R. Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord! You are so tender and compassionate, so watchful to relieve the needy, that it would seem you had no other desire, no other concern except this. Give my heart sentiments like His and your own so that, through frequent Holy Communion and prayer, I may become a worthy co-victim with Jesus, holy and pleasing to God, and so that all the actions, sufferings, tears and disappointments of my life may be thus consecrated to God as a sacrifice for His glory and the salvation of souls, especially my own. Your birth was a miracle of the power of God because both of your parents were far advanced in years. The presentation of the Child Jesus in the temple was like the Offertory, for you offered to the Heavenly Father this "material" for the sacrificethe body and blood of your little Son. Mary, Mother of God, sincere devotion to you is a sign of perseverance in doing good till death. Through Joseph your descent from David would be known. Penance and reparation is the one sure way of winning God's love and blessing for a misguided and sinful world. Your birth was represented beforehand by many figures, announced by prophets, desired for many ages by the human race. Therefore, you gave your praise to the Creator and Giver of every good and perfect gift. You were one of us, and yet you stood above us! Even when I disappoint you by doing my best to shake off the cross God has placed upon my shoulders, you pray for me. Mary, Mother of God, though marriage and motherhood were the cherished ideals of every Jewish maiden, you vowed your virginity to God, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Woman is a striking image of you, the Immaculate Conception. Mary, Mother of God, yours is a queenship of goodness. Your Assumption was for you not only the crowning of a holy life, but also a cause of joy and triumph for the human race. We know that you are ever ready to be our help in trouble, our solace in affliction, our hope in despair. A great ball of fire appeared and stretched to a purple column 10,000 feet high and from its top burst a gigantic mushroom. At your request He worked the first miracle of His public life. Mary, Mother of God, Our Lady of Good Counsel, I appeal to you for advice and guidance. Filled with motherly compassion, you appealed to Jesus in behalf of your friends. You formed His feet, to search after and seek us as a Good Shepherd, His hands to heal us and to be pierced for us; and His shoulders to carry the cross. By consenting to give natural life to Jesus, you consented to give us supernatural life. Mary, Mother of God, at Pentecost you were with the Apostles, preparing for the Holy Spirit the promised Gift of your Son. Your heart was visited with seven swords of sorrow before you became the Comforter of the Afflicted and the Cause of our Joy. At the very instant of your conception your mind was filled with the light of God, and your will was entirely conformed to the divine will. (1) You prepared in your virginal womb a fit temple for the union of the Son of Godthe Divine Wordwith our human nature. It means imitating your humility, your purity, your detachment from the world, and your unselfish resignation to the will of God in every event of life. As our immaculate Mediatrix before your Son you have appeared at Lourdes to encourage us to amend our lives and to make sacrifices and offer prayers for sinners. The Heart of Jesus was a pure Heart, symbolized by the light that St. Margaret Mary saw streaming round it. According to God's eternal standards, the sanctity proclaimed by Gabriel when he called you "full of grace," was but the beginning of your wonderful growth in holiness. Make me ever attentive to His inspirations that I may grow in holiness and may merit to see this Divine Guest of my soul in the glory of His heavenly kingdom. When His lips were tortured with gall and vinegar, a sea of bitterness was poured into your Heart. You became more and more filled with His spirit; you grew into Him, as it were, and became in your soul ever more the Mother of God and Mother of Jesus. And finally when the sacrifice was completed by His death upon the cross you had your place beside Him. You are truly His beloved Daughter, the only one in whom there was never a stain. Because of your dignity, you reach to the borders of the divine. As mentioned in previous posts, this is an ongoing display of our Holy Card Collection. I give you my whole being by copying as far as possible all your virtues by performing each of my actions through you, with you and in you This is the most pleasing homage I can render you. When He changed the water to wine, He did your bidding as God, since as man He could not perform miracles. You abandoned yourself to God's will with deep faith and confidence. But many of these straying children are ignorant and not fully responsible. In your humility you refused praise, giving all the praise and glory to God. I believe the teaching of the Church concerning the union of the human and divine natures in Christ: that Jesus Christ is God and man, perfect God and perfect man and that this divinity and humanity are united in only one person so that the actions of the divine nature or the human nature are the actions of one person, the divine Person. Mary, Mother of God, your name means Lady and Queen. You are our Mediatrix with our Mediator. Help me, above all, so that by my good example I may enrich and ennoble every human being whose life I touch. Since you had your place beside Jesus when there was question of ransoming us and meriting for us all the graces necessary for our salvation, you must in like manner have your place beside Him now, when there is question of securing for us by your prayers in heaven the graces prepared for us in view of the merits of Christ. You are truly my model in offering Holy Mass. Mary, Mother of God, your dear parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne, rejoiced at your birth. Feast, September 8 (Novena, Aug. 30-Sept. 7). The pangs of this childbirth were the sufferings you felt on Calvary. You were beautiful when you stood as the brave Queen of Martyrs beneath the cross of your dying Son; in the supper room beneath the fiery tongues of the Divine Spirit; beautiful, above all, in the glory in which you reign with Jesus. It is under the mantle of humility that you will protect me. How consistent with the infinite tenderness of God that His Christ, the Immortal Child, should be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the body of a young virgin and that a virgin should bear a Child to redeem the world. Thus you will be for me not only the Health of the Sick but also the Gate of Heaven. Christ is universal King because He rules all creatures by His personal union with the divinity. 500 days. Holiness is a complete separation from creatures and perfect union with God through love. Mary, My Mother, you are Queen also because your are Co-Redemptrix. This event has passed. With your own eyes you saw Him brought first to Pilate, then to Herod and then again to Pilate. Faith tells me that the fall of man was the effect of the malice and envy of the devil, who sought in this way to be revenged upon the Creator for having cast him out of paradise in punishment for his rebellion. When the hands and feet of Jesus were pierced with nails, the sound of each blow of the hammer inflicted a wound in your Heart. You lovingly served her till you saw her happily delivered of the child of promise with which God had blessed her. This is my hope that you will be a Mother to me and obtain for me the grace I need to save my soul. Grace comes to us from Jesus and reaches us through you. Mary, My Mother, as Mother of Divine Providence, remember your children in need of God's mercy and help. Yet these three have become for us a principle of life. . You had a share in that work; it was part of your life-work. The Prophet tells us that God is "wonderful in His saints" (Ps. I long for your complete dominion over meover my body, my soul, my senses, over all that I am and have. If I have been blessed with suffering, let me remember that this is the only way I can follow Jesus and you, for He said, "If any one wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me" (Matt. I can picture you alone with your God, following with devotion the life led in common by the virgins of God's house. Mary, Mother of God, no stain of original sin ever defiled your pure soul. It died that we might never die, that It might nourish us unto eternal life. At the same time your name brings before me your virtues, your merits, your beauty. Through you we have received Jesus Christ, the Universal Source of Grace, so through your intercession, we still continue to receive the various actual graces suited to our state of life. First of all, because of your humility you merited to be exalted above all creatures. you. Feast, Saturday before the 3rd Sunday of November (Triduum, Wednesday the 3rd Sunday of before November). But with the same humility with which you had conceived Him, you consented to the supreme loss of your God. Without that maternity, your other privileges would not exist; you yourself would not exist, for you were created only to be the Mother of God. Teach me to desire ardently all that is pleasing to God, to seek after it prudently, to accept it truthfully and to do it perfectly, for the praise and glory of God. Corruption is a consequence of sin, but you were sinless. As Mother, it is your mission to preserve your children from sin and to make them live the supernatural life. May the instructions I receive increase the love of God in me and strengthen my determination to serve Him with greater zeal. Then Satan could boast that he had overcome Jesus in you, His Mother. Mary, Mother of God, you are so filled with compassion that you deserve to be called not only merciful but even mercy itself. In his soul they saw no more than they see in each little soul as it leaves the baptismal font, grace having taken the place of original sin. Previous; Play Quiz; Lent Day 6 - The Wedding at Cana. I thank you for all you mean to me as my spiritual Mother. You experienced a sea of bitterness in your life so that you might be an example to us in our sufferings and so that we might learn from your own sorrow to sympathize with others in theirs. If you had no husband, the unbelieving Jews would have stoned you as a sinner. You have not lost grace, as Adam lost it, but you have found it because you have desired and sought it. No creature in the world has been more exalted than you, because no creature in the world has ever humbled himself more. What a striking lesson you give me by this unlimited confidence in the power and goodness-of your Divine Son! He was with you not only by a special protection guiding you in His ways and leading you securely to salvation. Mary, you are Our Lady of Good Counsel because you are the Seat of Wisdom. Mary, Mother of God, how pleasing to God was your humility! 1. Advise me what to do. So, as daughter of Adam you submitted to the sentence passed in the garden of Eden. Each time Jesus becomes present in the hands of the priest, the Life given to us by the words of consecration comes originally from. I have saved my soul.". 2. As the devil goes about seeking whom he may devour, you go about seeking whom you may save. Overshadowed by the power of the Holy Spirit, you were to conceive and bear the Messias, and at the same time remain a Virgin in every respect.