One of the greatest challenges to the 2020 election as seen by many is the possibility of an Electoral College dispute. Give us the peace that passes understanding about the vote, and the outcome. May we choose THE LIFE OF JESUS. Lord God our Father, maker of heaven and earth, we thank you that you have been pleased to give this person new birth with your Holy Spirit, to adopt him for your own, and to receive him into the fellowship of your Church. Please stand us on our feet and fight with all the weapons you have given us. 2) and that they will vote with a sense of thankfulness for a democratic system that at least partially holds in check the folly and evil in all our hearts so that power which corrupts so readily is not given to one group or person too easily; 3) that we would know and live the meaning of. Break the power over our schools and higher institutions of academia, free the media from the jealous bonds of deception, bring to an end all legalized abortion in this nation, reveal and bring into the open those who molest and traffic in the flesh of women and children through sexual slavery, break our addictions to drugs and alcohol, restore men and women to the intimate relational boundaries of your design, free us from the lust and desire for silver and gold, and restore to us love and decency for our fellow man of all races that we may be one. Only He is able to defeat the demonic powers who seek to destroy us and to bring dishonor to our Lord and King. -Oh, Loving God, here I am today to pray for the prospective candidates of different parties such that their hard work and dedication can prove to be fruitful for them and they can be able to gather a mass of people to host their election campaign successfully. Thank You that You walk with children and families struggling against poverty and injustice, calling us to do the same. The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them. Thank you! Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. Be subject for the Lords sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. Being a good citizen in this life is a part of the Christian life; even Jesus Christ obeyed the law of the land during His earthly ministry. Nun 10:9When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets; and you will be remembered before the LORD your God, and you will be saved from your enemies. Holy Father, thank You for creating each of us with unique gifts, and for gifting some with leadership abilities to help guide our country. that we may listen, speak and vote with sound minds. Oh, that they may see Jesus! Give them your wisdom and guidance. Republicans in Maricopa County, which is part of legislative District 3, have passed a resolution declaring national days of prayer before the upcoming elections in a matter of weeks. We ask from the court to issue a divine restraining order from your court to the illegal activities by the enemy to steal our election in America. I began to weep at the sound of victory in the camp millions of Gods people gathered on the banks of the Red Sea singing in praise. Prayer is one of the most important actions during an election, next to voting. I praise you for the vote that I have. May we choose THE LIFE OF JESUS. She has a blog on NO MORE! All over this nation! Our prayers prayed in agreement are more powerful. (Eph 4:28, Prv 21:15), 4. Perfect even for today. Salem Media Group. Signature matching, varying deadlines, and the ability of the U.S. Soon it will be tested again. A peaceful transfer of power its the American hallmark. We desire You and You alone to be our God and our Lord. Tripura Election Results: The BJP-IPFT alliance won 33 seats in the 60-member Tripura assembly, securing its return to power in the northeastern state for the second time in a row.According to the Election Commission website, the BJP bagged 30 seats while the Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) got one. We humble ourselves before You as we intercede for our Nation during these troubled times and today being an election day. -Oh Lord of love and power, kindly shower your blessings on the respective candidates of the different parties and guide them such that they can successfully host an election campaign and can clearly explain to the mass about their pre-formulated plans regarding the improvement of their society. Proud member Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, redeemed by His blood, committed to serve and follow Him. Let America be an example of Your Kingdom on Earth. All agree that expanding voting by mail will be a challenge in many states, but it will not automatically result in rampant voter fraud. Father, in the lovely Name of Your Son, Jesus, I thank You for Your Word that has been my source of peace and rest. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in the Heaven! It just seems like a waste of my prayer time to ask Heavenly Father to care whether my team scores more points than the other. In Jesus Name. Here are four ways to pray over a president, whoever he may be: Pray honestly, but with mercy. Runoff elections are held when no candidate secures the required majority of 50% of votes. Thus I pray to you kindly shower your blessing on the candidates of the respective parties such that they can host an election campaign successfully with a huge mass of population attending their campaign. The Book of James tells us that we can know Your wisdom because it is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere. Where we have forgotten our moral compass, havent lived our values out of fear or just plain apathy. Thank you, Father, for giving us the keys of David that open doors that no mane can shut & close doors that no man can open. Jesus our Savior, Redeemer, brother, friend, our all in all. Please be with this country during this time of decision. This dilemma has been hailed by opposers as the major crack in its design. The focus of the meetings is to determine how much information is appropriate to share with the American public in a display of administrative transparency. Honor the emperor (1Peter 2: 11-17). Imagine how different yes praying and more importantly PRAISING God for our God inhabits praise, and for the release of light (I read somewhere, liked the idea ) some fasting. So, Father God, Righteous judge, the fate of America is hanging on balance in this election. A government elected of men can enable or hinder the work of the church but it can not be the work of the church nor can it thwart your annointing on the church. Thank you so much for praying for us from South Africa! Right now I direct most of my efforts to smaller local campaigns. Lord, we do believe that You have a special destiny for the United States, and we pray that nothing that Satan will do will be able to hinder that destiny. Proud member We stand for your values: sanctity of life, traditional marriage/family, religious freedom, law and order and Your Righteousness! Amen, amen, amen! Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy (Proverbs 31:8-9). Lord the battle belongs to You. We pray in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUStriumphant VICTORY over the choice of your candidate Lord. You shall not have in your house two kinds of measures, a large and a small. to believe that most of the time, however, You do want the more ethical and We have them for a reason. We stand on the promise that no weapon fashioned by the enemy will prosper against us. Be encouraged beloved. If youre like me, youre probably ready for this whole thing to be over. You know the end from the beginning and we can fully trust You all along the way in the middle till we come to the very end. Allows me to manage my life without bad interceptions and without evil. Robertson previously has claimed God has told him in advance the winners of other elections, like in 2012 he suggested God told him Mitt Romney would beat President We also pray, Lord, for the relationship of the United States to Israel. No matter what we hear. Fill all places now vacated with Your Holy Spirit and send the ministering angelic spirits to guide each one to the righteous vote for Your candidates for every office, from President to dogcatcher. He further added that the party would wait for the final results before deciding on the way Remind us in this election year that You have called Christians to be one body. I feel terrible because he is gone. All rights reserved. Make a way for those who are physically impaired to go vote. It has happened in 1824, I began reading books and articles from Dr. Pray for Gods purposes to be fulfilled in our nation. -Oh Lord, you are all humble and wise; I pray to you kindly shower your blessings on the prospective candidates of the respective parties and grant them your strength such that they can face difficult challenges in their path towards hosting a successful election campaign without giving up. Praising God for so many blessings, but most importantly my salvation. The problem as noted by Attorney General William Barr in a recent New York Times Magazine interview is the potential for fraud. -Oh Heavenly Father, you have the ultimate control over everything. Amen. Amen. Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. WE HAVE PRAYEDWE SPOKE OUR PIECE TO PEACEWE VOTEWE LEAVE OUR SEEDS OF PRAYER, SPOKEN WORDS AND YES, EVEN OUR VOTE IN THE GROUND AND WALK IN PEACE, TRUSTING IN OUR GOD, KNOWING THAT HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US. Righteous Judge, we ask the enemy to repay whatever votes that they have stolen from us seven-folds. Father, we ask that by your kindness and tender mercy you will give us leaders at all levels that will advance and not oppose your will for this nation and that you will send a mighty wave of your spirit to break the chains of bondage, deceit, and dark power and grant life to those in bondage to sin. May God honor your act of faith. Phil Robertson is holding onto prayer this 2020 presidential election. Ive prayed, I will vote, then leave it go. -Oh Lord, you are humble and wise; I pray to you kindly stay by the side of the prospective candidates of different parties such that with your help and support, they can host a successful election campaign where the candidates can promise the crowd to always work for the improvement of its people. In Jesus name I pray, amen. whatsoever you ask the Father in My Name, He will grant you. Father, we have asked You, in the Name of Jesus, for the re-election of President Trump and Vice President Pence, and the election of righteous, God-fearing candidates during this election. Place upon the hearts of voters Your will. We pray for justice and righteousness in this land. So remember to cast your vote, and do so without fear. Every four years, a citizen takes an oath and becomes the president without insurrection. Allow decisive and overwhelming victories five points up for Your candidates, five points down and out for those who are not Your candidates. Thank you for sharing Derrick Princes very timely words. May we have His Peace Shalom , having nothing missing and nothing broken from sea to shining sea, from inner city to outer banks of the ruralevery storehouse be Blessed, every pantry Be Blessed, every Mind with the mind to succeed find success and may our Gods Kingdom come fill us with His Mercy and Goodness and make America Great by His Standards with BROTHERLY LOVE FOR ALL. Lord, in the Name of Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ, we bind, gag, cripple, blind and render ineffective all anti-Christ, witchcraft, religious, deceptive spirits of satan and cast them into the Abyss. in these United States of America. that their promises may serve those in greatest need. Tripura Election Results: The BJP-IPFT alliance won 33 seats in the 60-member Tripura assembly, securing its return to power in the northeastern state for the second time in a row.According to the Election Commission website, the BJP bagged 30 seats while the Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) got one. (1 Pt 5:8), 3. elected. WebIn preparation for Election Day, Priests for Life calls upon believers to say this prayer each day. Thank you for preparing a place for Your people to be with You forever. that nothing may demean or do them harm. There is much chaos, unrest, happening in our Nation, enough to discourage people to not go to the polls today but Father we pray for a spirit of courage to rise within them and we pray for Your protection over them as they cast their vote. Amen. WebPrayer. WebAn Election Prayer to Mary. Please save this country from the evil plots against this election. -Oh Heavenly Father, I pray to you kindly shower your blessings on the prospective candidates and their parties such that they can organize an election campaign successfully. The U.S. formally requests your participation in designing its society. Help them feel your presence and comfort during hard times, and help them endure the difficulties that come with being a public figure. Help them to present their agendas clearly and honestly. I praise you for the vote that I have. You are worthy of all praise and all honor and all glory for ever and ever! Give Holy insight to those who are wavering between different candidates. The election is the process through which people choose their representative to form the government, and an election campaign is a process through which different parties put forward their plans and ideas in front of the voters; thus, here are some prayers that would help us seek Gods blessings for a successful election campaign. May Gods will be done. What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple? Bless it and keep it strong. I honor you and Thank you for being a watchman through the night over this land. Time is of the essence now. guard our people May Your Spirit move Your people to vote for life, vote for family, vote for freedom. AMEN! May this day, America be covered over with the BLOOD OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR . He is the RIGHTEOUS WAYWE WILL CONTINUE TO WALK THEREIN. Who knows, but historically Americans have risen to the challenge and peacefully selected those who govern them. Lord may no weapons formed against us in the Spiritual realm or physical,emotional realms prosper this day. Nothing formed against your children and the leaders you set in place will prosper. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Fears of tampering by foreign influences have brought both Republicans and Democrats to the boiling point. (Heb 5:14, Hos 14:9), 8. I pray too that the lock downs be stopped to allow people to go back to work to put food on their families tables. IN HIM UNTIL THE VERY END THERE IS ALWAYS VICTORY\o/ wooohoooo ALL PRAISES TO YOU LORD OUR GREAT GOD THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS THE TRUMP IS IN YOUR HANDS AS THE INSTRUMENT TO DO YOUR BID AND CALL!! Bless also the losers that they may be gracious in their loss You are a watchman on the wall, standing in the gap! Lord, we repent as a nation for trespassing your law and we ask you to forgive us of our iniquities in our lives and our bloodline. Gods will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. May Americans elect Your anointed leader who will stir America in the Holy democratic directions. Now obey my voice; I will give you advice, and God be with you! We pray for a holy fear of God to sweep across our Nation, leading us back to a place of wisdom and walking in the Lord. Will the elections of 2020 be a legal slug fest? Amen! and give us peace; As King David wrote, the nation whose God is the Lord is blessed. as they follow in the steps of Jesus and his Apostles 50+ Uplifting Prayers for A Successful Election Campaign, 25 Types Of People Who Destroy Your Happiness, How to Stay Away from Toxic People: 51+ Proven Ways, 19 Habits Of Unhappy People That You Should Not Cultivate, 101+ Positive Affirmations for an Extrovert, Dreaming Of Colors: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of Microwave: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of A Toilet: 55+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of a Skunk: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming About The End Of The World: 50+ Meanings. During this time of debate, diffusion, and decision-making, please have Your sovereign hand over this country. Thank you for president Trump and his family, thank you for justice and peace through our election process. We break their power; we release the elective and the governmental processes from their control, and we put them in Your hands. We ask that you will shut out all the clamoring voices in our midst. Web2. -Oh Almighty God, you have the ultimate power over everything; kindly guide the prospective parties in the correct direction such that they can organize an election campaign successfully with good and pure intentions of earning votes that can get elected and can work for the improvement of the society. Only God can save us and restore the peace that surpasses all understanding. -Oh, Loving God, kindly shower your blessings on the candidates of the respective parties such that they can host an election campaign successfully where they can prove themselves to be better than the other candidates by showing their initiative to work for the improvement of society. God, forgive us for the times we've failed to treat each other as Your creation. Please try again later. WebThe Litany concludes with one or both of these prayers: Lord of every time and place, God beyond our dreaming, we pray for wisdom as we prepare to vote in the Federal election. Lord you alone know all things. Runoff elections are held when no candidate secures the required majority of 50% of votes. -Oh Almighty God, you have the ultimate power over everything, thus here I am today to seek your blessings for the prospective candidates of the respective parties such that they can organize a successful election campaign and can influence the mass with their positive outlook for a better future. May we continue to be ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INVISIBLE. Postal Service to deliver ballots in a timely fashion have driven some to speculate a mail-in vote will end up in the courts. Amen. Give us a Parliament committed to the priorities of your kingdom, so that peace, compassion, truth and justice may prevail among us, Keep this revived revived oh Lord and keep the lost from grave harm until they are rescued from the pit. We love You, Jesus! Thank you, thank you! Bless those who administer the electoral process, May we pray for Godly, righteous leaders to arise to help rebuild nations and get them back on their feet. Thank you for praying over the machine that you placed your ballot in. God heard! Pray that the schemes of the enemy would be exposed, dismantled, and destroyed. Still, even as the nation waits for the ballots to be tallied, Christians everywhere are being reminded that God is in control. America was formed for Your purposes and may they be fulfilled. For everyone running for office, whether they win or lose, refresh their spirits and encourage them. O Mighty, Wonderful and Glorious God! Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. May your will be done. It is not over until Yahweh said it is over. God IS in control and he hears the prayers of his people! We will always have victory in Jesus and that can never be taken away. This is a spiritual battle and God proves Himself in control and the victor over the occult. Meghalaya Election Results 2023: The National People's Party (NPP) leader and Meghalaya Chief Minister, Conrad K Sangma, stated that the party is still short of a few seats for a majority in the assembly elections, the results of which were declared on Thursday.