Once your query is built and you see the results in the upper part of the screen, locate and click the "Script Editor" button that's just to the left of the "Submit" button, that you clicked one step before. Hopefully they fix that in a future release. These are great tools to see what the state of something was at a certain point in time, or what time an automation executed. Great article got this up and running a week ago on my Synology NAS with DSM 6.2 interestingly when I had to restart my Synology it appears to have wiped the influx db (ie the docker container wasnt running, so nothing worked), then when I restarted it there was no home_assistant database. The InfluxDB integration was introduced in Home Assistant 0.9, and it's used by, # Example filter to include specified domains and exclude specified entities, filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "value" and r.domain == "sensor" and strings.containsStr(v: r.entity_id, substr: "humidity")), filter(fn: (r) => r._domain == "person" and r._entity_id == "me" and r._value != "{{ states('person.me') }}"), filter(fn: (r) => r.domain == "sensor" and r._field == "value" and regexp.matchRegexpString(r: /_power$/, v: r.entity_id)), states('sensor.current_cost_per_kwh')|float, https://us-west-2-1.aws.cloud2.influxdata.com/orgs/{OrganizationID}, Full configuration for 1.xx installations, Full configuration for 2.xx installations, Entity listed in entities include: include, Otherwise, entity matches domain include: include, Otherwise, entity matches glob include: include, Otherwise, entity matches domain exclude: exclude, Otherwise, entity matches glob exclude: exclude, Domain and/or glob includes (may also have excludes), Otherwise, entity listed in entities exclude: exclude, Domain and/or glob excludes (no domain and/or glob includes), Otherwise, entity listed in exclude: exclude, No Domain and/or glob includes or excludes. This tutorial is going to outline how to add InfluxDB to the docker-compose.yml file and setup on a Raspberry Pi. Entries will be limited, since they will start from the moment that you have added HomeAssistant->InfluxDB config into HomeAssistant. Now lets press the Add Query button again, and add all our internal sensors together. Click on the "Add data source" button. Grafana "Local Port" defaults to 3000. Possible values: unit_of_measurement, domain__device_class or entity_id. For example, Im querying below for all the mph measurements (which were created using Dark Sky). 2.xx only - List of sensors to expose in Home Assistant. Grafana is a fantastic tool. This ensures Home Assistant has a lean database, and I can debug something that went wrong by looking in the recorder. Execute the query: SHOW TAG VALUES ON "homeassistant" WITH KEY = "entity_id" and create a dashboard of if. Enter your email address below to receive my latest blog posts and videos about Home Automation in your Inbox. If things are good, you should now see in the top part of the window the graph representing contents of your query. Go to the "Image" section of the Docker app and double-click the downloaded Grafana image. February 20, 2020. InfluxDB is an open source time series database optimized for high-write-volume. This will add the values below the graph. How much light does the living room get in winter months, compared to summer months? The list of domains to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. Defines the data selection clause (the where clause of the query). Im curious, how are you using this? Repeat the same thing with "Grafana - Read" token. SHOW MEASUREMENTS ON " eg: homeassistant" Latest versions of the container have disabled SSH. Go to Synology Docker app and in the "Registry" section search for "InfluxDB" and double-click the top entry. Im using localhost because my Home Assistant Docker container is running on the same machine. Infact, theres been a fix put in place on the InfluxDB side, after some others reported the same here: https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-python/issues/349, I can see theres a pull request to add a new paramater to Home Assistant which will fix this here: https://github.com/simpss/home-assistant/pull/1. The toolbar to add new panels can be found at the top right corner. This add-on is provided by the Home Assistant Community Add-ons project. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Now we have to use the Flux query language which expects us to type things in. You can do that using the iFrame panel component. Measurement name to use instead of measurement_attr or default measurement. Please be aware of the underlying InfluxDB mechanism that converts non-string attributes to strings and adds a _str suffix to the attribute name in this case. rtsecs) By the way: In order to get the new versions I had to use the edge flag instead of latest, is that the correct way to use? is there a way to have some form of binary value for sonos if it is playing or not, my use case: we have sonos multi room audio and i want to find a way of having just a easy to see playing/not playing on my smart home dashboard. Once I have these in Home Assistant, its easy to get the value into Grafana and InfluxDB. -p 22022:22 The personal homepage of Frenck: an Internet of Things explorer, a home automation fanatic, open source contributor, software developer, and Home Assistant addict! So I decided to create one myself to help people to have a basic start with such deployment. @trusty That dashboard just looks freaking amazing! 2018-01-24 15:00:58,598 INFO success: grafana entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (sta The database must already exist. The list of entity ids to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. -p 8086:8086 Under the query field locate and click the "Sample Query" button. The above example from my guide for automated low battery warnings shows such a dashboard for the current charge states of my battery powered devices. Ill have to wait until this works in the released version Note that unlike the 1.xx queries, this does not default to mean. Overall it looks really good (I think), definitely better than in Home Assistant and only cost me one evening of work. A sensor will be created for each query: Note that 2.xx installations of InfluxDB only support queries in their Flux language. To the right of that should be a "Filter" frame. In the mean time I managed to create the necessary database and users through the CLI instead so all up and running now. So, its still a work in progress for the time being. Trying to show the volume of my Sonos using singlestat and its working. Anyone has a query to delete any/all data and entity itself from influx? In my case it looks like this. That was exactly it - default filter was not entity_id but gave me options that seemed like list of entities, just not a complete one. Under the General tab, lets change the Panel Title to Temperatures. Here you will create an administrative user and your first (and maybe only) organization and a bucket. 2018-01-24 15:01:10,654 INFO spawned: grafana with pid 1631 You can now click the "Apply" button. Hi Phil, Hey Phil , sorry for my late answer i had a packed day and thank you for your time, By using that command i am unable to access grafana afterwards. this is the error Im wondering though, if you could exclude everything from trying to go into InfluxDB, and then only select the entities you do want to go in. Here you should be able to see the bucket you have created on the initial screen in the previous section. One with your username and the two new ones. One question with the docker image: How do you increase the influcdb connection pool? 2018-01-24 15:01:11,721 INFO success: grafana entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (sta I believe there is a Z-wave set config service, or it might be available from the Config panel. I would first chmod 777 the Grafana config, and see if that fixes it. Another option to display data is Singlestat. Youll be looking at changing the reporting intervals, and possibly group reports. Unfortunately, the process manager inside the container wont display any errors from Grafana. I am Franck Nijhof, and I have 30 years of programming experience, in many languages. I did that change some weeks ago and follows a slightly outdated guide but got it working. Ive been pointed in the direction of a bug within Chronograf. influxdb: host: port: !secret influx_port database: home_assistant username: !secret influx_username password: !secret influx_password Any way on how I can figure out if HA is actually writing to the bucket, or can you already tell that I do not write anything because I am missing an essential part? I also included my phones battery and my printer ink status for fun and added some stats for my Adguard network wide ad blocker. Click "Add" button and in the "variable" field enter TZ and in the "Value" field enter your timezone in format continent/City (you can find a list here). This will make any value below 10% come up as red, and any value below 25 as orange. I chose docker/Grafana. Thank you! strings, date, experimental/query, etc. However if didnt split them out with a template sensor, there isnt much you can do. I can add the data source in Grafana fine, it confirms the home_assistant database is created fine but HA gives an error and does not connect. In "Default Bucket" field enter name of the bucket you created in InfluxDB. Someone may have not closed a door properly. In my setup, I use the recorder and history components to track the last two days of history from Home Assistant. We could adjust our GROUP BY interval higher, to something like an hour which might solve that. The unique ID for this query. I want to include everything and keep it forever there, waiting to be visualized or something. unit_of_measurement: % You can still create aggregate metrics across multiple sensors though. Home Assistant comes with a recording component already, however, the more data that your Home Assistant setup records, youll see the limitation of this built-in functionality. First, theres heaps of types of data we can graph now: Now we can take a look at this data over longer periods, for fun and potentially to save money. InfluxDB, Grafana - Running in Docker containers on another host (Synology) - IP See the official installation documentation for how to set up an InfluxDB database, or there is a community add-on available.. Additionally, you can now make use of an InfluxDB 2.0 installation with this integration. : In case you want to ask me a question: AMA (Ask Me Anything). You can easily change what time period is displayed on the screen from the top-right menu. Sensors in HA contain a single value, the query you use to fill that sensor has to return a single value. The group function to be used. Measurement name to use instead of unit or default measurement. philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana:latest. Great article! In the past we could simply select entries and have a graph show up. In the "Write" section choose the "HomeAssistant" bucket. I select that and a new "Filter" frame opens. Just note that if you ever destroy the container, the updates will be lost. Im assuming youre using Docker. Something like. In "InfluxDB Details" section under "Organization" enter the one you defined in InfluxDB. As you may notice while it is easy to create it is not great either. Then I've got several other things configured for monitoring such as Synology NAS, router to monitor UL/DL speed and one or two other things that don't generate a lot of data. This space is exported using snapshots as well. Also, I hope this can help newbies (like me) get your image started, here are the commands I had to use (DSM 6.1 did not like -v): mount type=bind,source=/volume1/docker/influxdb,target=/var/lib/influxdb, mount type=bind,source=/volume1/docker/grafana,target=/var/lib/grafana, philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana:latest. For now, just use the :edge tag in your docker run statement, and youll have some newer versions to use! I snaffled your docker-hub image and ran it up to try and its awesome. I havent tested them myself yet, but this might get it working for you. Anything else? Once it restarts, Home Assistant should start sending data to InfluxDB. If it doesnt use home-assistant_v2.db, can logbook: and history: be removed from configuration.yaml or is there some dependency? Its useful for recording metrics, sensor data, events, and performing analytics.
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