation in which customers are dependent on a single supplier for some product (i.e., a good or service), or products, and cannot move to another vendor without substantial costs and/or inconvenience. The 2003 MITRE study, Use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in the U.S. Department of Defense, did suggest developing a Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) list, but such a list has not been developed. The project manager, program manager, or other comparable official determines that it is in the Governments interest to do so, such as through the expectation of future enhancements by others. I agree to abide by software copyrights and to comply with the terms of all licenses. Elite RHVAC. In particular, note that the costs borne by a particular organization are typically only those for whatever improvements or services are used (e.g., installation, configuration, help desk, etc.). The first-ever Oklahoma Black History Day was celebrated at the state Capitol Feb. 13 with Lt. Gen. Stacey Hawkins, Air Force Sustainment Center commander, serving as the keynote speaker for the event.Hosted by the Oklahoma Legislative Black Caucus, a focus of this . 1342, Limitation on voluntary services, US Government Accountability Office (GAO) Office of the General Counsels Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (aka the Red Book), the 1982 decision B-204326 by the U.S. Comptroller General, How to Evaluate Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS) Programs, Capgeminis Open Source Maturity Model (OSMM), Top Tips For Selecting Open Source Software, Open Source memo doesnt mandate a support vendor (by David Perera, FierceGovernmentIT, May 23, 2012), Code Analysis of the Linux Wireless Teams ath5k Driver, DFARS subpart 227.70infringement claims, licenses, and assignments, Prior Art and Its Uses: A Primer, by Theodore C. McCullough, this NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) project became a top level open source Apache Software Foundation project in 2011, Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS), Publicly Releasing Open Source Software Developed for the U.S. Government, CENDIs Frequently Asked Questions About Copyright, GPL FAQ, Question Can the US Government release a program under the GNU GPL?, Free Software Foundation License List, Public Domain, GPL FAQ, Question Can the US Government release improvements to a GPL-covered program?, Publicly Releasing Open Source Software Developed for the U.S. Government by Dr.David A. Wheeler, DoD Software Tech News, February 2011, U.S. Code Title 41, Chapter 7, Section 103, follow standard source installation release practices, Open Source Software license by the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Free Software license by the Free Software Foundation (FSF), Many view OSS license proliferation as a problem, Serdar Yegulalps 2008 Open Source Licensing Implosion (InformationWeek), Open Source Initiative (OSI) maintains a list of Licenses that are popular and widely used or with strong communities, licenses accepted by the Google code hosting service, Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project by Karl Fogel, Open Technology Development (OTD): Lessons Learned & Best Practices for Military Software, Recognizing and Avoiding Common Open Source Community Pitfalls, Releasing Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) for Source Installation, GNU Coding Standards, especially on the release process, Wikipedias Comparison of OSS hosting facilities page, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) page Trademark basics, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) page Should I register my mark?, Open Technology Development Lessons Learned, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) Government Open-Source Software (GOSS) Handbook for Govies, Military - Open Source Software (MIL-OSS) DoD/IC discussion list, Hosted by Defense Media Activity -, Open source software licenses are reviewed and approved as conforming to the, In practice, an open source software license must also meet the, Fedora reviews licenses and publishes a list of, The Department of Navy CIO issued a memorandum with guidance on open source software on 5 Jun 2007.