While Old King Thor is technically from Earth-14412, his life force is tied to the main universe Thor of Eath-616. 10 Most Powerful Thor Variants From The Movies & Comics, Valkyrie's New Costume In Thor Love And Thunder, Thor And Jane Romance In Thor Love And Thunder. For whatever reason, Thor is the only one to oppose both of them. Later on, in the same story, the Surfer simply rendered Hulk unconscious with a wave of his hand. What had been written was beyond his power to change. To put things into perspective, she was able to put theworld-class mutant telepath Charles Xavier in a coma using a very basic psi-bolt attack. In The Mighty Thor #281, the thunder god is ruminating over a recent encounter he had with the Eternals and the Celestials. I've seen Hulk ~ SVS and thought that was ridiculous, but Hulk being greater by thousands of times? The nine realms to which Yggdrasil is linked to refers to nine special worlds/planets. Never seen someone claim he's multiversal, only universal. In order to learn the true nature of the Celestials, Thor makes the choice to travel back in time, so that he can witness their origins. On a few separate occasions, Silver Surfer has shown the ability to survive within the impossible harsh conditions of a black hole. And from his own light He created all the angels. Marvel and DC teamed up to create a comic mixing the two universes with a limited series. He did nothing universal, less alone multiversal. That spark was Gaia, Mother Earth, Mother of all Life. Outside of Collider, Zachary also writes comic books, novels, screenplays, and more. In "Blood and Thunder," Thor comes down with a bad case of Warriors Madness. In Journey Into Mystery #118, a big game hunter comes across the Destroyer armor in the Temple of Darkness and inadvertently sets it free, his mind waking the weapon. Celestials wouldn't plee and they wouldn't simply sit and let Thor ruin their plans. The God of Thunder refuses to see a world full of innocents be ripped apart and takes the fight to Exitar. Yggdrasil is simply a structure. Dr. Eric Solvang try to explain to volstagg the multi-layered system of belief that is the Axis Mundi/Yggdrasil. Had to make an account just for this. After leading a diplomatic mission to Nidavellir, Volstagg and his party were attacked by the force of Muspelheim. You're all over MY thread. When the Asgardians (and other races) already existed, His father Bor, Odin, Vili and Ve found a crack in the ground, In that crack they found a seed that clearly held great power within it, And Bor planted the seed and from the seed a tree grew, RKT said that Mangog's "magic fails him" because he was drained by Loki, implying that Mangog would have been a trouble for RKT if he was at full power, The Yggdrasil isn't very durable from what I have seen: it could be penetrated by the human machinery and its roots were eaten by some dragon which got beaten by Thor, I've seen some people argue that Yggdrasil is multiverse or even high outerversal, but Thor cut it open with a Mjolnir strike, apparently Mjolnir must also have high outerversal or multiversal durability gg. Volstagg is a member of the Warriors Three and a friend to Thor Odinson. It's not multiversal because there is no proof it is. RELATED:All Of Silver Surfers Powers, Ranked. Beta Ray Bill is the champion of the Korbinites, a race whose home was destroyed by Surtur. HAHAHAHAH RKT sux! Through his many battles and experiences, he has been able to harness and heighten his powers to their fullest. Almost every being in the galaxy would die in such an environment, but the Silver Surfer thrives just as he would anywhere else. Out of all the materials in the Marvel Universe, the most notorious, and arguably the most powerful, is the metal known as adamantium. And funny enough this was again shown when Thor became Rune King Thor. Knowing that anyone and everyone with a hunger for power might be attracted to the light, like moths to a flame, Odin sends Thor into the portal to retrieve the Worldheart, a kind of seed that was born from the power and holds incalculable energy as it is the soul of the All-God. Many heroes are caught off guard and only survive by the skin of their teeth. Bestowed upon him by the world eater Galactus, the Power Cosmic is the source of all the abilities of Silver Surfer. And you're not even hiding it. Because after a while Loki realized he couldnt defeat Thor on his own, he would occasionally enlist or trick other to do his bidding. Using the power cosmic, not only can Silver Surfer overpower the Hulk, but he can also send him into unconsciousness or simply drain all of his gamma radiation, turning the green giant back into Bruce Banner. The group splits into tow, with one group staying on Earth to combat Ares invaders, and the other goes to Olympus to free Hercules. - Quora Answer (1 of 5): All right!! The following is a comprehensive overview of the hierarchical system which this wiki utilizes in order to properly categorize and index fictional characters, entities, and objects based on the scale of their feats, and the varying scopes which they can affect or create/destroy. While on the planet Pangoria, Thor notices the Celestials have arrived and are about to destroy the world. In the midst of their battle the Silver Surfer surrounds Thors hammer with an impenetrable force field, but as their battle ends and Thor doesnt have to hold back anymore, he easily shatters the Surfers shield, much to the latters surprise. In spite of it, Exitar is undeterred. Thor #281: Thor tanks the weight equal to that of a neutron star. Here are the top ten reasons Silver Surfer is the most powerful Marvel character. No, it wasnt any kind of mind-control that convinced the God of Thunder to fight for the Nazis, but it was Hitler manipulating the thunder god. When forced to battle Durok the Destroyer, Thor found himself at a severe disadvantage. Both have demonstrated feats that go well beyond mortal understanding. And from that Chaos came to be a single spark of light and Order. Among the heroes sent to Olympus is Thor. Discord is even worse than Comicvine, People on discord create true forms for almost every character out there. We see that by the huge crack of apparent empty darkness that hid within. And he isn't multiversal because Yggdrasil unlike what some claims have been made. When it landed on Earth, the entity was just a formless mass of energy. Character Also referred by as the World Tree, it maintains the appearance of an actual gigantic tree, but is in fact the cosmic pillar that guides time, destiny, and nature for not only Asgard, but all the Nine Realms. He can use this great power for devastating destruction or, on some occasions, to create and nourish life. Old King Thor often refers to 616 Thor as his past self and has insinuated that if 616 Thor dies, so does he. And then we already know the story. Galactus granted Thor with the power cosmic, a source of ultimate and unlimited power that both Galactus and his Herald wields. He even says: The Black Winter killed the universe before ours, Thor. In both the real world and also in the universe of comic books, there are few people in the history of mankind worse than Adolf Hitler. One of their weapons is a bunch of wraparound rockets, made of adamantium, which ensnare Thor like snaking cables. In one instance, Thor gets to the top of a temple and leg-presses a million-ton arch of solid rock down onto his foe. Zachary also creates music, films and has his hand in any creative medium you can think of. RK Thor himself claims that Those Who Sit Above In Shadow were simply a race of celestial beings that fed on the cycle of Ragnarok. After becoming a doctor, she later met the God of Thunder himself. Realizing hes about to lose, Mongoose flees and destroys a couple of the skyscrapers support pillars while he escapes. In one final act of desperation, Thor throws Mjolnir with all his strength. Galactus usually comes with a Herald, a being he imbues with power to scout and ready planets for his consumption. Depends on how strong phoneix force is as Thor definitely held his own against the bird. Moving from down to up and then down again back into the Loom. Now having to return to Earth, Thor and company come across the interdimensional gateway through which Ares forces invaded. When Thor arrives, he first battles a wide assortment of demons, before finally coming across Umar, a sorceress whos a longtime enemy of Dr. The combination of the countless Eternities of individual universes form a multiversal iteration of Eternity. After getting wind of whats happening, Thor steps in -- though hes actually in a weakened state at the time the events are unfolding. Its one of the most iconic scenes in Marvel Comics, as the two heroes remained effectively frozen for an entire hour, their muscles straining as they try and overpower one another. And so he does. He also injured Galactus even he defeated serpent who is a Odin tier enemy. it all depends on your experience with said sites. At one point in the comics, Thor was chosen as the next Herald of Galactus. Thor quickly jumps under the massive building, summoning his might to hold up the millions of tons worth of steel and glass, while everyone heads to safety. And I say the nine realms, because as the Loom is destroyed, we can then see that Yggdrasil had always been a tool of Those Who Sit Above In Shadow. The 9 realms being merely a part of land of Asgard separated by water and mountains rather than being complete planets or universes is a nice debunk, I haven't noticed that part before. Even now with the universal threat of the Black Winter, we see that Yggdrasil is dying. Still that tree is back. He has used his raw power to dispatch some of the most powerful enemies in the multiverse. He even says: "The Black Winter killed the universe before ours, Thor" But going back to RK Thor. Its about time RKT getting a debunking thread. And I say lavish because Odin way of telling the story was in no way different from all the other stories. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Do they have any source/evidence for this? Villains like Ultron are known for constructing their bodies out of the material, making them virtually impervious to all harm. Everyone has bad days, but not quite like Thor. On one of these trips inside a black hole, Silver Surfer fought the Red Shift. In The Mighty Thor series from 2011, a giant geyser of power has erupted from Yggdrasil, the World Tree. He is also a middle child HA HA Born as the half-Asgardian, half-Elder God son of Odin, the All-Father and King of Asgard, and as the Norse God of Thunder, Thor was an adventurous yet ill-tempered deity, often travelling to other realms to do battle with . Each culture has its own lavish story about how the world came to be and how their god(s) were the makers of everything. In a fight where Thor uses every ounce of power, he performs such feats as beating Mangog by ramming Mjolnir down the monsters throat and unleashing a massive energy blast, withstanding a blast from Thanos capable of destroying a planet, and then going on to defeat the Mad Titan himself. Yggdrasil is infinite in its complexities and Heimdall sees all of space and time in it. Rune King Thor is kinda like Golden Superman from DC One Million. Lol Nice downplay, Yggdrasil has been confirmed multiple times to be an all encompassing, extra-dimensional Cosmic structure thats connected to all planes of reality. If you're actually saying this then you clearly haven't seen the Celestials in action, either. Thankfully, it doesnt take much longer for Thor to realize whom the real villain is and he joins the good guys once again. Kratos is the protagonist of the God of War series. To those unfamiliar with the Silver Surfer, he is the herald of Galactus and imbued with the Power Cosmic. https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11139/111396494/7759567-9028018848-main-qimg-d5e25ba1a0c344e6f00e7e3136511308.jpg, https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11139/111396494/7759568-8967856647-main-qimg-85bfb801c6336addf2fbd22ebd5fb972.jpg. Silver Surfer then stood up, unfazed, and blasted Cable with a cosmic optical blast. True. The event "Secret Invasion" featured the alien shapeshifting race known as the Skrulls, and how theyd infiltrated nearly every branch of superhero team and government. Because those five planets have special energies to them, that if Galactus had consumed them he would've become far more powerful. Over the years, Thor has demonstrated what it truly means to wield the power of a god. Though Thor gets top billing when it comes to godly superheroes in the Marvel Universe, hes hardly the only divine champion on the planet. Written by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz, the tale featured Thor and Hercules standing high atop a plateau on a far-off planet, where they would arm-wrestle one another to finally put an end to the question about who was stronger. Often seen as an antagonist for the Fantastic Four, Galactus has caused cosmic-level threats that involved many of the heroes in Marvel. A feat few Marvel heroes could hope to accomplish. And funny enough this was again shown when Thor became Rune King Thor. Galactus is a massive cosmic being that consumed planets to sustain his powers. Knowing the history of the Phoenix and how it tends to destroy planets, Captain America wants to keep Hope as far away from it as possible. One of those such beings is none other than Silver Surfer's former master, Galactus. At least its a futile gesture for anyone other than Thor. The Mongoose is one of Thors more lackluster villains. They couldn't stop under their own power, admitted their defeat, and offered Thor a reward to spare them - concession, apology, and make-up. Odin himself made such a claim that Asgard was a universe in itself, in the past. Even now with the universal threat of the Black Winter, we see that Yggdrasil is dying. You are using an out of date browser. During his time spent on Earth, Silver Surfer gained the attention of the evil demon Mephisto. The Skrulls invaded Asgard, which happened to be floating just a few feet above the ground of Arizona, realizing they needed to defeat the gods if they wanted to conquer the planet. For example, some guy said that Superman would beat Multi-Eternity, and that base hulk is thousands of times stronger than strange visitor superman. We see that by the huge crack of apparent empty darkness that hid within. If the latter would ever have any chance of defeating his master, he would have to use much cunning in addition to the full extent of his cosmic abilities. Privacy Policy. The two heroes quickly overpower the villain. @princesscadenza: Did Galactus and Franklin straight up tank the birth and death of the multiverse or was there something else that allowed them to see that? 5 years ago. Thor may be one of the Marvel Universe's strongest characters, but these OP acts are absolutely ridiculous. The plan is actually pretty solid and in the hands of anyone outside of villains, it would work. The embodiment of the Sky was named Ouranos (people know it better as Uranus). Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, has been around for centuries in old folklore and now in modern comic books and films. So RKT is above all that. isn't Rui Silva the guy who generally underrates Lucifer and Thor??? As life throughout the universe dies, the Tree of Life also dies. First appearing in 1962's "Journey Into Mystery" #83, he's initially the alter ego of Dr. Donald Blake, who finds Mjolnir and . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Essentially, its linked to all the realms, past and present, and shares the weight of every planet its connected to. Thor can't save his own people and land. I'm sorry am I missing something here?. Using his telepathic abilities, Silver Surfer was once able to alter Galactus' perception and deceived his former master with an illusion. Its most famous host is mutant Jean Grey but has inhabited many characters in the Marvel Universe. He is a founding member of the Avengers and Norse god. Yggdrasil holds infinite universes. Celestials wouldn't plee and they wouldn't simply sit and let Thor ruin their plans. Besides, it would be weird for Thor to bring up such a fact if wasn't something significant, especially since his dialogue is basically him bragging about putting to end a being who survived all that. Thor, for his part, can see a scheme from his brother a mile away and was actually holding back the entire time because of it. And has already begun the initial process to begin destroying it. Having been an Avenger and also knowing many Asgardian warriors, the thunder god had many powerful allies to call for help. I won't be going that detail onto scalings but I'll show feats worth mentioning 1.Stunning and KO'ing God of God Hercules The same Hercules has access to powers forbidden to Gods and Mortals Gods in Marvel are Jungian Archetypes Here is . Lies force-fed, comics read, Thor wank dead! The massive explosion incapacitates Morg. After Thor was no longer deemed worthy to wield his hammer, Mjolnir, he needed a successor. This universe is seen as one of the darker timelines introduced by Marvel. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. They are part of the universe and don't exist apart from it.