Saturn is symbolic of a father-figure. A potential problem of this position is the magnification of little problems and everyday complaints such that you end up complaining a lot with one another! You are a couple that thinks, communicates, and analyzes. The individual knows that something else beyond the life they know exists, but is fearful to approach it, thus . You handle everyday demands with emotion, directness, and perhaps even anger or irritability. Always putting work first can be a drag and keeping up your public image can be stressful. There is an aloof quality to your aura as a couple. When this planet is placed in the eighth house in the birth chart, you can expect the effect of Saturn to appear on an unconscious level. If you are not on the go, you can be quite restless. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Not the most reliable couple around, you dont like to be bound by schedules and rules. Another possibility is having had to deal with real roadblocks in order to be together at all. Your relationship is a stimulating, compelling one, and you easily attract attention as a couple. There is a strong tendency to encourage each other to be self-indulgent. Equality is the goal in your partnership, and maintaining this balance (keeping things equal) requires quite a bit of ongoing effort. Compromise can be a big challenge. However, humans are imperfect, and complete faith is hard to keep up all of the time. Composite Saturn in the 8th House With Composite Saturn in the 8th house, you may struggle over control of the relationship and over one another. Defining whats yours and whats mine is a challenge, as there is an attempt to merge together on a deep level. You come across as a rather unassuming couple. You may often feel that the emotions between the two of you are on display in some way. Anger can be seemingly irrational, and you should do what you can to avoid blaming each other for the deep, sometimes ugly, emotions that surface as the result of your union. Saturn's ultra realistic attitude and approach to life puts a heavy weight into the house it occupies in a composite chart. Because Saturn is always focused on the long-term, you are careful not to say things that will lead to future suffering. So, together in a composite chart, Saturn's message is clear. She also has Saturn, Moon conjunct in the 10th. twice as hard to accumulate money and possessions, perhaps making you. A feeling of warm familiarity surrounding your personal belief systems is likely when you come together. Demanding too much attention from each other, becoming bossy and self-centered in your interactions with each other, and focusing on instant gratification rather than long-term happiness are all strong possibilities if the energy is misusedand can be the downfall of the union. True partnership is a goal. This position can bring challenges that most people find very difficult to deal with. With enough creativity and self-awareness, two people can experience its benefits together. Composite Mars in the 2nd House. The fourth house is the house of family karma. You want to drive the cars and live in the neighborhoods that make you appear successful. You value saving over spending and have a practical attitude about spending money on the pleasures the world has for sale. All this . 8th House. There is a risk of seeing each other as people who have joined together to accomplish a mission for success rather than for love and romance. Generally, taking the relationship itself seriously and as a responsibility is the ultimate result of this placement. It tells about your nature of death and your total life span. In fact, you can develop nontraditional and even breakthrough ways of living and working together. As a couple with this placement, you are be careful about what you say to each other. Composite Houses - Eleventh house emphasis in the composite . The drive to enjoy yourselves is strong in this relationship. This can make your whole relationship feel burdensome and restrictive. At worst, you incessantly worry about your finances and your financial future always seems bleak. You are more inclined to work things through with class and style. Sexual chemistry is likely overt. There is much potential to have a great time with one another. It's good in that you are both likely to support each other and put your relationship before any individual interests. Twelfth-house planets are repressed. Composite Sun in the 5th House. Composite Ascendant in Taurus. Composite Sun in the 1st House. The desire to take action in the practical, material world is strong with this position. You tend to expect the best from one another, which helps your relationship along tremendously. It will be especially important to manage emotions in your relationship. As well, you instinctively consider one another as an equal, with equal say in your union. The two of you value things that last, and you tend to think in terms of longevity. Saturn here is a symbol for a fear of abandonment and letting go of this life's conditions. Saturn represents fears, limitations, restrictions in astrology. Also, wealth received through inheritance. Jealousies and possessiveness can be a real issue between you. This house is associated with secrets and things hidden under the surface. Composite Ascendant in Aries. Often, one person is older than the other and the older person cares for the younger person. Expressing yourselves sexually and creatively comes naturally, and inhibitions in these areas are unlikely unless Mars is seriously challenged. 8th House : The couples ability for commitment and ownership together. A lot of energy can be put into maintaining a balance, and one partner might eventually tire of this energy drain. regard to money, sex, possessions and joint property. Unable to let go of control in your life. Stifling each others creativity or individuality will be especially detrimental to this relationship. As a result, decision-making as a unit can be challenging, as you always see the other side of the coin. With awareness, you can manage the problem and bring yourselves to the point where there is only an awkwardness in your communication that makes you hesitant about sharing. Composite Venus in the 5th House. On the surface, it's about our style of sharing-how we use what we own as a unit. Instead, you are able to communicate creatively and spontaneously. As a couple, you project a confident, proud, and warm aura. So at best, you are both careful to word things correctly to make sure information is delivered. Saturn in the third house of a composite chart brings a heaviness to this otherwise light house. There is a powerful theme of protectiveness in this relationship. Saturn in the 8th house: a figure stands firmly on top of a lonely tower, contemplating the night that surrounds them from all sides. Composite Venus in the 12th House. There is a dreamy aura about you. The seventh house is the natural house of marriage and one-to-one partnerships, but it is also the house of enemies! It will always be vitally important that you give each other room to grow, and that you keep communication alive and thriving. It is natural to feel very comfortable with one another, as if you have known each other long before you actually have. This influence will make them simply resist transformations, change, and growth. With this placement. Do they confront issues immediately? the twelfth house in a composite chart can also be telling when it comes to karmic relationships. Transit Neptune in the Composite 8th House. This position can point to a secret affair or a very private sexual relationship, and even to a relationship that is never consummated on a sexual level. Your relationship itself may be hidden from view or others may not know it exists at all. The house person may or may not like this. Emotional impulsiveness can be exciting, but also problematic. Strong second house relationships are built on security. Saturn always thinks long-term and over-thinks decisions. As a couple, you are on the move, friendly, and sociable. Do they talk things through logically? Composite 7th house : planets. Composite Sun in the 11th House. Do your best to avoid mind games and power struggles. One of you may be in a helping or teaching role, for example. This takes the joy out of blindly diving into a mysterious new love affair, and it's difficult to keep the flames of passion burning brightly as time passes. This is also the case with the composite Ascendant (as well as the composite Midheaven). You project a practical and reliable image. The composite Moon in the 8th house can create an emotional storm, and if it is not handled well, it may create deep-seated, and underlying resentment. The eighth house also rules other people's property and money include real estate, inheritances, and investments. If other positions suggest a more emotional bond between the two of you, then this position adds a happy and friendly boost to your interactions. Communication, learning, information, trips around town, visits with neighbors and relatives, gossip and news all fall in this house. Commitment to each other comes quite easily. There may be some resistance to commitment, as Sagittarius is a sign that demands a certain amount of personal freedom. This is not a relationship that is impersonal, by any means. Be careful not to put too much weight on how you come across to others, as this could place undue pressure on your relationship. Whether or not it moves towards a more committed, traditional partnership depends on other factors in the composite chart. Thus, becomes very miser at times. It shows where and how the couple shine and express their vital life energy. Transit Uranus in the Composite 8th House. As a couple, you make things happen, and the direction of your partnership is out in the open and clearly defined. One of you may talk down to the other, or there can be a heavy emphasis on talking about problems, burdens, and responsibilities instead of more light-hearted and happy conversations. Composite Sun in the Ninth House A Ninth House composite Sun is a relationship that is built on mutual goals, dreams, and visions. Disillusionment is a possibility if resentments for the inequality in this partnership are left to accumulate and grow, or if one person ends up feeling used or thwarted. This often causes couples with this placement to be critical and judgmental of each other's beliefs. Your Sun Sign is Your Key to Happiness & Success, Guess Sun Signs by Understanding Sun-Sign Auras, Top Athletes Throughout Time & Their Astrological Signs, Relationship Test: Compatibility Versus Attraction, The Secret to Sexual Chemistry is found in our Astrological Sun Signs, The Zodiac Signs & Commitment to Relationships, Moon Sign Compatibility: The Best Indicator of a Long & Successful Marriage, Aries Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Taurus Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Gemini Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Cancer Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Leo Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Virgo Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Libra Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Scorpio Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Sagittarius Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Capricorn Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Aquarius Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Pisces Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction. Saturn Square Pluto - Synastry, Transit, Composite Square Whatever the karma of yesterday, only in it, as in the soil - today, you can sow something, and tomorrow you can get seedlings. house indicates you may be very insecure in your relationship with. it may be difficult for you to share with one another, and you may have a hard time using resources that you have or finding any new resources together. In some cases, the relationship begins just fine, but there is a sense of being blocked by the outside world or by circumstances. As we mentioned in The Composite Chart, the composite Ascendant not only reveals energies that are most obvious to others (i.e. You joke around with each other a lot, and tend to keep things light and airy. Uncertainty, or a feeling of inequality between the two of you (such as a large age difference, an affair, and so forth), are themes of your relationship. If the Sun is seriously challenged, lack of fun can become a major issue. If you don't operate this way as a. Tucked away in the twelfth house, Saturn can seem non-existent here at first. For the most part, however, you truly enjoy each others company. A buzz of activity is normally found here until Saturn comes along. Saturn wants to be sure of itself and fears making mistakes. Composite Ascendant in Virgo. You are a security-conscious couple, and sweeping changes make you feel insecure. You are a real couple. However, being above the horizon, Saturn may bring stability and seriousness. Composite Venus in the 8th House. With an 8th House stellium and the potential for 8th House matters being elevated in your life, there are some pitfalls to watch for including: Struggling to let go of old ways of being to make way for new. Your sex life may be sporadic or there could be a feeling that one of you makes more sacrifices than the other. Others may even envy you as a result, but rarely do you inspire bad feelings. You may become quite frustrated with each other if you dont feel a strong, intimate connection. You react quickly, directly, and spontaneously on an emotional level to one another. The Moon in a prominent position in the composite chart suggests that emotions are dealt with quite promptly and directly. In the sixth house of daily work routines, lifestyle and doing things correctly, Saturn puts an overly serious tone on an already serious house. It can be a real challenge to develop predictable routines in this relationship. Your Chiron in 8th House Wounds Because the Eighth House is the House of death and rebirth, your wounds are transformative in nature. The physical side of your relationship is accentuated with this position of the composite Sun. However, when Saturn is strong and dignified, there are positive outcomes extracted from the difficult energies of the 8th house. Rather than coming across as stable and constant, you appear to be changeable. You need a sense of purpose in order to thrive together. Correspondingly, we live (and shine) in the shadow. You are bound to depend on one another. On a personal level, this is a somewhat challenging position for Mars, as one or both of you may feel put upon by the other. Saturn here inhibits natural expression, such that the inner workings of your relationship are kept private. Transit Saturn in 1st House. With this placement, there is a propensity for resentment. Composite Ascendant in Sagittarius. Over time, you wonder why there is a negative vibe that you can't explain. Emotional expression tends to be spontaneous, which can be a benefit. This is a powerful, high-energy relationship that can easily sweep you off your feet! There will be a. fear of not having enough on which to get by, thus making you work. The aura of your home may be overly formal or simply lacking in authentic emotion or warmth. Another manifestation of the composite twelfth-house Saturn is an inability to bring serious, negative issues out into the open for discussion. A negative potential of this placement is making your arguments everybodys business, perhaps because you cant seem to control yourselves in public. The only potential problem with this position is the tendency towards glossing over the details in favor of the big picture. Composite Mars in the 3rd House. If you can keep Saturn in check, you can use its conservative energy to keep yourselves practical enough not to spend foolishly, while remembering that life is also meant to be enjoyed. A strong spiritual connection can help you to feel that your bonds are unbreakable, and this can help you grow closer. Expect unpredictability in your daily lives together, and you will do better together. There may be some suffering on sexual levels (inequality, wherein one serves the other sexually, for example, one person having an affair that brings suffering to the other, a love triangle, mistress setup, and so forth), or one partner feels dominated by the other. Composite Sun in the 7th House. You may be nervous and restless as a couple, or always on the go. You likely enjoy conversing about everything under the sun with each other. It can propel a couple forward, or it can tear them apart. You may tend to exclude others, preferring to be alone together much of the time. It can make your home life feel overly serious. This is a powerful, high-energy relationship that can easily sweep you off your feet! This house represents the part of your relationship that feels restrictive and burdensome. A tendency for each of you to take your beliefs too seriously is a common manifestation of a composite Saturn in the ninth house. One of you may end up feeling used or less than satisfied. Whenever Saturn is strong in the composite chart, there is the potential for a long-lasting relationship. All of this is because inside you sense that you need to "become more, be better.". In this relationship, many facets of your personalities that you would rather keep private may be revealed. As a couple, you have a serious manner regarding anything societal or institutional. You are excitable when you are together, and the sexual chemistry between you is so apparent its almost tangible. Intensity, intimacy, and meaningful sharing are themes of your union. Anger is expressed immediately and with little hesitation, but so is passion. The 8th house is considered a Dushtana Bhava or house of difficulties, losses, and many other negative significances in Vedic astrology. The energy of this relationship is apparent right from the start. It's important to remember that Saturn can be extreme. However, if you understand the influence, you can work with it, rather than letting it be the dark cloud that drags you apart. Composite Mars in the 1st House. It isn't that you want to appear this way. Sun & Moon Combinations: How Well do your Sun & Moon get Along? Reality must be met head on when Saturn is present. (His progressed pluto is 17 in 5th house). Composite Sun in the 8th House July 13, 2009 astrologyplace The composite Sun placed in the 8th house is symbolic of a private couple who keep their affairs behind closed doors and have more layers to their relationship than what is visible on the surface of their connection. When transit Saturn is in the composite 8th house, you may struggle with your emotional bonds and intimacy in the relationship. Whether its passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. Paying attention to the theme of the Composite Suns house placement is especially important. People are attracted and repelled. But think about the difference between Saturn and Uranus, and you start to understand the unique ways each house expresses itself. The expression "there is a fine line between love and hate" applies here. Both might eventually find that maintaining the relationship is draining. With your sights set high, you may not be very good with the details of daily existence. You may focus on sharing more with one another what you have, and making the relationship more resourceful. Generally, you tend to joke around with each other, make one another smile, and treat each other with respect and plenty of attention! It will be done correctly and in a timely manner. With Venus in a prominent position in your composite chart, your affection for one another is likewise a principal theme in your relationship. It also shows how the couple copes with daily ups and downs. Composite Ascendant in Pisces. Consequently, people may see you as a serious couple or simply an unexpressive couple. However, in either case, you are serious about your finances and assuring yourselves a comfortable life in this material world. Both of you need extra attention, romantic or otherwise, in order to keep things alive and vital. Otherwise, there may be a tendency to come down on each other or to restrict one anothers individuality and sense of freedom. At the same, it may confer an element of suspiciousness and nosiness in the person who has this in their chart. You tend to think in terms of constancy and the long term. They may feel compelled to explore the macabre, taboo, and darker side of society. You are more able than most couples to work through problems objectively by talking things through and not flying off the handle. Saturn in the fifth house can play out in a similar way. It takes work, but it's worth it in the long run. You don't want to raise the issues, and if they come up, you can't manage to form the words needed to discuss them. This is a powerful relationship that has the potential of being a true one-to-one partnership. In fact, if they do know it exists, they are unlikely to understand what it is all about. Theres nothing superficial about this relationship. When you are together, you each feel the need to express your opinions and you find yourselves taking each other really seriously. When they do emerge, they may surprise both of you, as they have been brewing for some time and are well-developed. Idealizing each other is great unless its taken to an extreme. A feeling that each person in the relationship is responsible for the other's emotional fulfillment is a predominant factor when Saturn is in the eighth house of a composite chart. The sixth and the eighth house are also karmic houses. However, it can also be bad if the serious feeling makes the relationship feel like a burden. Sun In 8th House Transit, Sun In 8th House Composite. Your main drive is to have fun with each other, and this feeds the love you have for one another. ), rather than address the deeper anger issues, which can easily become areas of irritation and anger. You take your ability to earn an income and provide for yourselves as a couple seriously, and hard work is something you both consider necessary. Allowing ingrained patterns of behavior to strain committed relationships. Idealism runs high between you, and it feels good, but day-to-day affairs shouldnt be neglected completely. Saturn also conjunct Aquarius Venus in 8th, both square my Moon. At worst, the energy of your chemistry encourages you to be negligent or unreliable. Partners are actively involved in social structures, whose activities are in one way or another related to financial issues. You may be inclined to spend more as a couple than what you may spend independently. Sun feels at ease here because he is in the home of . How you nurture each other and express emotions with one another is a major element of your relationship. Succedent House Type: A Succedent house type is ruled by a fixed sign. Do they jump right into new experiences, or are they more cautious? The responsibilities that go along with this dependency may be challenging at times, but the depth of commitment and intimacy you are capable of can be most rewarding. Other possible scenarios are a large age gap between you, an affair in which one of you is married to someone else, a boss/employee set-up, and so forth. Friendship is very important to you. There is an inherent inequality in the way you talk to one another, and this is something that needs to be handled or else you may end up picking away at each other with criticisms and nagging. Saturn is capable of going deep into matter and finding what is hidden. This is because you stimulate strong feelings in each other. Composite Sun and Venus in the 8th house. You may find that you feel insecure when either of you connects with others or expresses independence. Saturn's serious, responsible nature casts a heavy feeling on the seventh house in a composite chart. Associations with friends and neighbors take on a formal tone with this placement because of the serious nature of Saturn. As well, the relationship could have started off almost as a business arrangement. You have a greater than average need to be creative together. Initial reluctance, self-consciousness, or general reticence may have characterized the beginning of this partnership. You are a couple that blazes new paths. Venus is a symbol of deep love. You need to be careful not to pick away at each other when problems arise, as you tend to find fault rather easily in an effort to fix things. In general, one may be more aggressive or demanding than the other. You want respect from your community and you are careful to behave in a mature manner in public. You can do research into anything you need to know more about together, and you can get to the core of any issues and come up with solutions together. Saturn in Aries/First House You may blame each other for financial difficulties and accuse each other of wastefulness or laziness in matters of maintaining material security. Saturn person may help House 2 person secure their financial strategies using practical, conservative wisdom to ensure long range growth. Your immediate, instinctive responses to each other and to daily stimuli are largely mental. Composite Mars in the 6th House. When your Pluto is in your partner's 7th house your partner finds you secretive, elusive, intense and mysterious. Or, you might find that giving each other space helps as well. This union is quite resilient, although you may overestimate what you are capable of doing together. In the fifth house of creativity, and self-expression through mediums, such as, romantic relationships, child rearing, and art, Saturn's realism and overwhelming sense of practicality can put quite a damper on things. Copyright 2013-2023, How the Zodiac Signs Ruin their Relationships. This is an excellent position for the Composite Sun when the relationship is a love affair. Transit Saturn in the 8th House Transit Chart Interpretation Meaning This transit is one of the most difficult and has the potential to change your life forever. Problems can arise if you over-identify with your image of being the perfect couple who is living happily ever after. Composite Ascendant in Libra. You have come together to learn about your own deepest feelings and needs, and this may not always be pleasant! Saturn can be imagined as an old father-figure whose focus is on avoiding danger, following rules, and working hard to provide for a secure future. You do this on every level. As a couple, you come across in an especially pleasing and attractive manner.
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