Emma starts lip syncing perfectly to Robyns voice, something that is a bit jarring to everyone. A/N: I was originally not going to make this a reader insert fic and just leave it totally ambiguous, but it felt awkward just calling the youngest sibling "Baby Danvers" the entire time. I have one. Kara says quietly and Alistair motions for her to continue. Its so fast the way your brain starts calculating how many calories you can still have today and if an extra cup of black coffee is worth all of it. Sure, lets blame it on work, this sure is easier. It was good, boring as usual but good. You replied. Stumbling to her feet, Robyn quickly moves to Emmas side and sees Lily lying on Emmas torso. First and foremost, she gets called in on her day off. The Superfriends wait anxiously and she can tell her sisters want to jump in. However, she enjoys how passionate they are when trying to support their theory. Which makes your heart sit heavy inside, and the food comes back out without you having to force it. Luthor? Lena shakes her head but Kara wraps her arms around her anyway. Its ok. She guarantees. A soft gasp that was caught before it turned into a big one escaped Karas lips, and Y/N looked down to take in the sight her sister was eyeing: a large, uneven circle of red that was blistering and peeling, dabbed with blood. I hope youll enjoy reading it ! If I could go back and change it, I would. Or did she not want to be close because a beautiful woman was in her face. Wont we, Alex? the woman smirked. It was surprisingly amazing. Your sisters have been texting you for days about game night, then sisters night, then a CatCo event, but all of their texts are left on seen. It sure looks that way! 1 year. I wonder who will win next year, she was saying. When Kara predictably gets herself into an impossible situation, can the couple repair their relationship AND help the super get back to herself? While she had also searched the bathroom for you in vain, she walked into the kitchen with her cell phone to her ear. Alex stewed. Kara reaches out and takes Lenas hand, giving it a gentle squeeze of support. I like knowing your thoughts. We will review when we are back at the DEO.. You never got it, did you? Lena gets up from the couch and leaves the room. Who knew a pair of glaces could do such miracles ! This year though was especially rough. You immediatly felt Lenas hands on your face. Or will this current storm be more than their relationship can weather? ", "Calm down, Luthor. Its probably because you all are used to weapons. She knew all about her sisters work and knew that Kara was different and had powers. "I am just annoying. You didnt always have Sheldon in your life, but now that you did, you cant fathom the thought of having to go on without him. She will. I know I dont deserve the love and support they give me.. Alex hummed along to the radio and Kara and Y/N just listened. Kara places a comforting hand on Lenas shoulder as she looks in concern at Lenas sad face. Why is she crying?. "Babygirl.. Im sorry." You let her down! NO ! Your sisters hug you tightly. They both love you more than anything on this planet. You dont tell me, too bad, ill kill you and we move on. Emma slumps forward slightly and rubs a shaved part of her hair to try and self soothe. This is the story of Kara Danvers-Allen from Earth-57. Lenas, she said without missing a beat. But then when she left you all rallied around Lena!. If I wasnt clear before, Ill spell it out now. He was. Alex stood silent, but grit her teeth and turned towards Jonn, giving him a nod. A few here and there at Robyns, then when I went to Europe I had a glass with each meal. What about Emma?. Y/N! Her name is Lena., Robyn sighs and juts her jaw to the side. Finally ! you heard him whispering. Alex strategically stared her down. Youre the boss!, Jonn just shook his head once more and walked away, leaving Agent Danvers to cool down. Its when you get angry and serious, you put on a show just as good as I do, and your attitude is pretty on point too. I didnt know thats what we were doing. Wow. Ben whispers out, feeling his heart being tugged at the utter pain being portrayed in Emmas eyes. Yeah, um, I think the sushi didnt sit well. You finally detach yourself from her, smiling through the tears. After a failed reconciliation with her father, all Maggie wants is to move forward with Alex and plan their wedding. Her passion radiates from the screen. It was as if Alex heart was cut into a million pieces. Literally. Despite the situation you were, you couldnt help but felt a shiver at her words. Taglist:@finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @inquisitive-nix, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom, @checkingoutforheroes, @mmmmokdok, @certainkryptoniangeek, @starmako26. Poor baby couldnt get to it.. Id like that. Lena gives her a small smile and the pair focus on the fire in front of them. To start with they decided on playing Jenga while they waited for the pizza to arrive. Emma watches and feels a pang of hurt hit her chest, but she quickly pushes it away. Alex cant help but notice Emmas things still placed around the apartment. They invited their friends and together they headed out of the city to the field that had been set up for paintball. The second chorus hits and Emma is brokenly staring into the camera with tears streaming down her face. They tightly hold onto each other and Emma places a kiss on their heads. Please stay. I needed you both and you werent there but you were for Lena., I can see how that looks. Alex says softly and steps back but keeps ahold of Emmas hand. Ill see you soon, ok?. Gone.". Get food into her. Alex is clearly talking to Kara, and she comes closer with pancakes for you. Kara jumped forward and scurried over to the broken vase, using her invulnerability powers to collect all the shards in record time and dumping them in the trash can Alex held out. Bravo. And dont worry, fur ball, well take good care of Y/N for you.. I do not believe that is wise due to your heightened level of-. Alex then crossed her arms in a similar fashion to match the woman, one-for-one. I have a deadline, Alex., Baby. Kara says again, and you turn to look at her this time. Look. Im just working a lot and traveling so much., Baby, your face is pale and bony. Its rare she even gets days off because ever since Supergirl joined the DEO, Jonns been putting her as the lead on nearly every mission. According to our files, theres a lot of protocols being broken here. You realized Lean was behind, her back against yours. Come on, baby. Kara hands Alex the shoebox and picks you up from the sidewalk, knowing you cannot walk back home right now. You were tired of sitting on the shoulders of your sisters, they had enough to handle and create in their lives than to babysit you so you decided to put an end to it and leave. It hasnt been ok in months. Ever since she was little she had heard her big sisters talk about their annual paintball tournament and couldnt wait until she was old enough to be able to participate. Ill help you look for him, ok? I guess it is. Eliza smiles and they continue looking through the photos. I havent seen you in a month, and I know youre hungry. Emma nods and sits so she is facing Lena more. But were not here to discuss secret identity, Miss Luthor if you please ?, I need time. The four women follow the blonde into the back room where Emma lifts the suitcase onto the coffee table and opens it, revealing it to be packed with mostly empty bottles. Im sorry im putting you in danger. The camera zooms in on a blondes back as they stare out at the barren, white desert in front of them. There wasn't a single thing to find that made you stand out - just insignificant stuff. I ordered your favorite. You look at the food on her hands. I was thinking we could hold a memorial for him later tonight? If you wanna go to the party or stay at home.. You haven't been sleeping. It would be good PR, the excuse isnt lousy or ridiculous. Did I mean them? Emma tilts her head, finishing Karas sentence for her. And it was raining. Shes here. Lena calls and the trio freeze. Emma opens her eyes and takes the glass of cool apple juice from her mom, nodding her thanks. Why would you even ask that? She chuckled. Lena stood in front of you. You couldnt bear to swallow your feelings anymore. Thank you for everything.. Be Loud About Things That Are Important To You, #admittedly half-assed editing so apologies for the mess. Theres nothing anyone can say to ease your heart right now. Do I have to? Her mind asks apprehensively. Seeing the sadness with Elizas eyes, Robin decides to change the topic. One step at a time, ok? She cleans your tears with her hands. But please know, my love for you, it wasnt an illusion. Alex gets up from the coffee table and sits next to Kara. Robyn watches Emma who follows her hand motion of when to breathe and exhale. Lunch. When you're born into a family of genius scientists, with a superhero sister blasted to Earth from the stratosphere, not everything is destined to be easy. I dont know how you all maintain this facility and Im sure as hell not looking forward to being here because of how sloppy you all seem to be, but I have orders and Im bound to them. I know, I know, Alex murmured soothingly, while Kara rubbed Y/Ns arm, wanting to comfort her in any way she could. Ladies, Jonn said, attempting to alleviate the tension in the room, lets get back to it, shall we? They grow up so fast, Alex said with a sigh. DISCLAIMER: Do not take anything written here as medical advice. At that exact moment Emma swings the baseball bat, bearing the words FUCK YOU! at the camera where it switches to show her hitting a car and denting it like the metal was nothing. Emma sniffs and her sisters pull her into another hug before they start heading back to the group. Finally ! Just as Y/N was settled, Alex appeared and, without warning, plopped the ice pack directly on the burn, causing Y/N to let out a yelp and instinctively squirm at the sudden, freezing coldness. She instantly removed it, shaking it in hopes of it granting her even the slightest bit of relief. She gives Robyn a mournful look before carefully jumping up to Emma's side. Kara looked up from the paper in her hand to the redhead who had now sat down on the floor and had her legs pulled tight to her chest. Lets count five for three two. You hear a noise in the kitchen and realize your sisters are up until now in your apartment. Its weird, but you always had a really strong connection with him so you know exactly whats happening. There was a grit to her tone and it was enough to send chills down her spine. Director. Agent Reiff nods at Alex who approaches quickly. They were ready. When you finish everything on your plate, feeling guilty and satiated at the same time, and are about to tell your sisters they have to leave so you can keep working, Alex clears her throat. And once more, Alex immediately stepped back, nearly choking on her coffee. You wish they would just leave you alone. Probably wouldve thought I killed you first.. supergirl. It was her first holiday with her new family, one of the first family things they had actually done. "Talk to me, honey. Kara superspeeds to grab a bottle of water and hands it to her. You wake up the next day, not knowing how you slept, but youre still clenching to Sheldons collar. Its notextremely detailed. 'How did she know.' This is just one way to interpret todays AgentCorp Week theme! Believe me I wanted to catch the next flight to London, but I knew Emma needed time and I wanted her to come back on her own.. Emma watches him leave and moves to get up, she stumbles slightly and Robyn has to reach out to stop her from falling. Well the town knows you are here- Kara begins and Emma nods. Hope, please. Alex snaps and hears the whirl of the locks. CW WARNING: Description of burnt and bloodied skin. Whoever she was, it was clear by her uniform that she was part of some military organization in DC, who, if she was like every other government outsider shes met, came looking to stomp their way into their home. She admired Alexs ballsy-ness. At that moment I was angry, hurt, upset and I needed to express it. i will talk ! Emma nods and signs her thanks to her friend. Its a simple word. If you knew she was with me then-. Hey, Y/N. Alex says looking at you from the other side of the counter. Apologies, Major. Kara: Picture now or Ill still send the cops. You had your arms crossed across your chest, your eyes narrowed and your mouth set in a thin line. "Did you miss me?" Because somewhere between Lena helping you up and your negative thoughts while your mind spirals out of control, Lena is cleaning your face so you cant throw up again. He added adressing to Lena. Which is understandable, however, this is a safe place where no judgement should be passed. He glances around the room and everyone nods before focusing on Emma. Alex? Sam gets up and heads over to her fiance, clearly seeing that Alex was getting more and more agitated. You screamed : LENA ! you opened your eyes, ready to search for her when you heard her. "You shouldnt be here." you replied in a whisper. Clever. You. What does it look like I'm doing? I told you what would happen if you ever hurt her. Alex grits out, she watches as Lenas face crumbles and she lowers her head. But you need to understand how deeply I still feel for her, despite what she did. For him to be consumed with self-reproach, like you had been for a while. You had nothing more to say and at the same time, you didnt want to know anything more from him. Understood? What she hadnt anticipated was that adult life wasnt going to get much better. "So often, she had doubted herself as a daughter, was sure she would have been the one who made you disappear because she gave you a hard time as a teenager. But instead of looks of shame or disgust, she sees expressions of compassion and understanding on everyones faces. I would never choose anyone over you and Im sorry it felt that way., Kara nods in agreement. Youre smart, and sweet, and beautiful, and funny, and so important to us. There was a kind of sarcastic awe in her voice. "So, what are you attempting to make? I am making spaghetti. She said stirring the content of the pot. But, I also dont believe its as easy as that. Oh, Y/N. Alex is the first one to find you. Oh and Mom wants to know your thoughts about New Years tomorrow. Alex asks and Emma gazes at her questionaly. Human Kara Danvers Alternate Universe - No Powers Fluff Domestic Fluff A plot occurred unexpected plot Assassination Attempt (s) not on Lena for once smut in later chapters When a pipe bursts in Kara's apartment she is forced to move into her girlfriend of only a month's apartment temporarily. Well, lets hope you never have to be in a position like this. Robyn growls and taps the cup in her hands. Kara, ignoring you completely, goes to your laptop, while Alex opens your fridge. "I do like you to know that I am always here, if you ever want to talk" she whispered to you as you let out your thawed emotions in her arms. Im sorry to interrupt your lunch, but the scientists need feedback on the new prototype. Lenas assistant shoots as soon as she opens the door and when she is done talking, Lena looks at you apologetic. So why dont we just sit here for 30 minutes, eat, and catch up on each others lives? She asks, not breaking eye contact. They returned their gear and headed to the fair that was just a little ways down the road. Dont worry, sis. Nightmare. Robyn responds and Jonn nods. Language: English Words: 3,182 Chapters: 1/1 1 Kudos: I was going to start moving her things out and I- Lena says but her throat closes up with emotion and her head drops forward. Two armed guard were beside him. How can we move forward and help you see we were wrong? Sam asks while holding Alexs hand. You go around your block with his favorite toy, making noises with it so he can hear you. It has been nothing, but you being stuck inside your raging mind, with a voice yelling that youre not good enough, that everything you do is wrong, that you cant control anything in your life except this. And Robyn, are you happy with their explanation about Lena? Alistair asks and Robyn purses her lips forward. And oh my God, the food tries to make its way back to your mouth and you breathe deep holding it down. I-I dont know where he is. We wont force you. Alistair responds and Emma shifts in her seat, feeling uneasy. Emma nods and taps the glass while she continues to think. pumpkin carving where reader accidentally hurts herself! Alex lets out a slow breath as she watches the destruction happening on the screen. Hell, shes done similar to her agents. She looked on her left and saw a female body peacefully sleeping next to her. Im begging you ! Lena was almost crying. Your stomach thanks you, satisfied with real food going in, while your mind angrily shouts at you that tomorrow youll have to run farther, eat less, and so on. She intended to grab his gun during the confusion but he was faster and stronger, he pushed her he pointed it directly to you. Little ball of fur. Frankie, youngest of the three Danvers sisters, had known that from her first day in the world. Sighing heavily, Alex knocks on the door and enters. Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @, DCEU Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @basiclesbianbitch @hi-i-1 @mmmmokdok @snipyloulou @acertainredhead @thanossexual @avengersz-biotch @kozumeko @un-name-d @kuzomekou-blog. The cancelled sister nights, or games night or whatever you all do! The sun was starting to set and the colorful lights of the fair lit up the area and enticed whoever saw it closer. You tried to breathe regulary and bit your lip in the process; the pressure leaving a slight metallic taste in your mouth. You dont. Robyn? Alistair asks. To hear another voice timed with Emmas lips. Lena looked at you with her head tilted to the left, considering your statement for a moment and sighed heavily. And you have to admit, theres bullshit written all over you. The camera swivels around and focuses on Emmas stoic expression. Words would not make your feelings better, you learned that the hard way. Even if Winn gets overly exasperated to the point Ayla has to pull him back. Unsure where the line was and if they were taking sides but Robyn gives her a scathing look before she can explain that. Im ready to kick butt and take names!. Once the pizza was finished and dessert was had they switched to Uno and when one of them would place a plus four down. Robyn opens her mouth but Emma motions she wasnt finished. Its fine, Director, the woman said raising her hand to him slightly, and turned back to look at Alex with a playful challenge, Alex, was it? she asked, arms re-crossed and hips cocked to the side with her eyes still fixated on the red haired woman, I want to know what your senior agent, Alex, has to say.. Character addition and tag requests open xx "You know that is not the case. You didnt respond, didnt want to bring him satisfaction. Not ever. Eliza, sensing her confusion, patiently explained the process of it, and Karas face lit up when she was presented with her very own pumpkin (Alex and Y/N still claim to this day that Karas pumpkin was bigger). But its not ok. They started with the rides, going on the swings, then racing down the slide, going on a rollercoaster that looked like a dragon, and finally the Ferris Wheel. Shes one of you right? Robyn shoots back. Lena? She also turns to look at the tv and immediately unmutes it, causing everyone to gaze at it. He was my best friend. You cry and cry. Alex. You cry her name out of your lips and she gets it. Wheres Emma? Kara asks with a frown as she notices her sisters absence. I knew she was with them! Lucy says exasperatedly and digs for her phone in her pocket while continuing to watch. The rest of the session goes by quickly and soon the sun has set. Emma approaches Robyn, who hands Emma her new guitar to play. Baby. Kara says, arms open wide, pulling you inside her arms for a long hug. It appeared that Karas heat vision had not only burned Y/N, but really hit her with large scrapes and cuts. You feel skeletal, your mind is sick and angry at your own existence, and sure, you are definitely malnourished. You move to the couch, sitting next to her. I almost ended up in Karas place., She wouldve loved that. Lena smiles and hugs you tenderly. Slowly Lena raises her head and stares sorrowfully at Alex. 2, Supergirl: Supercorp x Daughter!reader Hearing Loss, Fun in the Sun (Request) Supercorp x daughter!reader Anon request, Supergirl Kara Danvers x Daughter!reader Panic Attack. We want to understand what is happening with you, so we can help.. Lucy stood agape at Alexs smart ass remark, which quickly broke into a smile. She sips the tangy liquid and glances over at Jonn. Thats for not telling me you were so precious.. She had once told them that she hoped one day she would have powers just like her big sister. Eliza points at mostly all of them and tells Robyn the story that goes along with it. I really wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but then I saw how broken she was and in a worse state than me. Words faltering and nothing makes sense in your mind anymore. You woke up with pain accross your entire body and you winced. Warnings: Angst, fluff, emotions the usual, Pairings: Alex Danvers x Sam Arias, Kara Danvers x OC. Eliza tightly hugs her daughter, feeling worried at how her eyes arent as bright as they should be. She kisses the crown of your head. She and Lena werent exactly on speaking terms and being out and about could damage Lenas image with the press, and Kara didnt want that. "But.." you felt a huge lump in your throat and your voice broke. The change in tone and lack of smiling took Alex by surprise. I moved out to the channel islands and tried to settle into this new job. Now I got covid! Kara nodded and looped an arm around Y/Ns shoulders, despite the fact that she was capable to walk, and led her over to the couch, helping her lay down. She had already figured out the reason for your disappearance when she got Karas desperate call for help and now she had confirmation of her suspicion. The unmistakable rattling of empty bottles fills the silence and Emma motions with her head for them to follow her downstairs. My advice is to put your shit aside, chill the fuck out and do your job.. She quickly got to work and was a natural. They wait patiently for your time, for your truth. Lena smiles at you, before accompanying her assistant out of her office, leaving you alone. Glass explodes around her as Robyns vocals increase. I love you. She whispers, causing both of her sisters to tear up and Alex to lower her head. Why such efforts Miss Luthor ? Then we searched through footage around London, trying to find a hint of you. Alex explains, her eyes shining with tears. She spent weeks in bed and I had to prompt her to eat, to shower and take care of herself. Hey Shelbun, its kind of crazy realizing that Ill not see you laying around the furniture anymore and that I dont have to keep random boxes for you to play inside anymore. She was calling Kara / supergirl. I found a nice place for him. Kara assures you, hugging you sideways, so she is sure youre going to make it to the place without crumbling down. Robyn taps the surface of the island in time with a song on the radio while she sips her coffee. Plus, forgive me, but DC has their own damn branch of the DEO. So, we got word this morning that a Dominator ambushed a public event in DC, Jonn said, slapping a manila folder in front of Alex as she stood in the command center. But Emma wont like Alex going through her things. Lena says with wide eyes and quickly follows them. You were running ot ouf breath, but he didnt care. Her walls are high and thick, impossible to break or to breach. When she returned, she wrapped her stomach in the bandage after cleaning the scrapes and cuts. He didnt even want to mind read what she was dealing with. You walked away and grabbed your handbag from the bar stool on the way. She is alive, everyone! Tears prick at her eyes and she presses her lips together. Ive been meaning to find a reason to get rid of it, anyway. She frowns at seeing the name of the song, Perfect Illusion.. But with Kara out visiting a certain other caped cruiser who masked himself as a journalist as well and National City being relatively quiet, Alex took it upon herself to get some well needed R&R, which involved sleeping in, pjs, beer, pizza and possibly dragging out some old video games she used to love playing. Robyn! Emmas husky voice barks out but she immediately starts coughing and wheezing. So whats got your panties in a twist?. Kara zips over and opens it. Her tears slip from her eyes and her curly hair shields her face from the others. Alex motions for Reiff to continue. Right now, you wish you had Karas powers so you can fake an emergency and just fly out the window. To say that you threw yourself into work after that would be an understatement. So is it good. Kara asked. "Then I will go." Im torn. Emma takes a deep breath in and closes her eyes. Which Emma is allowed to feel. Alistair quickly interjects, feeling the build up of confusion and hurt in the room. Teams were chosen and Kara, Jonn, Alex, and Y/N were all on one team while James, Lena, Nia, and Winn were on the other. But this time, it had destroyed her family as well. The sisters passed a look of remorse, hating that their little sister was in pain, even if it would help in the end. Ive missed you too, Lee. You finally part the hug, looking at her with a wide smile. Before Jonn could respond, Alex interjected. Shaking her head Alex marches out of the room and up the stairs. Y/N. Your name comes in a condescending tone that you hate. I know you guys are being sober but it was like an itch I needed to scratch. ", "Sometimes I think it would be better for both of them if I was not here." You are my sister and you mean the world to me. Theres no one around, but you make sure to check it three times before going inside. Its food. I promise. The woman smirked and crossed her arms, turning her full attention to Alex. you skillfully walked past him. Are you sure Alex is not hiding somewhere. You asked. she took the word as it got pretty quiet between both of you; the only sound there could be heard were cars in the background. You broke her. He just drove her insane. Numbers aside, theres an angry Dominator out there, ready to target a potential location here in National City. Back to you in the studio., Alex quickly takes the remote and logs into YouTube to find the video. Please let me know what you think as it does mean soooo much to me. The tv was on in the background as Alex wanted to watch the news while Lena was currently trying to get a block out, her eyes were focused in concentration. Working with Alex was going to be fun. As are you. I mean if anything like that happened within my band, and we are as close knit as you guys, then yea. Seriously. Gee, theres nothing here. "What do you mean she's gone? To me, you are just a pitiful piece of misery that abandoned and destroyed his entire family.". They finish and say their goodbyes to the couple, offering for Lily to stay with Emma to help her heal. Im sorry I lied. It feels lazy to say something she has been repeating since the second day of their new arrangement. Ive been out of National City so much, yesterday I forgot my own address. Here? Alex questioned, her words still full of frustration. She tilts her head, asking Alex to voice her thoughts. She doesnt want to share the bed with her friend, she only wishes for them to talk like they used to but Lena is never open for that. Alex was having a particularly rough day. Alex bites her lips before finally talking. No! And though only one sighting was documented, Alex knew for sure that where theres one, theres bound to be others. You're going to read what happened to her on her Earth birthday and why she wasn't on Kara's Earth Birthday! Slowly Lena holds her clenched fist out and opens her hand. Anguished muffled words sound out from Lenas hands. Robyn continues to flick through and comes to the photo showing Emma and Lena beaming at the camera. Warning: Eating disorder! The amount of rage this woman was holding in and only slightly letting out, was a bit disturbing. I love you. Because I sure as hell didnt, Alex snipped back as she flipped her hand up in annoyance.