There is lots of pollution discoverved in the trench, It is possible for the Megalodon to live because the Sperm Whale dives into deep waters and could be prey to the Megalodon, i believe the megalodon still lives today, I think that the megalodon has been right under are noses all these years. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. And a large size does not necesarily mean a large prey item to sustain it. Despite its impressive size, it remained unknown until 1976. Are megalodon still alive in the Mariana Trench? By comparison, that's about 6,000 feet deeper than Mount Everest is tall. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. I think it s possible that this creature is still a live at least 99% in the bottom of the Mariana trench with all stuff i have read that is where the last Megalodon shark really is. The hadal snailfish, the deepest dwelling fish we know, has flexible cartilage instead of bones. But that brings us back to our original problem: If a 60-foot predatory shark is still out there, and still lives around the world, we should see the evidence. "I personally think that this monstrous sea creature's present-day survival is an unlikely prospect, but it is certainly an inordinately interesting one to research.". What do you say we try to survive on an Earth document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Making science accessible on social media since 2017. Two million years ago, the megalodon was tearing into the equivalent of one-and-a-half cows a day. Look at fake documentaries from the Discovery Channel or photos from typical reconstructions, and the megalodon almost looks like a great white shark, yet way bigger. This video wasn't "breaking," it didn't show a 50-foot shark, it wasn't filmed in the Mariana Trench, and it absolutely didn't capture an extinct megalodon. Dozens of sightings of incredibly large sharks have become the stuff of legend among fishermen around the seas of New South Wales in Australia. And to navigate in total darkness, it would have to either become bioluminescent or grow massive eyes like the giant squid. How could it withstand the immense pressure? However, the giant megalodon was still around three times longer compared to the world's largest great white sharks. While we don't know exactly when the last megalodon existed, experts believe it was somewhere between 3.5 and 3.6 million years ago. The coelacanth fish is one such creature. The giant's terrifying jaws were lined with 276 teeth - measuring up to . As they were dependent on tropical waters, the drop in ocean temperatures is likely to have resulted in a significant loss of habitat. Why do you think whales and giant squid dive so deep and they aren't even the size of the megalodon. Fossil records of that extinct shark species suggest that it reached a size of nearly 60 feet in length. It's estimated the megalodon'sjaw would span 2.7 by 3.4metreswide, easily big enough to swallow two adults side-by-side. Precisely when the last megalodon died out is not known, but it was sometime between 3.6 and 2.6 million years ago. Could this remnant population of Megalodon Shark still thrive today, far out of sight of humans? There is an invisible force protecting us, keeping our atmosphere in place. Question: Is Megalodon bigger than a blue whale? Animals of the deep sea often live by scavenging on the decaying remains of plants and animals from the upper zones of the ocean. Far to the east, the new ocean floor is created by volcanic activity. What If Earths Magnetic Field Disappeared? All deep-sea creatures also have molecules called piezolytes. It is very unlikely that Megalodon still exists. For starters, if megalodon sharks still roamed our oceans, the last place they'd be going would be the Mariana Trench! In fact, blue whales are the largest animals ever to have lived on planet Earth. This is partly due to some famous novels written on the subject, but the logic here sort of makes sense. Starting at around 13,000 feet we see deep-sea fish begin to emerge, but these too are much too small to sustain a creature as large as Megalodon. Does the Megalodon Shark live in the Mariana Trench, deep in the darkest part of the ocean? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. But its a only small Would you ever venture into the ocean if you knew this creature could be lurking beneath you? The Megalodon (Otodus megalodon), is an extinct species of shark, arguably one of the largest, if not the largest marine predator that has ever lived. While the largest sharks in the world are well-known due to their near-surface behaviors, there are others who are much more reclusive. She said: "With its large serrated teeth megalodon would have eaten meat - most likely whales and large fish, and probably other sharks. The Mariana Trench. When the Earth cooled, the megalodon was forced out of its comfortable tropical and sub-tropical regions and into cooler waters where it could not continue surviving. What if it adapted to this hostile environment, waiting for you to come by for its dinner? That measurement is estimated using the length of the cage, which is 10 feet across. I hope they still live because it would be extraordinary to see or find one. The Mariana Trench is about as remote as it gets, and even a massive shark would be very hard to find. Look at fish. cryptid (author) from USA on November 12, 2015: Good points Levius. The giant shark weighed the same as five buses and was once the king of the ocean. Located in the Western Pacific, it runs for over 1,500 miles but averages only a bit more than 40 miles across. What If You Fell Into a Pool of Molten Metal. They believe the massive megalodon- focus of the new Jason Statham film The Meg - has successfully evaded detection for millions of years. After 3 hours, the probe finally came free and rose to the surface. Are they right? Watch and share! One of the reasons the megamouth remained hidden from science for so long was because it is believed to exhibit a pattern of diurnal vertical migration. What If Oxygen Doubled in Earths Atmosphere? hi megalodon are the best animal in the world. "If an animal as big as megalodon still lived in the oceans we would know about it.". The only part of the megalodon fossils that remain is the teeth. Would you be able to survive in this new world? As for what it eats probably squid, tunia, and maybe whales. The Megalodon shark has first shown up around 23 million years ago and ruled the oceans till 3.6 million ago when it finally disappeared. Another Last Known Megalodon Seen Diving in the Gulf of Mexico. About Ocean Info At Ocean Info, we dive deep into ocean-related topics such as sealife, exploration of the sea, rivers, areas of geographical importance, sailing, and more. At its worst, the pressure is 1,000 times stronger than at sea level. Do any sharks live that deep? i think the meg lives in the ocens but maby not the mirina trench, It could have reproduced and they all stayed down there and ate the squids. The Mariana Trench was created by a geological process called subduction. Best guesses put the largest specimens at about 60 feet, with the typical individual at around 40 feet, or about the size of a whale shark. This is all food for thought. Whilst this may seem impossible, the discovery of extinct animals is not unheard of. What If We Turned Earth Into a Spaceship? ive wanted to be a marine biologist for many years. Taking a fresh look at the fossil record, researchers are now proposing that this mega marine creature may have been killed off by none other than the modern great white shark ( Carcharodon carcharias ). It's somewhat rare but not unheard for species to eat their own kind given the proper circumstances. The earliest fossils of megalodon date back more than 23 million years, making it very unlikely that the species is still alive today. But there are a few enormous teeth that are over 7.- The Mariana Trench is 6.83 miles deep and measures more than 1,500 miles long and 43 miles wide. When lifting the probe back up from the depths, it caught on an invisible object even though there was nothing between the ship and the sea floor. The fossils of the megalodon are from the beginning of the world. Megalodon is NOT alive today, it went extinct around 3.5 million years ago. 1. This is the world 200 million years ago. Information we have regarding the megalodon habitat has to do with where we find its teeth. Buzz Channel's post was rife with misinformation. I don't know how people think the megalodon lives in the trench why would an gigantic shark wanna live in the trench away from all the whales and large food sources and I don't even think it could have adapted to the conditions there as well and sadly it probably died out. the most common sightings are in the Mariana Treach. At its deepest, at a spot called Challenger Deep, the Marina Trench measures over 35,000 feet. Unlikely. What could this apex predator be hunting in the deep? I'm convinced. Layers of blubber and a heating system similar to that of a great white. How did megalodon go extinct? The last place that megalodon sharks would go if they were still alive would be the Mariana Trench. The Mariana Trench is located in the Pacific Ocean and is the deepest known part of the world's oceans, stretching more than 11 kilometers (6. One way that we know these megatooth sharks ate large creatures is through fossilized whale bones. ' No. i think the Megalodon is alive and if it did live in the trench the metabolism from the lack of oxygen. Huge New Study Shows Why Exercise Should Be The First Choice in Treating Depression, A World-First Discovery Hints at The Sounds Non-Avian Dinosaurs Made, For The First Time Ever, Physicists See Molecules Form Through Quantum Tunneling. Imagine this scenario. On the other hand, scientists shouldn't brush off reported sightings of Megalodon, especially when some of those come from experienced fishermen and seamen who know what all of those things look like. cryptid (author) from USA on September 14, 2014: Thanks for the kind words, Natalie. She says the creature would have eaten large prey such as whales and other sharks, but there are no reports of whales being attacked by a predator large enough to be a megalodon. Theyre metabolism are slow. No hard feeling. And do alleged Megalodon sightings suggest it could still exist way down there? Because sharks don't have bones, we will never have a full megalodon skeleton, which means we have to base the size figures on the megalodon shark teeth. What If Megalodon Sharks Never Went Extinct? Deep-sea creatures like the Lanternfish are likely way too small to sustain a Megalodon Shark. We take 23,000 breaths a day; trying to get oxygen to our brain and cells. Scientists believe that the megalodon's oldest ancestor was the Otodus Obliquus, which lived in the deep ocean more than 55 million years ago. Some of these whale skeletons include fossil shark teeth in them, which likely broke off during a predator-prey battle a few million years back. What If Columbus Never Discovered America? With sharks constantly losing teeth to the murky depths, it is no wonder collectors are so easily able to find fossilized teeth on the ocean floor! US NOAA (Scot Anderson) [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons. At that depth, the only life is tiny amphipods, which wouldn't even rate as a snack for Megalodon. The answer to the question is no at all. What if Megalodon was still alive? This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. And with only 15% of our oceans explored, whos to say no ancient predators are hiding somewhere deep underwater? View our online Press Pack. But is it possible that Megalodon is still alive? What could this apex predator be hunting in the deep? the only way to know is to go down there and live. But, if it did, it would live in the upper part of the water over the trench rather than in its depths. And inward-facing teeth could prevent slimy prey from escaping. I love reading on Megalodon, your pages are very well written and raise some very interesting questions. There's no food for it down there, and no other shark species are known to thrive that deep. In 1976, a massive new species was accidentally captured after trying to swallow a ships anchor off the coast of Hawaii. So what if the largest apex predator never went extinct, like we thought it did? A living Megalodon deep in the Mariana Trench is a hopeful idea, but modern science tells us that the Megalodon Shark went extinct thousands of years ago. "No. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. To find anything close to a prey item for a 60-foot Megalodon we need to come up to around 8,000 feet, which is the deepest whales are known to dive. ", Rchick added: "Scientists and researchers dont know anything for sure. So, it is possible science may once again reverse its position on maximum megalodon size, if or when more information becomes available. Manage Settings For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Many believe this startling image proves the megalodon survived extinction, The massive killer was three times longer and 60 times heavier than the largest ever recorded great white shark, This image reportedly captured on Google Earth has set tongues wagging, It's estimated the megalodon'sjaw would span 2.7 by 3.4metreswide, If the 60-foot prehistoric shark Megalodon is still out there, this is what the super Jaws could look like, This photo - later proven to be faked - was said to have been seized after the Second World War, The tooth of a megalodon next to that of a 5m great white shark, Jason Statham takes on a gigantic shark in official trailer for The Meg, Some believe megalodon's may be hiding out in the depths of our deepest oceans, The horror film The Meg will hit cinema screen across Britain on Friday, Wildlife experts say there is no evidence the giants are still talking our waters, The megalodon used its powerful teeth to devour its prey - which included whales, Jason Statham joined by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley for blue carpet premiere of prehistoric shark drama The Meg in LA, 100-ton prehistoric shark featured in new movie The Meg is believed to still lurk in the ocean say conspiracy theorists, Inside sinister rise of pink cocaine sweeping UK nightclubs as warring cartels battle to control 'Coca Cola of drugs', We live on Britain's WORST street - it's rife with drug addicts, crime & prostitutes we're terrified for our lives, Man 'naked and covered in blood' arrested before mum found 'murdered' at home as neighbours reveal hearing screams, Leicester 'explosion': Listen to massive 'sonic' boom that shook homes and rattled windows. But we must not shrug off the fact that we still do not know a majority of our deep sea including the trench. So you can plan your trip to the Mariana Trench knowing you wouldnt be eaten by a gigantic shark. At its deepest, it is estimated at nearly 10,000 feet. One possibility is that a small population of Megalodon Sharks had already evolved to live at those depths before the larger population of Megalodon went extinct. I think that would be a wonderful site from land to see a Megalodon shark. Recent discoveries of species like the coelacanths and the megamouth shark, which was previously thought they were extinct, had fuelled the belief among believers that the megalodon could still be alive. Its appearance and the maximum size are debatable, and the assumptions we have today are based on the size of its teeth. So how does a coastal predator go from munching on whales, pinnipeds, and massive turtles near shore to eating deep-diving creatures in the Marina Trench? Our oceans are vast, and still unexplored territories. What If Earth Reached Boiling Point for 5 Seconds? See our Megalodon Size Comparison and Megalodon vs Blue Whale articles to learn more! This was especially true for the megalodon, who depended on tropical and sub-tropical waters for life. People have found a tooth the size of a palm in the mariana trench area. According to website Exemplore: "While it may be true that Megalodon lives in the upper part of the water column over the Mariana Trench, it probably has no reason to hide in its depths. Many people now believe that megalodon is still alive because of the fictional documentaries. That sounds like plenty of parking space for a megalodon or two. As for why we can not find them the ocean is a big place, plus we have not found all the animals on earth. As for where ol' Meg lives perhaps he just roams the seas like a great white. And how would the Mariana Trench make this apex predator more docile? There is no mistaking the 15 cm (6 in) teeth of the largest apex predator, the megalodon. No scientific evidence, today, supports such statements. It is believed that the megalodon lived in tropical and sub-tropical waters throughout the world. The megalodon was one of the most powerful predators to have ever lived. When baby fish are little and young they feed off of the shallows while the larger fish are in the deepest parts of the river way down. cryptid (author) from USA on May 14, 2015: Interesting thought, John. In the waters, if an animal as large as the megalodon was still alive, we would have heard about it. Using information about its jaw and the number of teeth in its mouth, scientists also say that it likely had one of the most powerful bite forces in animal history somewhere between 108,500 and 182,200 Newtons. CMHypno from Other Side of the Sun on May 20, 2014: Interesting hub cryptid. Some people believe that the megalodon could live in the Mariana trench, but thats virtually impossible. Some believe its is proof megaladons are not exticnt while others say its bears a very strong resemblance to a sleeper shark. However, we now know they weren't related. The killer predator was three times longer and 40 times heavier than the largest ever recorded great white shark. There's a problem with this. From there, its up to you to decide whether the megalodon is alive or went extinct millions of years ago. What If is presented by Underknown, a production company creating a variety of short-doc series that search for the underlying truth of how our world operates and how it came to be. Our depth of warm ocean knowledge is much stronger than that of the cold oceans, meaning we would have noticed a giant shark at this point. Besides there has been sighting of ol' Meg, yeah you can't trust everything, bbbbbuuuuutttttttt you have to count your losses. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way.Produced with love by Underknown in Toronto: https://underknown.comContact us at #Megalodon #ApexPredator #MarianaTrench #ChallengerDeep I think the megaladon is still alive but we are very unsafe if it is, I believe the Megalodon is still out there but I dont know for sure because after that meteor hit earth the dinosaurs Went extinct and the Megalodon live in the Marian trench thats super deep But I dont know if it Lived or not. Some believe this footage, which has remerged after being filmed in 2018, is proof the sharks are not extinct and it has sparked a debate online. Creatures down there are almost in sleep all year so they dont have to eat so much. 6 Things That Would Happen if All Underwater Volcanoes Exploded at Once? And while youre there, maybe youd be up for a little research project. She has also said the megalodon would not be able to survive in the cold climate of the deep oceans, the only place it could go unnoticed. In the daytime, it dives down to 500 feet or deeper. I appreciate your thoughtful comments! 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. With that logic, doesn't it merit the possibility that something that "did" exist previously still can? ould Megalodon sharks still be alive in the deepest parts of the ocean? An expert on ancient sharks told National Geographic that he is not convinced that just one species can cause such a decline. These massive sharks would be leaving telltale bite marks on large marine animals, of which no reports have been made. Similar to the great white, however, the Otodus megalodon had ultra-long pectoral fins to support its massive size. After making extensive adjustments, they calculated that the shark's disappearance must have happened at least one million years earlier than once thought. This mass extinction was due to food chain disruption, which negatively impacted apex predators more than anything. A Sperm Whale would surely make a meal for a Megalodon. I cannot wait for the day when there is scientific proof there is a HUGE shark out there! When later disassembled, 2 enormous teeth were found embedded in the bodywork and were later identified as the belonging to the enormous, dangerous and questionable extinct MEGALODON. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. 4. The Brit expert writes: Unusually large, unidentified sharks are still being reported from time to time. What if the megalodon was alive today? With such a large body, eating large prey was likely a requirement. Contact us at our 100 best episodes in one mind-blowing book: this channel to get access to perks: out our other shows:How to Survive: Body on: Creatures: more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: Cosmos: Body: and merch: an episode: If elsewhere: Instagram: If in Spanish: If in Mandarin: If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Conspiracy theorists believe the megalodon has managed to successfully avoid detection for millions of years. Continue with Recommended Cookies. I think the Megalodon The shark is in the marian trench. Just because we have encountered alien life, does not mean it's not out there. The most watched clip was reported to have been filmed at the bottom of the Mariana Trench and appears to show a giant shark scouring the sea floor. Megalodon's maximum size is inferred because we do not actually have a whole preserved Megalodon. This fact alone is enough for most researchers to conclude that Megalodon is extinct. Kudos! HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. I won't say I think it lives in the Trench (although that's possible), but I'm convinced there are things in our oceans we know nothing about and Megalodon may be one of them. For now, megalodon is considered to be extinct. Like digging a hole into the Mariana Trench. More to the point, since no sharks exist below 12,000 feet, and no large prey items, it seems highly unlikely that Megalodon would have evolved to live at such depth. Their teeth are widely spaced between 19 and 28 in the upper jaw and 21 to 29 in the lower jaw. We know primarily about Megalodon's existence through fossilized teeth.