. I have Venus conjuct Saturn in 7th house. Usually the Rasi Chart and the Navamsa Chart are tagged together in the South. Under its influence,. Affliction to Venus can make them short-lived their sense of beauty, perfection and love for their country is prominent by dint of Venus being their ascendant lord. I also have Libra ascendant (26 degree) along with Moon (4 degree) being in 1st house. Q: Does it prove lucky to the native?, in spite of the above combo of Sun + Mars? Jai Acharya. Moon in Kendras is good for this ascendant besides the fact that he makes Kendradhipatya Dosa and makes the moon neutral for this ascendant and if the moon be placed in the 7th or 10th house then his dasa can also prove to be fatal. The first house in the navamsa chart is the Ascendant Lord and is known as the Navamsa Lagna. Sometimes if they become indecisive they completely lose that path. 2. are blessed with natural charm. It's just an elaboration of 1 part (1 zodiac sign) out of all the 12 parts that a birth chart is made of. . Navamsa Chart is the most important divisional chart, Navamsa means nine part of a particular Rashi in which each Amsa consists of 3 degrees and 20 minutes. Planet Venus is the 7th house of marriage and is referred to as Karako Bhava nasti. Enroll Online Astrology Course. Venus is the ruler of the Libra ascendant. However, they can be hesitant to commit, because their fear of being disliked is sometimes significant. Rahu is the master of manipulation, tact, secrecy and illusion. Know more about Navamsa, Navamsa Chart and Effects of Navamsa sun is is in Libra in ascendant but now sun is exalted in aries in navamsa. His placement in 5th house will denote first karma to take the family out of loss kind of situation then marriage as their family need it most (it can be that they are the only child of their old parents and spouse can help them giving a helping hand) whereas ultimate karma is to make money, establish a good family well to do family and in the process, they must be selfish, must not think about themselves, they will have fewer friends as they are focused on what to do and not much social and no elder siblings can be there. 2. If Mars, Venus, Saturn and Rahu are combined in 12th house, the native will be multi-millionaire and so rich. I am really confused as how 7 years will go during this mars mahadasha and request if you can throw some light on this. Moon should not fall into these Navamsas. The final answer would be 3 degrees and 20 minutes since there are 12 signs and 9 asmas. By interpreting the Birth Chart and Navamsa Charts, astrologers can obtain considerable information about a person's life. Such a nice explanation. (4) If Saturn and Mars together aspect navamsa lagna or are posited therein or 7th lord from navamsa lagna is aspected by Saturn and Mars, then, trouble is indicated. It is also called the Dharmamsha Chart or simply D9 chart. In navamsa Libra is 3 rd house (Kaam Trikona) Trine from Libra is again Saturn who is 7 th lord of Rashi and Navamsa Chart. Hence I advise you to go for a consultation. They possess a friendly approach towards everyone for which they will help and become friends . They always look for a common ground and go too far to strike some balance in every situation. Q: What to expect of this vakri Shani, the first-rate Yogakaraka for Tula..? 2. As a divisional chart of an individual horoscope, navamsa is supposed to be the ninth division of a particular rashi or sign, in which each division can be further broken into three degrees and twenty minutes. Optional: Sidereal Ayanamsa Optional: D1-D60 Divisional Charts Navamsa D9/Harmonic 9th Chart - Astrology Online Calculator Date of Birth Time (local time) h min sec Birth city: ( Enter coordinates manually ) Ayanamsa: - If a planet is in Pushkara Navamsa which, however, falls in a sign equal to the 6th, 8th or 12th house of the Rasi chart, then the good affects become nil. You can look at these videos in 50 years and they will still apply and work. Eg: If in a Leo rising chart, Mercury were in 7 Taurus in the rasi chart, and thus in Pisces Navamsa chart/D9 chart is the expansion of the ninth house which is known as bhagya sthan. Im a Libra ascendant. While the Libra Ascendants weigh every aspect of a situation to come to the point of action, action is important for them. They have a fairly nice complexion and appear young and attractive. This happens when Venus is positioned in the 3rd house, 2nd house, 1st house, 12th house, 11th house. The Fruits (11 house) from the business and personal alliances, partnerships of the native and their faith and belief (9th house) in partners, commitment and integrity are read in Navamsa Chart. #njShivoham #nipunjoshi #prideofShivaNamaskar Friends! The Libra Ascendants value justice a lot. Even though there is Raja Yoga (a promising combination of planets), present in the birth chart, these yogas' strength are seen only through the D9 chart. The Planetary combinations in the Lagna chart tells us whether an event in certain area of our life will impact us physically or not. Namaste, I have Venus, Saturn, Mars in 4th house in Lagna chart. Hence these aspects of outer planets may be well analyzed. Here Sun is 11th lord, Moon is 10th lord and Mars is 7th and 2nd house lord, hence it is a beneficial combination for making money but a little bit damaging for professional advancements or say for Rajyoga, one will earn much money but professional distinction and name and fame wont be there. They do well in judiciary. Apart from these, houses - 64th, 88th, 108th and 55th Navamsa are of great importance. If the lord of the 64thNavamsa from the ascendant in the chart occupies the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th houses it leads to the loss of spouse; if it is conjuncted by Saturn or Rahu/ketu it results in loss through tragic events. can be determined. - If the planet is in odd signs, the counting . . NAVAMSA OR THE D/9 CHART IN ASTROLOGY WITH MARRIAGE AND RELATED TOPICS Male 02.10. in this case lord of the ascendant Venus is in his own sign Libra and own Navamsa Vrishabha which is also Ashtamamsa. He was Libra ascendant, and had Mercury placed in Scoprio, which is 2 nd House. I do not make regular weekly horoscope because unless your horoscope is present in front of me, giving you a general weekly horoscope is as good as suicide of astrology. how long this will continue. Mars Ruling Navamsa Ascendant: One born in a Navamsa of Mars (Aries or Scorpio) will have brown hair, round eyes and somewhat a depressed back, be fair in complexion, will have ugly or diseased nails and a scarred body and be lustful. Navamsa or Navamansh or or D9 consists of two parts. . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you like my answer then don't forget to upvote. I am having lots of problems in my relationship. Considering their love for justice, they also are attracted towards judicial studies. Answer (1 of 6): So in navamsa venus is in capricorn, so venus will be in 2nd pada of sun's nakashtra or mercury nakasgtra or rahu nakashtra in rasi chart. The lord of these houses may be problematic especially when Saturn transits over them or during their antar dashas. Many techniques are applied in analysing the Navamsa chart to delineate different dimensions of life. Worried about your future? Next, find the position of all the planets at the time of your birth. Let us assume that when Ram was born, the ascendant lord was Aries. I regularly read your blog and am impressed with the kind of deep knowledge you have on astrology. Jupiter influencing ascendant can give double chin. I think it is a neechbhanga rajyoga as I have Saturn vargottama and also have Sun in Kendra to moon. Struggles in life are primarily to be seen from 9th house, 10th house and Lagna and not from Graha Bhava Phala (the result of planets in Bhavas). neck), be impatient, dark in complexion, will have an attractive navel, be heroic, wealthy, virtuous, be fond of poetry, munificent, happy with robes and But your relationship with your wife will be good. I also heard 10 th to 11th relationship of moon and mars should have helped with gains? Libra is a sign that represents balance. The characteristics of a Libra ascendant are impacted by their Ruling planet. The Navamsa is the most important sub-division of the Hindu Astrology. Result got is the longitude of planet in navamsa. Yogamsa: A planet placed in a good rashi/ sign or the 9th house in Navamsa. Please note that I have Lagna, Saturn and Mars vargottama. 64th Navamsa is given importance in this chart due to its influence on marital life. Separation, multiple marriages, and loss of a spouse can be foreseen. Moon in 10th house, Presently Running last year of Venus mahadasha , how will go my sun mahdasha as sun in 5th house aspecting own house.???????? The native will have beautiful daughter. Venus and Saturn are friendly. 690. Yes, only Jupiter and Venus are appreciated in 9th house, that too without any aspects, it is very good [we also need to consider minor aspects, but lets leave it for now], but here Venus is also 8th lord hence it is a bit damaging, one will be lucky enough if he loses his father early in life otherwise luck will start supporting only after fathers death. Sun in 7th House, JUpiter in 9th house, marsand rahu in in 3rd house, Venus and mercury in 8th hous. The planets' position in the D9 or Navamsa chart improves or strengthens the planets in the birth chart. sun is is in Libra in ascendant but now sun is exalted in aries in navamsa.Libra is seventh from Aries that shows marriage and relationship. The constant exploration and seeking led us to this path creating a virtual awareness for astrological techniques, thereby enhancing your well-being and sculpting your future! Each sign is divided into 10 parts called Dasamsa of 3 degrees each. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Vikatamsa: A Planet occupying its own or exalted sign in the birth chart and gets debilitated in Navamsa. Key Organizational Drivers Of Six Sigma Projects Include All Except: Seating Plan Redcliffe Entertainment Centre, detroit: become human reaction fanfiction. . I have no idea how come people start hating me. Her placement in the house of mercury is good for intellegence, communicating abilities and good mind. Whereas his placement in the 12th house is bad as it makes marital life miserable and the wife can be physically weak, physical relationship between a couple can be hampered and money will be gained easily but huge expenses will also be there. Krishna Mishra Navamsa 3. Learn about the Ayanamsa, Planets, Signs, Houses, Nakshatras and Lords. You should interpret it the same exact way. Information on a Natives Psychological and emotional wellbeing, relationships, marriage union are available in this D9 chart. They are generally peace-loving people and always tackle situations using wisdom and discretion. Mars-secretive behavior with negative implications; Mercury- competitive behavior; Jupiter- disconnected, detached behavior, If Moon or other benefic planets are well placed and healthy in the D9 chart, the native enjoys a well-regulated, auspicious marital life; when placed with malefic planets denotes wavering commitment and fidelity issues with the spouse. The concept of Vargottama as used in Vedic Astrology now is faulty, hence it needs a reconsideration, I will soon write an article on this. If the lord of 7th in D1-chart is in 6 or 8 or 12 to D9-ascendant, married life may not be pleasant. The 64th navamsa from Moon and Lagna which is the 4th sign from Moon and Lagna in the Navamsa chart is called "Khara". Sir scorpio ascendant d1, Venus which is 7th lord in 6th house aspected by Saturn and Jupiter and Jupiter in 12the and also rahu and ketu 1:7 axis but in d9 Pisces navamsa , Venus in 3rd (own house) with mars and mercury in 2nd, rahu in 5th and Jupiter in 1st ,sun moon in 10th and Saturn in 12.Venus is combust or create problem in married life . The Libra Ascendants like to have balanced view and generally dont come up with honest answers. They are graceful, modest, amiable, cuddly, cheerful, optimistic, idealistic, helpful, selfless, generous, merciful, and often correct. His lordship of 6th house indicates health troubles for this ascendant is mainly due to unbalancing of energy and improper sleep can disturb their health a lot, they are likely to have liver and indigestion problems and their spleen can be a trouble if they stick to junk food. 0) Since here 3rd lord is placed in the 1st house it may make you travel a lot as the 3rd house is the house of travel. For a Libra ascendant, Jupiter rules the 3rd house and the 6th house and it will fall in the sign of Libra when placed in the 1st house. Soulmate, the search for a soulmate and karmic bonds with the spouse, can be studied in the Navamsa chart. Venus by being lagna lord leaves the malefic nature acquired by the lordship of the 8th house, but if Venus is afflicted or weak then his power to do goodwill is less and his malefic effect of the 8th house will be prominent. This planet brings sensitive, watery, feminine energies wherever it appears. But when provoked they can take the help of some very powerful person to provoke enemies. 3. Mercury is lord of the 9th and 12th house for this ascendant indicates their luck will start favouring them from old age mostly from their college life. molar enthalpy of combustion of methanol. 4. Growing up with an uncle who was a Vedic Astrologer himself made it very easy for me to dive into the ocean of astrology and discover many secrets which I share with you on KRSchannel, the fastest growing astrology channel on you tube. No aspects but retrograde Saturn in 2nd house is bad, it again tells the effects told by me under point 1, when a planet is retrograde we need to use some special secret techniques, which I wont be able to use without having complete birth details. According to Vedic Astrology, planet Ketu in 9th house from lagna (ascendant) in birth or navamsa chart of horoscope has mixed result for both male & female of all 12 ascendants. No Venus is not afflicted, the problem is because of Atiganda Yoga. 2) Lagna Lord Venus in 9th house(Gemini), with no aspects. This means it's a division of a zodiac sign into 9 equal parts. having health issues an financial issues. The Navamsa Lagna ascendant is the Navamsa pada that the D-1 chart Lagna falls into. Libra rising makes for someone with a very positive and open mindset, although there are strong hints of indecisiveness. By far one of the best article i have read on Libra ascendant. Sun in 5th House, Jupiter in 2nd house, mercury in 4th house and rahu in in 9thhouse, Venus and mars in 6th house. Jupiter in 12th house with Ketu. There will be good flow of money. They have a fairly nice complexion and appear young and attractive. Nature of the spouse, their emotional and spiritual relationships with each other, wellbeing, and luck factor can also be predicted through this chart. As stated, Libra Ascendants are thorough lovers and their partner would be at bliss with how much they invest in their relationships. For a Libra ascendant, love is the be all and end all. Im a CA student. Rahu is your desires, your obsessions. I appreciate some brief comments on Saturn in 5th, Mars in 11th with vargottam lagna, vargottam mars for libra ascendant. So much violence in my life. My Sun and Moon are in 6th House along with Rahu. Mercury in dual signs can give them a habit of snoring and their sleep will be incomplete and they can feel tired and dizzy the whole day. Aries is all about war, and Libra is all about peace and that is one of the biggest polarities in the Zodiac. This chart is predominantly to understand luck, fortune, marital life, spouse of a native. Is that also very bad? - Libra ascendant If you are a Libra ascendant then you'll have Mars as the lord of the 7th house, in which case you'll attract a lot of competition from others. They always keep a common ground and a neutral zone without siding someone. Venus Ruling Navamsa Ascendant: One born in a Navamsa of Venus (Taurus or Libra) will have downward-looking eyes, soft hair, attractive form, neck resembling a conch (Le.