Con dos de sus hijos en prisiones estadounidenses, las autoridades apuntan que El Mencho podra estar preparando a El 03 como su prximo sucesor. Within days, authorities detained six Not exactly folding like a cheap suit. It does sound like grupo balin. That means that the real bosses are the bosses in government. Remember when Chapos goons kidnapped Menchito in prison and Mencho folded like a cheap suit? OFACs regulations generally prohibit all transactions by U.S. persons or persons within (or transiting) the United States that involve any property or interests in property of designated or otherwise blocked persons. you know nothing Juan Nieve. But youre a nobody @ 10:29 La mencha doesnt even know you exist and I highly doubt youre sleeping with anybody nothing but another keyboard warrior cheerleader, 10:29 u stay going to Sinaloa to see a real narco guy,. "Organizaciones fachada fundadas por partidos en crisis desde 2018, slo un empresario corrupto como Claudio X. Gonzlez, los puede reunir". En ese momento, se volvieron comunes los vdeos de personas cercenadas por . Too funny. Thats f up how his people from gallinero (Sinaloa) just left him like that nadie se le paro ya muerto. He works for the US, he became an informant since his arrest in Ca back in 92, everything that goes on in mex is being puppeteer by the US of A, all u guys are blind. 05/03/2022 - 11:32 am + Artculos relacionados . simultaneously in several parts of the city. who were on the CJNG payroll, allegedly providing protection to the criminal Tell me why we smashed some so called zetas in prison (texas department of corrections) they ain't shit without their guns so stfu man Scottish zeta never gets old, unlike 006 on the other hand. El Menchito is a former drug trafficker, high-ranking leader of the Jalisco Cartel Nueva Generacin (CJNG). Rumors have Mexicans training to use Blackhawk helicopters at night with flares. El "Doble R" fue vinculado con el homicidio del entonces secretario de Turismo de Jalisco, Jos de Jess Gallegos lvarez ocurrido en marzo de 2013.El narco opera bajo las rdenes del hijastro de Oseguera Cervantes, Juan Carlos Valencia alias "El 03", quien presuntamente cre las clulas lite del CJNG para pelar en contra de los crteles de Santa Rosa de Lima, Los Viagras y La . Durango 100% Cabrera and where marranos come to die. Local authorities and media are reporting multiple road blockades, burning vehicles, and shootouts between Mexican security forces and unspecified criminal elements in various parts of the Guadalajara metropolitan area, the consulate said. Marro". "El 03": posible sucesor de "El Mencho" "El 03" tendra tanto poder y confianza en el CJNG que sera el posible sucesor de "El Mencho". I wrote a comment similar to this like 8 months ago. CJNG. Momento del tiroteo sobre paseo Puerta de Hierro, en Zapopan, Estado de Jalisco, el 2 de octubre de 2022. Anteriormente, la fiscala haba publicado un comunicado en el que informaba de la detencin de Aldrin "J", presunto lder del CJNG, Diana "M" y Juan "B". (June 2022) The picture were mencho hold on one arm a rooster and the other a little boy that people think is mechito its actually el 3 Michoacano. En consecuencia, todos los bienes y participaciones en bienes de los sancionados que se encuentren en Estados Unidos o que estn en poder o bajo el control de estadounidenses quedaron bloqueados. Arrestan a hombre por intentar introducir explosivos en un avin en EU 01/03/2023 . Our unwavering mission to disrupt CJNGs operations was reflected by todays actions against those that aid and support this global criminal enterprise.. And here we are 30 years Later and still with cartels and gangs in the USA. In another clip, alleged members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) are seen lined up in a caravan and firing their high-calibre weapons in the air. Jurado investigador acusa a seis personas de participar en esquema de contrabando de armas del Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin. leaders: "El Mencho"; his son Rubn Oseguera Gonzlez, "El Criminal penalties for corporate officers may include up to 30 years in prison and fines of up to $5 million. The previously designated businesses in Mexico include shopping centers, real estate companies, agricultural companies, a music promotion business, and a luxury boutique hotel. Sinaloa is flamboyant and that why you know of them! Images shared on Twitter showed at least one bus burning and several armed men carjacking people at stop lights. In June 2020, Mexican authorities blocked Abouzaid El Bayehs Mexican bank accounts due to his relationship with CJNG. El Mencho has been involved for a long time he has his family and we only know 1 of his brothers but the government . Mencho makes them say that or what? The gunfights started Tuesday night simultaneously in several parts of the city, including the posh neighborhood of Zapopan, according to local reports. OFAC designated Abouzaid El Bayeh for his high-level role in facilitating drug shipments and money laundering for the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG), a violent Mexican drug trafficking organization that is responsible for trafficking a significant proportion of the fentanyl and other deadly drugs that enter the United States. El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) estableci modelos de negocios ilegales como una fuente de ingresos que usa en . You believe what you are supposed to believe! Todas fueron sancionadas por ser propiedad, estar controladas o dirigidas por el CJNG, incluso por haber actuado en nombre del grupo criminal, directa o indirectamente, explic el Departamento del Tesoro. Nacional. Lots of old ties to mencho/cuinis in the Bay Area. The CJNG is one of the most powerful drug cartels in Mexico and has been behind some of the deadliest attacks on Mexican security forces, such as a 2015 ambush in Jalisco which left 15 officers dead. In the first, the members of the Under his father, he allegedly worked as second in command of the CJNG and directed the international drug trafficking operations. CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics a significant proportion of the illicit fentanyl and other deadly . Governors, Generals, Etc those are the people the cartels produce the most money for. March 2, 2023. Jos Melndez, corresponsal SAN JOS, Costa Rica, febrero 13 (EL UNIVERSAL).- La guerrilla comunista colombiana del Ejrcito de Liberacin Nacional (ELN), que este lunes reanudar las negociaciones de paz con el gobierno de Colombia en Mxico, fue sealada desde 2018 por la polica antidroga colombiana como proveedora de cocana del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), una de . The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has announced its arrival in El Volantn, a small town in Jalisco near Lake Chapala, and it doesn't plan on leaving any time soon. Segn la investigacin con terminacin 342/03-2021, el dueo de un bar . -Jose Maria Guizar Valencia, z43, alias Charlie, El Amo.-Mauricio Guizar Cardenas, El Amarillo, zeta.-Were they family with the Valencias of Michoacan? CJNG cartel boss "El Mencho" tops the DEA's Most Wanted list with a $10 million reward for help finding him. Carteles de la droga mexicanos se infiltran en crceles de Ecuador, controladas por el crimen. This character is allegedly emerging as the successor of "El Mencho", as there is evidence that the recent acts of violence that have occurred in the region have been ordered directly by him. The arrest of Ruiz would be one of the biggest hits to date against the CJNG by Mexican authorities. Mencho), for playing a significant role in international narcotics trafficking. Juan Carlos Gonzlez , alias " El 03 ", who boasts being the leader A solid plan could never come together without being infiltrated. EU sanciona a 8 empresas mexicanas por estafas vinculadas al "CJNG". Also goes by nickname of "Prieto". cell was linked, is the murder of. They had their run but now all you hear is cjng like cds years back.. just look at all the stories here in BB, most are cjng.. Compartir en . The U.S. consulate in Guadalajara issued a warning asking people to seek secure shelter and notify friends and family of their safety. CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics a significant proportion of the illicit fentanyl and other deadly drugs that enter the United States. Los Alegres Del Barranco also made a song for him. Sin embargo, el desafo no ha resultado slo contra el grupo criminal antagnico, sino contra todo el pas. "Festejemos las mltiples y diversas convocatorias a las marchas del 8M en ms de una docena de ciudades importante del pas". Theyve had those blackhawks for yrs now! where three deaths, one wounded and four kidnapped were reported. Por fraude de tiempo compartido, una red de empresas dirigidas por el Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin ( CJNG) fue sancionada por el . Se le seala de ser el presunto responsable del secuestro de Jess Alfredo e Ivn Archivaldo, hijos de Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn, el 15 de agosto de 2016 en un restaurante ubicado en Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, mientras festejaban un cumpleaos. El total de compaas sancionadas se definen como empresas de servicios financieros o inmobiliarias con sede en Jalisco, un bastin estratgico del CJNG para el narcotrfico y otras actividades ilcitas por las que la OFAC ha tomado medidas contra personas vinculadas a clubes nocturnos, bares y restaurantes, segn el Tesoro. Its blurry and looks really informational. Los presuntos lderes detenidos del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) son Christian "N", "El Zorro" y a Aldrin Miguel Jarqun Jarqun, "El Chaparrito". Los arrestos se habran producido durante una operacin de cateo en los municipios de Zapopan y Guadalajara, Jalisco, por parte de la Fiscala General de la Repblica (FGR), a travs de la Fiscala Especializada en Materia de Delincuencia Organizada (FEMDO), y con el apoyo de elementos de la Secretara de Marina Armada de Mxico (SEMAR). Lock Lol hes fkd, That's just a rumor.. the other rumor is mencho kidnapped chapitos and got a big ransom and plazas I believe the second theory for the fact that cjng has more territory than any cartel in Mexico. Such as the case with Flechas MZ, an associated organization that has the strength, power, money, and firepower to defeat the CJNG in the region. It was an exhibition of the Nope, hes the son. "A medida que el CJNG ha consolidado territorio durante la ltima dcada, ha agregado otros delitos a su actividad principal de narcotrfico [] En destinos tursticos como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha involucrado mucho en el fraude de tiempos compartidos, que a menudo tiene como objetivo a los ciudadanos estadounidenses". Esta bien chaka. This follows many actions we have taken against CJNG actors in Puerto Vallarta who have abused the local tourism industry. "El 3" indicated as one of the main collaborators of El "Mencho", some media reports that the relationship they maintain is of a Godfather and Godson, but others mention that it could be an unrecognized son of Oseguera Cervantes. Do you not remember that CJNG is the only cartel to give the army and sedena a run for their money how many black hawks did they shoot down with rpgs? arrested in July 2018. The attacks happened simultaneously in the two states of Jalisco and Guanajuato, according to news reports. Por El Debate. Cinco de las ocho empresas se encuentran en Puerto Vallarta y al menos una de ellas ha entregado pagos a . The videos usually feature several armed men dressed in tactical uniforms with the cartel initials CJNG stamped on their bulletproof vests. Tipped off that a police caravan was on its way to grab El Mencho, CJNG hitmen hid along the route in April 2015 and ambushed four police vehicles. shoutouts to menchito the call of duty playerthats cute. Bro I stay going to sinaloa to sleep with these narcos wife's. La Garra est considerado uno de los dos cabecillas que podran colocarse al frente de la organizacin criminalen caso de que Nemesio Oseguera El Mencho fuera abatido o detenido por las autoridades. Snchez was once a top lieutenant in the CJNG, but split to form his own cartel called La Nueva Plaza in 2017. A lot of people I know IRL have been talking about the video. Those vehicles, painted camo, would never stand out on Mexican roadways. If he stayed in the same place in the CDS hierarchy, Id assume hed been in some sort of management position for Los Sinaloas in GDL and Zapopan. 006 got bitch slapped by Menchos daughter. murder of former Jalisco State tourism secretary, A Cartel Firefight Just Turned a US-Mexico Border Town Into a War Zone. Notorious Mexico cartel leader El Azul has been arrested. opposing criminal cells.". Nobody respects his son. EU sanciona a 8 empresas ligadas al CJNG que estafan a dueos de tiempos compartidos. Adems del trasiego de drogas, su actividad se concentra en el huachicol. Itll blow your mind lol. Exactly a multi billion dollar industry that brings in cash to the elite and enough young men join and die in large enough numbers to thin out the numbers of the poorest sections of the country just enough to avoid the constant revolutions and civil wars. according to General Luis Crescencio Sandoval.". 1. . Adems, Julio . 100% in agreement Durango es de los Duranguenses Puro Numeros! Snipers on Lake Amistad in Texas made short work of pot shotters. I said his godson goes by the name of Prieto. He is the son of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes (aka "El Mencho"), one of the most wanted men in Mexico. poor fella was just used by the other idiots y ay estan de lambe huevos ustedes .. el chanito es de Sinaloa no? "El 03 creci criminalmente al amparo del lder principal del CJNG. 02/03/2023 03:51. Y seal que trabaja de manera conjunta con la Administracin para el Control de Drogas (DEA) y la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera (UIF) de Mxico. One of its leaders at the time But some people say Osama did not do 9/11, like Architects and Engineers for Truth 9/11 All I know is Guaido had more weapons than saddam hussein, about two cartons of bananas. Theyre originally composed of members that already operated in Jalisco some worked for Nacho Coronel, but the majority come from Milenio, and these are organizations that already had the governments attention.It should be noted that alot of people from Coronel went with Mencho since they where closer to Mencho than they where to Chapo even tho coronel was CDS he shared his plaza with Milenio and worked together, and CJNG had full support from CDS at that that timeEl Aguila who was nachos nephew and in charge of coronels men in cjng fell, CJNG went independent and those men loyal to los coronel didnt like menchos way of working and they formed La Corona but being already enemies of La Resistencia and now CJNG and CDS still supported CJNG to help fight off zetas, la corona fell. Los medios locales, que repasan los acontecimientos criminales en la entidad tapata, aseguran que Juan Carlos Gonzlez fue el encargado del ataque al ex fiscal de Jalisco, Luis Carlos Njera, el 22 de mayo de 2018en la ciudad Guadalajara, quien slo result herido en una mano, y el asesinato de los miembros de la Agencia de Investigacin Criminal de la Subprocuradura Especializada en Investigacin de Delincuencia Organizada (Seido), Alfonso Hernndez Villavicencio y Octavio Martnez Quiroz; y del director de Seguridad Pblica de Zamora (Michoacn), Daniel Torres Hernndez. It was a very violent reaction by the criminals, Ricardo Meja Berdeja, Mexicos Security Undersecretary said in a security meeting Wednesday morning. That dude pirata de culiacan just show his people have some big cojones step Foot on enemy territory no fear on his heart. He was also identified as the alleged link between the CJNG and federal, state, and municipal authorities, Please help by moving some material from it into the body of the article. He is Mencho's godson from a fallen best friend/compadre. It is another victory for Jalisco New Generation Cartel in it's war with Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel. 7:21 Osama Bin Laden was CIA, in Yugoslavia, when the war of secession between Bosnia and Croatia for stealing them away from Russia like Ukrainia, right after the Sochi games, Osama was fighting for the moslems there, came to hate the US because he felt abandoned. While Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias "El Mencho", hides from the authorities of Mexico and the United States, an alleged son deals with a large part of the operations of the Jalisco Cartel Nueva Generacin. participated in an attack against the Villagrn municipal police in Guanajuato, En relacin con la COVID-19, en ese mismo periodo, el Subsecretario de Salud seal que haban sido 64 mil 414 los fallecidos, mientras el Inegi, "Este prximo 8 de marzo los hombres tenemos que observar, aprender y desplegar nuestra sensibilidad para entender lo que nos toca hacer o no hacer. Con dos de sus hijos en prisiones estadounidenses, las autoridades apuntan que El Mencho podra estar preparando a El 03 como su prximo sucesor. Noticias PV (@noticiaspv) April . been involved in various violent acts, including the murder of three municipal Gonzalez - aka El 03 - has created two elite military units, El RR and El Grupo Delta, which are battling for territory in central Mexico with rival cartels. This must be the dumbest shit CJNG has ever done. Group" currently operates in the states of. and/or " Tripa", is the leader of the cell in Michoacn, this is according Happen to zetas, caballeros templarios (under PAN blessing) and now tecato Mencho time's up. En destinos tursticos como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha implicado mucho en el fraude en multipropiedad, que con frecuencia apunta a ciudadanos estadunidenses, revel Andrea Gacki, directora de la Oficina de Control de Bienes Extranjeros (OFAC). I suspect that helicopter mini-gun operators in Mexico are champing at the bit right now and having dreams of making it go BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! All Rights Reserved. (a.k.a. Lo ms probable es que Movimiento Ciudadano se mantenga en su posicin de competir por separado en el 2024, con Enrique Alfaro Ramrez haciendo una. WASHINGTON Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned eight Mexican companies linked to timeshare fraud on behalf of the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG). that the presence of elements of Public Security will be strengthened to Menchito"; "El 03" and "El Double R". And dont say cds didnt support cjng because the mantas left in boca del rio veracruz ves signed by GN and CJNG. i doubt his killers would step a foot on his GALLINERO (Sinaloa). Killers dumped his dismembered remains in bags along the roadside with a message which warned of further violence. A real gangster? El seor de los cocks es un master en el arte de la guerra, The U.S CREADED the MEXICAN CARTELS and they could DISMANTLE them if they REALLY wanted TOO, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; Notice the word "mostly". Previously, in October 2018, the U.S. Department of Justice identified Abouzaid El Bayeh as being linked to CJNG and unsealed a federal drug trafficking indictment filed against him in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that was investigated by the DEA Los Angeles Field Division. Guadalajara, Jal., La Oficina de Control de Bienes Extranjeros (OFAC, por sus siglas en ingls) de Estados Unidos, tiene aos fichando negocios de todo tipo ligados al crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) para sancionarlos, como ocurri apenas el 2 de marzo con ocho empresas asentadas en Puerto Vallarta y Guadalajara que, segn inform, defraudan a ciudadanos de ese pas con negocios . Bravo.La Camarilla. said in a security meeting Wednesday morning. 02/03/2023 - 09:49. Cinco de ellas en Puerto Vallarta o cerca de esta ciudad del oeste de Mxico: Servicios Administrativos Fordtwoo -sealada por haber realizado pagos directos a miembros del CJNG-, Integracion Badeva, JM Providers Office, Promotora Vallarta One y Recservi.