And then there are other types of imaging techniques, like PET scans, other images that we use to evaluate lung nodules. But also cat scanning. Now, solid nodules, depending on the size, there are guidelines that suggest the interval of scans. It sounds like you're in a busy, busy place. About Us. Communicate with your doctor, view test results, schedule appointments and more. Program Director. Because it has everything to do with the quality of the machine for the radiation that goes through. Maybe a 3% chance of cancer is acceptable to some, and terrifying to others, and everywhere in between. I recently completed an interventional pulmonary fellowship, which brought me here. We could get you a plaque or something. Instead, you might have a little sore throat for a day or two. Today there are better insights into cancer and other lung diseases. That's a great question. It was pretty fascinating to see what you could do inside of a person's lung with a very, very minor, very minor invasive procedure. It's almost, you know, again it's like a video game, science fiction, it's pretty amazing. Another question from a viewer, and this is Carla. And good nutrition and exercise is important, and we can help you get on the right track. But for many people are extremely, extremely slow growing cancer. Communicate with your doctor, view test results, schedule appointments and more. And we can help you do that, too. Chicago Chest Center/Suburban Lung Associates offers a 1 year fellowship in Interventional Pulmonology in collaboration with the University of Illinois (UIC) Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep and Allergy. Well, the blood test actually showed that it's less than 5%. Well, we're very happy to have you. So-- go ahead, Dr. Hogarth, did you have something you wanted in? Can an 11 millimeter nodule be biopsied by that bronchoscope method through the throat? A ground glass nodule almost looks like some wispy smoke on the CAT scan, if you will. So we do want to remind our viewers, we'll take your questions for our experts. Mailing Address: Section of Pulmonary/Critical Care 5841 South Maryland Ave., MC 6076 Chicago, IL 60637. Yeah, and I want to tell people-- this is a very, very safe place. And either one of you can jump on this one. And that's a very important part for a cancer evaluation. We want to remind people, very important, do not forego medical care during COVID. We want to find patients who have a history of smoking, quit within the past 15 years. Ajay Wagh, MD, MS, specializes in pulmonary medicine with a focus in interventional pulmonology. And so Dr. Hogarth, we have another question from a viewer. And sign a few papers. It's OK. In other cases, they are actually a cancer. So my name is Kyle Hogarth. Sleep Medicine Fellowship Emory University School of Medicine offers a post-doctoral training program in sleep medicine. He investigates diagnostic techniques used to improve outcomes and quality of life for pulmonary patients. Ashish P. Maskey is a specialist in pulmonology, critical care medicine and interventional pulmonology, a relatively new and upcoming field. But if it shows anything of any concern, especially if it's your first one, that may require a follow-up scan in a shorter interval or one with slightly higher radiation. The ranking is a reflection of the leading-edge lung and . And you want to have something reliable in what to do next. And that's very important. Communicate with your doctor, view test results, schedule appointments and more. So look, there's three ways to sample inside the lung. That's why we do it. And this is a little bit inside baseball. Go ahead, Ajay. Dr. Hogarth was the first doctor in the Midwest to use the Monarch by Auris a robotic bronchoscopy navigation system with 3-D imaging technology built into a robotic scope that allows him to reach deeper into the lung than ever before to detect and/or biopsy nodules and masses. We evaluate whether or not it's a target that we can reach. UC Health Pulmonary Medicine provides advanced care for a variety of lung and other pulmonary-related diseases. So if you need an appointment, give us a call at 888-824-0200. And using some of the tools that we have. And again, in all seriousness, I think that shows really, you know, the work that you do with the patients. We don't want that to happen. UChicago Faculty Physicians And so that becomes one procedure, as opposed to multiple procedures. Let's have each of you start off by introducing yourselves to our audience, and tell us a little bit about what you do here at UChicago Medicine. No, it will show the nodules. Communication is important with the patients. They come into the sky lobby here at UChicago. And every patient is different. I'm in the studio all by myself, as you can see here. And teasing out what's what is what Ajay and I do. Sure. And then afterwards, once we settle on a date, the patient comes in. A ground glass nodule almost looks like some wispy smoke on the CAT scan, if you will. Maybe Dr. Hogarth, you can start. And we are going to be first and foremost interested in protecting you, as well as protecting ourselves and our staff. And they'll double check everything. Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. He published articles on the role of bronchoscopy for molecular testing, diagnosis of lung nodules, and therapeutic bronchoscopy for central airway disorders. Administration; Faculty; Sections & Centers; Clinical; Research; Training; River East Location; The University of Chicago . That's always the question people want to know. Dr. Murgus specialty extends to a wide range of central airway disorders, including tracheal stenosis, tracheobronchomalacia, excessive dynamic airway collapse and airway obstruction from cancer. Because it's a difficult time in people's lives when they have something like this done. Bronchoscopic procedures are also offered to manage patients with asthma, emphysema, massive hemoptysis, foreign body aspiration, mediastinal disorders, post lung transplant complications, interstitial and infectious lung disorders. So if you have an abnormality, the other thing that sets this place apart is if you call a regular hospital and say, hey, I've got a lung nodule, can I see somebody? But generally speaking, a lung cancer-- when someone says to you, hey, we want to get a follow-up CAT scan, the reason they're suggesting that is that the nodule you have is so small or has characteristics that are so convincing that it's benign, that that two or three month interval that they've suggested-- if I'm wrong and it's actually a cancer, the amount that it's going to grow in that time period is so small that we've not lost anything. If you're concerned about cancer and there's an intermediate pre-test probability, based on a calculated evaluation, then we can potentially offer a blood test or something else that may potentially reduce the risk. And we're, of course, happy and eager to help. No, for sure. When there are no changes from scan to scan. Dr. Wagh, you mentioned as a pulmonologist you tell people stop smoking. Sleep Medicine. That is not acceptable to make you wait. You know, you mentioned that being covered by insurance. Currently, there are six board certified Interventional Pulmonologists and a wide range of . Or is this something that happens and you just need to get it checked out? Some of the blood tests we have, have the ability to change that number. This is a safe place. Interventional pulmonology is a new field within pulmonary medicine focused on the use of advanced diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for patients with lung cancer, airway disorders, and pleural diseases. Interesting. Yeah, sure. You know, we go, oh, it's a 20% chance. Patients will typically have primary or metastatic tumors of the chest, mediastinum or . A star rating is not given if a provider only has a small number of survey responses. Section of Pulmonary/Critical Care So, I really believe in great communication and teamwork. A star rating is not given if a provider only has a small number of survey responses. Some of the blood tests we have, have the ability to change that number. And it also has a lot of great COVID information. Some of them are just re-evaluating the CAT scan you have. And we get the tissue that we need. And as always, we'll take your questions during our 30 minute program. It could be cancer. Sleep clinic patients are seen here during the day . We're in very separate areas. We offer online appointment scheduling for video and in-person appointments for adult and pediatric primary care and many specialties. Go ahead, Ajay. And probably the worst thing that could happen is that somebody would forego treatment that they need because they're afraid of COVID. And so as Dr. Wagh just pointed out, in the same procedure, after we've just proved that is a cancer, we're going to then go sample your lymph nodes. We are taking questions from viewers. What you're never going to hear from us is to say, now there's nothing to do, leave. But I'm sure you'll enjoy UChicago Medicine. And these procedures all have their own benefits, but also their own complications. Karen says, your pulmonary department is the best. Program accreditation is under the joint auspices of the American Association of Bronchology and Interventional . And you know, COVID makes it harder for patients to see doctors. Age is usually 55 to 80. We offer a university-based training experience at a state-of-the art community-based tertiary care teaching hospital nestled . And I do also think it's worth mentioning that by doing the bronchoscopy, as opposed to choosing an alternative technique, such as a needle biopsy, we're also able to evaluate the lymph nodes in the chest. And so think of it like a sponge. You want to be calm and cool. And you say, well, wait. The question is, how quickly do cancerous lung nodules grow compared to other types of cancer? BCBS Blue Precision HMO (specialists only), United Select (HMO & EPO) (specialists only), Humana Medicare Advantage Gold Choice PFFS. The Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine has been a model of exemplary patient care, research, and post-doctoral training for more than 20 years. And the national standard is roughly five weeks. 5841 South Maryland Avenue, Amit, I hope I'm pronouncing this correctly. Meaning, it's technically a cancer, but it's never going to necessarily bother you. We're going to give you some strong recommendations. But we can. Compare hospital ratings for pulmonology and lung surgery. And so now you're going to go to the surgeon to be cured. I do think that it's worth saying that complications are pretty rare with the scopes, the endoscopy that we perform. The fact it's a low dose is because you are being screened, there is no other reason we're scanning you. And I think we like to take things one step at a time. And I hope you have a great week. No, it's a great question. Our goal is to train the next generation of leaders in pulmonary, critical care , and sleep medicine. Obviously, if things change, then that's a discussion towards biopsy. Referring . Dr. Ajay Wagh and Dr. Kyle Hogarth will discuss the latest in lung nodule diagnostics, management, and treatment. We're going to do our work. For an appointment in the Interventional Pulmonology Outpatient Clinic at the Holmes Hospital (3 rd floor), please . But we're also going to work with you. Northwestern Memorial Hospital; Univ. . And obviously, you know, even with minimally invasive surgery, it's still a surgery. We're not going to just say, you must do this. You are comfortable. And I think that's the first key step. Interventional Pulmonology at Hoag is an important part of the multidisciplinary approach to diagnosing and treating the complexities of lung cancer. So this is an actual question. So we need to get going and do something about it. We have a great team here, and I'm excited to be part of it. Where it's basically put right through your chest into the lung nodule done through the radiology department. All kinds of fantastic information there. Now, the low dose lung cancer screening has its own set of guidelines that helps us to monitor and follow any suspicious nodules. And I think that's the first key step. So first is just a discussion with you of what is the probability that this could be a malignancy for you. And then they wait to be brought to the pre-procedural area. 1-877-DOM-2730, Department of Medicine You will get seen three to four weeks from now. It's so important. So I always have to do this. Obviously, if things change, then that's a discussion towards biopsy. And we keep spacing that interval of scan out if nothing has changed. And I would imagine in this-- I've got to word COVID of in here, because you know, it's what we're talking about everywhere. And either one of you can do that. [MUSIC PLAYING]. You know, it's not just like, yeah, you do this. Can you kind of talk to us a little bit about that, and walk us through that? So follow-up scans could also be low dose as well. Patient survey responses are also used to make star ratings for each provider. But there's many other tests. The responses are used to improve patient experience and recognize staff members for the care they provide. Oh, less than 5%, OK, let's slow down a little bit. Because why would I put you-- why would I cure you of something that's never going to harm you? Or is that the moment of panic at that point? Get a Second Opinion. Well, gentlemen, we're out of time. I'm actually in the endoscopy suites. As faculty members of the University of Cincinnati [] And as always, we'll take your questions during our 30 minute program. No, for sure. In some cases, they are a precancerous lesion. Chicago, IL 60637 So-- So we go through your mouth. Thanks again for being with us today. And we had a question from a viewer that dovetails perfectly into what I'm kind of curious about. Referring Physician Access Line: . The University of Chicago Medicine. You don't have to go get another procedure that's going to take time to then figure out what stage you are. Thoracic Imaging. Pass instruments out, take little pieces that we-- so you're not going to miss anything, you know, volume wise. I mean, it's really amazing. I've been practicing for the last seven years as a pulmonary critical care physician, and I'm excited to be here. Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine (DCAM) - Hyde Park, Request an Appointment at Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine (DCAM) - Hyde Park. But can you kind of walk us through what people can expect before, during, and after one of these procedures. What are some of the options to evaluate lung nodules and lung masses? 1:25 . And so as Dr. Wagh just pointed out, in the same procedure, after we've just proved that is a cancer, we're going to then go sample your lymph nodes. Your lungs are going to be ultimately attached to your mouth. The responses are used to improve patient experience and recognize staff members for the care they provide. I am a Professor of Medicine here. It sounds like you're in a busy, busy place. There's a surgeon, who's going to go in and cut part of it out. And then they come to our lab. Well, we're very happy to have you. I remember when Dr. Hogarth showed this to me. I'm new here to the University of Chicago, and very thankful to be here.
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