Reference: Transmittal 477, change request 3720 issued February 18, 2005. More Than 5 Consecutive Calendar Days Of Continuous Care Are Not Payable. Prior Authorization is needed for additional services. Our Records Indicate This Provider Is Not Certified For AODA Day Treatment. Members Aged 3 Through 21 Years Old Are Limited To One Healthcheck Screening per 12 months. Medicaid id number does not match patient name. A National Provider Identifier (NPI) is required for the Performing Provider listed in the header. Service Not Covered For Members Medical Status Code. Member last name does not match Member ID. From Date Of Service(DOS) is before Admission Date. If A Reporting Form Is Not Submitted Within 60 Days, The claim detail will be denied. The Medical Need For This Service Is Not Supported By The Submitted Documentation. Policy override must be granted by the Drug Authorization and Policy Override Center to dispense less than a 100 day supply. Surgical Procedures May Only Be Billed With A Whole Number Quantity. Prior Authorization Is Required For Payment Of This Service With This Modifier. Pap Smears, Hematocrit, Urinalysis Are Not Reimbursable Separately In Conjunction With Family Planning Medical Visits. Once 50 Initial Visits/year Has Been Reached Within Any One Discipline All Home Health Services Require Pa. Training Completion Date Must Be Within A Year Of The CNAs Certification, Test, Date. Services billed are included in the nursing home rate structure. Member is not enrolled for the detail Date(s) of Service. 51.42 Board Stamp Required On All Outpatient Specialty Hospital Claims For Dates Of Service On Or After January 1, 1986. Service billed is bundled with another service and cannot be reimbursed separately. Billing/performing Provider Indicated On Claim Is Not Allowable. No Private HMO Or HMP On File. WI Can Not Issue A NAT Payment Without A Valid Hire Date. Modification Of The Request Is Necessitated By The Members Minimal Progress. Level, Intensity Or Extent Of Service(s) Requested Has Been Modified Consistent With Medical Need As Defined In The Plan Of Care. They are used to provide information about the current status of . The canister, dressings and related supplies are included as part of the reimbursement for the negative pressure wound therapy pump. Please Correct And Re-bill. The Member Has Shown No Significant Functional Progress Toward Meeting Or Maintaining Established & Measurable Treatment Goals Over A 6 Month Period. Reason Code: 234. Out of State Billing Provider not certified on the Dispense Date. An Individual CBC Or Chemistry Test With A CBC Or Chemistry Panel, Performed Per Member/Provider/Date Of Service Must Be Billed w/ Appropriate Panel Code. Service(s) Billed Are Included In The Total Obstetrical Care Fee. The National Drug Code (NDC) is not on file for the Dispense Date Of Service(DOS). This Information Is Required For Payment Of Inhibition Of Labor. Purchase of a blood glucose monitor includes the first 30 days of supplies for the monitor. Prior authorization is required for Maxalt when Maxalt or sumatriptan productshave not been reimbursed within 365 days. This National Drug Code Has Diagnosis Restrictions. This Claim Has Been Denied Due To A POS Reversal Transaction. The Primary Diagnosis Code is inappropriate for the Procedure Code. Home care ongoing assessments are allowed once every sixty days per member.nt, But Arepayable Every Fifty-fourth Day For Flexibility In Scheduling. Denied. No payment allowed for Incidental Surgical Procedure(s). Provider Not Authorized To Perform Procedure. Pricing Adjustment/ Medicare Pricing information. Dispense as Written indicator is not accepted by . Member eligibility file indicates that BadgerCare Plus Benchmark, CorePlan or Basic Plan member. The second occurrence span from Date Of Service(DOS) is after to to Date Of Service(DOS). Copayment Should Not Be Deducted From Amount Billed. This claim must contain at least one specified Surgical Procedure Code. Member has Medicare Supplemental coverage for the Date(s) of Service. Denied. The Documentation Submitted Indicates The Tasks Specified Can Be Completed During The Visits Approved. Medicare paid amount(s) have been incorrectly applied to both the claim headerand details. One or more Diagnosis Code(s) is invalid for the Date(s) of Service. Back-up dialysis sessions are limited to three per lifetime. All three DUR fields must indicate a valid value for prospective DUR. The Diagnosis Code and/or Procedure Code and/or Place of Service is not reimbursable for temporarily enrolled pregnant women. This Is A Duplicate Request. Service(s) Must Be Submitted On Paper Claim Form Along With Preoperative History And Physical Report And Operation Report. Always bill the correct place of service. PDN services billed on this claim exceed 12 hours/day per nurse, PDN services billed on this claim exceed 60 hours/week per nurse, PDN services billed on this claim exceed 24 hours/day per member. This revenue code requires value code 68 to be present on the claim. Services Requested Do Not Meet The Criteria for an Acute Episode. Denied due to Provider Signature Date Is Missing Or Invalid. The first position of the attending UPIN must be alphabetic. This dental service limited to once per five years.Prior Authorization is needed to exceed this limit. Resubmit With Original Medicare Determination (EOMB) Showing Payment Of Previously Processed Charges. Amount Paid By Other Insurance Exceeds Amount Allowed By . Please Clarify. Home Health Services In Excess Of 60 Visits Per Calendar Month Per Member Required Prior Authorization. Revenue code billed with modifier GL must contain non-covered charges. Pharmaceutical care code must be billed with a valid Level of Effort. Submit Claim To For Reimbursement. Claim Denied. Payment Is Limited To One Unit Dose Service Per Calendar Month, Per Legend Drug, Per Member. Homecare Services W/o PA Are Not Payable When Prior Authorized Homecare Services have Been Provided To The Same Member. PNCC Risk Assessment Not Payable Without Assessment Score. Detail Denied. Revenue Code Required. More than 6 hours of evaluation/assessment in a 2 year period must be billed astreatment services and count toward the MH/SA policy limits for prior authorization. The Third Occurrence Code Date is invalid. Annual Nursing Home Member Oral Exam Is Allowed Once Per 355 Days Per Recip Per Prov. Compound Drug Service Denied. The code next to this was 264, which was described on the back of Frank's EOB as "Over What Medicare Allows" Total Patient Cost: $15.00 - Frank's office visit copayment; Amount Paid to the Provider: $50.00 - the amount of money that Frank's Medicare Advantage Plan sent to Dr. David T. Claim Number Given On The Adjustment/reconsideration Request Form Does Not Match Services Originally Billed. Services Included In The Inpatient Hospital Rate Are Not Separately Reimbursable. This Service Is Not Payable Without A Modifier/referral Code. This Request Can Only Be Backdated To The Date EDS First Receives The Request In The Mailroom. The Other Payer Amount Paid qualifier is invalid for . Tooth surface is invalid or not indicated. Claim contains duplicate segments for Present on Admission (POA) indicator. Pricing Adjustment/ Revenue code flat rate pricing applied. Multiple Referral Charges To Same Provider Not Payble. Revenue codes 0822, 0823, 0825, 0832, 0833, 0835, 0842, 0843, 0845, 0852, 0853, or 0855 exist on the ESRD claim that does not contain condition code 74. NDC- National Drug Code is restricted by member age. This detail is denied. Submitted rendering provider NPI in the detail is invalid. As a provider, you have access to a portal that streamlines your work, keeps you up-to-date more than ever before and provides critical information. Provider Must Have A CLIA Number To Bill Laboratory Procedures. The Maximum Allowable Was Previously Approved/authorized. The Member Is School-age And Services Must Be Provided In The Public Schools. Quantity Billed is not equally divisible by the number of Dates of Service on the detail. Reimbursement determination has been made under DRG 981, 982, or 983. Service not allowed, benefits exhausted occurrence code billed. Purchase Of A DME/DMS Item Exceeding One Per Month Requires Prior Authorization. Multiple Service Location Found For the Billing Provider NPI. This Member is enrolled in Wisconsin or BadgerCare Plus for Date(s) of Service. Supplemental Payment Authorized By Department of Health Services (DHS) Due to aAudit. Good Faith Claim Denied Because Of Provider Billing Error. If Required Information Is Not Received Within 60 Days,the claim will be denied. This Member Has Completed Intensive AODA Treatment Within The Past 12 Months and Documentation Provided Is Not Adequate To Justify Intensive Treatment at this time. Missing Or Invalid Level Of Effort And/or Reason For Service Code, Professional Service Code, Result Of Service Code Billed In Error. Pricing Adjustment/ Resource Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS) pricing applied. The number of treatments/days reflected by the units entered with revenue code0821, 0831, 0841, 0851, 0880, 0881 exceeds the number of days included in the FROM and TO dates entered on this claim. Services Not Allowed For Your Provider T. The Procedure Code has Place of Service restrictions. Billed Procedure Not Covered By WWWP. You can view these EOBs online by following these steps: Log in to your account to view your prescriptions coverage. Other Medicare Managed Care Response not received within 120 days for providerbased bill. This Diagnosis Code Has Encounter Indicator restrictions. This care may be covered by another payer per coordination of benefits. The service requested is not allowable for the Diagnosis indicated. Pricing Adjustment/ Maximum Flat Fee pricing applied. Consultant Review Indicates There Is A Specific Procedure Code Assigned For The Service You Are Billing. We thank you for your continued partnership in servicing the Wellcare By Fidelis Care membership. The Revenue Code is not payable by Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program for the Date(s) of Service. If A CNA Obtains his/her Certification After Theyve Been Hired By A NF, A NF Has A Year From Their Certification, Test, Date To Submit A Reimbursement Request To . Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to Provider ID Number On The Claim And On The Adjustment Request Do Not Match. Your latest EOB will be under Claims on the top menu. Discrepancy Between The Other Insurance Indicator And OI Paid Amount. This Adjustment/reconsideration Request Was Initiated By . A1 This claim was refused as the billing service provider submitted is: . Claim date(s) of service modified to adhere to Policy. The Surgical Procedure Code has Diagnosis restrictions. Supplemental tests billed on the same Date Of Service(DOS) as vision examination are not payable. Claim Is Being Special Handled, No Action On Your Part Required. Medicare Coinsurance Amount Was Not Provided On Crossover Claim. Dialysis/EPO treatment is limited to 13 or 14 services per calendar month. Medically Unbelievable Error. Claim Is For A Member With Retro Ma Eligibility. Additional Reimbursement Is Denied. Prescriber ID and Prescriber ID Qualifier do not match. To access the training video's in the portal, please register for an account and request access to your contract or medical group. is unable to is process this claim at this time. Correction Made Per Medical Consultant Review. Once Therapy Is Prior Authorized, All Therapy Must Be Billed With A Valid Prior Authorization Number. For more information on which codes are considered "Mutually Exclusive", see the "ICD-10 2019 The Complete Official Codebook. Member enrolled in QMB-Only Benefit plan. Services Are Covered For Medically Needy Members Only When Healthcheck Referral is Indicated On Claim. The condition code is not allowed for the revenue code. Research Has Determined That The Member Does Not Qualify For Retroactive Eligibility According To Hfs 106.03(3)(b) Of The Wisconsin Administrative Code. Supervisory visits for Unskilled Cases allowed once per 60-day period. The Service Performed Was Not The Same As That Authorized By . Contact The Nursing Home. Medical Need For Equipment/supply Requested Is Not Supported By Documentation Submitted. Claim Denied. Please Itemize Services Including Date And Charges For Each Procedure Performed. Denied. Please Review The Cover Letter Attached To Your Claim, Any Informational Messages, And Provide The Requested Information BeforeResubmitting the Claim. AODA Day Treatment Is Not A Covered Service For Members Who Are Residents Of Nursing Homes or Who Are Hospital Inpatients. Name And Complete Address Of Destination. Denied. Activities To Promote Diversion Or General Motivation Are Non-covered Services. The Member Has Shown No Ability Within 6 Months To Carry Over Abilities GainedFrom Treatment In A Facility To The Members Place Of Residence. One or more Occurrence Code Date(s) is invalid in positions nine through 24. Pricing Adjustment/ Anesthesia pricing applied. Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to Member ID Number On The Claim And On The Adjustment Request Do Not Match. Pricing Adjustment/ Maximum allowable fee pricing applied. The value code 48 (Hemoglobin reading) or 49 (Hematocrit) is required for the revenue code/HCPCS code combination. Payment For Immunotherapy Service Included In Reimbursement For Allergy Extract Injection. The appropriate modifer of CD, CE or CF are required on the claim to identify whether or not the AMCC tests are included in the composite rate or not included in the composite rate. Has Recouped Payment For Service(s) Per Providers Request. Adjustments To Correct Copayment Deductions On date Ranged Claims Are Not Payable. 2D3D CODES: Radiation treatment delivery, superficial and/or ortho voltage, per day 77401 Radiation treatment delivery, >1 MeV; simple 77402 . Correct Claim Or Submi Paper Claim Noting That Verification Has Occurred. Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to This Claim Is In Post Pay Billing For Third Party Liability Payment. The following table outlines the new coding guidelines. A Pharmaceutical Care Code (PCC) must include a valid diagnosis code. The medical record request is coordinated with a third-party vendor. This National Drug Code is not covered under the Core Plan or Basic Plan for the diagnosis submitted. Another PNCC Has Billed For This Member In The Last Six Months. Fourth Diagnosis Code (dx) is not on file. Note: The Group, Reason and Remark Codes are HIPAA EOB codes and are cross-walked to L&I's EOB codes. Claim or Adjustment received beyond 730-day filing deadline. Time Spent In AODA Day Treatment By Affected Family Members Is Not Covered. The Diagnosis Code is not payable for the member. Concurrent Services Are Not Appropriate. Billing Provider is not certified for the Date(s) of Service. Incorrect Or Invalid National Drug Code Billed. Pharmaceutical care indicates the prescription was not filled. Number Is Missing Or Incorrect. Pricing Adjustment/ Prescription reduction applied. HTTP Status Code Connect Time (ms) Result; 2023-03-01 04:10:52: 200: 255: Page Active: The Resident Or CNAs Name Is Missing. Reimbursement Is At The Unilateral Rate. Total Rental Payments For This Item Have Exceeded The Maximum Allowable Forthe Purchase Of This Item. This Claim Has Been Excluded From Home Care Cap To Allow For Acute Episode. Denied. We have created a list of EOB reason codes for the help of people who are working on denials, AR-follow-up, medical coding, etc. For dates of service on or after 7/1/10 for TOB 72X an occurrence code 51 and value code D5 are required when the KT/V reading was performed. Claimchecks Editing And Your Supporting Documentation Was Reviewed By The DHS Medical Consultant. Reimbursement Based On Members County Of Residence. Complex Care Services Are Limited To One Per Date Of Service(DOS) Per Member. Per Information From Insurer, Claim(s) Was (were) Not Submitted. Pharmaceutical care reimbursement for tablet splitting is limited to three permonth, per member. Intensive Multiple Modality Treatment Is Not Consistent With The Information Provided. Take care to review your EOB to ensure you understand recent charges and they all are accurate. A more specific Diagnosis Code(s) is required. Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to Member Not Found. Quantity Would Always Be 00010 If Number Of Pounds Not Indicated. Valid Numbers AreImportant For DUR Purposes. According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the International Spine Intervention Society, minor pain procedures such as epidural steroid injections, epidural blood patch, trigger point injections, sacroiliac joint injection, bursal injections, occipital nerve block and facet injections under most routine circumstances, require only local anesthesia. Denied. Reimbursement For Training Is One Time Only. Effective 5/31/2019, we will introduce new Coding Integrity Reimbursement Guidelines. Reimbursement For This Certification, Test, Segment Has Already Been Issued ToYour NF. Mail-to name and address - We mail the TRICARE EOB directly to. There are approximately 20 Medicaid Explanation Codes which map to Denial Code 16. Service is reimbursable only once per calendar month. If you are having difficulties registering please . Quantity Billed is restricted for this Procedure Code. ICD-9-CM Diagnosis code in diagnosis code field(s) 1 through 9 is missing or incorrect. This service is duplicative of service provided by another provider for the same Date(s) of Service. Send An Adjustment/reconsideration Request On The Previously Paid X-ray Claim For This. The Timeframe Between Certification, Test, Date And Hire Date Exceeds A Year. One or more To Date(s) of Service is invalid for Occurrence Span Codes in positions three through 24. The From Date Of Service(DOS) for the First Occurrence Span Code is invalid. This Claim HasBeen Manually Priced Using The Medicare Coinsurance, Deductible, And Psyche RedUction Amounts As Basis For Reimbursement. Service(s) Approved By DHS Transportation Consultant. Please Resubmit As A Regular Claim If Payment Desired. Wis Adm Code 106.04(3)(b) Requires Providers To Reimburse The Person/party (eg, County) That Previously. No Interim Billing Allowed On Or After 01-01-86. Initial Visit/Exam limited to once per lifetime per provider. Effective 04/01/09, the BadgerCare Plus Core Plan will limit coverage for Hypoglycemics-Insulin to Humalog and Lantus. Denied due to Provider Signature Is Missing. Claim Denied. This service is payable at a frequency of once per 12-month period, per provider, per hearing aid. Date Of Service/procedure/charges Billed On The Adjustment/reconsideration Request Do Not Match The Original Claim. Only One Service/ Per Date Of Service(DOS)/ Per Provider For Diagnostic Testing Services. Check Your Current/previous Payment Reports forPayment. Home Health visits (Nursing and therapy) in excess of 30 visits per calendar year per member require Prior Authorization. Resubmit Using Valid Rn/lpn Procedure Codes And A Valid PA Number. The Submission Clarification Code is missing or invalid. These same rules are used by most healthcare claims payers and enforced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Paid In Accordance With Dental Policy Guide Determined By DHS. Billing Provider is not certified for the detail From Date Of Service(DOS). Questionable Long-term Prognosis Due To Apparent Root Infection. Header Rendering Provider number is not found. Multiple Prescriptions For Same Drug/ Same Fill Date, Not Allowed. HMO Extraordinary Claim Denied. Denied due to Services Billed On Wrong Claim Form. Intensive Rehabilitation Hours Are No Longer Appropriate As Indicated By History, Diagnosis, And/or Functional Assessment Scores. Please Contact The Surgeon Prior To Resubmitting this Claim. One or more Diagnosis Codes has a gender restriction. Denied due to The Members Last Name Is Missing. Crossover Claims/adjustments Must Be Received Within 180 Days Of The Medicare Paid Date. All services should be coordinated with the Hospice provider. Claim Denied/cutback. This drug is a Brand Medically Necessary (BMN) drug. Newborn Care Must Be Billed Under Newborn Name And Number; Occurrence Codes 50& 51 Cannotbe Present if Billing Under Newborn Name. . Denied. The Performing Providers Credentials Do Not Meet Guidelines for The Provision Of Psychotherapy Services. Primary Tooth Restorations Limited To Once Per Year Unless Claim Narrative Documents Medical Necessity. Please Provide The Type Of Drug Or Method Used To Stop Labor. Please Furnish An ICD-9 Surgical Code And Corresponding Description. Please Do Not File A Duplicate Claim.
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