This is mainly because of some very scary experiences Ive had when I am completely relaxed about to fall asleep, and a couple of creepy out of body experiences Ive had. Hi Claudette, I would also ask in the dream are you from the Light? In the hermetic traditions of Egypt and Greece, colored stones, minerals, and crystals were used in chromotherapy, also known as color therapy. Youll know that your violet flame meditation has been successful when you feel a sense of inner peace and spaciousness inside of you. Thank you for a wonderful website. Is the Violet Flame Dangerous? If you still have fear you need to do the violet flame a lot! The electric blue color that flashes in the aura of Archangel Michael and the devotees of the will of God denotes the presence of purity and power and the alignment of the inner blueprint with the cosmic blueprint of the will of God. During his first revelations about the Violet Flame, Saint Germain has said The use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to you and to all mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet. (The Voice of the I AM January 1941 p. 20). Then my head started to feel funny, like I had a hat on.but I didnt. Once you start, keep on going. It causes hormonal imbalance and weakens our immune system. Just clarifying that I do not have any mental health issues but I do feel that this have a spiritual significance. Peace indicates that you are living in the present! I will email you after checking out your website. I would love to contact any of the Violet Flame by phone, email or in person. To help you establish a sense of oneness with life and make yourself receptive, begin reciting a mantra. We respect all Whadjuk Elders both past and present, and any First Nations people. . We can enter into deep meditation upon it and let its presence enter our surroundings. I just started the Violet Flame in February this year after I think St. Germain trying to get my attention via healing energy modalities that mentioned it. The violet flame is an invisible spiritual energy. addition, rubidium ignites in oxygen, burning with a characteristic red-violet flame (O'Neil, 2006). No votes so far! Not only does it help with transmuting blocks into light, but it also acts as a source of strength, protection, and power. I felt that they knew more than I did. There was a person in the room with me, the person said Look at the window if you want to know your power, I looked at the window and felt a surge of energy hit me and push me back a bit. You may see these flames burning through karmic debris. The nucleus, being from matter, assumes the negative pole and the white fire core of the violet flame, being Spirit, assumes the positive pole. We can make this contact through meditation upon the Buddha or the Christ, both of whom have given us the key to unlocking the crown chakra, which is the yellow center. The trembling voice was not the same person who was in the room with me. Things have improved. The fear only made my symptoms worse. Violet is also the color of the seventh ray which is a concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies. I am eternally grateful! Beautiful souls of love, peace, charity, wisdom and compassion. The reason for this is that it creates the space necessary for healing any soul blockages we carry, and it makes use of two important tools: the healing properties of color and sound. We all know this. just started and my energy is better, my openess towards the heavens is better, my dreams are different. There could be a burst of fear from the solar plexus, accompanied by feelings of butterflies and extreme tension. Keep in mind that when working with the violet flame, there are decrees (or mantras) which are repeated. Our energy choices come back to us bringing more of the same into our lives. Hi, I had a dream that I think involved this flame and wanted to know what you thought of it because I have not been able to stop thinking about it. As you increase the speed of your decrees, you will find that they are more effective in raising your vibration. The negativity in this world is very thick and I see we all need to be doing these decrees and talking to the angels daily if not every second no time to waste! Always rememberthat those who fall in the swamp may come up covered with mud; for the quicksands of life, by their very nature, always seek to drag man down. The burden alone that the elementals have carried for the lifestreams upon the planet is great. We generally begin our decrees by saying, In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self and include our favorite masters and saints. I ask you to___________. It revitalizes and invigorates our bodies and changes negative energy into positive energy. Always from negative to positive, through it we have the ability to change what we do not like or prevent us from evolving. I did enjoy using VF , but do you think it caused all that tightness in my neck? Is this the same flame? The purpose of the purifying is to make your life more comfortable for a higher kingdom to live in you and become more physical. You never know when on that pathway you will meet your mentor Saint Germain face-to-face. He gave advanced teaching and initiations through the Prophets on the Violet Flame and its practice that are foundational to the spiritual path in Aquarius. Call for spiritual protection first before starting the meditation. I have been advised by a pychic that they (other realms) want me to write my book and she knew it was in 3 parts! What happened may have taken longer to come to the surface for you to deal with if you had not done the VF decrees and connect to your I AM God Presence! I will be on the look out for Tampa Bay people for you! So by removing calcified emotional debris and other substances, the violet flame may allow our bodies to reconnect with their natural healing mechanism. One of the best ways to do this is to invoke the tube of light and a prayer of protection to Archangel Michael. And to go see specific Chiropractor. The ever-changing nature of the flames until this very day speak to us of the magical and ephemeral nature of reality. Then Kuthumi gives us his supreme advice: To see others clearly, beloved hearts, remember that man must first perceive in himself the beautiful crystal of cosmic purity. Since frequency is directly proportional to energy, the violet light also has the most energy! My intuition gets richer. Sorry for long response . Elementals who represent the fire element are called salamanders; those who represent the air element, sylphs; those who represent the water element, undines; those who represent the earth element, gnomes. Or you may just have the impression that you were in a particular time or place. After you have been giving the violet flame for some time, you may find yourself recalling past lives. The increase in speed should not be artificial. Spiritual Healing - Various Spiritual Healing Methods, How to Get Spiritual Power Through Meditation. Hi Rita Be-Still and know that I am God within me! Since doing them I am now at 10 with all 3 plumes balance per my intuition using the pendulum. Be Inspired. This is a powerful tool that works in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives. Was the energy positive, peaceful and loving? Ive been referring to this as my spirit self because it was in my shape and once it was outside of my body I visualized it being cleansed and taking in more positive energy. It is the coalesced spiritual energy of love, mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation. The Violet Flame is a powerful means of bringing that heaven world closer to earth. Before you begin your decrees, give a prayer, or invocation, asking the Ascended Masters, angels and elementals to come and help you. Paula., Yes, I would love to stay # is: 705-515-1000 We are also impacting the world by who we are and what we believe, what we are choosing to be, or not to be. I then had a thought one day..maybe this isnt an awakening maybe its my health. This tingeing of the purple flame with the gold denotes the mastery of the light of peace within the solar plexus and is an indication that the individual is active in service to life. Blessings! Bit by bit, inch by inch, and day by day you will grow in spiritual depth and height. But they are a command for the will of God to be manifest. Has anyone doing the violet flame experience that? People believe violet healing energy to be a potent form of protection. The visualization, affirmation, and meditation on the violet flame consumes this negative energy transmutes it to positive energy. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. If youd like to harness the power of the violet flame for yourself, you can do so with a simple visualized meditation. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on this website, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. My Guru Yogananda said that if we have dreams that makes us feel negative emotions then it is not coming from the Divine as the Divine would only come in the energy of Love! I did enjoy using VF , but do you think it caused all that tightness in my neck? A Chohan or the Lord of Ray, is an ascended master in charge of one of the seven spiritual rays. The violet healing energy and Reiki is an ancient spiritual healing tool that helps cleanse ourselves from all the negativity. It is the coalesced spiritual energy of love, mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation. Copyright 2022 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. By the law of the circle, the law of karma, that energy will return to us. My apologies for a very late response, a reply mechanism was not working. It's best to decree in a place dedicated to spiritual work, such as a chapel or a well-lit, clean and aired room. He used to heal and help the poor and the suffering peasants. When I saw my eyes in the mirror, there was a trembling and loud voice imagine someone blowing air out of their mouth but with a raspy sound to it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I really like the visual meditation. Every moment, we decide whether to put a positive or negative spin on it. The Holy Christ Self is our Higher Self and inner teacher who initiates and guides our soul on her path to union with God. The color violet is usually associated with transformation. Realizing that her bloodbending would die along with her without a worthy successor, Hama decided to a have child with one of the villagers. So you can see that the aura can change instantaneously. Actually, you are not the first person that has been giving violet flame decrees and then led to an inner or outer healing. I have read your books and followed this path for years. The man I saw was blonde, with curly hair and medium built, he was wearing leather sandals. NT$ 945 - NT$ 1,271. At this very moment, I am holding Gaia in . The only true power anyone has is the spiritual power from their divine source. If there is a purple fire flecked with gold and ruby in the aura, we know it comes forth from the solar-plexus chakra. Namaste. If you are just beginning to study and practice the violet flame, there is a 30 day introductory series called the Violet Flame Challenge on this site: Take the Violet Flame Challenge.