When entitled to wear four or more ribbons, you are authorized to wear what minimum number? Deter Most electrical deaths could be prevented by taking which of the following actions? Some common violations include article 112(a) related to drug use, article 92 violation of a general order, article 107 false official statement, article 86 related to unauthorized absence or AWOL. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. At Captain's Mast, what discipline measure cannot be awarded? The best chance to save your military career if you are facing non-judicial punishment is to contactan experienced military defense lawyerat Crisp and Associates Military Law. Apperance that does not blend with professional apperance is define as what term? Under the Code of Conduct, a captured service member is required to provide what information? A light blue colored E-3 insignia identifies what occupational group ? The Navy neckerchief should be worn in what manner? Allowing the victim to disclose sexual assault to specified individuals without triggering a command notification or an official investigation is what type of reporting option? A special court-martial consists of what minimum number of commissioned officers? A Sailor must complete a Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire at what minimum interval? M.A.S.H. You want to wear a uniform that requires a leather name tag. C. Deck and Summary Courts-Martial 19C1. While she is wearing a jumper uniform, a woman's hair may extend below the top of the collar what maximum length? The combination of restriction and extra duties may not be more than what is allowable for extra duties. Question 1 of 7 Authorized sideburns are best described by which of the following phrases? A summary court-martial consists of what total numver of commissioned officers? "One-time access" for an individual to view information at a level above this authorized level, may be used during operational emergencies. PMK-EE Professional Conduct (E-5) Questions and Answers, PMK-EE (E-5) Seamanship Questions and Answers, PMK-EE Professional Conduct (E-4) Questions and Answers . Variable overhead is applied at the rate of$12 per direct labor hour. Case 1: BM2 was found to be in possession of a handgun. 3. Accept risk when benefits outweigh the cost and anticipate and manage risk by planning. Servicemembers experienced in the realm of military justice may reference Article 15 punishment under numerous terms: punishment by the commander, non-judicial punishment ("NJP"), getting ninja punched, captain's mast, or admiral's mast. d. Use the appropriate value of \alpha to make a forecast for period 21 . A child abuse case could be in a "pending" status for what maximum duration? A user of tobacco products is ineligible for which of the following positions? The Captains Mast appears to have come about as a result of the need to maintain discipline and to address the majority of the crew at once. On a Fireman Apprentice's dress blue uniform, what color are the rate stripes? Markings on CLASSIFIED documents should be placed in what position on the page? Maximum authorized sideburn length is defined by what point relative to the ear? Client's command . Allowing the victim to disclose sexual assault to specified individuals without triggering a command notification or an official investigation is what type of reporting option? For Sailors between the ages of 17 and 39, what is the maximum allowable percentage of body fat for males and females? So why the colorful name as opposed to something dry like the US Armys Article 15, which generally has the same function and simply refers to the UCMJ section that authorizes military nonjudicial punishments? Meetings of this nature were held under the mainmast, and eventually any crew meeting came to be known as a mast. On the service dress blue uniform, an Airman Apprentice should wear what color group rate mark? Traditionally, on a naval vessel, the captain would stand at the main mast of that vessel when holding mast. Antiterrorism (AT) programs employ overt security measures to establish a physical presence that creates the perception of impenetrability to do what to a threat? : Make A Sailor Hurt: (used in boot camp to describe) any physical training on the time of the Company Commander. The mast authority may amend and stylize the provided script as necessary, or follow a different process to meet the unit's need for good order and discipline to the extent the member's rights under law (Articles 15 and 31b, UCMJ), Presidential Order (Part V, MCM), and regulations of the Judge Advocate General of the Coast Guard and Chief . UCMJ Article 110 Improper Hazarding of Vessel or Aircraft, UCMJ Article 111 Leaving Scene of Vehicle Accident, UCMJ Article 112 Drunkenness and Other Incapacitation Offenses, UCMJ Article 112a Wrongful Use, Possession of Controlled Substances, UCMJ Article 113 Drunken or Reckless Operation of a Vehicle, Aircraft, or Vessel, UCMJ Article 116 Riot or Breach of Peace, UCMJ Article 117 Provoking Speeches or Gestures, UCMJ Article 119a Death or Injury of an Unborn Child, UCMJ Article 120 Rape and Sexual Assault Generally, UCMJ Article 120a Mails: Deposit of Obscene Matter, UCMJ Article 120b Rape and Sexual Assault of a Child, UCMJ Article 120c Other Sexual Misconduct, UCMJ Article 121 Larceny and Wrongful Appropriation, UCMJ Article 121a Fraudulent Use of Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and Other Access Devices, UCMJ Article 121b False Pretenses to Obtain Services, UCMJ Article 122a Receiving Stolen Property, UCMJ Article 123 Offenses Concerning Government Computers, UCMJ Article 123a Making, Drawing, or Uttering Check, Draft, or Order Without Sufficient Funds, UCMJ Article 124 Fraud Against the United States, UCMJ Article 126 Arson; Burning with Intent to Defraud, UCMJ Article 129 Burglary; Unlawful Entry, UCMJ Article 131a Subornation of Perjury, UCMJ Article 131c Misprision of Serious Offense, UCMJ Article 131d Wrongful Refusal to Testify, UCMJ Article 131e Prevention of Authorized Seizure of Property, UCMJ Article 131f Noncompliance with Procedural Rules, UCMJ Article 131g Wrongful Interference with Adverse Administrative Proceeding, UCMJ Article 133 Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentlemen, UCMJ Article 134 Adultery (General Article), UCMJ Article 134 Check, Worthless Making and Uttering by Dishonorably Failing to Maintain Funds, UCMJ Article 134 Debt, Dishonorably Failing to Pay, UCMJ Article 134 Disorderly Conduct, Drunkenness, UCMJ Article 134 Firearm, Discharging Through Negligence, UCMJ Article 134 Gambling with Subordinate, UCMJ Article 134 Pandering and Prostitution, UCMJ Article 134 Self Injury, Without Intent to Avoid Service. Suppose the yen moves from JPY85.66 = USD1 to JPY82.00 = USD1. You suspect that a terrorist group is operating in you neighborhood. Pure genius and a living legend. Q. When a Sailor is overpaid, what action(s), if any, should he take? An appeal regarding a punishment received at nonjudicial punishment is required to be submitted within what maximum number of days? Thus, a servicemember who believes they have been falsely accused, should not assume they will be able to convince their Commanding Officer of their innocence. Always energize or turn on electrical equipment with one hand free. Paying fees to the bank and the payee only. At the beginning of each command Physical Training session, personnel should take what action? Early intervention and investigation are key to any successful outcome. Q. M.A.S.H. Larceny of government property is covered under what UCMJ article? The use of unlawful force or violence with the intent of infecting bodily harm is best described by what term? Jake invests in a speculative stock whose price pnp_npn at the end of each month satisfies the initial value problem, pn=0.1pn1+300p_n=-0.1 p_{n-1}+300 \quad They refer to certain limited punishments that can be awarded for minor disciplinary offenses by a CO to members of his or her command. What authority can NOT issue a medical waiver for the Physical Readiness Test? Confinement on bread and water or diminished rations for not more than 3 consecutive days if service member is attached to or embarked on a vessel. For group/unit physical training activities, you should wear what prescribed uniform? A service dress uniform is dress whites with what decorations? Reporting directly to NCIS and adjudicating information from personnel security investigations to determine classified access eligibility is the responsibility of what agency? General. Prepare the direct labor budget for the second quarter. It is used for infractions of discipline and law that are relatively minor - being late for duty or a mandatory formation, appearing in a deficient uniform, not promptly following the orders of a superior. Back packs are allowed to be worn on both shoulders while wearing which of the following uniforms? A staff and student personal relationship at a training command is permitted in which, if any, of the following situations? They can also aide in negotiating punishments, or having the Article 15 thrown out altogether. A supervisor is authorized to extend a subordinate's working hours for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT which one? Under the Blended Retirement System (BRS) Sailors should receive a 1% contribution from their service component automatically, but are eligible for an additional matching contribution from the service component at what maximum percentage? A Bangor, Washington-based sailor was found guilty at. Personnel with high debt to income ratio should be referred to what assistance/counseling specialist? An attorney can assist you in finding and presenting relevant factors and extenuating circumstances that led to the infraction. Crisp and Associates Military Law has successfully negotiated with commanders the outright dismissal of the Article 15 proceeding or gotten the service member acquitted of the charges. An ACFL should be assigned what ratio of students? He should take which of the following actions? Ostracizing a service member who has reported a criminal offense is an example of what term? Service members married to each other or in a personal relationship should NOT be assigned to what same area? It may also include confinement in a confinement facility (of not more than 30 consecutive days). article that will correctly complete each of the following sentences. Navy policy dictates that individuals musnot participate in which of the following activities? When preparing a budget, you should plan for what expense first? When chipping or scraping paint, you should wear what personal protective equipment? At the very least these principles will prevent you from digging your hole deeper as you progress down the path to NJP or Courts Marshal. Principles for an accused sailor: Remember your 5th Amendments rights.
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