Popular Communication. Voice-Over Artist. Will we ever stop swiping? Requires a final paper at the end of the term in which students articulate and defend positions about youth and communication technology. Expects students to produce a major paper suitable for publication. Explores communicative and cultural practice from a wide variety of theoretical perspectives. Designed for graduate students with a background in computational social science, computer science, data analytics, digital humanities, economics, engineering, and network science who are interested in consumer-focused interdisciplinary empirical research projects. Undergraduate Research Practicum in Marketing. Youth and Communication Technology. Brand and Advertising Management. (4 Hours). (4 Hours). Includes the use of microphones, headphones, and recording equipment while in our audio lab. Much of our communication is nonverbal, as it is through our body language that we initiate new relationships (both personal and professional) and communicate anger, frustration, happiness, and grief. Topics may include product innovation, market identification and segmentation, customer valuation, media attribution models, and assessment of digital and social media. Students learn the fundamentals of communication theory and practice, and develop a distinct area of emphasis, such as argumentation and advocacy, organizational and health communication, international and intercultural communication, or digital communication and social media. (4 Hours). Detailed insights are provided on such topics as new-product strategy, idea generation, idea selection and evaluation, concept development and testing, product development and testing, and market testing and product launch. (4 Hours). Often includes meetings with foreign professors, government officials, community organizers, and local artists that have shaped their own country in unique and innovative ways. Speak with your advisor to determine a plan that works for you. Offers a broad overview of the psychological, social, and communication processes involved in risk perception to better understand how communication influences the way we think about and respond to risk. Integrates students experiences in cooperative education with classroom concepts and theories. MKTG6223. Northeastern University is an equal opportunity employer, seeking to recruit and support a broadly diverse community of faculty and staff. Explores the relationships between communication, social identity, and social inclusion. Examines the impact of technology on the marketing of goods and services. Topics include problem definition, secondary research, exploratory research, experimental design, questionnaire design, sampling and recruitment, and data analysis and visualization. | (4 Hours). Studies in detail the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights. (4 Hours). May be repeated once. The DRS was developed by the Northeastern University Library as a tool for University faculty and staff to protect the valuable information and data that has been created as part of the University's research . Brian Manley | Assistant Director of Digital Platforms and Marketing. Beyond Television. Attribute(s): NUpath Difference/Diversity, NUpath Writing Intensive, COMM3306. International Communication Abroad. Marketing and Society. COMM6505. Designed to help students become knowledgeable consumers and limited producers of communication research. Covers the preparation of advertising for print and broadcast media, including campaign planning, space and time buying, and scheduling. Examines a wide range of analytical approaches to support marketing decision making and performance measuring in organizations. Digital Marketing. Requires students to make a formal report to the organization and to write a paper reflecting on the organization and its mission in the context of broader social, political, and economic issues. Examines how communication impacts relationship quality and commitment. Students present proposals to an Independent Studies Committee for evaluation and approval. Studies methods that may range from close textual analysis to deconstruction to theories of performance. Covers family systems and communication patterns; family rituals; power, conflict, and stress in families; relationship maintenance in families; and the role of family communication in health. Exposes students to concepts, frameworks, and theories critical to developing branding and advertising strategy in the twenty-first century, including brand positioning, target audiences definition, creative advertising, integrated marketing communications, the influence of social media, and assessing marketing and media effectiveness. (3 Hours). Focuses on developing a creative advertising strategy and brand plan that aligns with a companys overall marketing objectives. (4 Hours). Focuses on how communication shapes perceptions and positions of social identity categories and how individuals and groups resist and transform identity and promote inclusion through communication. Contact. Examines strategies for identifying, selecting, and deploying marketing technologies in organizations and communicating with information technology colleagues and vendors. Introduces the principles and skills of effective argument. Research may be behavioral/experimental or quantitative/analytical in nature. As representations of the past are used as instruments of power, it is important to study the roles of various communicative practices in constructing, negotiating, and revising public memories. COMM1231. Examines communication and inclusion in the contexts of gender, race, sexual identity, social class, ability, and age. Offers students an opportunity to develop and implement a concept test. Corliss Thompson, Ph.D. serves as special assistant to the Dean for diversity, equity and inclusion, responsible for coordination across the college, with faculty and staff who are working to address DEI issues related to the student experience, curriculum, and the workplace culture for faculty and staff. Posted: January 11, 2023. Topics covered include blasphemy, commercial speech, copyright, defamation, fighting words, free press/fair trial, hate speech, heresy, incitement, obscenity, political speech, pornography, prior restraint, public forums, special settings (such as schools, prisons, and the military), symbolic speech, threats, and time-place-manner restrictions. Focuses on the challenges and decisions new-product managers face as they take ideas through the new-product-development process. Attribute(s): NUpath Integration Experience, COMM6102. Nonverbal Social Interaction. Focuses on identifying and acquiring relevant data to address different marketing challenges, conducting relevant quantitative analyses, and communicating obtained insights across the organization to make better marketing decisions. Offers students an opportunity to complete a semester-long, intensive research and writing capstone project related to the field of strategic communication. Requires each team to develop a formal business plan that includes a market analysis, a budget, and a marketing plan. Examines communication and inclusion in the contexts of gender, race, sexual identity, social class, ability, and age. Reviews the product portfolio concept, examining the need for balanced portfolios and focusing on issues related to product proliferation and simplification. Introduces the terms and concepts of nonlinear editing as well as the technical/creative aspects of postproduction. The Associate Director of Marketing and Communications works closely with other units in the Chancellor's Office and throughout the university, such as External Affairs and Enrollment Management . The second half engages contemporary trends in argumentation studies, including the formalization of arguments and its diagramming for artificial intelligence, the contextualization in different societal domains (politics, health, private and public discourse), and the translation of argument theory into pedagogical practice. (4 Hours). New Product Development. Northeastern University is an equal opportunity employer, seeking to recruit and support a broadly . Offers an opportunity to conduct introductory-level research or creative endeavors under faculty supervision. myNortheastern Opens New Window, Privacy Policy 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, Massachusetts 02115 (4 Hours). Homepage - Northeastern University External Affairs We advance the strategic interests of the university by promoting its ideas, people, and unique strengths. Introduces informationcentric methods that help to choose which customer markets are worth pursuing; that identify what benefits would be most attractive to offer these customers; and that develop, communicate, and deliver products and services that provide value to both customers and organizations. COMM2900. Examines the producers role in story conceptualization, budget planning, preproduction, and marketing. College of Social Sciences and Humanities. People. Introduces students to frameworks that help explain current issues in electronic marketing. COMM3445. Successful completion of this course enables one to recall, compare, and give examples of key concepts and theories in popular communication; understand how the popular shapes and is shaped by its people; understand the historical context of a popular genre; critically analyze a genre with respect to social, economic, and political values and events; and demonstrate proficiency in communicating one's analyses. Prerequisite(s): MKTG3401 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG3402 with a minimum grade of D-. Risk Communication. (4 Hours). Through a series of discussions, screenings, homework, and in-class exercises, offers students an opportunity to obtain skills in the basics of directing creative and technical talent and the skills needed to produce successful television studio productions. (4 Hours). May be repeated without limit. Explores consumer-based perspectives to highlight potential biases and discrimination arising in the platform economy, and considers various approaches for establishing fair and appropriate regulations and policies to mitigate such issues. MKTG4510. (4 Hours), COMM6501. Investigates how companies can create customer value through artificial intelligence. COMM2301. Topics include the evolution of organizational communication, communication networks, information management, and communication climate. Offers students the opportunity to demonstrate competency in communication skills such as oral reporting, conducting research in communication, and writing. 'Theory' is used in the holistic sense as the interested observation and careful scrutiny of an object. Introduces the substantive and procedural aspects of marketing strategy and customer markets. COMM1120. Northeastern's signature experience-powered learning model has been at the heart of the university for more than a century. Also covers strategy and tactics that can be developed and communicated, with accountability in mind. Examines the key drivers and building blocks of digital business transformations underlying the best marketing practices of the platform economy. Also examines changing marketing practices and roles for businesses as firms and institutions become more socially responsible and ethically aware. Focuses on active skill building and tool development in a practice-oriented approach that is quickly and directly applicable to students future careers. Attribute(s): NUpath Capstone Experience, NUpath Interpreting Culture, COMM4605. Addresses the interdependent links between sports and communication. Uses case studies and exercises to offer a broad overview of creative marketing applications across multiple industries and touchpoints. Topics covered include the role of communication in interpersonal attraction, relationship development, relationship maintenance, and relationship dissolution. Our core courses in information development, usability, and narrative structure provide a baseline for developing, marketing, and managing content-rich experiences. Uses pressing contemporary controversies, rich historical examples, and broader theoretical texts to examine the collision of privacy and other important values, including free speech, transparency and accountability, efficiency, and security. A marketing plan project is used to enable students to apply their understanding about the marketing process. Offers students an opportunity to better understand freedom and limits to freedom, particularly in the realm of speech and expression. Learn how to manage the integrity of a brand across all marketing activities and communication channels. (4 Hours). Sport and Spectacle. Introduction to Marketing. About the Opportunity. (4 Hours). Prerequisite(s): COMM2301 with a minimum grade of D-, Attribute(s): NUpath Analyzing/Using Data, NUpath Capstone Experience, COMM4530. Great Speakers and Speeches. Seeks to further develop an understanding of the function of communication in life and how that relates to quality of life. Focuses on ethical principles, issues, and dilemmas in communication. The Digital Marketing Manager will work to drive growth in the generation of new prospective students for the University. Discusses how companies can successfully take advantage of emerging multisided platforms and market-driven network externalities. Introduces students to the lens of performance studies, the world of sports, and the intersection of the two in the field of communication studies. Health Communication. (3 Hours). (3 Hours). Graduate Research Practicum in Marketing. Introduces students to interviewing through the application of communication theory. Introduces the theoretical frameworks necessary to engage in a broad range of consulting activities (management consulting or organizational training and development). One dozen award-winning media industry guest speakers deliver lectures on the vital topics reshaping the entertainment landscape. | Over the years, we've pushed the envelope to find new and improved ways to connect with consumers. Centers, Labs and Initiatives. Explores customer relationship management (CRM) and multivariate statistical techniques including conjoint analysis, customer satisfaction, and service quality measurement. (4 Hours). Provides an overview of the new-product-development process, with an emphasis on customer involvement in this process. Independent Study. (4 Hours). Focuses on how communication shapes perceptions and positions of social identity categories and how individuals and groups resist and transform identity and promote inclusion through communication. Analyzes major debates over the environment, climate change, and related technologies such as nuclear energy, wind power, natural gas fracking, and food biotechnology. Examples may include augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, internet of things, real-time interactivity, geolocation tools, wearables, dynamic content personalization, automation, social media, chatbots, voice assistants, and artificial intelligence. Family Communication. Provides students with an opportunity to better understand freedom and limits to freedom, particularly in the realm of speech and expression. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management: Gloria Barczak, Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Research in Marketing: Koen Pauwels, Senior Editor, Journal of Business Research: Paul Fombelle, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Interactive Marketing: Yakov Bart, Editorial Board Member; Koen Pauwels, Editorial Board Member; Fareena Sultan, Editorial Board Member, Journal of International Marketing: Amir Grinstein, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing: Koen Pauwels, Associate Editor; Amir Grinstein, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Analytics: Fareena Sultan, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice: Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management: Felicia Lassk, Editorial Board Member; Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Product Innovation Management: Gloria Barczak, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Retailing: Koen Pauwels, Editorial Board Member, Marketing Education Review: Felicia Lassk, Editorial Board Member, Psychology & Marketing: Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member, Yakov Bart: 2018 DMSB Ronald Copeland Best Paper Award Finalist, Yakov Bart: 2017 Recognized as one of the 40 Best Undergraduate Business Professors by Poets & Quants, Yakov Bart: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Yakov Bart: 2017 Journal of Interactive Marketing Best Paper Award, Yakov Bart: 2017 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grant, Northeastern University, Yakov Bart: 2016 Knowledge Exchange Program Award, NSF Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub, Yakov Bart: 2015 and 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute, Paul Fombelle: 2017 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants, Northeastern University, Amir Grinstein: 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute, Jay Mulki: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Koen Pauwels: 2018 Winner of Gary L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize, Marketing Science conference, Koen Pauwels: Top 100 Inspirational Alumnus, UCLA, Koen Pauwels: 2017 Davidson Best Paper Award, Journal of Retailing, Koen Pauwels: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Koen Pauwels: Named D'Amore-McKim School of Business Distinguished Professor of Marketing, Mary Steffel: 2018 Recognized as one of the 50 Top Undergraduate Business Professors by Poets & Quants, Mary Steffel: 2016 DMSB Ronald Copeland Best Paper Award Finalist, Fareena Sultan: 2017 Journal of Consumer Marketing Best Paper Award, Fareena Sultan: 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute, Jennifer Yule: 2018 DMSB Teacher of the Year Award Winner (peer nominated award), Jennifer Yule: 2016 DMSB Best Teacher of the Year Award Finalist (student nominated award), Yakov Bart: Named Joseph G. Riesman Research Professor and Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow, Paul Fombelle: Named Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow, Amir Grinstein: Named Patrick F. & Helen C. Walsh Research Professor and Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow.