Much of the South lay in ruins with What did the 15th Amendment accomplish ? African American males would not have the right to vote until the Fourteenth Amendment was passed. While this lesson will not provide answers for all of these questions, the hope is that it will point students in the direction of seeking out such answers with the documents and the interactive provided and formulating their own similar kinds of questions. Resources that rely on Adobe Flash Player are no longer supported. The website Making Sense of Letters and Diaries is one such site. What were the provisions of the first Reconstruction Act? For this activity, the students will use the interactive maps [temporarily located at] as well as the documents specified below that can be found in the Text Document for Activity 1. Radical Republicans thought it was letting the South off too easily. What wasthe primary purpose of the Reconstruction period following the Civil War? WebThe largest weapons factories were located in the South. follow the worksheet and think about how this person would feel about Reconstruction. WebReconstruction refers to the period 1) the period before the Civil War 2) the period after the Civil War 3) the era of civil rights movement 4) the era after the Revolutionary War 2. the B 9. It gave women the right to vote in the United States. It required that 50 percent of a state's voters take the oath of allegiance and demanded stronger safeguards for emancipation than Lincoln's as the price of readmission. A monumental tomb in New York City was constructed in his honor as a result of what was the largest public fundraising campaign in history up to that time. Lincoln "pocket-vetoed" this bill by refusing to sign it after Congress had adjourned. What was the immediate cause of Johnson's impeachment? dkRlbH/Wo/3+Po32dDJAw'sN72G>0,a-X{..\&j;Z0P{~S W]O"Kwrzb\G 7O XctWhpk Compare Allende's description of the contrast between rich and poor in Latin America with Gordimer's depiction of the contrast between rich and poor in Latin America with Gordimer's depiction of the narrator and Petrus in "Six Feet of the Country". The central question of Reconstruction was how to reunite a badly divided country fractured by four years of civil war. Which group was still not aloud to vote? One thing students might consider, for example, is how the devastation of war and the slow pace of efforts to recover from that devastation kept the South in a subordinate economic position in comparison to the faster growing cities of the North. Borrowed what they needed on credit from the owner, it was a bad because the farmer always owed more money than they made on the farm, leaving them stuck in this system. To help African Americans, particularly those who had been enslaved, adjust to life with increased rights and responsibilities, To ensure that white voters supported anti-slavery laws and policies. The Freedmen's Bureau helped most in the area of education. answer choices If loading fails, click here to try again. Fear of black rule. Why was the former Confederacy divided into military districts by the federal government? The Presidential Plans (Lincoln and Johnson), the Congressional (Radical Republican), and then Military control (Military Reconstruction Act - South broken down into 5 military districts), Communication des organisations - section 3, Lincoln's vs. Johnson's Plans for Reconstruct, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Civil War, Reconstruction and Old West Review. Given sentence below refers to a numbered sentence in the passage. &!O3bsJ!WK^86QP91IDY LcB=G[s^P`~`AB)Pd~yfOqbS(ox2GWb{quG9sX }Lg U[* Right now, he is working on the chapter that examines the importance and impact of the Fourteenth Amendment. and any corresponding bookmarks? The end of the Civil War found the nation without a settled Reconstruction policy. Republicans regained a substantial number of voters who had previously been denied voting rights due to unproven war crimes. In Grants opposition to the Tenure of Office Act (passed during Johnsons term in 1867), which required Senate approval of all presidential appointments and dismissals, many believed that Grant evinced the kind of political fortitude necessary to set things aright. %%EOF By allowing the former Confederates to reenter the political arena, Republicans faced an uphill battle against the surge in Democratic support and voter-suppression tactics aimed at Republicans and African Americans. In many ways, we continue these struggles in our politics today. white violence, KKK, terrorizing blacks and those who supported them so they wouldn't vote. WebIdentify specific problems that may have emerged as a result of Reconstruction policy in its many and varied permutations. As resistance and violence continued to spread in the South, Republican resolve began to weaken. While many of the efforts at reconstruction were legitimate and well-intentioned, a good number were not. This legislation overturned "Black Codes" that had been established in the former Confederate states and had been used to keep African Americans in a near-state of slavery. Gave blacks curfews and did not allow them to carry guns. was a name for southern whites who supported Reconstruction in the South, often Republican. What connections do you see between the realities in Latin America and South Africa? These groups will take on the role of special investigative committees reporting to a Congressional committee examining the effects of Reconstruction. Saliency maps reveal directly how much a change in each input pixel would affect reconstruction loss, while each pixel's reconstruction error may be attributed to many input pixels when layers are fully connected. the redeemers. Johnson and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton were bitter enemies, and the president wanted to get rid of him. HWn}W*(5X,lvLvv}X[ZKq>yFNIQ:UNWOo+S.~/\N($B;f %QI`MVy*|UrS=/4t4_&y^F?7KH84ZxGIUl~&=$wZ]mI_}?cIt4.#9r{s~zn|'nDD DqPz7.|f@(F_k~mz\(J( ,l=70$(yAbs[ki i l}QXvf;;4f74x4B3G3=!7.W X5Xz4]?w/ %Q:!^M_}8z:K H?Ce[U|.CKu@CY) iw#7PY7WP$|WPUqAr5vVK]tok*Dx|MX:-!O Jo#=j8u>rRt\?n! ~.Mgq1JwPD_8 sgA4DY_.kYTP@FuU;zvbEFX=1 S$&5blu1X3=y\W]lh 5f+tY[SU%-6+VZX]r6_>:@ t QYoySE"6=sPoa'&vxgO,q2@pYb: S,d.b9Ij?z/pT0,8[Bx53;IGbxfBQcNx;sLWcw1s}(5_1TJz0O#FNl7DysZjEnjN0_k!d.vT&_AfjwGlEPC|aVK=:+JG}gg] @@ovkV\Uv(%xR\V&%9 cn_n@:/X4m4dIo1i`m[q}+ql4w CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. The historians aim is to write the first comprehensive history of the period. What was Johnson's plan for Reconstruction? The reconstruction period had its successes and failures. The sharecropping model left many tenant farmers in such dire straits that it was nearly impossible to break free from their economic shackles. Who did the Fifteenth Amendment formally grant the right to vote in 1870? CAm? There were also a number of members in Congress who were involved in the Crdit Mobilier scandal, which involved the Union Pacific Railroad and federal contracts for the first Transcontinental Railroad. How did many Southern states work around the voting rights guaranteed in the Fifteenth Amendment? There was no profit for workers. This meant that the huge majorities Republicans then enjoyed were, so to speak, operating on borrowed time. Which of the following describes the African American experience in the Reconstruction-Era South? Eph/LWNMK $r3R6W>44w9(Hct:@LN@@4H9O$T,\LuqDk9HMZ] 7l7{7eCUbMWmh"!baox]51Q"EF kRm'C*_@Q$VF*`C{:7v I"q{n]w)cqJ}q*6]d&5PhdSh3_|`k^Mq!U\:fqo,SI0L6-;jTS(WOC6"ZCx+5bo42+Pp;3:=BbXm)]IF bJLA/RO\Hh2cN]J8JUApfGuYB^(YDLsNil/y!0>3LW{0 nPt2==eD>>H5o [c5vk~a5T?, P[oFVB-"X7/S{+} 2b(RG,}ti\ They were seen as Yankees that were trying to take over the southern states' governments. (.EVDY(*BAwz{}}$awd$J7 IBFQ` Some of this language may be difficult for students to understand without some guidance. There were those who used their positions for exploitation. answer choices Reconstruction Freedman's Bureau Black Codes Jim Crow Laws Question 7 900 seconds Q. The next century would see African Americans continuing to fight for the legal rights they had been granted and were rightfully entitled to. The first federal immigration restrictions were passed during this time. Following Lincoln's assassination, the task of implementing Reconstruction fell to his vice president, Andrew Johnson. Congress enacted its Reconstruction program over Johnson's veto. still conservative Republicans. What happened to white small farmers during this time? This helped to shape the national political debate for generations. Johnson's policies. The teacher may also wish to begin thinking about how the class is to be divided into small groups (3-5 is suggestedbut the teacher should judge the correct size based on the size of the class) as several of the activities in this lesson involve small group work. It was thought the freed slaves would be forced to work. Question 4 The government would pay farmers to grow specific crops that were particularly in demand. Discuss how these policies may have affected attitudes in Women still could not vote. Reconstruction aimed to bring the southern states back into the Union, reestablish southern loyalty to the United States Constitution, integrate freed slaves into society, and repair the southern economy that no longer had the advantage of slave labor. What legal loopholes did Southerners create to resist African American equality? African Americans began to be elected to federal, state, and local governmental posts. Although the Lost Cause narrative argued that Grant's presidency had been a complete failure, more recent scholarship has attempted to reevaluate his legacy in a more balanced manner, highlighting both the accomplishments and shortcomings of his eight years in office. But in the end, events overpowered the best thinking on both sides of this divide and the impact of these great victories was left to be felt and interpreted by a new generation of Americans. `cw]}{(ugeFo, +mKk.]{g~S^NWs0znS`~Zm%,Kw~vBY5_oLx|? Write the letter of the choice that gives the sentence a meaning that is closest to the original sentence. Which of the following is true of the Civil Rights Act of 1866? However, Congress refused to seat the newly elected senators and representatives from the South. Weighted against growth in the North, the South fared poorer by all economic gauges. Losing the Civil War meant that the South would have to conform to the laws of the United States. He talked about punishing the traitors and breaking up the large plantations, but at the same time, he supported states' rights and had little sympathy for blacks. Several states refused to either repudiate the huge debt produced by the war or unconditionally accept the Thirteenth Amendment. many had borrowed form the merchants who forclosed on them when they could not pay. legislators that were elected to office in the South during Reconstruction? In this %PDF-1.5 % #o`9} }#9BNDo9L(]xA g|XW.o&pI.78DBjV]^;. Because of doubts about the constitutionality of the new Civil Rights Act, the congressional Joint Committee on Reconstruction drafted the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Compose a two-page essay explaining the ways in which the effects of Reconstruction may continue to affect our politics today. Why was the Battle of Midway a turning point in the war in the Pacific? This condition was inevitable given the disqualification of many of the regions most experienced and able government officials because of their disfranchisement for participation in the late rebellion. It required a majority of voters in each Confederate state to swear their allegiance to the US before rejoining the Union, It prohibited Confederate officials and military leaders from voting or holding office. In addition to racial animosityand possibly a factor that fed into that animosity as it was exploited by demagogueswas the rule of ineffective and inexperienced state and local politicians in the wake of Southern defeat. for freed slaves. The end of the war brought with it much devastation and, of course, those who knew how to turn devastation into opportunity. and use your Reconstruction Notes to answer the questions below. Adoption of the amendment was an issue in the 1866 congressional elections, but the president's campaign against it did not work. Andrew Johnson. Ulysses S. Grant, Gen Commander of the Union forces in the Civil War. C04I!q^Q);i])G~H.HdRYBBYRi8,i 7P.,NPI What were the problems faced by the south after the Civil War? corruption did not come to an end. How did the Compromise of 1877 effectively end Reconstruction? The Presidential Plans (Lincoln and Johnson), the Congressional Ex. He believed the South should not be welcomed back into the Union, He believed the Southern states should have to recognize equal rights for African Americans before being welcomed back into the Union, He insisted that a majority of Southern citizens take an oath of loyalty before the South could be welcomed back into the Union. The EDSITEment-reviewed sites Digital History and Documenting the American South offer a wide variety of documents concerning the effects of Reconstruction on the newly freed black population and Southern society, in general. But in his first showdown with Congress upon being elected, Grant backed down and accepted a compromise proposal with the Senate even after the House had voted to join him in his opposition to the Act. They gave land to the railroads. Formally defines citizenship and protects a person's civil and political rights from being abridged or denied by any state. These expanding Northern cities were a draw for much of the dislocated workforce in the Southincluding newly freed slaves. y@bi(^k^izu#(fN@)Z4x[wN)Gd\JvWma:M;:*BL5;Sh`2lM^YQ2k(!W7.W)J0>krA"eXk+n R/B.zuu7' ]apJ|_wv^k| +^|B`:H$wlEnT*8@0vX{[rm6FoN,iE?FF/mh@u'Q{$]pJn07a8Y9U-A/, S7GYjkQUKC2"qxLa=23P21 |0Cm)r PS)et%.H e' In 1865 President Andrew Johnson implemented a plan of Reconstruction that gave the white South a free hand in regulating the transition from slavery to freedom and offered no role to blacks in the politics of the South. endstream endobj 415 0 obj <>/Metadata 42 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[423 0 R]>>/Outlines 67 0 R/PageLabels 408 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 410 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/StructTreeRoot 70 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 416 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 417 0 obj <>stream Based on the documents reviewed in this lesson, list some of the leading and competing political interests in the South as Reconstruction was drawing to a close. The vote in the Senate was thirtyfive to nineteen in favor of conviction, one short of the necessary twothirds majority. White Violence- southerners could deal better than the north