&\textbf{Defense}&\textbf{Others}&\textbf{Defense}&\textbf{Others}&\textbf{Defense}&\textbf{Others}\\[5pt] greenfluorescentproteinh. All government agencies with a role in disaster response work to organize and coordinate the activities of the agencies before an emergency/disaster using.what? The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. C. Moistened towelettes Increase in alcohol or drug consumption \text{Internal use software}&\text{9.5}&\text{33.1}&\text{6.0}&\text{20.7}&\text{3.5}&\text{12.4}\\ Establish Priorities 6. Inadequate water flow, which results in notice to boil water and hampered firefighting capabilities Find the cost. Trained volunteers also offer an important potential workforce to service organizations in non-hazardous functions such as shelter support, crowd control, and evacuation. B. - secure water heaters and have _____ gas lines installed Ensuring evacuation routes are clear D. kitchen items, what kit: Rain gear* Hats and gloves* Sunglasses* C. Leave immediately It is important to understand that completion of this course does not make you a trained CERT volunteer. Can my buddy and I fight the fire safely? Weegy: The main feature of the CERT Program: educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, [ and disaster medical operations. ] * Risk of asphyxiation. (5) assist with installation of smoke alarms Citizen Corps As individuals, we can prepare our homes and families to cope during that critical period. The (1)_____________________________________________________ concept was developed and implemented by the City of Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) in (2)_______________. C. Call the Federal Government to alert it about a terrorist attack c. What is the output of the following statement? Three CERT volunteers are first on the scene of a car accident and provide assistance. A. food items C. personal sanitation items B. building fire \end{array} D. none of the above, What should members of the public do in emergency settings? disease. Mitigation can include non-structural measures, structural changes, and purchasing appropriate insurance. Increased risk of fire or explosion from fuel line rupture Expert answered| emdjay23 |Points 196925| Log in for more information. Test the extinguisher after pulling the pin \text{Cafeteria}&&\$\hspace{10pt}320,000*\\ C. CERT assessment earlyembryoniccellsareassignedspecificfatesl. C. Skyrises A. Make Decisions 7. ), you discharge the extinguisher. Damage to . B. sugar, salt, pepper B. food items Possible Effects are: * ATM machines do not work Are CERT members trained at the same degree of professional responders? To put their Scouting knowledge and skills to use B. dividethebodyintoidenticalunits(segments)b.regulativedetermination2. D. Address the man's medical needs, During which phase do survivors attempt to assess the damage and locate other survivors? Transportation C. Chair carry Gather facts Government emergency service providers include professionals from the following fields Education opportunity plan Remove contaminants, wash with soap & water from head to feet 6. "I am a CERT member, but I have to wait for an official to declare a disaster before I can activate." & \textbf{Accounts Rec. Over 160 CERTs are registered in Massachusetts. Markup =$75= \$75=$75; markup rate of 60%60\%60% based on the selling price. A. disaster kit An example of a non-disaster function of CERTs is: answer choices. C. Balance work, play, and exercise C. Establish priorities As each CERT is organized and trained in accordance with standard operating procedures developed by the sponsoring agency, its members select an Incident Commander/Team Leader (IC/TL) and an alternate and identify a ________________________________________ to be used in the event of a disaster. C. personal sanitation items D. 3 week, what kit: Other prescription drugs* Contact lenses and supplies* Entertainment (games, books) B. E. They are trying to increase the demand curve. A. A. Arterial B. Venous C. Capillary D. Mortal, What is the first thing you do to stop the bleeding? CostAccumulatedDepreciation/AmortizationNet, DefenseOthersDefenseOthersDefenseOthersBuildings,structures,andfacilities384.1275.3230.1150.8154.0124.5Furniture,fixtures,andequipment1,054.5172.7639.7113.3414.859.4Constructioninprogress118.146.5N/AN/A118.146.5Land10.713.0N/AN/A10.713.0Internalusesoftware9.533.,plant,andequipment10.310.85.510.35.3Subtotal1,588.2565.9876.3298.3711.9267.6Totalproperty,plant,andequipment,net2,154.11,174.6979.5\begin{array}{lrrrrrr} The answer key to IS 317.a Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams. Community ____________________ is a key priority in lessening the impact of a disaster, Effective community preparedness also engages _____________________. Assess and Communicate Damage 3. These are congregate care facilities that house many people in one location. Check the label on the extinguisher The Disaster Plan is compliant with current federal guidelines for disaster planning (National Incident Management System). . In order to become a CERT volunteer, you must complete a 20 hour FEMA/CERT training class. * Community leaders from the private and civic sectors D. Call in more CERT members for backup, The fire has spread to other areas by the time the fire department arrives. To build a culture of preparedness it's important to work with the whole community, including: What type of bleeding is this? In the wake of a disaster, many people want to help. Question Asked 8/5/2020 8:31:56 PM 0 Answers/Comments CERTs typically engage in unskilled tasks like checking evacuated homes or reporting unsafe areas. How do you respond to your friend? D. They are trying to ensure that a social goal is satisfied \quad\text{Subtotal}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}1,588.2}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}565.9}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}876.3}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}298.3}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}711.9}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}267.6}}}\\ How can you reduce fuel sources near your home? an organizing of agencies' activities before and emergency or disaster, EOP describes how people and property will be ______, EOP ______ personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources, all members of the community should: learn about community ______ and ______. 4 drops thefateofearlyembryoniccellscanbealteredbytheenvironmente. D. loss of hope and limited expectations about life, What are possible physical symptoms of disasters C. feelings of always being on guard or on constant alert Why is it important that gloves are non-latex? B. . Individuals and Communities. Which of the eight signs of a terrorist attack did the security guard notice? The product of their work is the __________ ____________________________ for that community. Executive office of the president D. Emergency order of protections, What is an EOP? Again compute predetermined overhead rates in the Milling and Finishing Departments. * Gloves (leather work and non-latex exam) 1) Good Samaritan Do my buddy and I have the right equipment? \text{Total budgeted cost}&&\underline{\underline{\$\hspace{5pt}1,061,000}}\\\\ Mass care/community shelter. D. The room number, You and three other CERT members begin searching the local library, a large brick building where many people in the community were instructed to take cover before the storm. An unconscious . a.mosaicdetermination1. Briefings from FEMA personnel O C. This computer-based training course D. Weekly CERT newsletters 12. B. pandemics D. made of brick, During earthquakes, flooding events, and high-wind events, older high-rise buildings, however, are more susceptible to damage from: D. The survivor has a closed-head, neck, or spinal injury, In general, homes built prior to 1940 were not originally (2) take training courses As you conduct your fire size-up, which of the following is the least important question to consider A. feelings of detachment and helplessness Students must pass the applicable course test Basic, Advanced, Military, or . Listen empathetically What is the difference between emergency preparedness and emergency response? ___________________ should be a last resort. Seek clean air and protect breathing passages 4. ________________, __________________, & ______________, It is important to wear the appropriate ____________________________ \textbf{Other}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}0.5}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}3.4}}\\ A. Locate your family and evacuate to safety Keep a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household. any measure not requiring physical construction, any physical construction to reduce/avoid possible impacts of hazards in structures or systems. Staffing parades, health fairs, and other special events Gas line ruptures B. - install hurricane storm _____ C. money that can be used in social setting Warn her that the situation is unsafe However, conducting a financial statement analysis does provide a better understanding of the federal government. To become a CERT volunteer, you must complete the classroom training offered by a local government agency such as the emergency management agency, fire or police department. C. Limited access to fuel A. pet items The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program instructs volunteers about disaster readiness for the hazards that may affect their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, for example, fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. \end{array} B. food items \quad\text{Change in cash balance}&\text{159.5}&\text{40.2}\\ _____________________________ is where the fire department and other services will interact with CERTs. Ask about emergency planning at your workplace, schools, places of worship, and other social settings C. bring government and community leaders together to ensure emergency plans more effectively reflect the community's needs, challenges, capabilities, and resources CERTs are a _______________ to professional responders until they are able to arrive, Community preparedness is a ________________ in lessening the impact of disasters. You have reason to suspect that this boy is suffering from: _____________________________ has the responsibility to develop, test, and refine emergency operation plans. Q. CERT members volunteer to fill non-disaster roles. D. never, Which of the following would a cert volunteer not respond to? B. C. Physically restrain her from entering A. disaster kit What should you do if the fire continues to burn 5 seconds after you start to extinguish it? When you respond to a disaster as a CERT volunteer, you can establish priorities and make decisions about how and if your team will respond by: Find your CERT sponsoring agency sponsor at the staging area to get information. \text{i. segmentation genes} & \text{9. a DNA-binding motif found in certain transcription factors}\\ A. Utilities (3) lives, health, and the environment are endangered, What are the three most important things at risk in the case of an emergency/disaster. It is important to store emergency supplies for these possibilities. C. home The training model that the LAFD initiated was adopted by other fire departments around the country, including communities where the major threat is hurricanes rather than earthquakes. (4a)(bc)(4 \mathbf{a}) \cdot(\mathbf{b} \times \mathbf{c})(4a)(bc). & \textbf{Invoice} && \textbf{Post.} CafeteriaCustodialServicesMachineryMaintenanceMillingFinishingTotalbudgetedcost$320,00065,40093,600416,000166,000$1,061,000. substancewhoseconcentrationdeterminescellfates7. A. A. ATMs do not work and Credit card systems inoperable aDNA-bindingmotiffoundincertaintranscriptionfactors10. (2) Volunteer Protection Act of 1997, a statute that relieves medical professionals from liability for ordinary negligence when they stop and render aid to victims in emergency situations. Then compute predetermined overhead rates in the operating departments for the current year using machine-hours as the allocation base in the Milling Department and direct labor-hours as the allocation base in the Finishing Department. C. The survivor is bleeding internally Possible Effects are: * Damaged critical facilities (e.g., hospitals, fire stations, police precincts, airports) unable to function normally A. ready.gov/community-emergency-response-team B. community.fema.gov C. community.fema.org D. ready/gov, What kind of permission does a CERT volunteer need to treat an unconscious patient? Monitoring the news for potential disaster threats You cannot find anything obvious obstructing his airway. Volunteers are assigned according to the training they have received. whenanullalleleisdominanttoawild-typeallele9. 2010\\ * Flow of needed supplies (food, water, etc.) B. car Financial Services A. c. local schools, food businesses, and human resources Weekly CERT newsletters B. This is an example of : answer choices. \quad\text{Interest paid on Treasury securities held by the public}&\text{(262.7)}&\text{(243.5)}\\ Date2010Nov. (2) emergency personnel may be overwhelmed "What became clear early on was that there was a need to . Some jobs take a large amount of machine work in the Milling Department, and other jobs take a large amount of hand finishing work in the Finishing Department. Designate CERT Team Leader status to someone else in the Command Post Evaluation checklist C. Two Acting as individuals first, then later as members of teams, trained CERT volunteers can fan out within their assigned areas, extinguishing small fires, turning off natural gas at damaged homes, performing light search and rescue, and rendering basic medical treatment. C. Take the bucket and find a place to boil the water, since you assume that one of the buildings must have a functional kitchen An example of a non-disaster function of CERTs is: \text{h. genetic mosaics} & \text{8. when a null allele is dominant to a wild-type allele}\\ Every room in the house dividethebodyintoidenticalunits(segments)2.initiatedbythebindingofligandtoreceptor3. Communicate what you know to one of the firefighters encodeproteinsthataccumulateinunfertilizedeggsandareneededforembryodevelopmentk. \text{Furniture, fixtures, and equipment}&\text{1,054.5}&\text{172.7}&\text{639.7}&\text{113.3}&\text{414.8}&\text{59.4}\\ until professional assistance is available, Personal Protective Equipment head to toe, helmet, goggles, N95 mask, gloves, sturdy shoes/boots. On November 14, Hydro Clothing sold the remaining shares at $7 per share. Why do you only take a 3-day disaster kit to a mass care or community shelter? C. Hyperactivity Have another volunteer lead the mother away 1. REVENUEJOURNAL, InvoicePost.AccountsRec. * Sturdy shoes or boots, UNIT 3: DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS Part 1, UNIT 3: DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS Part 2, UNIT 5: LIGHT SEARCH AND RESCUE The cable from drum AAA turns the double wheel BBB, which rolls on its hubs without slipping. A. * Conducting light (3)__________ ___ ____________ operations maternaleffectgenesm.signaltransductionpathways1. A. household documents and contact information \textbf{UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT}\\ Wait for the fire department to arrive CERT volunteers must be 21 years or older for liability reasons. C. food items The CERT Program trains volunteers to prepare for the types of disasters that their community may face. . . B. Buildings,structures,andfacilitiesFurniture,fixtures,andequipmentConstructioninprogressLandInternalusesoftwareAssetsundercapitalleaseLeaseholdimprovementsOtherproperty,plant,andequipmentSubtotalTotalproperty,plant,andequipment,netDefense384.11,054.5118.,588.2Others275.3172.746.513.,154.1Defense230.1639.7N/AN/A6.00.20.3876.3Others150.8113.3N/AN/A20.,174.6Defense154.0414.8118. D. CERT members are community volunteers who can give critical support to first responders, provide immediate assistance to victims, and organize spontaneous volunteers at the site of an emergency. D. Flight, Fight, Freeze, Faint, Fear, What are typical emotional responses in disasters The common terminology used by all emergency responders and trained cert volunteers is mandated by. Community leaders have a responsibility to participate in How can community leaders help prepare their community for a disaster/emergency? A. A. B. ready.gov a. law enforcement, public health services, and fire and rescue A. B. food items A. pandemic geneticmosaicsi. Home and work B. C. Aspirin or non-aspirin pain reliever 2 day It trains citizens in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. A. Pre-disaster phase An unknown blood-borne disease D. clothing and bedding items, What kit: An extra set of car keys and house keys - The CERT's sponsoring organization determines how and when to assign CERT volunteers. Plan. \quad\text{Other direct loan transactions}&\text{(80.3)}&\text{(119.9)}\\ By being the first person to arrive on the scene A. Bolted to the garage What should you do? D. Hypothermia, You arrive at the meeting point and your CERT Team Leader assigns you to help with the survivors. B. Damage to . * Assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals for carrying out specific actions at projected times and places in an emergency that exceeds the capability or routine responsibility of any one agency (e.g., the fire department) Taking preparatory action can reassure you and your children that you can exert a measure of control even in the face of such events. A. truckload A. D. kitchen items, what kit: Toilet paper, towelettes* Feminine supplies* Household chlorine bleach Dr.FeesEarnedCr.$2,6251,0501,600965$6,240(e). C. Keep it for your own records C. personal sanitation items A. Volunteer Toolbox: The Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) has drafted a Volunteer Toolbox resource for non-profits utilizing volunteers in times of disaster. I wonder if the problem is in our overhead rates., Severson Products manufactures high-quality wood products to customers specifications. A. D. Connect with others, The goal of on-scene psychological intervention by CERT members is to stabilize the incident scene by stabilizing individuals. C. Increased risk to public health gas line ruptures, damage from falling objects, risk or injury or electric shock, fire, water heaters or ranges displaced by shaking, water, or wind. Decision to stay or change locations 3. B. * Sets forth lines of authority and organizational relationships and shows how all actions will be coordinated * Extinguishing small fires C. Food, Fire, Fright, Flight, Fear CashflowfromunifiedbudgetactivitiesTotalunifiedbudgetaryreceiptsTotalunifiedbudgetaryoutlaysUnifiedbudgetdeficitAdjustmentsfornon-cashoutlaysincludedintheunifiedbudgetInterestaccruedonTreasurysecuritiesheldbythepublicAgenciesyear-endcreditreformsubsidyre-estimatesSubsidyexpenseaccruedunderdirectloan&guaranteeprogramsSubtotal-Adjustmentsfornon-cashtransactionsinunifiedbudgetCashflowfromactivitiesnotincludedinunifiedbudgetCashflowfromnon-budgetactivitiesInterestpaidonTreasurysecuritiesheldbythepublicOtherdirectloantransactionsRepaymentofprincipalondirectloansOtherguaranteedloantransactionsMiscellaneousliabilitiesDepositfundliabilitybalancesSeignorageSubtotal-cashflowfromnon-budgetactivitiesCashflowfrommonetarytransactionsLoanstotheIMFOthermonetaryassetsSpecialdrawingrightsSubtotal-cashflowfrommonetarytransactionsCashflowfromfinancingBorrowingfromthepublicRepaymentofdebtheldbythepublicEffectofuninvestedprincipalfromtheThriftSavingsPlan(TSP)GFundAgencysecuritiesSubtotal-cashflowfromfinancingOtherChangeincashbalanceBeginningcashbalanceEndingcashbalance3,266.7(3,854.1)(587.4)264.1(12.7)11.8263.2(262.7)(80.3)(11.6)(10.2)1.6(0.7)0.6(363.3)0.91.9(0.3)2.58,390.4(7,343.3)(203.2)0.1844.00.5159.5305.1464.63,248.7(3,687.6)(438.9)254.426.8(22.0)250.2(243.5)(119.9)17.49.8(0.3)20.50.6(315.4)3.00.6(2.9)0.77,037.5(6,700.6)203.20.1540.23.440.2264.9305.1.